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Starting your career in OSHC

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Out of school hours care (OSHC) employment is open to qualified and unqualified educators. This page details requirements and how to find employment in OSHC.

Finding employment in OSHC services

If you’re looking for OSHC employment in government schools you can contact our schools directly and speak to the OSHC director to find out if their service has vacancies.

OSHC staff working at government schools are employed by the approved provider of OSHC which can be either:

  • the school governing council (SGC)
  • a third-party provider (TPP).

This means that OSHC staff are not employees of the Department for Education unless they are also employed in another capacity at the school, for example as a School Services Officer.

Qualifications and requirements to work in OSHC

Our OSHC staff can be employed as either qualified or unqualified educators depending on the requirements of the position.

Minimum requirements

To work or volunteer in an OSHC service you need to have:


For qualified educator positions you also need to have:

  • a .

Depending on the situation

  • SMART (Strategies for Managing Abuse Related Trauma) training: This is required when children under the Guardianship of the Minister are enrolled at the service.
  • First aid qualifications and training: Whether you need to have a first aid qualification depends on what your OSHC service has determined for your role.

The Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA) has a . Generally first aid training needs to be renewed at least every 3 years, with a CPR component to be completed every 12 months.

Professional training and development opportunities

Find out more about training and development opportunities for OSHC staff.

Out of school hours care (OSHC)

Phone: 8226 6427
EmailEducation.OSHC [at] sa.gov.au