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Season 5
In this episode we explore the transformative Literacy Without Barriers project at Kingston Community School. Teacher librarian Kirsten Barrett and parent Katie Hines share how this program is empowering families with creative book packs designed for kids aged 0 to 5. Aimed at nurturing a love of reading, the packs include books, user-friendly activity guides and materials for hands-on learning. Along with boosting students鈥 confidence, the program is also breaking down barriers for parents and fostering connections within the community.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach a Podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education and today we're talking about literacy without barriers. We're breaking down those barriers to literacy and we've got a community driven success story at Kingston Community School and I'm joined by Kirsten Barich, who's the teacher librarian there and Katie Hines, who's a parent.
Welcome to you both.
Kirsten Barich: Thanks for having us.
Katie Hines: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: The Literacy Without Barriers Project at Kingston Community School. Kirsten, what is it?
Kirsten Barich: We established this project back in 2003 and it's been about the creation of book packs for families to borrow from our library. We are lucky to be a joint use library so we serve both our school community and our wider community and so these book packs are available to every family in our region.
So we've selected 35 different picture books and we've got six copies of each book. The main part is that each book comes with quite a detailed but very user friendly guide [00:01:00] of some hints of how to read the book, the learning intention behind the story, some ideas of how to talk about it, sing with it, ask questions about it to help the children build meaning from their stories.
Within each pack we also have key themes and key ideas of how to play with it and we've included lots of materials in the pack to run an activity based on the story. So, for example, one story encourages families to make and excavate frozen dinosaur eggs. Another one's about measuring water displacement. There's a pack about engaging with First Nations perspectives and so each activity that's in the pack is designed to be hands on, easy to do at home. All of the materials are included within the pack because we just want to really encourage families to be able to engage with reading and all the activities without spending any money or having to find resources.
Dale Atkinson: They sound like fantastic resources. Now, you've deliberately gone after children from zero to five, why that cohort of [00:02:00] kids in particular?
Kirsten Barich: We had a few intentions here. Number one being that we were noticing a downward trend in school readiness data. And I think that's common in many areas throughout the state, but in particular ours, and it's something that the Words Grow Minds campaign is seeking to eradicate. And we thought that as a library that was already quite a trusted hub within our community, as well as our school, we were perfectly placed to support families in changing that trend. You know, a conduit between preschool and school so again, perfectly placed.
We also know that 90 percent of a child's brain is developed between naught to five and so those early learning years are the optimum time to be reading and engaging with stories. Secondly, because we run preschool programs from the library and we work with our early learning centre once a fortnight, we noticed that there were actually a lot of adult barriers to early childhood literacy.
It might be their adult literacy skills, adult confidence, financial barriers, access barriers. And so we just wanted to [00:03:00] remove any that we could, any possible thing in a really supportive and non-judgmental way.
And thirdly, and probably most importantly, we just wanted to remind families that reading is fun and should be fun. Any reading that you do at home is good reading. You know we teach and we learn about the mechanics of reading in the classroom and in schools. But as a library, we can support the love of reading and the development of dispositions like curiosity and questioning through reading so, yeah, lots of intentions.
Dale Atkinson: How important has it been to engage with the parent community around this?
Kirsten Barich: It's huge. As we know, as teachers it takes a community to raise a child. And so we're noticing that when you have the parents on board, when the parents are confident, when they are engaged and they see that the school and the library is trying to engage with them, I think they're much more likely to have a positive attitude toward the school and just education in general.
Dale Atkinson: What have you seen in terms of impact that this program's had on the teaching in those early years for your colleagues.
Kirsten Barich: I think for colleagues it's just enabled them to connect with the library a little bit more. I think prior to this, we, we mainly saw reading in the early years of learning as how to read.
And so we really tried to bring back the idea in quite a big way. Um, that yes, obviously learning how to read, learning the mechanics of reading is super important and without those building blocks. It is impossible to read, but a love of reading is just as important.
So we need to balance our reading and our readers that we use in the classrooms with just any sort of texts that kids love and they want to read, because I think the more excitement, the more fun you can create about reading, the more likely you are going to be able to develop lifelong readers.
Dale Atkinson: It's really impressive listening to you talk about, you know, how this process has kind of worked through and assisted the broader school activities. How have the resources from the Literacy Packs been integrated into classroom activities?
Kirsten Barich: Well, I actually get to work with all of the primary classes. Um, I teach reception German and I also work with R-6 through the library. And so I incorporate lots of the themes and the activities of Literacy Without Barriers through all of that.
Whether it's developing questioning, whether it's using actual activities or whether it's just developing the dispositions. For example, we've done lots of colour experiments using the packs, we've made garden stews, we've gone on hippopotamus hunts, um. We've made magic hats to practice fine motor skills.
There are lots of dispositions that we can develop through using these packs. And interestingly too, we've had an uptake of the packs with our SACE child studies students. So they've been engaging with the packs to design activities for younger students. They've workshopped the packs with some of our receptions and year ones.
And they've also used them to help develop their own knowledge around early childhood literacy. Which is great. It was really unexpected benefit that we hadn't foreseen.
Dale Atkinson: That's an incredible sort of self-sustaining collaboration there, that's incredible. You mentioned earlier the data around the kid鈥檚 preparedness and literacy in the early years was one of the things that kind of drew your attention to this as an area of focus. What has been the result in terms of those numbers? What have you seen as a result of this program?
Kirsten Barich: Well, I think that. We've seen a lot more parental engagement with the library from a much earlier age. So, we've always run preschool programs here at the library, but we've seen more families borrowing, particularly borrowing the packs.
And it's been especially noticeable among families who didn't use to engage with the library at all, or perhaps where people who hadn't had the best schooling experiences and so weren't what you would call, readers themselves. I think that's probably been one of the main things. We're also noticing that families are staying longer at the library, and they're bringing in a whole range of children, whether they're really young or even, you know, mid primary, which has been really good.
And we've also noticed that there's just much more of a happy, positive atmosphere around reading at the moment. There are big groups of children that'll come in really excited to tell us. What they've read at home or what they've been creating and, and asking, can we help them choose their next book and that as a librarian, that's just the most special thing that you can have when you're, you're getting children in your space that are really engaged, really wanting to read. Yeah. It's amazing!
Dale Atkinson: That sounds incredibly rewarding. Now, Katie Hines, parent of two children, I believe. Tell us a bit about your family, Katie.
Katie Hines: So I have two young children. I have an almost two-year-old young boy named James, and I have a five-year-old, Emma, who was in this new mid-year intake. Who鈥檚 just started school.
Dale Atkinson: An exciting and busy time for you. How are the reading packs and, and the literacy without barriers project? What's, what's been your interaction with it and how has that helped you in your journey with your kids?
Katie Hines: So, um, I've been really lucky that I've been able to come in and go to say baby bounce, for example, with both of my kids and coming into the library and having something other than just say the books and having the book packs has been great. My five-year-old absolutely loves them. She loves coming back in and sharing her creations with whoever's working in the library. They're really great for the sense that we start them when we're still in the library, you know, they borrow them, both of my children are very confident when it comes to the library and they go up to Cherie and one of the other librarians and they literally get the scanner and scan their own book in and out, but that's facilitated based on what the library creates and the atmosphere that they create here that you kind of feel like you're part of the furniture when you come in and part of the family and yeah, you can get your book pack and go off and do it when you're at home.
Dale Atkinson: Have you noticed the confidence in your kids growing as a result of interacting with the with the books and the packs?
Katie Hines: Absolutely. Um, particularly my five-year-old, she loves the book pack. She loves borrowing them. She'd borrow a book pack every day if I let her. And I have to, you know, kind of be like, Oh, we've still got this one, let's finish this one off before we get too many. But we often have two or three book packs on the go at one time. She loves getting the book out. She loves reading it. We can't go to bed at night without her reading a book. Or two or three or four. We have to negotiate. She's at that stage where we're in negotiation on how many books we can read at night, depending on time, but she is confident in the sense that she can get it out.
She understands on the card that's in there, whether what the activity might, she can't read it at the moment, but you know, she knows that one section's about reading, one section's about singing, one section's about making and playing, and there's just lots of different activities just within a singular book pack that she's confident enough to get it out and lots of kids like repetition. So, you know, she borrows the same one over and over again, which is great because she knows the story. She can tell you the story. So you kind of see that confidence develop just through that repetition, she might not be able to read the words, but she has learnt lots of books, which is great for her development. So, we're really happy as a family that the library provides opportunities for us to really enrich our kids鈥 lives.
Dale Atkinson: And does it help build connections with the school and the wider community for you?
Katie Hines: Absolutely. I think that as a mum living in the country, it can be really isolating once you've had a kid. When you've been working full time and then you go to not working and being at home with your kids, sometimes you can get a little bit lost. The library has provided multiple opportunities for people to engage with our library. But, you know, you can come in, the book packs are starting to like, they're so popular that as a mum, I'm talking to other mums at baby bounce about what packs have they used that are good and the kids are talking amongst themselves. I think it's just a great opportunity to kind of like, 鈥淥h what are we going to do today?鈥 Or like you know, you look at the four walls in your house and you're like, 鈥淚've got to get out of this house.鈥 Like my two-year-old is becoming a tornado. The library provides that place where you can pop out of the house, go for a walk, go to the library, grab a book pack, go home. My toddler's now asleep. Now I can sit down with my five-year-old and give her all the attention that she's wanting. We can do the pack. And then when my two-year-old wakes up. We can, like, do other activities with him. So, I think that the packs really provide great opportunities for families to engage in literacy.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's great and Kirsten being a teacher librarian, not everywhere has a teacher librarian, not everywhere has a library. What's your recommendation in terms of schools that perhaps don't have that specialist resource in terms of how they might apply some of the thinking that you've, you've put into practice here for perhaps kids who are a bit older, somewhere, you know, that 5 to 10 range, what sort of things should they be doing?
Kirsten Barich: I think that the way that we've created these, there's a lot of scope for differentiation. You know, we focused a lot on the naught to five age bracket, but the basic premise behind it is that you are encouraging kids to read, talk, play, sing. Which is good for all children, regardless of how old they are.
And so any school, whether they've got a library or not, we have specialist teachers within them. Specialist teachers of literacy, specialist teachers of numeracy, specialist teachers of science. We've all got pedagogy behind us. We all know how important it is to create varied learning experiences for kids.
And so, any school could take the idea that we've got here and make it their own. A lot of our packs focus on things, for example, that we can do and find in our local region. So some of them, for example, encourage kids to explore the lighthouse. Some of them, um, encourage kids to go to the beach or have a look at the sundial. But, you know, if you're up in the Barossa, for example, you might have something around visiting some of the vineyards or something like that. And so I think whatever resources they have, they've got the expertise within their teachers to create something like this for the children that are in front of them.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, I think that's, that's a really great message Kirsten. Thank you very much. Now, I know the weather down there is very good. Your middle school is having their swimming carnival today, so we won't keep you any longer but thank you, Kirsten. Thank you, Katie, for your time.
Kirsten Barich: Thanks so much for having us.
Katie Hines: No worries. Thank you.
In this episode hear from Cathy Cook, Autism Inclusion Teacher and 2024 Public Education Award finalist, and Sue Shywolup, a former Year 3 teacher at Marryatville Primary School. Cathy shares how she fosters inclusivity for neurodiverse students by upskilling staff, introducing sensory tools, and leading the Autism Action Team. She鈥檚 built a collaborative approach involving teachers, SSOs, and families to support students鈥 needs. Cathy also discusses her plans to to expand initiatives with guest speakers and more student-led activities.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach a Podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and in this episode, we meet Cathy Cook, the autism inclusion teacher at Marryatville Primary School. Hello, Cathy.
Cathy Cook: Hello.
Dale Atkinson: And also, we have Sue Shywolup, who is a year three teacher at Marryatville Primary School. Hi, Sue.
Sue Shywolup: Hi.
Dale Atkinson: It鈥檚 an absolute pleasure to have you. Now, we've brought Cathy along for a couple of reasons, because she's the autism inclusion teacher and also because she's the 2024 Public Education Award finalist, or one of them, and she's making a real difference in fostering inclusivity for neurodiverse students. Cathy, What does that look like? How do you foster inclusivity for neurodiverse students?
Cathy Cook: Well, in many ways and evolving and always progressive. So at the school, what I've been able to implement throughout the last two years as the autism inclusion teacher. I've been able to upskill staff, so I ensure that they've got the pinnacle training to immerse their students in what best suits their individual needs. Also working alongside students, I might be looking at a whole range of things, whether it's incorporating peer to peer connections, building and developing some social connections, working in the classrooms for some students, or taking them out working together. But also just really being an advocate for ensuring that neurodiversity and autism's on the forefront for parents, in newsletters and also across the whole school of just being inclusive, I suppose, making sure that everyone's voice is heard.
Dale Atkinson: So how does the experience differ for a student in your class?
Cathy Cook: Well, it's not only a student in my class, it's across the whole school. So I think we need to be really making sure that that's where it evolves and that's where it's about making sure every voice and every child is heard in what they need.
So in our whole school, it's ensuring that we've got individual support that can be adjusted in supporting where those students need to access the curriculum or access breaks, maybe more so, or having different sensory tools or also looking at what's going to best engage those students in their own learning so that's, yeah, across the whole site.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's an incredible thing to implement. Can you tell us a little bit about the sensory boxes in the regulation space that you've put in place in your site?
Cathy Cook: Sure, so the sensory boxes was probably one of the first initiatives that I was able to implement at the school and that was making sure that each classroom had a toolbox of focus tools, I call them, also little regulation cards, just a whole range of different materials that children could access because we're all different in what we want to use.
So some might like stretchy tools, some might like the hard Rubik's cubes, others might like something which is like a squish ball, but also the regulation cards so they can look at their emotions, where they're feeling and then upskilling the children during this time to look at what they could use. in their own toolbox.
So each class has one of those and every three or four weeks it actually gets moved on to a different classroom because each box has different tools in it. So then it's sort of invigorating and new for, you know, every few weeks we're moving it forward. So that's the first point of call of [00:03:00] what, yeah, we started doing.
Dale Atkinson: Starting is a good point. Like, how do you start this journey with the kids, with your families, with your educators?
Cathy Cook: I think, you know, a lot of it is around my passion and drive, and I have a lot of foresight in looking at what can be best for the students and how we can move that. So starting the journey really starts with me, but also starts with my Autism Action Team, who I'll talk a little bit more about later on.
And Then just implementing it. So upskilling the staff so then they can take it back to their students to learn how to use the tools, how to implement them in the classroom and just navigating the space. So, and then also sharing that with families by providing photos in the newsletter and things like that.
So, It's just, yeah, giving it, giving it a voice, putting it out there, making it be seen and making it be heard that, you know, we've got all these tools, this is what we're going to use them for. This is, you know, the, the purpose behind it and then let's just see how it goes.
Also then reviewing it. Is it working? What's working? What's the tools and focus tools that are best for you. So adapting along the way is also really crucial.
Dale Atkinson: Obviously the professional development time is precious in any school. It's incredibly well protected. How is it that this is being prioritised within Marryatville Primary School?
Cathy Cook: Probably because I've been really fortunate in my leadership that I have last year and this year have both really embraced the opportunity for me to ensure that staff have professional development in a whole range of things around autism. And so I am very fortunate that at pupil free days, I've had sessions where I've been able to upskill staff in what is autism, how can we best support children with autism, but also once a term, I also have an opportunity at staff meetings to present, share data, share survey responses and also upskill again with different professional development.
Once I've actually collected data from surveys from staff, I then know where to pinpoint target it and move forward from there. So, leadership at my side have been incredibly supportive and also quite free of letting me drive my own initiatives to where I want to go and what I think is best for the staff. So that's been really positive. I'm very fortunate to have that.
Dale Atkinson: Sounds like it's been an incredibly deliberate learning process with that group of people. Can you talk about the makeup of the Autism Action Team and how it's developed over the years?
Cathy Cook: Sure. So last year I put out a call. I asked for people to nominate if they'd like to be part of the Autism Action Team and that went out to SSO鈥檚 as well as staff. So we started with about five people last year who nominated, at the beginning of this year I also said, look we'd love staff to be involved who'd like to be part of the autism action team and we had another four teaching staff that chose to be part of it. And we had about nine SSO鈥檚 that also jumped on board this year, which has really been great to strengthen their understanding because a lot of time they're working with autistic students so it's great to have their voice.
That initiative sort of came about by looking at wanting to have a focus group that I could bounce ideas off, share ideas, also hear from their voice as well at different points. So we've got junior primary teachers and middle primary and as I said, SSO鈥檚 involved so that we can sort of have a stronger understanding of what all our students are needing.
But like minded people, people who are passionate and driven around autism will have a really good understanding or are still wanting to be part of the journey and learn along the way. That's where it sort of started, and so I meet with the Autism Action Team probably twice a term at minimum, depending on what the high focus is, it could be more, but I also email them things throughout the term so they're aware of what's happening or they can share ideas and contribute along the way.
Autism Action Teams have also helped support at presenting at pupil free days or helped support during staff meetings as well and share. So, it's been really powerful for me to have that group, core people who are really interested in autism to then build a stronger foundation for where we're going.
Dale Atkinson: What's the difference that you've noticed in student behaviour, but also educator behaviour across the last year or two?
Cathy Cook: I think, I'm not going to focus so much on the word behaviour, I'm going to focus more so on the positivity around it and how students have embraced a stronger awareness and also with staff.
So, you know, having the professional development, having the understanding that all brains are different and that's okay, has definitely been a really positive way in which the students have embraced having neurodiversity brought to the forefront of our daily learning and also ongoing. So, equally with staff, there's been lots of positive comments from staff where they've been able to say, look, you know, really loved the way that was being able to be embraced or, you know, could we do more on this?
So it's been able to, it's been an open platform for everyone to contribute, which has been really positive.
Dale Atkinson: So, Sue, how's the experience been for you?
Sue Shywolup: It's been great. Our school has had, for many years, a very strong wellbeing focus, and this is closely linked to that, and really has further developed that side of it.
I've always had a really big interest in helping those children who have anxiety and other neurodiverse conditions, autism being one of those. It's really been good to see how the children have taken that on board and really have more of an understanding of different learning styles. That's been a really big positive in the classroom to see that.
They鈥檙e more aware, they're more accepting, for most part. I mean, I've got year threes, eight and nine year olds, so things change from day to day, but they're, yeah, they're very positive and really understanding all of the different learning styles has been a really positive thing.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that sounds great. I mean, before we, um, came on air, you revealed that you're an educator of 40 years standing. You've been 18 years at Marryatville Primary School, which is an incredible innings. How has the teaching practice changed in that time to accommodate some of these, the understanding neurodiversity now?
Sue Shywolup: I think it's just that we've had to be a bit more fluid in how we present things. Certainly, when I think back to when I first started, it was a lot more structured, and not so much structured, but there was a set way of doing it. Whereas now, you, on some occasions, you have to change how you're presenting a lesson. Sometimes partway through the lesson, it's not always a set, it's going to follow this path, but it can divert the path quite quickly on occasions when you need to do that.
Dale Atkinson: And how has it been engaging in this type of professional learning, where you are looking at your own practice quite closely?
Sue Shywolup: Yeah, it's been really good. It's really consolidated and strengthened how I already felt and Cathy's different experiences that she's offered staff have really helped to build on that.
It's been great to have Kathy there as a sounding board when you're looking at individual children and, and their needs. So we talk to each other and other staff as well. And yeah, just to know that it's not an isolated one person managing one child. It's yeah, that's been good.
Dale Atkinson: Is there a strength in a community of practice that includes, you know, a handful of educators plus the SSOs all working together? Is that a strength for you?
Sue Shywolup: Definitely. Yeah. That's really in, in anything in education. If you've got a community around you to help support that, that's a really positive way of doing it, making those connections with parents, with all different staff, SSOs and leadership and teaching staff as well.
Dale Atkinson: And you mentioned parents there, I think they're always a critical partner in any activity, and particularly an activity where you're approaching something in a different way or thinking about something differently. Cathy. How has that experience been with the parents at Marryatville Primary School?
Cathy Cook: Well, the Marryatville Primary School parents have been engaged in a whole range of ways, and it really depends on the families and also what supports they need. So I've had some parents come and meet with me to discuss their specific child learning. I've also had other parents, you know, have come in a group setting and said, how about, you know, we look at options of what we could do, starting up a parental support group, for example.
I've also run professional development for parents. So we organized for Mark Le Messurier to come and do a parent afternoon or evening, which was an hour and a half session to sort of make them feel connected. And also they're not alone and also give them an opportunity to hear different strategies that can be provided for them.
So having a really strong family link and connection, something that I really think is pinnacle. In making a really successful relationship between teachers and peers and students. So it's a whole approach, isn't it, to make sure everyone's embraced.
Dale Atkinson: And it does take extra effort. And I think that's obviously recognized in you being put up for a finalist as the public education awards. What's been the effort to reward here for you?
Cathy Cook: Just love it. I love what I do, you know, and that's as simple as that. And I feel really fortunate that I've been able to do the autism inclusion teacher role and, you know, to see students thrive and flourish and also to see that parents feel heard and valued in what, what they're trying to do, but also seeing the growth in the staff.
The whole thing's been amazing. I just, I love the role. I'm very passionate and dedicated about building an understanding around neurodiversity and autism. And whilst I feel that I have a really good understanding, I'm driven to continuing and going further with it. with this and finding out more. So I'm continually learning myself about how I can best support through the whole process as well.
So autism inclusion teacher role has definitely been a positive impact at our site and the way in which our staff have embraced it, taken things on board. I just really risk takers in trying new things or asking questions. Hats off to them. They've done a great job and I'm really fortunate that, um, it's been a whole community approach, so that's been great.
Dale Atkinson: And what's next?
Cathy Cook: What's next? Well, watch this space. So, look, you know, lots of things I'd like to try and do next year. And, I've already started to plan, you know, I've got Nell Harris coming to our site. So Nell Harris is an autistic and ADHD author and has written, you know, my brain is a race car and a whole series of things.
So she's coming to do a session with the whole school, so that'll be great. Also looking at strengthening more around the self regulation services that are coming out to work and link up with our school as well. Going to do not only the autism action team, but we're going to look at change champions as well, which will be another approach to that.
I'd also like to look at [00:13:00] possibilities of strengthening autistic students in getting together, whether we have an afternoon, once a term, with families connected to that. I'd like to look at that as an opportunity. Currently, I've got Lego club happening. I'd like to broaden that as well and let students have more passion and interest groups happen so we can sort of listen to different points of views.
You know, we're lucky at the moment. We've got knitting club and beads club and French club and, um, STEM club, but, you know, where else could we go? And so giving a bit of student voice and advocacy from all of our students, not only our autistic students, I'd like to sort of draw that in further, but, you know, the world's your oyster.
Let's see where this can go.
Dale Atkinson: An incredibly positive message, and given all those clubs, it sounds like a fun place to hang out. Thank you both for coming in and talking about the autism inclusion work that you're doing out at Marryatville Primary School. It's very exciting, it's excellent work, and it's wonderful to hear how you're bringing the students and the teachers and SSOs and the families together and bringing them along the journey.
It's incredibly exciting. So, well done and thank you to you both.
Sue Shywolup: Thank you.
Cathy Cook: Thanks for having us.
Join us as we sit down with Chief Executive, Professor Martin Westwell as he takes us through 2024鈥檚 key achievements and outlines priorities for 2025. Professor Westwell discusses how 黑料吃瓜鈥檚 education system is a learning system centred on relationships and purpose-driven strategy. The conversation also explores how to create an education system that prioritises innovation, equity, and civics, ensuring students are prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach a Podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and today we are doing what we do at the start of every year, which is invite Professor Martin Westwell our Chief Executive, to come and join us. Martin, thanks for joining us.
Martin Westwell: Happy New Year, Dale.
Dale Atkinson: Happy New Year to you as well. Always good at the start of the year to reflect on the previous and look ahead. Touch on perhaps a few of the key achievements from 2024, lessons learned perhaps, and how that's going to shape the department's direction in 2025.
Martin Westwell: When you think about the achievements, when you actually stop and think about the achievements. It is pretty amazing what we've achieved over the last year or two. And the first thing I think to say is that just like the everyday work that goes on in our classrooms, in our preschool sites, that's the achievement, right. That's the work, and whatever other things go on, that's the main game. So another great year doing the main game. Let's not lose sight of that. Just doing a great job in our schools and preschools. When you think about some of the challenges that we've got, you know, perhaps we'll talk about these a bit more. Clearly things like, you know, vacancies that we've got, but what I've seen is in 黑料吃瓜, we've not got nearly the kind of teacher vacancies that we've got in other states and territories yet.
We're starting the year and there are a few schools that have got some vacancies, but I think actually getting to a position and, you know, with some special authorities to teach and some of those things where we're starting really well, I think is a great achievement as well. Some policy things, Technical colleges going gangbusters, we've got mid year reception, the introduction, that shift from FLO to Tailored Learning Provision, that shift, I think is really important. Enormous amount of work there, not just work from, you know, kind of within Flinders Street but with sites, with leaders, with teachers. Some of the other policy stuff that kind of every school a great school work that we've done really focusing on well, where are we gonna make investments? What's the capital investment look like? How do we support schools perhaps that don't have the best reputation? How do we support to make sure that those schools can be as brilliant as other schools and so people are not driving past them to go to another school down the road but actually they're attracting students to them.
Talk about the country strategy, OSHC, you know, those kinds of things. One of the things that I'm really proud of, and it's just the beginning, is the agreement that we signed with the Anangu people in the APY lands around a partnership with them about what education is going to look like. One of the Anangu talked to me about it and said, we used to be like this and they made a gesture where there's kind of two fists hitting each other. We used to be like this with the department and now we鈥檙e like this and showed the two hands next to each other, pushing in the same direction. I really felt proud of all the work that's gone into that and getting us to that place and as I say, that's just the beginning now we've got to honour that.
That's us making a promise with the Anangu about how we're going to do this thing, how we're going to work together. There are some non-negotiables in that, with a lot of ways in which we can work in partnership and now actually getting on and doing some of that work. That's a great achievement from last year that of course will shape some of the work going forwards.
I think some of the other things as well have been, you know, with the strategy. It's the strategy and the structures around it and how people have responded to that. I think some of it is the culture shift, you know, the vibe. I think that's changing. I'm asking leaders and education directors to provide more of that kind of coaching, working alongside, providing support for improvement, that shift has even been in Flinders Street..
The senior executive group working more effectively across divisions. Each division has got a massive amount of work and of course the danger is that we fall into our silos. So us getting out of that, you know, all of that is working towards giving school leaders more autonomy and that notion of the tight and flexible. Tight on what we're going for, but flexible on how it's achieved and just make sure the whole system's getting behind that.
I also think the protecting democracy work that looks like civics and civics professional learning and developing people in terms of their ability and the innovation around teaching civics in secondary. I think, you know, the bigger picture is how are we getting kids to stop and think, not get pushed around by social media? How are we helping students and young people to disagree agreeably? To not fall into, 鈥榳ell, if you don't agree with me, you're against me and I hate you.鈥 And we're seeing so much of that around the world and how it erodes democracy, how it erodes society.
When you look at education, think about the purpose of education and you see one of those challenges, and it's a challenge to childhood, but it's also a challenge to society. If we're not addressing that what's the point? What are we doing? So, I think that work again will be really important for the coming year.
Dale Atkinson: The big process of kind of development and growth. This is a third of the conversations that you and I have had at the start of a calendar year over the last couple of years has been, the development of the strategy, the purpose statement and allowing sites, site leaders and central office to kind of really live with the strategy and try to reflect on it, what does it mean? And put it into practice. What have you seen over the last year has indicated how this has been put into practice and are there some standard examples of success?
Martin Westwell: Some of the things that I've seen, when I do site visits and I talk with leaders and, you know, often the story is, you know, we started with the areas of impact, we started getting into them and we thought, what's the template, what are we supposed to do, what does accountability look like in this? and we'll meet that requirement and then you didn't put one out where we thought you were a bit crazy doing that. So we started to have a conversation, we started to dig in and think about what we were already doing and lots of schools, of course, already doing lots around those areas of impact anyway, and thinking about where they would build on and some were saying, well, we just got going on this thing, you know, maybe something around wellbeing or student agency or the site saying, well we were really great, I remember Andamooka primary school, Bronte the principal saying 鈥榳e'd put so much into wellbeing, we really want to keep that going but when we look at the strategy, instead of just carrying on doing wellbeing and saying, well we're doing this pretty well, building on that and shifting that wellbeing to support student agency鈥 because you know how important that is for students.
So there's a bit of, yeah, we're already doing some of this but look what we can do now. I think the other great things that I heard quite a lot was, we thought we were going to do wellbeing or student agency and then we got into it and we realised that we couldn't do that until we'd worked on this, whatever it might be, and so people change their minds.
I think when people start thinking about something and they set off in a direction with their planning and then they change their minds because they've got good evidence for it, that's incredible, right? And you don't get that from a top-down pushing at compliance saying everybody's got to do this thing. So when you see people changing the minds saying, we think this is going to have a bigger impact on our kids so we've shifted and we're doing that. I think that's amazing!
I think the other thing that we've seen that I see is when people have literally said 鈥榮o we did this thing and we put our school, we've got a journey map, you know, where we started we used to think this, and now we're thinking that, look at where we've been, look at where we're going to鈥. Schools that expressed their improvement plan as kind of a one pager graphic so they can talk to parents, students, internal conversations, other stakeholders around their school. We can talk to this plan, there's lots more behind it, but they've got this kind of graphical representation.
One of the things that people have said is because we've had these conversations in the school, people have got much more ownership of it and so it's activating people rather than kind of, you know, the danger of the top down stuff is people do it, but it's not necessarily activating them in the system, in their site, in the way that you would hope.
So I think, you know, when you see that kind of aspiration, people do talk a little bit more about kind of joy in the work about creativity. I think that's been really positive. I think the danger is we can fall into an either/or, you know, it's such a focus on literacy and numeracy and we're not doing that anymore we're doing wellbeing and agency. And of course it's not that at all. We're trying to get these things to work together in service of each other.
Dale Atkinson: One of the things you've spoken about a little bit in the past is like the difference between accountability to ourselves, the account to which we hold ourselves and the ways in which we're held accountable externally. Can you talk about how that concept is going to play out through how we measure success of the strategy's implementation in 2025?
Martin Westwell: Yeah, I think this is going to be a big one for us this year. You know, you look at systems around the world and what they do is they have kind of a system measure. We want to increase literacy and numeracy. And what happens is that measure then gets pushed down onto schools and it becomes this kind of compliance.
And that definition of accountability is almost kind of being held to account. You know, it's a high stakes, it's a punishment if you don't improve, if you don't get the thing rather than accountability being saying, well, we agreed we were going to take responsibility for this together, this is what we were going for in our site. Even kind of knowing that might look different with different cohorts of kids, you know, some sites have got kids who might have transient population, so kids who come and go, and other kids who are quite stable and have been there for a period of time and you would expect different things, perhaps for those two different groups. At a site level you've got to be able to think about your accountability in terms of what you're taking responsibility for, how you're making a difference to these two different cohorts of kids. So I've been kind of constantly grappling with this notion of, as soon as you get a system measure, how do we stop it from being a high stakes measure that then drives behaviour in a way that you just don't want it to?
So yeah, you know, as a system, what are we going to report on, we have to report on NAPLAN so that鈥檚 done. What else would we see if this strategy, you know, if this thing was working, what else would we see? And I do think we'd see increases in attendance, we'd see increases in retention in schools, some of the kind of big picture things. I think in the longer term as well, we'd start to see some of those equity measures, you know, and the first way in which you'd measure equity would have some of those standard things like NAPLAN results and attendance and retention. For some of those, you know, what people call low equity groups, low SES kids, some of our aboriginal communities, some kids with disability, making sure that the kids are engaging with school and are achieving and are getting what they need out of school.
So you'd have some of those measures as well. But again, even if you look at something like attendance, the danger is that attendance strategies start to create behaviours that you don't want, you know, it's driving kids to come to school and they might be attending in person but they're not attending in heart and mind. And so that's not actually what we want. We want them to attend and we want them to be present as well. Attendance strategies, you know, the strategy. Should be driving attendance rather than looking for ways in which we kind of push on attendance, that balance is a really tricky one. So making schools accountable in that responsibility way and then saying, okay, so how do we all work together to achieve this.
Dale Atkinson: Now we focus a little bit as a system now under the new kind of way that we're approaching things and certainly under the what we're going after is, the purpose of public education on the human paradigm of, how we're interacting with these kids and the environment in which we're preparing them, AI and other influences, and what we're going to need them in terms of capabilities to have when they reach maturity in the workforce. So in terms of that focus on the human paradigm, how's that shifting the way we want to lead and learn within our system?
Martin Westwell: Yeah, that human paradigm stuff comes from that Michael Fullan work, doesn't it? About what actually are system drivers, and he's kind of, he's shifted his thinking a little bit and he contrasts the human paradigm to what he calls the bloodless paradigm. You know, there's just no heart or humanity in it. And so bringing the heart and humanity back to it, I think is clearly what Fullan's getting at. And that鈥檚 the core of the strategy, that notion of the choice that we made was to be purpose driven around learning and thriving and not being data driven. It drives you crazy when people talk about data driven. I'm such a data nerd and data is really important. It gives us great insight into how we might achieve our purpose, how we're going, where we might put our efforts, resources as a system or as a school level. So the data is crucially important, but we're not driven by it, we're driven by our purpose and the data can give us insights.
I think there's a recognition that we're a people business and this people business runs on relationships. And you can see that from students, you know, that notion of particularly when students get to high school, how important that relationship is with an adult in a school in order for students to attend and to be present. So we know it's about relationships. It's very much about kind of teachers learning from each other. You know, so a lot of that is about us as people working together. Now then that means, I think as a system, truly being a learning system, you know, what does it mean to be, a learning system, to be able to try out things together, to be able to learn from each other, for the system to provide opportunities for us to do that?
One of the great strengths that we have as a public education system is that we're a system and we've got amazing people all over this system and we should be connecting them to each other. Sometimes those will be connections that persist, and sometimes it might be connections getting people together because you want to address a particular thing, or you either solve a problem, or move forward and innovate and find new ways of doing things, getting people together to do that.
And I think the AI work is a good example of that. Right? So we set out, you know, most people know this story. We didn't ban chat GPT when it came out and that was an interesting thing when everybody else was banning it. Because we said we're going to learn and then we put it into the hands of teachers and students and said, well, we're, we just want to learn from this. We're going to provide the guardrails, provide some protection, but we just want to learn from our teachers. Let's really listen to our teachers. Let's really listen to our students, kind of explicitly, what are they actually telling us? But also using some of the data around how people are using AI to have a positive impact and how do we amplify that within our systems.
Then rolling out our own AI EDchat to all of our staff, all of our site staff, to give them the opportunity to have a play with it, just learn to have conversations together and to think about then, well, what are the resources, what's professional learning, how do we support that? I think that's a really good example of the kind of thing that we want to be doing as a learning system, really making the most of the expertise that we've got in the system and the relationships between people.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. Relationships between people is such a critical piece of work. You spoke a bit earlier about the civics and citizenship, kind of program that's pulled together. We're also doing quite a lot of work in terms of student agency and involvement and a critical part of the civics and citizenship is we're actually going to ask kids, what do they think about it? What role is that kind of approach going to start playing within the system for us?
Martin Westwell: One of the things, again, kind of a big pitch thing that you're going to grapple with is the relevance of education. We've got our purpose, but that could be expressed in lots of different ways in terms of the kind of curriculum and what kids are learning and how you go about that.
And one of the things that we learned from putting the strategy together in the first instance was just what you learn from students. And you're only learning if you're surprised by something. So there was a lot in that original work with the students that we weren't surprised by, but there was a lot that we were.
And of course that's the stuff that changes your thinking, that's the stuff that helps you do a better job. And so I think it's the same when we're thinking about What students want to learn, how they want to learn it, how we make the biggest difference to them, you know, students really being partners in that learning with us, that's going to be more and more of what we do at a school level and a system level as well.
It's been really interesting hearing about schools that have invited students into some of the pupil free days and students are turning up on a day off from school and actually reporting how much they get out of it and are enjoying it. And again, the thing that really stands out is when the teachers are surprised because the students are saying things and there's conversations going on that are not necessarily going on in the classrooms. And, you know, there's not necessarily space being created to have these conversations. And when we do that and we have those surprises, it's always an opportunity for us to do a better job. And, you know, again, it's this notion of 鈥榖etter job鈥. Who defines what a 鈥榖etter job鈥 is? And of course, serving the students, that helps us, I think that's the better job, making the biggest difference for the students. And you've got to temper that a little bit, right? Because first thing when you say to students, how could school be better? They'll say, longer recess, more sport, you know, you get those kinds of things from students. But it's kind of getting underneath that and actually really grappling together with students on about how this thing could be better.
Dale Atkinson: You've emphasized over the last two years about the importance of a learning system. You've created your own personal learning system in the off season. Talk to me about welding.
Martin Westwell: Welding for me is kind of one of those skills that I think, you know everybody should have. It seems like such a great thing to be able to do. So I kind of set off with that, with a few mates and again, it was that importance of people. If you want to do a transactional thing I learned a lot from, I think lots of us do, you know, YouTube. You know, how do I fix that particular thing in the car, look at a couple of videos, find that thing out and that particular kind of almost like, it's not a micro connection, but it's kind of micro skill that you then develop a tiny little thing, that's great.
But when you're doing a kind of bigger, broader skill or bigger kind of learning and development. I think it's hard to do it as an individual. You kind of, you got to do it with people. It makes more meaning, you connect it more, from a neuroscience background, you make more connections in your brain because it's not just kind of this self contained little bit of knowledge.
It's connected to the experiences that you have together. The questions that other people have that I wouldn't think of, you think, 鈥極h, Amazing鈥. And so what it does is it kind of reminds you of how hard learning is, but it reminds you about how uncomfortable it can be sometimes. It also reminds you about how important it is to get a bit of fun in it as well, you know, I don't think I've had many real lasting learning experiences that haven't involved some laughter in some way or another.
Laughter often is a part of it because of those relationships and so it gives that kind of emotion that, that you did learn in that emotional sense as well. So it's a bit meta, you know, kind of learning this skill, but also just applying that, I'm thinking, 鈥榶eah, this is what learning looks like鈥.
Dale Atkinson: And what have you welded, what have you made?
Martin Westwell: Not much yet, I've got to say. By my shed, there's lots of bits of, bits of old metal.
Dale Atkinson: Incredibly well connected.
Martin Westwell: Yeah, that's good.
Dale Atkinson: Finally, what message would you like to share with educators and leaders and staff at the start of 2025?
Martin Westwell: Yeah. Look, I think obviously there's a keep going message. What we've got in 黑料吃瓜. With the strategy and with the work is a great ambition. And I think that ambition has been recognized nationally and, and increasingly internationally.
You know, the AI work was really ambitious. I think the work that we're doing around the strategy and what that means for school improvement or for curriculum, what it means for the ramp up and the work on inclusion are Aboriginal learners is really ambitious. And I'm really keen for everybody to kind of be in on that ambition, especially in a period of time when I look around some of the parts of 黑料吃瓜, particularly Australia, look around Australia and I don't feel like education has got ambition.
I feel like it's got the danger of this mediocrity, that it's focusing kind of too much on itself, and not on the kids that it, you know, standardized test results, all of that stuff. And, you know, it's okay. We've got good education systems, but I'm not sure that education is really doing it for our kids.
And I think in 黑料吃瓜, we've got that ambition. So I think something about being proud to be. 黑料吃瓜n, you know, I get that opportunity to go out and talk, say, like, nationally and internationally. And the feedback I get about what we're doing is incredibly positive. And, and I do hope that people feel that as well, you know.
I know it's hard work too but I think the ambition, the focus on, you know, that educators always have on making the biggest difference we can for our kids and using the opportunity of the strategy with that notion of the kind of tight and flexible, with that notion of us being a learning system.
And so I want everyone, including our educators, to be great learners within that system, recognizing some of the pragmatic challenges that teachers have, you know, day on day. That's how I want us to shift. So our students and our teachers are feeling more joy in the everyday experience of school.
Teachers have got that agency, that wellbeing. Teachers are effective learners and then all that that means for the flow through to our students. We had some visitors last year from, well, Ron Berger from the States and Gwyn App Harry from the XP schools in the UK. And one of the things that they talked about was how student culture never exceeds the staff culture.
So for us to work on us, for us to focus on us for a bit and think about how we are developing with agency and with our wellbeing, with being effective learners, I think that's something really important for this coming year.
Dale Atkinson: There you go - Be proud, be ambitious. Professor Martin Westwell, thanks for your time.
Martin Westwell: Thanks Dale.
Season 4
In this episode we explore how 黑料吃瓜n schools are empowering students to take charge of their learning through the concept of learner agency. Join Brenton Wilson from Kilkenny Primary School, Narelle Christiansen from Avenues College, and students Elliot and Joe as they share their experiences participating in workshops that foster student voice and wellbeing. Hear how these initiatives are transforming classrooms and helping students collaborate with teachers for better learning outcomes.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education and today we're talking about students as agents of change and we are joined by Brenton Wilson who's the head of school wellbeing and learner agency at Kilkenny Primary School with Elliot who's a student there also at Kilkenny and also Narelle Christiansen who's the head of wellbeing at Avenues College who's joined by Joe who's a year 10 student there.
Brenton Wilson: Hello.
Narelle Christiansen: Hello.
Dale Atkinson: So firstly to you Brenton, can you tell us a little bit about this student agency project you've been doing within the portfolio and the impact that it's had for your students?
Brenton Wilson: I think a component of this program has been us being able to get together in a forum. So, you know, 90 kids together twice a year, just to sit down and have some discussions and working with each other and bouncing ideas off of each other.
So like a student forum situation has been really beneficial for Elliot, for our kids to get ideas off of other kids and listen to what's happening in [00:01:00] other schools and the chance for, myself, the classroom teacher, and our kids to sit around the table and have some really meaningful discussions that we probably wouldn't have otherwise has been a really beneficial factor of this.
It's not work that we're doing in isolation and school. We're doing this together as a partnership with 10 to 15 schools working together with a really good facilitator, running processes that we can then bring back to school and use it with our teachers and in our classroom. So that's been a really good part of this as well.
Dale Atkinson: And so Narelle, has that been a similar experience to what you've seen at your school?
Narelle Christiansen: Yeah, just what Brenton was saying as well, like the actual experience of participating in the workshops and having that quarantine time to sit with your students and actually brainstorm and discuss and reflect on ideas, going through the processes, the activities, the really useful activities that then yes, you can take them back and do them with your students or with staff as well.
And also, you know, the value of actually hearing other schools and what they're doing and sharing [00:02:00] ideas. I know our students really enjoy being able to work with other students from other schools, and it's improved their confidence or built their confidence to be able to share ideas with their peers, to listen to ideas from other students and actually, I think just know that their ideas are valued has been really important for our students.
Dale Atkinson: Sounds like an incredibly rich and interesting and exciting thing to kind of lean in on. Can you talk about a few of the common themes that were coming up in those workshops from across all the schools?
Brenton Wilson: Because the strategy is so big, a lot of the schools just went into exploring, at this stage, around student agency and student voice and what that looks like back in the school. I think probably that was the big theme around, okay, we've got permission now to talk about this and to get stuck into this. So it was probably still in the early phases of, Okay, we've had two workshops, we've sort of got a bit of an idea now, our theme is now to go back and discuss that. A lot of our schools are still at a global level, [00:03:00] you know, what can we do as a whole school? We've sort of narrowed it down to a classroom level a bit more in our school, because we've sort of been doing this work for a while. The big theme was around how do we involve students more in the whole process?
Narelle Christiansen: I definitely agree. I think it was mostly around, yeah, student voice and learner agency. I think a few schools were also, looking into wellbeing and different areas of wellbeing as well.
Brenton Wilson: And around what that looks like for them, so it was really a global thing, but the individual context coming through, and everyone sort of left the workshops with 鈥楾his is an area I want to explore, let's go back and explore it together as a school鈥.
Dale Atkinson: Will you be meeting again?
Brenton Wilson: I think the beauty of this work is that it's going to be slow moving work.
I mean, we can't just go in and do it and say it's finished and it's over. So, with time constraints, I think a term 2 and term 3 each year would be really good. So, I think our partnership's really keen to stay involved and just to continually chip [00:04:00] away at this over the next couple of years. We do have an online forum coming up in term 4 where we're going to explore a bit of wellbeing data to see how we can use that to work through the process we're using and how we can start to evaluate and find evidence around if these are the changes we're making is it having an impact.
So I guess we started sowing the seeds, and now we've got to work out how then we can gather evidence to say that these seeds are growing and we're paying attention to them.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's great. Can you talk to us a little bit about the work that you're doing to empower your young learners in their learning?
Narelle Christiansen: We have only really recently become involved with the Students as Agents of Change, as part of the partnership project. We became involved because we've been doing a lot of work with our student leaders on looking at how we can actually restructure our student leadership team and our system. Because we're really looking at how we could improve student voice or gain more student [00:05:00] voice.
It's an area that we've been working on for a couple of years now, we've done a lot of work around student wellbeing and trying to improve student belonging, around safety and connectedness. But we were really looking to build on that and look at gaining more student feedback and student voice around teaching and learning.
When we heard about the Students as Agents of Change, the partnership workshops, that was a really good opportunity for us to invite our students to participate and start doing some more work around student voice and learner agency with our students.
Dale Atkinson: So Brenton, what is the program focusing on? What are you trying to activate when you engage with the students in this way?
Brenton Wilson: So I guess for us, as a school, we really want our kids to be working shoulder to shoulder with our teachers and our leaders, and just looking at how they can be activated in this process to focus on learning improvement. Our trials, as a result of this, have been students understanding the learning process and being involved in the learning process, and how they can contribute to that learning process [00:06:00] for better outcomes.
We're really looking this year at metacognition and self-regulation and how the kids can be involved in that through emotional regulation, but also through being self-regulated learners, around setting goals, around giving peer to peer feedback and in our junior primary area around having more voice through song and bee keeping. So primarily, as a whole school, we're working together with our kids and involving them in that learning process.
Dale Atkinson: So, Narelle and Brenton, Narelle, you first perhaps. What are you seeing that's different in terms of student behaviour and student engagement as a result of this process?
Narelle Christiansen: The big impact for me, in the past, a lot of the work we've done with our student leaders and around student voice, We've always got a lot of feedback around more building a positive school culture and, you know, running our house challenges and our special events.
We've been working in that area for quite some time. I think just from being involved with the partnership workshops recently, it's kind of like there's been a light switch moment for some of our students because [00:07:00] we've been asking for feedback, not about extracurricular activities, but it's more been around feedback on their learning, and the teaching and learning in the classrooms.
And giving them permission to have a voice about their own learning and how they can influence what's happening in the classrooms. It's about that working in partnerships with their teachers to empower them and give them a little bit more control over their learning.
Dale Atkinson: Is that a similar sort of experience that you've had Brenton?
Brenton Wilson: Yeah, definitely. I think for us, this is our third year as researchers in the project with the inner west partnerships. I think really the last couple of years have been around exploring our PAT data and having a look at that and question analysis. So this is our first year that we've been looking at the new strategy and doing some work around that.
I think the previous years around focus on the data and the testing has given kids a really good understanding of why we're testing and around a data analysis. They're a lot more interested in the data. So last year's PAT testing data, and if they've made improvements on this year's data, but they're analysing questions a lot better when they're doing their testing and understanding what the questions are asking.
We've seen a real growth in data just around that, around kids understanding what the testing's about and they're putting more effort into their testing because of that focus and the sort of, the skilling we've done with the kids with that.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it sounds amazing. So Elliot, I might ask you, what's your experience been like?
Elliot: Well, I feel like I can kind of choose what's going on in the school.
Dale Atkinson: What's changed? Like, is there anything that's kind of changed in terms of the classes for you?
Elliot: Well, we're doing peer to peer feedback so that we write a story and then we get a partner to give us feedback on that story.
Dale Atkinson: How is that different from the feedback you'd get from a teacher?
Elliot: Well, in this, the student gives you two good things that they like about it and one thing that you can work on.
Dale Atkinson: And is that something that, uh, you and your peers enjoy doing?
Elliot: Yeah.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, [00:09:00] nice. That sounds like something that's a little bit different, Brenton, in terms of how you might approach assessment and developing some of the programs of activities. Is it taking more work for you and the other educators to design that kind of interaction?
Brenton Wilson: Not really. So we've sort of been working in professional learning teams for probably three or four years now. And we've been trialling and doing our sprint work pretty well as teams, but. What we're trying to do now is infuse students into that process as well, bring them into that learning base around this is what we're trying to do as teachers, this is the trials we're doing, how can we involve you so that you're part of our success criteria as well.
So if at the end of this sprint we want teachers to have a chance to practice, Having the kids be involved in that, and what do we want to see our kids be doing more of and taking control of in their learnings? Before it was all the teachers giving the kids feedback, so now it's kids getting feedback from each other.
So they're understanding that feedback process, they're understanding the editing process, and then they're giving [00:10:00] each other feedback to promote the learning for the teachers getting involved. Probably what we want to see is our teachers doing less work and the kids doing more work in the space.
Dale Atkinson: Narelle, back to you. You spoke a little bit about how the engagement was, you didn't use this language, but less superficial and more ingrained in the actual day to day learning. Can you talk a little bit about what that looks like in terms of classroom activities?
Narelle Christiansen: We've only recently just started with this whole Students as Agents of Change process.
So where we're at more is we're participating in the first workshop, which was really useful for us to explore the new public education strategy with students and look at the areas of impact around wellbeing and learner agency. And because we already had the goals around trying to improve or widen the scope of our student voice at our school, it was a really useful workshop.
But we noticed that at the workshop. There was some misunderstanding about the concept of learner agency and what that meant for students, so we kind of took a step back and then we had another workshop at [00:11:00] school and really just unpacked the meaning of learner agency and what that looked like at our school, what the current situation is at our school and how we would like to improve on that and how students could be more involved and what that would look like in classrooms for us if students are working more in partnerships with our teachers.
So we unpacked that a little bit more and then we attended the second workshop. And from that, we were able to explore Learner Agency a little bit more with our students and set some goals and some next steps as to where, you know, how we can improve learner agency and have students working more in partnership with their teachers around their learning.
And I think we're at that stage where we, from the feedback that students have given from the workshops, is around that they're actually wanting to share their understanding of learner agency with their peers and also with their teachers and then it'll be a little bit more specific about what our next actions are from there and what that will look like in the classroom. So that's [00:12:00] about where we're at with our change process.
Dale Atkinson: So Joe, how has that changed your perspective on how you can influence the things that you're learning and what agency means for you.
Joe: Oh, it is obviously very early steps, but with those workshops we had those days, we got to all sit down, go through what it meant, get a much better understanding of what the student agency and all of those other areas and then we've just started getting all of our ideas together, doing lots of brainstorming, and then thinking about what we can implement. We haven't implemented a lot yet, we're still working on the action side of things, but it's definitely made me understand a lot more about how the whole process of student agency and communication between students and teachers and all sorts of things.
Dale Atkinson: What are the ideas that have been floated up by you and your peers? What are you seeing that you might be able to influence now?
Joe: Well, everyone has different ideas. There's something that I thought was personally interesting was that everyone had different things. There was [00:13:00] lots of students that were saying we need to work on some wellbeing side of things. There are lots of students saying we need to work on communication between teachers and students. Lots of ideas around having comfortable environments for people and having everyone feel like they have a say, everyone can have an influence. So that really was one of the main things we got out of that.
Dale Atkinson: And does it make you view teachers in the school differently going through this process?
Joe: A little bit, for me, not very much. That might be more so for some of the other students because this is new to a lot of them. I've been involved with some of these things for quite a while with the student leadership team, so I'm more just interested in how this student leadership program is going to evolve over time and how I'm seeing all of this stuff brought into it. But yeah, it's definitely added on to my understanding.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that sounds really strong, really powerful. Thank you, Joe. So, Brenton, back to you. In terms of how that's changed the environment and the teaching practice within your school, what's the change [00:14:00] process been like for you and your colleagues?
Brenton Wilson: Yeah, it's gradual. So, it's taken time. So, this is sort of, I've been here five years, so we've sort of been chipping away at this for about five years now, just around how we can continue to involve kids in that learning process. I think the catalyst for us was a card saw that we did at our first researcher's day around, we used the strategy cards around metacognition and self-regulation, because that's sort of an area that we've been focusing on.
So we got the kids involved in that, and the number one thing the kids talked about was wanting to have more productive learning tools in the classroom. So we brought that feedback back to the teachers and we got them to do that card sort as well. And through the card sort, each teacher identified a different area.
So we've had peer to peer feedback. We've had goal setting. So there's a number of our teachers in the year level team, working on more productive goal setting strategies, feedback strategies, and then year six is looking at editing strategies. [00:15:00] Strategies that sort of gives them the power to be agents in their learning, for each other and with each other, but also promoting more learning dialogue in between. So the peer to peer feedback that Elliot was talking about is about getting kids to have productive learning talks with each other before the teacher gets involved in that. It's a bit of a change process that we're all working on like Avenues, still very early and we're just trying to do point of time, point of need work that's not too overwhelming for our teachers and our kids, but just keep chipping away at some new processes, new strategies and try and get them embedded into our practice.
Dale Atkinson: Sounds like an enjoyable journey.
Joe, if you had some friends from other schools who asked you about this, um, as a program and would you recommend it to them? And what would you tell them?
Joe: I think I would recommend it to them because it's always good for students to have that voice, that chance to make a difference, have an impact on their learning and people around them.
And I would probably tell them that it's just really [00:16:00] interesting to know more about the kind of logic behind how we're taught, those kind of background things behind what the teachers have actually given to us, and how we can, even though we see and we just go through it, it's actually we can make a difference on it, and we can shape it to something that's more suitable for us and I think that's a really positive thing. So I would definitely recommend it.
Dale Atkinson: Sounds like an excellent thing. Helping to influence your learning. All those sorts of activities that make a big difference in a student's sense of agency and their belonging in any environment, in any school, and their connection and relationship with their teachers.
Brenton, Narelle, Elliot, Joe, thank you very much for your time and good luck as you build and progress this into the future.
Brenton Wilson: No worries, thank you.
Narelle Christiansen: Thank you!
Joining us in this literacy-focussed episode is Dr Kate de Bruin, a senior lecturer in Inclusive Education at Monash University. Dr de Bruin delves into the research underpinning the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS), a framework designed to provide targeted reading instruction and intervention. Drawing from her presentation at the 2024 online Literacy Summit she offers insights into how schools can better support students' diverse literacy needs.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. Today, we're talking about reading instruction and intervention within a multi-tiered system of supports with Dr. Kate De Bruin from the School of Curriculum, Teaching and Inclusive Education at Monash University.
Dr. Kate, thanks for joining us.
Kate De Bruin: Pleasure to be here, Dale.
Dale Atkinson: So first question, multi-tiered system of support (MTSS), can you tell us what that's all about?
Kate De Bruin: Really, MTSS is a framework for service delivery that takes as its foundation that all students are entitled to a high-quality education that's equitable and needs based where everybody has access to the benefits of high quality teaching in classrooms. Any child who needs access to any kind of support or resource available in schools and systems, can access that quite quickly without restriction.
Dale Atkinson: Where did this come from? What's the idea behind it?
Kate De Bruin: MTSS really grew up with dissatisfaction to the kinds of models of service delivery [00:01:00] that have been in place before.
So under these more traditional models of support services, a lot of times students access to any support that they might need was determined based on whether they could access funding. And there was a quite a sort of medical approach to that. Which said, look, you know, children who need this support service can only access it if they're funded and they can only access funding if they've got the right diagnosis or if they've got a level of impairment that meets a sort of minimum threshold.
What that meant was a lot of kids missed out. Kids might miss out for a period of time while they go through a diagnosis process. Or they might miss out altogether because they might have a type of disability that wasn't funded, or they might not quite have met that minimum threshold for impairment.
So there were a lot of gaps in service delivery and over time, there were actually disproportionate growth in particular areas. So, in relation to learning disabilities, as they were called in the United States, particularly in reading and also [00:02:00] in relation to behaviour. There was some concern that there was skyrocketing numbers of students getting funded under these categories.
And there was some suspicion that perhaps either there was some issues in how students were being assessed for these. There were also some concerns the outcomes weren't good. So there was a look at how students access these support services and they found the outcomes weren't great.
Dale Atkinson: How does the framework apply across a classroom of students?
Kate De Bruin: It's helpful to think about the original seeds of the idea. These multi-tiered frameworks come from healthcare and the classrooms is a group of kids from the population. At a whole population level, we think about health services as primarily trying to prevent illness. So we do a lot of things to try to keep people as healthy as possible.
We might give quality education about healthy eating and levels of exercise. And we have mass population practices like vaccination and screening. And [00:03:00] then what we might do is provide some additional supports in place for people at high risk. We might provide free vaccines, for example, for populations who are at risk, like older people are entitled to free vaccines for certain conditions, we start cancer screening at the age of 50.
So the first population mass level is tier one. Those are the things we do to prevent illness in the general population. At tier two, we prevent illness in people at higher risk. And at tier three, what we're then doing is treating illness when that hasn't been prevented and we might provide medication or allied health treatment or hospitalization and so on.
So if we've understood that logic, we can think about in the classroom and say, what can we do to support the best possible learning outcomes and wellbeing outcomes and behaviour outcomes for all students in the classroom. And then we use those practices in teaching and creating a positive learning environment for every kid.
And then we say ‘who's not thriving here and what else can we do [00:04:00] quickly to ensure they are thriving or respond if they clearly aren't?’ At a class level it looks like high quality teaching, you know, creation of environments that are calm where all students feel they can belong and have their needs considered.
Dale Atkinson: So when we think about MTSS and the tiered system, what are the key components that sit within that?
Kate De Bruin: I'm often presented with people's triangles and they say, look, we've got an MTSS because look, here's our triangle. MTSS isn't actually synonymous with that triangle that's often used to discuss a certain component of it. MTSS is this proactive and preventative framework for quality instruction for everyone on the basis of need, but it's characterized by a number of important components and we have to have all of them in place to have that MTSS.
So, one of those components is that teaching and support should be coordinated across a sliding scale of intensity across tiers. Another is that evidence based practice should be used at each tier, yet a further one is around data based decision [00:05:00] making. Data should be used at a tier one. Where we screen all of our students responsiveness to Tier 1 teaching and learning environments and whether they're thriving.
We use data to make precise decisions to understand the instructional need of any student, whether that be small differentiation at Tier 1 or Tier 2 or 3 layered on top of Tier 1. And we also need to use data to monitor the progress of students receiving tiered interventions to make sure they're having the desired impact.
And that students are in fact going to meet intervention goals and graduate out of intervention back to tier one. At the heart of this is an assumption that all students can succeed at school with quality teaching and the right amount of support provided just in time, but we need all of those elements in place for this to work well.
Dale Atkinson: What do you say to educators? That sounds incredibly comprehensive and logical, is it more for an educator to apply this framework?
Kate De Bruin: It's a different way of thinking. People, once they learn a [00:06:00] little bit about it, they realize they are already doing a lot of the things that are actually essential to doing this well, they find that quite reassuring.
And they also often agree that the outcomes from the current system aren't optimal. There are kids that they think need support that aren't getting it. You know what I mean? So they, there's often actually agreement about the kinds of things that are really needed. And huge reassurance that what's in place isn't something radically different, but it may be some tweaks in how we pick up the kids that aren't succeeding and it may be some tweaks in how we think about what support looks like for those kids.
Dale Atkinson: So a high degree of nuance and judgment, can you talk about the difference between areas that need a point of differentiation and those that need an intervention when it comes to reading support?
Kate De Bruin: Differentiation is often quite misapplied or poorly understood. So in relation to reading, differentiation is what we're talking about when we're thinking about how we use that ongoing formative data that we collect in classrooms. So for teachers, for [00:07:00] example, in the early years of primary school, you'll be doing weekly checks to see whether students are learning those sound spelling correspondences that you're teaching. And if you can see that a couple of kids haven't quite mastered that concept that you introduced last week, you'll put, you'll put in place a little bit of practice. So that's what we call database differentiation. You might do small group targeted practice for those kids who need more. Differentiation is that data informed adjustment to instruction at tier one.
At tier two and at tier three, which are those higher levels of support. That's when you're putting in place something a bit more intensive. So tier two is additional instruction on top of tier one 30 minutes, four times a week in a small group. It's time limited and it's driven by data. So if kids are really struggling with a number of concepts and it might be that they haven't really acquired those new concepts yet, or they are not able to, you know, use them fluently and apply them well in [00:08:00] practice. Then you're going to do perhaps, you know, 12 weeks of really intensive practice and catch up for those kids. Or at tier three, you might even do an hour a day, five days a week, where they're going to get a much higher, what we call a much higher dose of intervention. That will always exist on top of quality tier one and ongoing differentiation.
Dale Atkinson: Have you got views on how you arrange the logistics of tiering these things out in the classroom and what teachers and leaders should be thinking about in terms of resourcing it?
Kate De Bruin: Schools have most of the resources they need, but they may not be allocating them in ways consistent with the data driven approach of MTSS.
Historically, we've had the categorical based funding model. It's taken time to change, and I'd want to shout out to the great work that 黑料吃瓜's done in pioneering some revisions in those funding models. They are one of the leaders in Australia and change takes time and I'm sure any teacher listening to this is, you know, wanting to say to me, look, it's not perfect yet.
It's not, but it is, you know, vastly improved on where it was. We now have [00:09:00] needs based logic embedded in our system. And now we're trying to tweak to get that right. So the resources that schools may have to provide intervention should be provided to any student. Regardless of whether they get funding, regardless of whether they have any kind of diagnosis that points to them needing it, it should be based on any data that indicates that they need it.
So the other thing I was going to say is about grouping and that can really, and scheduling, and that can really vary depending on what kind of level of schooling we're talking about. So if we've got one of those, you know, kids in the first year of school, You may well be able to access intervention within the classroom because that will be very much reteaching what's already part of the curriculum.
So if we're talking about, you know, very basic code, simple alphabetic code that's being taught, that's able to be taught in the classroom alongside what's already going on in the classroom. It'll be different for older students. So if we're talking about a child in the upper years of primary or in high school where those foundational skills are no longer part of the [00:10:00] curriculum.
It would be much more difficult and undesirable to do that in the classroom. That generally means withdrawing children from the classroom. Now, there are really good reasons to avoid doing that where possible, because the moment you pull a kid out of class, they're missing out on something. Schools have a variety of ways they can think about that.
One of them is to actually reorganize the schedule. And I've seen schools that have done this incredibly well. where they have a block in the day and they term it various things. Some of them call it MTSS time, others call it what I need time or win time, where you have a block in the day where everybody gets something that they need based on data.
So no kids missing out on anything, they're getting the thing they need. If you're in a school where that's not in place, then you need to start making some really difficult decisions about what you pull children out of. And that's why it's always best to get kids succeeding from the outset and minimizing the number of kids getting pulled out for intervention.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's a really interesting point. What about students who are highly proficient readers? How do they get [00:11:00] accommodated within the tiered system?
Kate De Bruin: They get accommodated the same way, they get data based differentiation from the outset. So if we're talking about children, let's say, in those first few years of primary school, and we know that children often start at very different starting points.
So if you've got children who've already mastered some code, they'll be present in the classroom while it's being taught. That doesn't do them any harm. And then you'll have that database differentiation where they may be pushed to apply that concept that's being taught in a more complex way. And practice that at, you know, a high level if you like. So differentiation works well for those students.
Dale Atkinson: What sort of duration of time does it take for a site to kind of implement this approach?
Kate De Bruin: There's a large body of work and research around what that looks like. And in general, we need to think of change as a series of steps and they need to be implemented fairly methodically and you need good buy in.
So if you've already got a high degree of buy in for change at the site, that may take less time than in another site where people feel very [00:12:00] hesitant or have some concerns about change and about letting go of things that they've done or starting to do something that feels very new. You really need to get good, solid amount of buy in and you need to implement things slowly and methodically rather than everything all at once.
If you were in a school that wanted to embrace MTSS. You would be very wise to introduce that perhaps by thinking first about the data that you're collecting. Are you collecting the right data? That's going to get you there to make good decisions and introduce that and then start at tier one. So you need to sort of build it slowly so that you are not asking everybody to change everything all at once. That can set things up to fail.
Dale Atkinson: So one of the things I know about educators is generally, if you're trying to convince them to do something new, They want to see the evidence base. What's the evidence base behind this?
Kate De Bruin: There's pretty good evidence behind MTSS and a lot of that has come from the United States. Different frameworks introduced over 20 years ago and in fact build on the research that came before that. So I might [00:13:00] delineate my response a little further. The components of MTSS are exceedingly well researched and there's good, you know, studies to show their impact. As an entire framework, we've got that kind of population level, system level data.
And there were two huge studies, now quite dated and it would be great to have them updated. But there were two very large studies that looked at the essential components of MTSS implemented at a system level. And they had really sound benefits for both the system itself. As in the, the funds were used better and got better outcomes and they got better outcomes for students.
And those outcomes were better for students academically. There were better behaviour outcomes. There were fewer referrals for intensive specialised placements, far fewer students ended up in that most expensive placement of all, which is a special ed placement, a vast drop in those numbers. So it was good for systems, kids and schools. It would be great for that data to be updated and to have some Australian [00:14:00] research, because people like to see that.
Dale Atkinson: Where have you seen this applied well?
Kate De Bruin: I've seen components of this applied well. There are some excellent schools, particularly primary schools, where starting at tier one has really been embraced.
And quite often that's done in a very inclusive way because it's gone along with understanding that there are kids with disabilities missing out. So, it's gone along with that, how can we start with high quality teaching for all of our students? Make sure classrooms and learning is accessible to everybody without exception.
How can we make sure any kid who needs support gets it in a timely way? We're starting to see some fantastic results in high schools as well. AERO have a lot of case studies on their website where you can look at high schools that have started to try to implement tiered interventions well and close those learning gaps for students who are really struggling and far behind.
Dale Atkinson: We'll include some of those, uh, notes in the show notes around the Australian Education Research Organization's research papers. [00:15:00] I'm joined by Dr. Kate De Bruin, who's the Senior Lecturer in Inclusive Education at Monash University. She is one of the many international experts presenting research evidence, informed advice and effective practices for literacy improvement at the 2024 Department for Education Literacy Summit.
Dr. Kate, thank you very much for your time.
Kate De Bruin: Absolute pleasure, Dale. Thanks again.
In this episode we explore how Naracoorte High School鈥檚 work with the New Metrics Project is impacting equity and excellence in education and reshaping the future for students. Principal Lynette Corletto and Senior Leader Felicity Slotegraaf share their insights on this innovative partnership with the University of Melbourne, which aims to expand the ways student learning is assessed and recognised. Plus, Year 12 student Eliza discusses the benefits of increasing students鈥 agency.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello, and welcome to Teach podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education and today we're heading down to Naracoorte High School, which is one of 40 schools from across Australia and New Zealand participating in an ongoing research practice partnership with the University of Melbourne.
It's known as the New Metrics Project, where educators are working with researchers to explore new ways of assessing and recognising student learning, which goes beyond traditional academic achievement. Today we're joined by Lynette Corletto the Principal, Felicity Slotegraaf, the Senior Leader of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Year 8 Cultural Studies Teacher, and Eliza who's a Year 12 Student and House Leader.
Hello to you all.
Lynette Corletto: Hello.
Felicity Slotegraaf: Hi.
Dale Atkinson: Now, Lynette, first to you, what is the New Metrics project?
Lynette Corletto: So New Metrics is a research practice partnership. Essentially, it's a collaborative venture between the forward-thinking schools that have been selected and the University of Melbourne. We are undertaking research projects that lead [00:01:00] innovation and development in the assessment and credentialing of complex competencies.
Dale Atkinson: So what does that look like in Naracoorte High School?
Lynette Corletto: So for Naracoorte we have been working intimately with developing frameworks for agency and learning. Our teaching staff over the three years have trialled and tested the frameworks added to them and utilised them within their planning for student learning and then assessed the complex competency to test its validity.
We feed that back in to the university at points across the year and then we get some feedback from Melbourne Uni and we keep developing practice. So for us, it's about the teachers engaging in the thinking, moving beyond the traditional academics, and the measures for academic achievement to capture the full range of student competencies in the learning activities that they design.
Dale Atkinson: So I think it's quite a good week to have this conversation [00:02:00] because you've just received your NAPLAN results as all schools have across the country, which obviously focus on a narrow pan of academic outcomes. How does it shift the mentality, Lynette, by looking at things in a broader sense for your school?
Lynette Corletto: We鈥檙e really looking at supporting our educators to confidently teach, assess and report on the things that matter. So we assess the things that matter and unfortunately (maybe, that's my take on it) in Australia we have been locked into this narrow thinking around literacy and numeracy and what we know about our young people is there is a range of skills and capabilities that they need to develop to be able to thrive.
So we're challenging our teachers to look beyond an A to E grade. It's not about getting rid of an A to E grade, but to actually create opportunity for that capabilities development. We want our teachers to use the curriculum [00:03:00] as a tool and really dig deep into learning design rather than teaching to the test or teaching to the achievement standard, which is how we were taught for a very long time through teacher training, curriculum area, PD, pull the achievement standard apart, look at the existing structures. We're not interested in continuing in that way because it actually doesn't represent the whole learner. It doesn't show what our young people are capable of and it doesn't have any utility beyond year 12.
Felicity Slotegraaf: I did want to pick up on what Lynette was talking about there because I know we've talked a lot about teachers and learning design and those sorts of things. But one of the key drivers for us is actually, we believe that our purpose here is about developing the whole person. So when students leave us, it's not just about developing their literacy and numeracy. It is about that, but it's not just that. It is about developing what traditionally were the soft skills because we know that we've got students here who, [00:04:00] when they leave us, what they leave us with doesn't fully represent who they are as a person. Those skills that they have that perhaps aren't academic base are not being recognized in the traditional sense of the way school's set up at the moment. So that's part of our driver here and why it's important for us, because we really feel like all the young people who are here, should be able to leave us with a representative of who they are as a whole person, not just their grades or the numbers that they get at the end.
Dale Atkinson: So to support them in that work and support you in that work, you've, you've come up with a set of complex competencies that support the assessment. What does it look like for Naracoorte High School in terms of what's unique to you, do you think, and what would be universally applicable across all schools?
Lynette Corletto: What would be unique is that we are an agricultural school. You know, we're based in the Southeast of 黑料吃瓜 and our young people come from a broad range of backgrounds. We have a very large community of new arrivals to Australia. We're working with meeting young people where they're at we had another one just this week arrive with [00:05:00] no English, in a new community, halfway through high school. There's so much that that young person is developing on a daily basis that we need to nurture and capture and represent. That young person and all of our young people, our kids, our town kids are all going to go on and thrive and our community wants us to be able to develop proud, resilient citizens and to empower them to be valuable members of our community, whether they stay in Naracoorte or they move further afield, to still be positive contributing members.
The unique nature of being regionally located and sitting in Naracoorte, but the transferability of everything we're doing is, all our kids, and the kids are actually telling us this, and the young people who've come out of high school are telling governments and telling policy makers very clearly 鈥榳e are more than a grade, recognize that and actually support us to be able to represent the whole of who we are鈥 because nobody cares [00:06:00] what grades you got, when you're in the workforce, they care about whether or not you're effective at communicating, whether or not you can collaborate with the people in your teams, whether or not you are ethical in your decision making. These are the skills, these are the competencies that we want to develop and we want to be able to represent.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's a powerful message, I think. Felicity, you've been, as the Senior Leader of Curriculum and Pedagogy, sort of instrumental in piloting this with students in years 7 to 10. What's this response been like from the students?
Felicity Slotegraaf: When you kind of turn things on its head a little bit, which is kind of what's going on here, there's a lot of things to look at. There's learning design, there's logistics about what you can actually do in the existing structures of your school, do you need to change that? There's teacher knowledge, there's student knowledge, there's student thinking. It's been quite interesting and students have actually been challenged on what they actually think school is about and what you actually do in a classroom.
Traditionally, it's been a look of, okay. You tell me what to give you and I will do it and I'll produce it and I will give it back. This is kind of [00:07:00] changing that viewpoint so students, especially our senior year students as well, have really taken on the fact that it's about a process and it's not just about your product at the end and it's about who am I reflecting on yourself. Some students have really taken to that actually, rather than leaving it as just being 鈥業 produce something for you鈥. It's really thinking about the process. Who am I as a learner? What do I need to know? That's something that's really come out of the various pilots that we've done across year 7 to 10 and some that we've done in 11 and 12 in a different capacity. It's students really reflecting on themselves, who they are, what do I bring to the table, and then how can that help me? So it's really looking at learning as a process, not just as a production.
Dale Atkinson: It's probably a good moment to bring Eliza, your year 12 student in on this. Eliza, what's the feeling like, what's your experience of this been like?
Eliza: Being able to have a choice in my learning. I'm doing an ag course at school and we get an assignment and it's quite a [00:08:00] broad, like there's a broad range of topics we can choose from. So for example, we've just gotten an agri business assignment where we actually have to choose what enterprise we want to run and then like figure out: what do we know from that, what do we need to know, what do I need to learn to be successful in that business? And I think having that choice in what to do makes it more interesting.
Dale Atkinson: Does it feel a bit more connected to what you want to do when you leave school?
Eliza: Yeah, I think definitely it feels more connected to what I want to do when I leave school.
Dale Atkinson: In terms of having some sort of influence over what you're learning, what difference has that made in terms of how you feel about coming into the school day to day?
Eliza: I feel like it's maybe more excited to come into school knowing that I'm learning about things that actually excite me and I'm interested in.
Dale Atkinson: Back to you, Felicity. Is that something that you've kind of noticed across like the whole student cohort, that kind of enthusiasm being inserted?
Felicity Slotegraaf: I think initially students are a little bit, they withhold themselves a bit because it's different. It's not something that we usually do, the structures are different, [00:09:00] but once they get comfortable with it, for example, in our year 8 cohorts, we actually introduced volunteering in the community. That was part of what they were doing in our futures program where they had to go out, find somewhere they'd like to volunteer. Do all of the background communication behind that to get that up and running. Do the volunteering, reflect on it when they came back. They were really excited by that because they felt like they were part of the learning, it wasn't something that was just done to them. I sit in my chair and I produce this thing for you and then I get to go home. Once students get in there and have actually had an opportunity to show their competencies, to be able to be active in their learning and be a part of it, they're actually getting really excited about it.
It's just that initial stage because anything new, or slightly different, we all get a bit nervy about that. I think once they've had that opportunity, it's been really good to see students get enthused. It's been really great to see that, especially in our middle years, 7, 8, 9.
Dale Atkinson: Eliza, has it taken a bit more effort up front to undertake learning in this way, or does it feel like it's been pretty [00:10:00] smooth and easy to do?
Eliza: I feel like from a student's point of view, it's been pretty smooth. Like, there might have been a few changes where you get more variety in an assignment, but other than that, it hasn't, yeah, it's been pretty easy to transition to.
Dale Atkinson: In terms of organising the school day and organizing education components, Lynette, how's that felt as a leader embracing this approach?
Lynette Corletto: When we started three years ago, it was something that was unknown to the broader teaching group. We started off with some small scale pilots at Naracoorte High School, and we did that intentionally because you can't just roll a new pedagogical approach in a school without upskilling and providing opportunity for people to engage in the thinking. So we were quite strategic in creating collaborative spaces for teachers to engage with the research, to engage in the thinking, to explore learning design and to talk about curriculum in a [00:11:00] different way. There's been resistance. It's quite funny cause we've just come off the back of another professional learning day with the entire partnership and our teachers have come out of that and they've gone, 鈥極h yeah, we're so far ahead of the game. We just listened to Martin talk and this is what we've been doing for the last two and a half years鈥 but they were resistant and we had to change structures, we had to change the way we interacted as professionals.
There's been a lot of collaboration and a lot of reflective practice and we've been quite intentional in creating the space for that and the time for that. We've opened up classrooms so people are more comfortable to get feedback from their colleagues. We've opened up the way we plan so that we're collaboratively planning and we've tried to break down the silos between curriculum areas and moving into next year, our Science and HASS faculty teams, curriculum teams, held a collaborative planning meeting last week to actually look at environmental science and [00:12:00] the connections to geography and the science curriculum at year 7 and 8. And so they're now the champions of doing things differently.
Dale Atkinson: So there is a degree of having to be really methodical and thoughtful about this, isn't there?
Lynette Corletto: You can't do to people. Whether that's teachers or young people, we can't do to students and unfortunately schooling has been done to young people for a long time, but teaching to some extent has also been done to teachers with this top-down kind of approach in, 鈥榯his is how we do things.鈥 And we've done a big piece of work around agency in learning that had to come with agency in teaching.
And we had to give the power back to the teachers and people are uncomfortable about it. 鈥楯ust tell me what to do Lynette. Just tell me what to do鈥 Well, I'm not actually going to tell you because I'm not in that class with those kids and I don't have the relationships and I can tell you, based on the data, where they're at, but at the end of the day, you're going to have to take them from where they're at to where you need them to be next, or where [00:13:00] actually they are telling you they want to go. So this is your work.
Dale Atkinson: So there's a degree of trust in all of that as an approach. I'm interested, Felicity, in your view on how that environment is created where Lynette's been able to give people confidence to lean into this thing and how you've been able to work with your colleagues on that.
What does that look like and feel like?
Felicity Slotegraaf: One of the major kind of challenges was having the different headset around learning design and providing opportunities for not just reaching the achievement standard and the content descriptors. That was probably one of the major things we were looking for the alignment between our ambition, which is what everyone, and the 黑料吃瓜n public education direction at the moment is about, you know, developing these well rounded citizens, contributors to society. And then how does that match in with what we're doing in the classroom, our classroom practice? So to me, that was a big challenge and it's really been allowing teachers the freedom to trial things, [00:14:00] without having the, the fear of it going wrong, because it's actually okay to trial things out. And then you go, 鈥極h dear, that perhaps didn't work exactly the way I wanted it to, but I learned a lot from that and our kids actually still learned a lot from that experience鈥 And we have actually created this year along with the home group care pastoral care program. There's two sessions a week in year 7, 8 and 9. And we call it futures because we're talking about who are we going to be now? And who are we in the future? Where teachers have been given that freedom to be able to go, Okay, so if we're looking at trying to help our students have agency or to collaborate with each other or to communicate effectively, what sort of learning, design experiences can we have?
That we can actually allow students to practice these skills and then demonstrate them. And I think that's actually been quite positive because it's taken away the traditional Australian curriculum side of it that's sitting there, that pressure's not there. So it's allowed teachers to have a go with their learning design and now [00:15:00] what we'll be able to do going forward, which is what we're doing in this semester is looking at, okay, so then how do we assess that now that we're looking at our learning design? How do we assess these competencies? And then from there, we'll be able to roll into actual learning areas, the curriculum areas, and go okay, so it's possible here these are some of the activities that work. These are some of the tasks and learning design opportunities that we found have worked. So what might that look like when we're in our English class? What might that look like when we're in science? It's given a bit of a venue for teachers to have freedom to be able to use their ideas. I think that's been really important.
Dale Atkinson: What sort of conversations do you need to have with the parent community in this space? Has that been a challenge at all or has that been relatively smooth?
Lynette Corletto: We have a very supportive governing council and they are a fierce advocate for our school. I've been quite transparent with them about what we're doing, how we're doing it, why we're doing it. We report back in to them [00:16:00] about, you know, this is the pilot, this is what we learnt. This is where we're going next. They ask questions. What we're finding, however, is that people who choose to not send their children to our school need to justify their decision to go elsewhere. And so unfortunately that creates a narrative in the community that the things that we're doing are not beneficial for young people, even though the parents of the young people who are experiencing it can quite confidently articulate that their kids are thriving.
Dale Atkinson: It sounds like one of the many challenges of working and leading in a small country town, which are unique to small towns, but not always unique to leadership in school settings.
So all three of you, how would you summarize? Just quickly, in sort of three to five words, the experience of undertaking the new metrics project. I'm trying to see who looks most comfortable in this space. I'm going to go with鈥
Felicity Slotegraaf: Nobody, right?
Dale Atkinson: Nobody at all. Everyone's kind of leaning back. I'm going to go with, I'm going to go with [00:17:00] Eliza first. So how would you describe the experience?
Eliza: I would describe it as more of a choice in my learning and the way I get to undertake an assignment or the approach I have towards my learning, like, is it relevant to what I want to do? How can I make it relevant to what I want to do in the future?
Dale Atkinson: So building on that Felicity, what would you say?
Felicity Slotegraaf: I'd say, so being in the New Metrics Project, I feel like has made us focus on students as individuals and as whole people. And to me, that's nearly the most important thing that's come out of it, that students are individuals, and we can develop them as whole people. I think that's really important that's what's come out of it for me.
Dale Atkinson: Lynette, anything to add to that?
Lynette Corletto: I love seeing the shift in teachers and I love seeing them embrace the young people in their classrooms or in their charge and really digging deep and finding what lights that student up and what connects that young person to their learning and then watching the [00:18:00] deep thinking from both the educator and the young person that comes out of that.
Felicity Slotegraaf: It's about people, isn't it? That's really what we've all talked about.
Dale Atkinson: It's about people, not content, which I think is a pretty good summary of the entire approach. Lynette, Felicity, Eliza, thank you very much for your time.
All: Thank you!
In this episode Jodie Zwar, Principal of Gladstone Primary School, unpacks the intricacies of transitioning our young children from preschool to primary school, and how Gladstone鈥檚 approach fosters a successful transition. Hear how the collaborative efforts of educators, the benefits of early exposure to the school environment while supporting young learners and their families, help Gladstone Primary ensure a smooth and successful start to their educational journey.
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education and today joining us down the line from Gladstone Primary School is Principal Jodie Zwar. Welcome Jody.
Jodie Zwar: Thank you Dale. Lovely to be here.
Dale Atkinson: It's lovely to have you. So let's talk about what a successful transition for children from preschool to school looks like. What is it that your school does that tries to make that a success for young people and families?
Jodie Zwar: We're really lucky here at Gladstone. [00:01:00] We have a site-based preschool, so we have our kindy children on site 2 days a week and then on a Thursday 3 days a term and for us it is embedded and a part of the way we work. We're really lucky in that we have a building that has our kindy and our reception-one class in there. So they work together all the time and especially in terms 2 and 4 where there is a door connecting, so they can open the door on a Wednesday afternoon and we have children working within both spaces.
So it's beneficial for both our kindy children for stepping into that reception space the following term and also great for our reception children who really like to work in the kindy space and then go back in there and be within that environment.
Dale Atkinson: And what are you looking to achieve through that sort of transition process?
Jodie Zwar: We're really looking for it to be just the next step in learning, going from one to the next. We look at them as classes, so they move from one into the other – that’s seamless – they're used to having met the teacher, working with them. So it's really, really smooth. They also come into the school yard on a regular basis. So, fantastic at recess time in terms 2 and 4. Those students at a starting school, they are putting on their little high-vis vests and coming with the kindy teacher and just getting used to being in a bigger yard and having experience with older children.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah it sounds like great exposure for them. [00:02:00] You mentioned before we came on air that there are 4 kindies within your catchment area. Are there things that you observe that are different between those primary and kindy kids who've had that exposure to those that haven't had it?
Jodie Zwar: We find that it is quite normal. They don't know any difference. So they settle in really quickly and having also their kindy teacher who is actually their reception teacher one day a week also really helps make that seamless. So it's just normal, it's a part of the whole big picture of their education.
Dale Atkinson: And what are the educators picking up through this process of collaborative work?
Jodie Zwar: They work together really, really well. They've worked together for a couple of years. So they have regular meetings. We have learning teams, so we have an early years learning team that includes from preschool up into year 2 and they work together just to get that smooth transition right across and programs that work across all of them. That works very, very well between those and they also work together with looking at data and students and how they're going so what learning plan they're using within the kindy, what they're doing, where their goals are at. That is transferred to the reception teacher so then they can make that continuous and smooth.
Dale Atkinson: So there's a lot to be gained in [00:03:00] terms of the individualised learning for those students and young people as they come across.
Jodie Zwar: Absolutely, so that is that real focus within a preschool, the curriculum and if you're working on their goals, their language, their social skills and then how can we build upon that when you move into the reception space.
Dale Atkinson: And what's the extension of that in terms of engaging with the families?
Jodie Zwar: For us having a site-based preschool also enables us to have occasional care as an option and also play group. So we are having families that come in at a very early stage with their child. So in play group they're playing and getting to know other people and socialising then through into occasional care and then into our kindies. So we're building relationships from very early on in with the child to get them ready. So parents also feel really comfortable in that space.
Dale Atkinson: And that parent connection is just so important, isn't it?
Jodie Zwar: Absolutely, that is huge. So with the new Mid-year intake into kindy last year, I had a parent come and speak to me. She was quite concerned about having had already had a child start school at the beginning of the year. And kindy, what was that actually going to look like for her second child who would be starting mid-year? So she had many questions about that. So I sat down and had quite a long conversation with her.
Dale Atkinson: Interesting! How much additional work does it take to approach it in this sort of way, as opposed to perhaps being a bit more passive?
Jodie Zwar: It does take a bit more work, but I think the benefits completely outweigh anything else. We really want that child to be settled and comfortable in our environment, whether that is in the preschool space or in the reception classroom, and for the parents too. [00:04:00] So it does take a bit of work but it is so worthwhile in the end when you see that child so comfortable within the spaces.
Dale Atkinson: And what does it mean to have 2 intakes across the course of a year in terms of how you schedule the work and allocate some of these tasks to your team?
Jodie Zwar: It has been a shift in headset. I was a reception teacher when we were doing those sorts of things and having the four intakes a year and then not having that for a while but it's just been a change of headset for us. So looking at our continuity of learning plan that we did within our portfolio for each site and looking at how we're going to map it out, what are we going to do when. So then we make it manageable for ourselves to be able to provide the best outcomes.
Dale Atkinson: What are you learning together as a portfolio? What are the opportunities for you to share the information and the knowledge that you've gained through this experience?
Jodie Zwar: Our partnership and portfolio are fantastic. So we often get together and we've had someone focus on that continuity of learning within our portfolio last year. So for all sites having that continuity of learning plan for every preschool going into reception. So for both the kindergarten and for the school to be on board together to make sure it's all planned out to make that the smoothest transition possible and that possible.
And having a site-based preschool does make that slightly easier in that we're one site where we can all just come together. [00:05:00] But we do have three site-based preschools, so we could all get together and have those conversations and support each other in putting those plans in place. So that was very, very helpful in setting us up for the mid-year intakes.
Dale Atkinson: So a good collaborative learning experience by the sound of things.
Jodie Zwar: Absolutely.
Dale Atkinson: So what, if anything, would you do differently for next year's mid-year intake?
Jodie Zwar: I don't know if I'd do anything differently but our next step is putting an information package for families into one document. [00:06:00] So we still have 2 documents, so starting kindy and then starting school. So for us we're really getting the message that we're one site. It is kindy to year 6 and putting all of that together so when families come to enrol in they get all the school information as well, we're one site this is how it all works. So just sort of streamlining that process is our next step.
Dale Atkinson: And does that also feed back into the activities of your teaching staff as well?
Jodie Zwar: Absolutely, so we're finding when we have our reception teacher working and then she actually comes out and does a curriculum role. We have our kindy teacher step in to that Reception-1 classroom. So we're finding that she has brought the intentional play through and changing those concepts. And the way we go about teaching within the early years, but our Reception-1 teacher is very experienced and also has that headset as well. So they work together to bring across both of those together, so the traditional as well as bringing through the intentional play and that child focus.
Dale Atkinson: [00:07:00] It seems like a lovely kind of flexible approach to meeting those little people where they are.
Jodie Zwar: Yes, yes and it's lovely to see them grow and we had transition full day last week and looking at our older children in the 5-6 class racing over to welcome our new children into the preschool and having our preschool children come into the Reception class and watching all those conversations and those older children being involved and encouraging them and being a part of it. It was a lovely moment to see.
Dale Atkinson: So, Jodie, [00:08:00] what does it take in terms of organising the school day? How is that different for you now?
Jodie Zwar: I suppose the other one big change for us has been that we are releasing our kindy teacher for lunch and doing that. It's been done by myself as the leader and our reception teacher. So on a Tuesday I go in there and release our kindy teacher and then I'm in there having lunch with the children and building relationships. And then on the Wednesday our reception teacher is in there and she is actually working with them and having lunch and building those relationships in preparation for coming to school. [00:09:00] So that's been a really big change for us and worked really well.
Dale Atkinson: And so that must be a positive right through for you, your kindy teacher, your reception teacher and for yourself as well in terms of the reward.
Jodie Zwar: Absolutely and it's great to have those conversations and get to know them so that when they pop down into the office they're quite happy to pop their head into my office and see how I'm going and what I'm doing.
Dale Atkinson: That does sound absolutely perfect. Jodie, Principal of Gladstone Primary School, thank you very much for your time.
Jodie Zwar: Thank you very much, Dale.
Miriam Parsons, Manager Languages and Bilingual Schools and Amy Goodrich, Indonesian Specialist Teacher explore how the focus on languages in the new SA Curriculum for public education will have a positive outcome for students鈥 wellbeing and sense of community throughout their schooling.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and today we are talking about the 黑料吃瓜n Curriculum for Public Education and specifically the languages component within it. And I'm joined by Miriam Parsons, who's the Manager of Languages and Bilingual Schools within the department, and Amy Goodrich, who's the Indonesian Specialist Teacher at Kilkenny Primary School. Welcome to you both.
Amy Goodrich: Thank you.
Miriam Parsons: Thanks for having us.
Dale Atkinson: First of all, Miriam, to you, what is the purpose of language learning in primary schools?
Miriam Parsons: We really want students to understand what learning a language is about. Not so much focus on the content and communicative competence as perhaps being in the past, to being able to compare the languages, bring the languages that they know already from home, English and their mother tongue languages, or [00:01:00] languages that they've learned previously in primary school, and make sense of the target language through making connections and comparisons through those languages so that it's more about their place in the classroom, who they are, their identities as expressed through language.
And to take those understandings to their secondary learning, whatever that language may be.
Dale Atkinson: So what are the dispositions that we're looking to unlock in the students when we teach them a language?
Miriam Parsons: There are many. And we've been working towards developing, focusing in on particular dispositions that we think are really emphasized and highlighted through learning a language. Things like community mindedness, empathy, being inquisitive, curious about language learning, making those connections between languages and wanting to know more.
But really, the human element of being a good human being and understanding the world and people around them and wanting to interact and communicate with others in [00:02:00] the class, in their families, in their communities and beyond.
Dale Atkinson: So within the organisation of the Australian Curriculum version 9 and what we're doing in 黑料吃瓜 with the SA curriculum for public education. Why have we looked at languages as one of the first that we’re leading out on?
Miriam Parsons: We'll have curriculums for all 8 of the learning areas. Languages happens to be one of the first 4 that we've developed and put up prototypes for, for teachers to start to explore and look at. And this is a three year process, so there's time for teachers to engage and look at all 8 learning areas along the way. but we're really excited that languages is one of the first 4 to be offered to teachers to get involved and get familiar with. And one of the real advantages of that is that we have time to promote that real purpose and understanding about what languages is about, and that higher purpose that languages is more than just a code, [00:03:00] more than just… we've got AI now so AI can do that direct translation.
And it's timely in that the changes that we see through AI, making teachers question, “well, what is my role as a language teacher?”, and the broader community to questioning what the purpose of language learning is. And so we can take this opportunity to really say, well, languages is about that higher human purpose. It's about the co-creation co-construction of meaning. It's not about getting it exactly right, but it's about using language to connect as human beings and going beyond just the literal communicative, purpose of learning a language.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. That's really – It's a really interesting area. Now you can't talk about curriculum without talking about pedagogy at the same time. What are the pedagogical changes that might come about from the emerging approach?
Miriam Parsons: Yeah. Already our language teachers are drawing on the languages that students bring to the classroom and using them as resources. [00:04:00] But this is making that visible for teachers. So the pedagogies will allow students to participate in really meaningful, authentic learning experiences that draw on connecting the languages that they know and saying, yeah, that's okay. Bring your language, your home language, your understandings of English.
How does that compare to the language that we're studying now? Whether that be Spanish, Chinese. How do we connect and make sense of all these languages, so that students, making those connections for themselves and having opportunity to explore them in a safe environment and to demonstrate and be comfortable with their identities and expression of self in the classroom.
We really want languages to be an area that promotes wellbeing through social interactions. And we know that there's a real focus now in schools on social cohesion, on building that sense [00:05:00] of community. And that languages practice – the activities of the languages classroom – can really help students to engage in that and then take it out beyond the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: Now Amy, who's our Indonesian specialist teacher from Kilkenny Primary School. You were nodding along to a fair bit of that. How does it reflect in your own practice, in your in classroom activities?
Amy Goodrich: It's just really exciting to be honest, because that's the direction that I like to go. And now knowing that that's where the 黑料吃瓜n curriculum is heading, it's just really validating for a lot of those little extra things that you put into your day by day, to, you know, improve even the life skills of the students. So it's very exciting.
Dale Atkinson: Can you talk a little bit about what those little things, extra day to day look like?
Amy Goodrich: Things like, you know, when you're building empathy, you got to look at, you know, other people's, you know, body language, the expression in their voice [00:06:00]. Pulling apart more than what just the language is. When we're talking about, grammar points in Indonesian, for example, I could just talk about how we add this prefix or how we add an extra word to turn it into a command.
But instead we look at what does this say about Indonesian people that they want to soften every command. It tells us a lot about the people themselves and the culture. Just little things like that.
Dale Atkinson: So there's depth of learning and comprehension that goes into that, that must be really exciting to see children pick up.
Amy Goodrich: Yeah, absolutely.
Dale Atkinson: Can you talk a little bit about how the new language curriculum will positively impact students more generally?
Amy Goodrich: I think because we're focused on things like empathy, inquisitiveness, those are useful. [00:07:00]
Dale Atkinson: Can you talk a little bit about the interplay between this approach to learning and student wellbeing and how those things support one another?
Amy Goodrich: Yeah. I think one of the key parts of the curriculum is it has a ‘why’ for everything. You know, and each language teacher has so many reasons why they think their language or that culture is so important, or language in general is important. But this document actually states why these things matter.
And children who can connect with the reason for their learning are happier, more successful learners. So just knowing why they're there, why they're doing it – I think it's going to be really impactful.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it sounds exciting. Now, Miriam, we're talking about primary school languages at the moment. One of the things we know is that as students get a bit older, we tend to lose them from the language streams and they move into different focuses.
What are we looking to achieve by creating excitement and interest and engagement with languages in the primary area.
Miriam Parsons: As Amy said, if students know why they're there and what they're doing and where it might take them in terms [00:08:00] of their next steps in learning, and they can see the transferability of the skills through the capabilities and transfer those skills to a new language, they're more likely to be able to build and be interested and enthused to continue.
If they're only focusing on being a perfect native speaker of a language, which is not realistic in primary learning, well, for anyone, then we're not setting ourselves, setting our students and teachers up for success. By focusing on the transferable aspects of language learning, developing a love of language, and enjoying being in the moment in activities that are meaningful to the student.
Dale Atkinson: Focusing on students in the primary areas and their engagement, in doing that, what are we hoping to achieve as they transition into secondary?
Miriam Parsons: We want students to understand that what they bring from one language, they can transfer to another language. So even if they [00:09:00] take up a different language at a high school, then they've still learned things in primary school that they can apply and build on in the next language that they learn.
And also if they stop learning language and come back to it later in life, that they've had a positive experience of learning at primary school or early secondary and have something to build on in the future and a real appreciation for those, human attributes and qualities that they've developed through their language learning experiences early on.
Dale Atkinson: There’s an enormous expression of empathy through the learning of a language, but also, you know, resilience there because inevitably you're going to fail quite a bit as you as you move into that area. But what a capability builder in terms of teaching children how to learn. What an exciting area to be working in.
Miriam Parsons: And to be positive about interacting with different languages and cultures around them. So knowing that they may not speak the language of the person that they're sitting next to in the year 11 classroom, but that [00:10:00] they have some intercultural skills and communicative capability to be able to engage and form relationships with people and work out ways of making meaning and building relationships with others.
Dale Atkinson: So, Miriam, the public school system is going to be working together to refine this curriculum over time. How can educators get involved?
Miriam Parsons: Yeah, there's many ways that teachers can get involved, but particularly through direct feedback through our website that people can go to. There'll be ongoing testing, refining happening in schools and through that will continually be working with teachers, working together to say, oh, well, this perhaps needs a tweak or a shift or a change. So there'll be different ways that the curriculum evolves and is refined as we move forward.
Dale Atkinson: Amy, what's it been like to be part of the process so far?
Amy Goodrich: As a teacher, it's nice to be acknowledged that we [00:11:00] do have something to put forward. That our opinions count, that our practice, you know, can inform future practice. And that, you know, we are the specialists – it's not just a title – we are specialists in our area. And it's great to be noticed. It doesn't feel like a top down curriculum. It feels like I can really get involved in this because I was part of building it. And I guess it makes it a bit more user friendly for teachers as well, because they were a huge part of the process.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. And it's going to be an ongoing, collaborative, iterative process. And we'll have some notes in the show notes below on where to find the resources, but also to be involved in further development. Miriam, Amy, thank you very much for your time.
Amy Goodrich: Thank you.
Miriam Parsons: Thank you.
In this episode Professor Sally Robinson, Professor of Disability and Community Inclusion and Professor Gerry Redmond, Professor of Public Policy unpack the crucial topic of supporting the safety and wellbeing of autistic and neurodivergent children in our schools and preschools.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to teach a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And today I'm joined by a couple of academics from Flinders University, Professor Sally Robinson, Professor of Disability and Community Inclusion, and Professor Gerry Redmond, Professor of Public Policy. Thank you very much for joining us.
Sally Robinson: Thanks for having us.
Gerry Redmond: Great to be here.
Dale Atkinson: So tonight we're at the Student Wellbeing Leader conference, where you are both, keynote speakers, and we're talking about supporting the safety and wellbeing of autistic and neurodivergent students. Can you tell us a little bit, first of all, how do we define neurodiversity?
Gerry Redmond: Look, neurodiversity is relatively recent term, and it's not yet a clinical term. So it's used as a means of people to identify themselves in terms of having diverse, needs, supports and also talents to what's seen as general in the population. [00:01:00]
And in practice, neurodiversity tends to cover, people, for example, who are autistic or who have ADHD or perhaps dyslexia or a whole range of different conditions that are fairly common, particularly in school going populations.
Dale Atkinson: And what are the, what does the research tell us about the proportion or the number of neurodiverse students in our schools?
Gerry Redmond: We don't know exactly. This is really interesting. We know it's high. We know it's increasing, but it's very difficult to give an exact number. What we do know is that about 1 in 5 students in our school system does have some kind of support for learning that's associated with disability. [00:02:00]
For example a very high proportion of those, by far the majority would fit into one of these neurodiverse, categories such as ADHD or autism or dyslexia.
Dale Atkinson: Is the prevalence increasing, or is it just that we're becoming better at understanding some of the issues?
Gerry Redmond: Again, we don't know. It could be both. It's certainly the case that we're becoming better at understanding these issues. It's also the case that we're changing and developing our views as to how these issues should be defined.
So it's really that we're looking at a moving picture here. And I would expect that over the next several years we will see an increase simply because we know there are some groups where these conditions are not diagnosed the extent that you would expect. But we don't know where it's going to end up.
Dale Atkinson: So Sally, what does the research tell us about, how learning is different for this group of students? [00:03:00]
Sally Robinson: Well, the research that we did was seeking the perspectives of students and educators and parents about what helps students to feel safe and supported at school. So we weren't really looking at learning.
We were looking at social and emotional well-being and safety. We were particularly interested in a 鈥榳hat works鈥 approach, rather than looking at really dwelling in the negative experience that students have at school. There's not very much that's known about either of those things, the 鈥榳hat work鈥檚 or the 鈥榳hat doesn't work鈥 from the perspective of autistic students, though. So when we came into this research, we were surprised to find out how little was known from a research perspective, from students own point of view. And so it's been a very interesting research project for us to really focus on prioritizing students points of view about what helps to support their learning.
Dale Atkinson: And what did you hear about what can help support their learning?
Sally Robinson: Well, we really [00:04:00] came up with four key areas that we focused on The relationships that are really core for students in supporting trust and a sense of confidence. The practices and programs that help to scaffold those relationships, a continuity in the support for students, and the continuity that supports the practices and programs and the systems level things that can support change.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the things, particularly for the audience and our listeners, is largely a group of educators and teachers is what does the research tell us about, that relationship between autistic students and their experience in their relationship with teachers?
Sally Robinson: Well, like all students, relationships are primary. That's a very human thing for everybody, isn't it? But there were lots of barriers for students about forming trusting relationships. And I want to really emphasize that the barriers [00:05:00] weren't with the students themselves, so much as they were with, relationships between students and people who they could have reliable, trustworthy, consistent relationships with.
So, for example, students told us about things that they would have set up with, teachers that they knew well. So strategies that they would use when they got overwhelmed or they really needed some time out of a busy classroom for a few minutes to help decompress when they were getting a real sense of sensory overwhelm.
And then, they would have a relief teacher who wouldn't uphold the strategies that the students were using really successfully. Or they would have a go to person who really understood what was going on for a student when they were feeling really overwhelmed and they were starting to melt down. Somebody who could help talk that person down and to feel successfully able to continue on with their learning if their go to person was away, they didn't have other trusted relationships with somebody. [00:06:00]
So that the sort of, you know, consistency of relationships and having relationships with more than one person, was lacking. For some students, for lots of students, actually, there was some fragility in relationships with peers and so difficulty with friendships and navigating friendships and sometimes the culture of the school environment wasn't robust in really supporting students to feel that they were valued and that they really belonged and that they were people who were an important part of the school, and that made it difficult for them.
Every student has a hard time in school sometimes, but when you don't feel a really strong sense of belonging in your school and like you're an important part of the school, it's much harder for you to re-enter into the school community again.
Dale Atkinson: So what are the changes in practice and approach that schools should be considering in this space?
Sally Robinson: So in terms of relationships, students and families both really wanted to see stronger, proactive, visible responses to bullying and interpersonal harm as well. [00:07:00] So that it was really evident, that teachers, school leaders, and other support staff in schools responded when anybody experienced interpersonal harm. Because if you can see anybody who is experiencing harm receives a strong response, an effective response, an empathic response, then you feel confident that somebody is going to respond if that happens to you.
Feeling part of the community of learners so that there are diverse learning strategies, for everybody. And I realise that these are things that are resource intensive. They take time, they take skill. So it's easy for me to say it 鈥 It takes a lot to implement it. Building acceptance, building welcoming building a sense of value across the school community for diversity.
And that, you know, schools are places for lots of different people and the kind of practices that build trust, you know, the ways that that teachers, proactively demonstrate that they are trustworthy people. That they respect students, that they value students when there's a vacuum and students can't see, especially if they find it a bit hard to navigate social relationships. [00:08:00]
If teachers don't show and say and tell that they value and respect people, sometimes you can fill that void with thinking that people don't value and respect you. So it's really important to show and tell that you that you do.
Dale Atkinson: That sounds very relatable. Gerry, in terms of system responses, what should we be considering as an education system and as groups of schools and preschools?
Gerry Redmond: That is a really difficult question. Okay. To start with, I think you need to recognise that schools are part of communities, and what happens outside schools also impacts what happens inside schools. So if you're thinking about systemic responses, you need to be thinking about how we as a society, support and help develop young people with a whole range [00:09:00] of different, needs and disabilities.
So for schools it's about recognition. It's about providing the adequate resources. It's about, linking up with other services. One of the things that came out from our research was often a lack of coordination with other, for example, health service or disability services outside of the school. So, it's a really tricky thing. At the very basics it鈥檚 about developing positive relationships, teachers and students developing positive relationships, students developing positive relationships with each other, whatever the characteristics.
But that it is a lot more likely to take place in a situation where it's this broad systemic change and where schools are more welcoming, but also society is more accepting and welcoming and perhaps less unequal than what we often experience today in Australia. You know, that is a very significant challenge [00:10:00] for all of us.
Dale Atkinson: What are the experiences in your research? What have you seen? Is there anything that has jumped out that's really, kind of, impressed you in terms of the way that a school or teacher has approached this?
Sally Robinson: Some of the strategies that we saw from educators were really lovely, creative, thoughtful strategies that didn't require resourcing, but had really good impacts. And students and families and teachers all talked about them as effective. So an example of that was a teacher who had a practice of morning and afternoon check-ins with her class and they were just a really nice way of taking the temperature, the emotional temperature for her group. And they didn't single anybody out. Everybody was part of that.
It only took a few minutes 鈥 morning and afternoon 鈥 but it was a way for her to check in with anybody who needed a little bit more support about whether their emotional regulation was a little bit out, whether their sensory issues were a bit out of kilter, [00:11:00] whether she needed to have a little bit of extra communication with home that afternoon about the fact that the day hadn't gone so well for that student, and so at home, they needed to provide a little bit more support.
It was just a really nice, responsive strategy that didn't call out anybody for being autistic or not autistic or neurodivergent or not neurodivergent. So there was, there were quite a few strategies like that which were really thoughtful.
Dale Atkinson: Just a kind of, present mindful consciousness and being very thoughtful. I'm going to give you both a magic wand and give you the opportunity to wave it at one specific area. Is there one thing - Gerry, you first 鈥 that you would do if you had control of the education system that you would change?
Gerry Redmond: Oh, I'd like to have control of the entire country!
Dale Atkinson: I'll give you that.
Gerry Redmond: Look, I think it's really important that schools are adequately resourced to support students with a whole range of diverse needs. I think that is absolutely critical. [00:12:00] It's also critical, however, that families are supported as well in raising their children because as all the education documents tells us, children's education is, if you like, a co-production between families and schools.
Dale Atkinson: Very good. Now, if you could hand your magic wand over to Sally, what would you do?
Sally Robinson: I'm going to use my wish to make sure that children's priorities and their concerns are heard at all levels of the education system. When we talk to kids in our research, they said a whole lot of stuff in their groups that you'd expect about being full of bravado. And they would do this and they'd respond to that and they would challenge the bullies in this way, and they would, you know, do all of this sort of brave stuff.
And then when we found other ways of helping them express their views more privately, more quietly through worksheets and other ways of talking, they shared a whole lot of more private, quiet concerns and worries and fears, really sad things about feeling lonely [00:13:00] and feeling worried and feeling frightened, and those things really matter. They really, really matter about, you know, if kids are really terrified of going to high school because the bullying might get worse, but the bullying is already bad, we actually really need to know that, and we really need to be responding to that.
It's not okay that kids are feeling like that, but they're covering it up with a whole lot of bravado about 鈥淚'd make a sword and I'd whack them鈥. So to find the layers, through the way that kids talk, to find out what's really worrying them so that we can really respond to it and do something about it.
That's what I do with my magic wand.
Dale Atkinson: Both excellent, very challenging things in a very, informative and challenging conversation for our educators to address. So thank you very much for your time. Sally, Jerry, thank you.
Sally Robinson: Thank you.
Gerry Redmond: Thank you.
Discover what learning trajectories are and how they can support you to help students develop their mathematics abilities. Joining us this episode from the University of Denver are Doug Clements, Professor of Early Childhood Learning and Julie Sarama, Professor of Innovative Technologies. They were the keynote speakers at this year鈥檚 Numeracy Summit in Adelaide.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And today we are at the Adelaide Convention Centre where we've just wrapped up the Numeracy Summit. And I'm joined by two of our keynote speakers: Doug Clements who's the university professor at the Kennedy Endowed Chair in Early Childhood Learning, and Executive Director of Marsico Institute for Early Learning, University of Denver. That is a mouthful, Doug. That's a lot. And I'm also joined by Julia Sarama, who is the Kennedy Endowed Chair in Innovative Learning Technologies and a professor at the University of Denver. Thank you very much for joining us too.
First of all, you've been here to talk to us about learning and teaching with learning trajectories. Can you tell us a little bit about what learning trajectories are?
Julie Sarama: Wow, that's a big question. My daughter who works in communication, our daughter who works in communication, told us it's a horrible name because it's not that difficult a concept, but it's a pretty complicated name. But pretty [00:01:00] much what it is, is a three part thing.
And one part is a sequence of goals, like a curriculum, like you have here. And then, so we have a goal, a learning goal about math that we want to keep in our mind. And then we have an understanding of children's development that will help kids meet that goal, that kids will go through to meet that goal. And then we have the third part, which is all the kinds of interactions, instruction, activities, environmental things that'll help move kids from one level to another. That's the easy way.
Doug can probably give a little more background as to what those levels are in terms of, it's not just saying kids can add two-digit numbers and then add three digit numbers. It's not that kind of thing. It's a little bit more complex than that.
Doug Clements: So, what the levels are, are qualitatively different ways of thinking about a problem [00:02:00] and about how you would address that problem.
So, yeah, it includes incremental growth, such as two-to-three-digit number addition and stuff. Or for younger kids, you know, count to 5 before you count to 6. But the main thing is the conception, procedures, strategies, and the like that constitute a level of thinking so kids will learn numbers 1 to 5 in a very different way than they learn numbers from 6 to 10.
Their understanding of it, they're often called the "intuitive numbers", you know, because fingers in one hand and experiences like that, they're often very intuitive. Kids can do more with those numbers far before they can do larger numbers. And it's not just that the numbers are larger, but a different way of thinking about it.
So we try to capture those kind of qualitative differences in something that [00:03:00] Australian researchers call "growth points", and those are broad levels. We often have levels in-between those growth points because we're searching for those that are most instructionally relevant to teachers.
Kids are at this level, where do I go next? That's the developmental progression understanding. And then, how do I get there? That's the teaching strategies that Julie explained.
Dale Atkinson: How do educators access this and what's the step change in their teaching of mathematics that we're looking for if they engage with this as a way of approaching the kids?
Julie Sarama: Well, I'd say the first thing is we really try to turn what is typical mathematics teaching on its head. The way I was taught to teach math was to think about what your goal is, turn it into an objective, and then come up with a good lesson that helped kids meet that objective. Not thinking very much about who the children were in front of me, but really thinking about what was the content, right?
So, [00:04:00] taking an example say from kindergarten. If I was trying to teach kids to add numbers like 10 + 3, 10 + 4, 10 + 5, what I'm doing is thinking: 'How am I going to go in and make this relevant to this group of kids?' I know nothing about those group of kids. I'm 100% focused on the content and how I'm going to break down this content, maybe model it, maybe do some fun activities or whatever to teach that content.
We're doing kind of the opposite. We're starting with where the children are. So we have a goal, okay yeah, I want kids to learn addition. But the next step is figuring out what the children know and use my understanding of children's development to know what do I do next. And so I'm really going to differentiate my instruction based on what my children do.
And that's just such a flip. And so when we hear teachers say, "Alright, I tried that, you know. I tried doing 10 + 4 and they just don't get it", or, "I have my stars who get it, [00:05:00] but I have some kids who don't get it. What do I do?" My very next question is always, what do they get? What do they understand? What are they doing?
Well, they're still counting on their fingers. Okay, what are they doing when they're counting on their fingers? What is their idea of addition? Because there's no child that knows nothing. There's always some strength that they're bringing to the table that we can use to build from.
And although I taught, I thought successfully, for a long time doing what I said in the beginning, I've been saying for a while now that it's like giving directions without finding out where the person is, right? It's like somebody calling you up and saying, "I'm a little lost. I'm trying to get to your university. Can you give me directions?"
And me saying, "okay, get to my house first and then follow me and I'll take you to the university". I mean, the very first question you say is: 'where are you', right? 'Where are you?' And then you try to figure out how to get them there. And that's our approach. And there's lots of ways for teachers to access information on it.
Doug Clements: That's so good. And to just randomly think [00:06:00] about the 10 + 3, 10 + 4, what do kids know about those numbers that are going to be the sum? So, many kids have no idea that 13 means 10 + 3. Our language, and most Romance languages, hide the fact with words like 15, and 11, and 12, and, and the like.
So you might first say when they count those, what do they know about those and everything? Let's see, let's talk to them about it. So, 11, what does that mean? You know, and this kind of stuff can build that understanding as opposed to saying, "let's do a worksheet. I'll put 10 + 3, 10 + 4, 10 + 5 on the worksheet and have them fill in those answers".
If you do that, actually, kids will get all the answers right because they'll copy the 1 and copy the 3 from the written problems with no understanding of what that means quantitatively and no way around the difficult [00:07:00] language that we have. That's 11 and 12, 13, et cetera.
Julie Sarama: That actually made me think also of if kids do the worksheet say that's, again, a standard way. 'I'm going to do a worksheet. Maybe it's not the best way to teach that'.
But you're like, 'Okay, now they're going to practice it. They're going to have a bunch of these to do'. For the children who get them all right, get the gold star, that's it. They're just like, 'Great. They know it. I'm happy'. And again, with the learning trajectories approach, when I say, "what do they know?", it's also going to be, "they know this plus more".
So we're going to meet them where they are and challenge them. So it's differentiation at both ends. We're not only focused on children who might be struggling with a concept, we're very much trying to include kids who can sometimes sit in math class for a year, honestly, all of kindergarten, maybe all of first grade, and really never be learning anything new, and feel pretty good because they're always getting that little gold star.
Doug Clements: It reminds me of the true story of an interview of a first-grade kid who went up to his teacher in England with a paper that had something like: 10 + 3, 10 + [00:08:00] 4, 10 + 7, repeated and repeated and he did 3 and he turned it in. She said, "What about the rest of them?" And he just looked at her and said, "How many do I have to do to show you that I understand this?"
But normally we'd have the kids finish that paper regardless of whether they understood it before they started the paper, and then go to the back room and play or something. No future challenge. And like Julie said, the research is very clear that kindergarten in the United States, and I would wager in Australia and many other countries, is a place where we teach kids what they already know. And, unfortunately, our view of teaching is, of mathematics especially, is often, "well, it's good practice for them".
Is it really, you know? Or is it just a lack of new challenges that'll keep kids both interested in mathematics this year and the next. And, you know, our responsibility to make sure those kids have something interesting to learn.
Dale Atkinson: I think there's a, [00:09:00] perhaps a degree of comfort and ease in handing the worksheet over for an educator. It's not a simple thing to do. But it is, it seems like the worksheet as an approach asks less of the educator in terms of their confidence to do the thing. Can you talk a little bit about how we encourage educators to take that step and move into the space that you're describing?
Julie Sarama: I try to encourage teachers to engage as professionals in trying to take a scientific approach truly, right? In trying to understand where their children are developmentally and appeal to their sense of professionalism. When we conduct professional development, we talk about being in a safe space. We understand that many people who are teaching young children may not have grown up with a really good math attitude themselves.
They might not feel very comfortable with math. And so we say, 'we're going to make mistakes, we're going to try things out, we're going to do it in front of each other, and it's just going to be good'.
And I kind of say, "look, if you're going to go and learn how to drive a car, and you went to a classroom [00:10:00] only, and you sat quietly, and then you got behind the car, it would be bad, right?" so, "you're going to drive the car on the road by yourself" is the same thing as, "you're going to be in the classroom with the kids".
This is your chance to work with an instructor and "try driving" where we "still have brakes on the side" and we can help you if you make a mistake. So we have to engage and we have to try.
And so a lot of our professional development is very much hands on. It's not teachers sitting and listening. It's them trying things out, and, in role playing and pretending. There are different levels of thinking. You know, we play charades. What if you can, you know, everyone knows a level of thinking and teachers can ask them questions and figure out what level of thinking they are to really learn it.
But I guess that the other part is rather than teachers coming to something and saying, "Look, I've done this math teaching this way for a long time and I don't want to give it up. This is what feels very comfortable for me. And almost a sense of loss over being told what I've done for a really long time, all of a sudden you're telling me, isn't good enough. [00:11:00] You know, I've always played the dot game that kids do for six months and they really aren't learning anything, but it's a fun game and they like it".
Rather than saying, 'You know, you have to give that up', we try to say, 'Keep focusing on the kids', right? So our questions are always with teachers. What are your children thinking? What level do you see your children at? Only you know. You're the teacher. You are the professional. You have the power to differentiate activities. No one can tell you. A calendar can't tell you how high to count. The number of children can't tell you what your, you know, for attendance can't decide all your arithmetic problems. You're the instructor. You can make those decisions and try to empower them.
So it's about really urging them to be scientists, to be professionals, to make those decisions. Because, in the end, we all want children to learn. I would say that not one teacher we've worked with doesn't care about children learning math. They really do want to learn. They just don't want to quite give up what they're comfortable with, like you said.
Dale Atkinson: So how can teachers access and start using these learning trajectories within their own work?
Doug Clements: We have a [00:12:00] website called 'learningtrajectories.org' the name of it is: 'Learning & Teaching with Learning Trajectories'. But that's the address.
It's based on about a quarter century of work in developing the learning trajectories, validating the learning trajectories, and then making what Julie just said about professional development work for teachers and giving them a resource. For instance, lays out learning trajectories for counting or the like, and teachers can hear about the goal which is often more than they think. Teachers of very young children will often say, "I teach them rote counting. That's the most important thing. They count to five and then they count to 10".
And we try to expand that saying, "first of all, even for verbal counting, we don't call it 'rote counting'", we're not arguing with the teachers, "use our phrase".
But we are trying to make them understand that, for instance, when kids learn to just count to [00:13:00] 6 or 10 or something, they're just verbally counting, sure, but they know that 9 is a big number compared to 2. For instance, they might be able to recite the whole alphabet, but they don't think that "G" is really big and "B" is very small.
So they understand something about sizes or quantity is increasing. That's a relative term, a relative understanding of counting that's mathematically coherent and interesting. When they start counting, and maybe you want to tell the story real quick of the child counting and getting stuck at "39" for a second.
Julie Sarama: Right, it was just that a child goes: "39..." and then says, "What comes after 3? Oh, I know, 4". And then says, "Um... Okay, 40".
And so that kind of was just a good illustration of a child who understands that "1, 2, 3, [00:14:00] 4" is directly mapped onto "10, 20, 30, 40" and so she was into 39, which means that she knew what came after 3, which was 4, she got 40, which told her what happened next. Which is really cool and show that it's not rote.
Doug Clements: Patterning, in the numerical sense, rather than just "red, red, blue, red, red, blue", kind of patterning, sequential patterning. And it's also structure. She understands mapping the structure of single numbers onto the structure of decades.
Julie Sarama: Right.
Doug Clements: It's amazing. And that's coming from kids who are, again, four or five years of age, compared with kids who are taught more like it is a rote process. I don't know research in Australia on this, but I do know in the United States, at least a little while ago when this research was conducted, it wasn't till fourth grade that the majority of kids knew that 50 had something to do with 5. Fourth grade.
Because if your mindset is: 'this is rote', the way you're teaching it [00:15:00] and the way you lack discussions, math talks with kids, can convince the kids that it's just memorization all over again. And they miss that, the beauty of the structure and pattern.
Julie Sarama: So the 'Learning Trajectories' website usually has a video that will talk something like Doug did about how important counting is. And then it'll have all the levels of kids counting from, hopefully, birth through third grade. And videos of what you can kind of look for and a good written description. And honestly, the good written description, sometimes when I try this out with groups of teachers, the written description can be more helpful for people because it really puts the different things, the different parts of the understanding there.
And then below that are instruction activities, kinds of things, your routines you can add to your day that will help children achieve that level. So that's all there on the website. We have several topics. We have lots of resources for parents, teachers, people who [00:16:00] are engaging with the website in a sort of a professional learning community because it can be overwhelming.
Sometimes I say it's like a recipe website where it's like everything is on there and you look at it and you could be like, 'I have no idea what to make for dinner'. But if you can go in there and say, 'Alright, I have chicken. Give me some chicken recipes’. And then you're like, 'I still don't know', you need a way in.
And sometimes professional learning communities can give you that way in. We can look at what we're planning to do. We're just like, 'okay, the next couple of weeks we're going to be working on, keep going with the same, we'll say geometry. And I think we're going to be learning about shapes. Let's look at about the levels that we think our kids are going to be. Do a little bit of reading and watching those videos and seeing if any of those activities make sense'.
Dale Atkinson: Well, if you're interested in what you've heard here today, speaking with Professor Clements and Professor Sarama, the information on the learning activities, how to engage, support and extend each learner on the 'Learning & Teaching' and Learning Trajectories tool, the website link is below in the show notes.
Also, you can access the [00:17:00] Numeracy Summit presentations on plink, where you can see Professor Clements and Professor Sarama giving their presentation. Doug, Julie, thank you very much for your time.
Julie Sarama: You're welcome.
Doug Clements: Thank you.
This episode provides an insight into how mathematics is more than just a set of skills and how educators can develop a joy and wonder for mathematics. Francis Su is the Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College and a former president of the Mathematical Association of America. He recently presented in Adelaide at the Numeracy Summit on the topic of mathematics for human flourishing.聽
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And today we join you from the Convention Centre in Adelaide where we've just finished the Numeracy Summit. And I'm joined by Francis Su, who is the Benediktsson-Karwa Professor of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College, and also a former president of the Mathematics Association of America.
He's been a keynote speaker with us. Thank you very much for joining us.
Francis Su: Thanks for having me. It's been a pleasure.
Dale Atkinson: So firstly, what drew you to mathematics and maths in the first place?
Francis Su: I was fortunate to have parents who instilled in me the value of a, of a good education. And I think I got interested in math when I first began to see, get a glimpse of the beauty of maths.
So I give an example, one of my parent's friends came over to the house once. And I remember I was a little kid, you know. I was learning how to add stuff at the time and he said, "Oh, can you add all the numbers from 1 to a 100?" And, of course, you know, I, [00:01:00] I didn't know how to do it, so I just started doing 1 + 2 + 3. It seemed very, really hard. And he said, "no, no, no, no, let me show you an easier way".
For the listening audience, I'm just going to do this with the numbers 1 through 10. And he showed me a beautiful way of adding the numbers 1 through 100, but we'll do 1 through 10. So he said, "imagine all the numbers lined up in a row, 1, 2, 3, 4, all the way up to 10. Yes? If you grab the first thing and the last thing in that list, 1 and 10, what do they add up to? Eleven, great. Now if I move in from both ends, so now I'm grabbing the second thing and the second to the last thing, that's 2 and 9, what do they add up to?
Dale Atkinson: Eleven.
Francis Su: Good, and then 3 and 8 add up to?
Dale Atkinson: Eleven.
Francis Su: And if you keep moving in from the ends in pairs, you basically get 5 pairs of things that add up to 11.
Dale Atkinson: Now you're going to test my mathematics here, right? You might, yeah?
Francis Su: What's 5 x 11? I mean, at that point you could probably figure that out any way you wish, but you'd see it's 55 and you're like, [00:02:00] 'Oh, I remember, I remember seeing this and thinking, "Whoa, that was a pretty cool trick"'.
Like suddenly this thing that seemed really hard became really easy if you looked at it the right way. And that's one of the ways that beauty pops up in mathematics. You use symmetry, or in this case, something that is anti-symmetric, but you, you, you take advantage of structure and you say, 'ah, suddenly a hard thing becomes easy'.
Dale Atkinson: And it is that beauty and clarity, I think, that people who enjoy mathematics, really enjoy about mathematics. But it's sometimes, I think, communicating that beauty to people who may be anxious about mathematics or maybe find it more challenging.
How do we do that thing with people who maybe don't feel like they're able to access the skills?
Francis Su: Yeah, well, mathematics is, it's an odd subject because it's a subject that is very important, very useful, as we know. And it's, you know, the backbone of science and engineering and a lot of the, the data revolution that's happening even as we speak. But a lot of that is computational [00:03:00] and the beautiful side of, of math isn't really seen until you explore it, until you start playing with the ideas.
And so I think we need to give kids more opportunities to just play with the ideas. The one thing I often talk about is if you think about what people normally think of math, they think of arithmetic, right? And you know arithmetic is, it's true, it's part of what you need. You need a solid foundation to do maths, you need to have arithmetic. But if that's all it is, it's kind of boring, right? Like it's kind of like, 'gosh, we could get a calculator to do that, right?'
And so, why do I need to learn this stuff? That's the question kids often ask. And so, how do you get kids excited about math? Well, it's the same way you get them excited about other things that motivate, that stimulate them. You, you go in through the human desires they have, right? The desire to know, to understand.
So, for instance, you might give them a puzzle that has a, an interesting aspect to it that makes you want to go, 'Oh, I wonder how you, how [00:04:00] did you do that?' If you can motivate a kid's curiosity in that way, then they'll be more motivated to learn, to learn maths.
Dale Atkinson: So that seems like one of the things that educators can do or try to access.
What are some things that, perhaps, we need to stop doing in the classroom and elsewhere?
Francis Su: So one of the things that I've been changing the way I teach is thinking about my assessments. So I like to distinguish between skills and virtues. So skills are things that people traditionally think of as math. Like learning your number facts, knowing how to factor a polynomial or use a quadratic formula.
Virtues are aspects of character that shape our attitudes, our habits. And with a virtue, a virtue might be something like creativity; persistence in problem solving; courage to tackle problems you've never seen before. A skill, unfortunately, is something that, it's all the stuff that people think of as traditionally math, and they say, "why do I need to know this stuff?" Right, like, most of us never need to know how to factor a quadratic in our lives, why are we learning it? [00:05:00]
Well, actually the reason we learn maths is not just for the skills. Some people will use them if they go on to a career in science and math, but most people won't. The reason we learn maths is for the virtues, like the habits of mind that it builds, the dispositions that it builds.
And so one thing I realised even after many years of teaching was if I say I value persistence but I only give traditional assessments, like exams where you're graded on whether the answer is right or wrong, then I'm not really sending the same message in my assessments that I'm sending in the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: That is a huge step-change for a lot of education and for education systems. To kind of move away from this idea that there's a bit of data that comes out at the end of any learning process which tells you how well you've done that learning.
What do we need to be thinking about in that assessment space, in that evaluation space, to make that the reality for us, our [00:06:00] kids?
Francis Su: Yeah, we need to value the process in, in find ways to value the process. So I'll give an example of something that I do now is I often ask my, my students to reflect on a problem. Let's say this past semester when, you know, at the end of the semester I might say, "think of a problem that you wrestled with that you struggled to solve and didn't solve and reflect on, explain to me why the struggle itself was valuable".
That's, I think, an example of a, of a reflection that it's, you know, in some sense it's formative assessment. You know, I don't worry too much about, you know, I give close to full credit for almost any thoughtful answer. My students do a lot of really healthy introspection through that. And often they write these wonderful responses that show me that they've grasped this idea that math is actually about building persistence and problem-solving.
That the struggle itself is valuable. That even if you don't solve a problem this time, that act [00:07:00] of exercising your persistence muscle will pay-off down the line with some other problem.
Dale Atkinson: Can I talk a bit about standardised testing? Because every student in year 3, 5, 7 and 9 is going to sit down and be tested in various different domains, one of them being mathematics, mathematics capabilities.
That sends a certain signal. The results have been interpreted in a certain way and used in a certain way to rank schools, rank schools performance based on that dataset. And I understand this is an issue that is not universal to Australia. It's something that happens in the United States as well.
How do we shift the narrative with our parents, our families, to indicate that that outcome is not indicative of the quality of education or how well their kids are doing overall?
Francis Su: Yeah, it's a very, it's a very hard question because basically you can say whatever you want in the class, but what kids remember is the stressful test, right? Whatever that is.
Are you saying that you could change, that there's a possibility of changing the [00:08:00] assessments? Cause that's the first thing I would try to do.
Dale Atkinson: Okay.
Francis Su: Is to change the assessments so that it, it values process more than just outcomes.
Reflection is one way that I try to do that. There needs to be a lot of serious thought about, about how to change assessments. Now, one of the things that's hard is that the, the kind of assessments that need to be done for this to be done right often involve a lot of human labour to grade. So, the people are, you know, used to grading math exams as automated, right?
Like just something I could feed through a, through a computer. But ultimately, I think that's self-defeating in the sense that it's hard to measure things. If we're trying to measure the virtues, some of the human virtues, those things are actually often hard to measure in an automated exam.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, absolutely.
I saw a clip of John Cleese, the comedian, talking the other day when he was giving a lecture from a number of years ago where he was talking about the link between creativity and the childlike ability to approach things with a [00:09:00] sense of play. Is that important in mathematics?
Francis Su: Yes.
Dale Atkinson: And how do we activate it at kids?
Francis Su: Yes. Well, I mean if, if you have the luxury of changing 'K through 6' education, then I think play needs to start early in, in people's experience with mathematics, mathematical play needs to happen. And you know, what does that look like? People often think of play as just gamifying something, turning everything into a game, right?
That's, I think a, maybe not a, a rich view of what it means to play. So to play with an idea is to allow kids to tinker, right? To give them an interesting question and then allow them to wrestle with different ways of solving the, that puzzle or problem and might even be collaborative in some ways. But play looks like trying things out. It's maybe not that different. It has, it shares some features with the way people play a game, right?
Every time you play a game it's a little different and a lot of play involves trying out different strategies on the, on the field whatever they are. And looking [00:10:00] at something from many different perspectives, right? Your, your perspective and your opponent's. That, that's what we do when we play a game, don't we?
And these things are very valuable in mathematics as well. Like looking at a problem from multiple perspectives is actually the key to experiencing joy.
Dale Atkinson: So I think the areas of impact we're going after in our Public Education Strategy are really looking at wellbeing, learner agency, equity and excellence, effective learners.
What are the connections that you see between mathematical flourishing in those areas of impact?
Francis Su: Well, I mean, I think of, of flourishing, certainly flourishing is a, a notion of wellbeing, right? And it's not the same as, as just being happy. Because you could be flourishing even in a very difficult circumstance. I like to think of it as, often involves realising one's potential. And so, even in a hard circumstance, you might rise to the occasion to address some challenge that you're facing.
And so, wellbeing is a huge part of what it means to flourish. The, the [00:11:00] idea of equity or the inequities that we're trying to address, you know often I think can be more effectively addressed when you begin to value each person, dignify each person as a competent mathematical learner, right?
We've written-off too many kids as not "cut out" for math. And that's often we have a gender bias in that and a racial bias sometimes enters into that. And so often people ask, well, people are saying, "we need make our systems equitable, and we do. But I think fundamentally, if you want to change the system, you have to, and you want kids to have, have excitement and agency over their learning, you have to appeal to their humanity.
And certainly there are structures externally to them that maybe prevent them from learning, but for each person to have a productive, exciting relationship with mathematics, we have to give them opportunities to experience that joy and stop thinking about maths as just creating better human calculators, right?
We don't need better human calculators. Our [00:12:00] world doesn't need that, right. We have calculators, right? And that's not to say kids shouldn't learn how to do their basic maths and become fluent and have, you know, automatically be able to do certain skills. But it is saying that like, hey, you know, what does the world need now, especially in the age of AI? What they need are people with human virtues, be people able to think, who are able to look at the output of some computer program or some AI ChatBot and say, "Hey, something's not quite right here", right.
Someone who's, we need people who are creative. We need people who are able to, to reason, to, to, to quantify, to define, to abstract. Right, those are all virtues. Those are aspects of character that we need. We want to shape in our students through a great maths education. It can't just be about skills.
Because skills, as I like to point out, skills are going away. The coming AI revolution, all the jobs if they depend on skills, those jobs are going away. [00:13:00]
Dale Atkinson: Professor Su, thank you very much for your time.
Francis Su: Thank you. Thanks for having me.
Dale Atkinson: And if you'd like to hear more from Professor Su or any of the speakers at the Numeracy Summit, those presentations are available on plink and you'll be able to find those in the show notes with this podcast.
And if you'd like to look for some extra resources, check out the Number Sense courses on plink, which have got a lot of professional learning that's available for you.
Thank you very much for your time. See you next time.
In this episode we sit down with Chief Executive Professor Martin Westwell to discuss where to in 2024 following the release of last year鈥檚 public education strategy. Professor Westwell says it鈥檒l be a year of educators putting things like the areas of impact into practice but not being too judgmental of themselves in the process.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And it must be the start of the school year because I'm sitting across from Professor Martin Westwell, our Chief Executive. Thank you very much for joining us.
Martin Westwell: Oh no, it's an absolute pleasure, Dale.
Dale Atkinson: Now, we were sitting here last year. We spoke a lot about what your plans were for 2023. 2023 was a pretty big scene-setting year with the launch of the Purpose Statement, the Department Strategy. So they're out in the wild, where to now?
Martin Westwell: Yeah, it was such a great year and we started off with all that input from our students and then saying, 'well what does this mean?' and the Strategy and then coming out with the Strategy. And as I've said lots of times, it was a "strategy" and it wasn't a "strategic plan". And we did that absolutely on purpose because strategic plans so easily just become plans like stuff to do.
So you end up with a lot of initiatives and then what you do is you congratulate yourself for going through the initiatives and getting to the end of them. And that can be impactful, but really what we want to do is focus on purpose and what we're [00:01:00] here for. Why are educators signed up to be educators in the first place, whether that be preschool, primary, high school teachers?
So we've, we've kind of really sat in that, 'let's get to grips with the Strategy and what was meant by the areas of impact and the guiding principles, how we're going to use some of the levers'. So we talked about that a lot.
And at the beginning of last year, you know, Leader's Day, we used a lot of international experts to help inform the conversation. And I think this year we're really now turning to say, 'well, what does that mean? How are we putting that into practice?'
For lots of our sites, they were already looking at the areas of impact and really now building up momentum, saying, 'well, I'm kind of getting this out.' It wasn't being as recognised before, as much before as it is now. And so we're really kind of saying, 'so we were already putting into action and we're going to double-down on what we were doing because we could see that it was working for our kids'.
For others, it's going to be a year, I think, where they're going to say: 'well, I'm going to try out this area of impact. I want to put focus in on this. This is in our school. This is going to be our focus'. And then grappling with [00:02:00] the, "how are we going to do it?"
And, you know what? Sometimes we're going to be really successful and sometimes we're not, and it's not going to be successful. So we're not going to see improvement as this kind of lockstep series of things to go through.
That improvement cycle we've had in the past is a really good improvement cycle, but you've got to be able to have the human beings in it and know that it's a bit messy and sometimes it's going to work, sometimes it's not. Try some things out a particular way, and then if that's not working, well why is it not working? Do we need to do something differently? So it's a year of putting things into, into practice, but again, not being too judgmental of each other, not being too high-stakes about this. Really think about it as a year of learning how we together and in our individual sites are going to approach the Strategy and put it into practice.
Dale Atkinson: So it sounds like the message is one of being brave and trusting your professional judgment.
Martin Westwell: Absolutely. So the professional judgment is a really important part of our Strategy and the Strategic Plan. The, the planning for how we're going to put the Strategy into [00:03:00] place.
Because, again, I've talked about this quite a lot before, I don't think there's any such thing as "best practice" in education. That suggests that everybody's the same, education's simple, it's really well-established what to do and everybody should just do that. There may be one or two parts of education where we should do that. But really, what we know is that teaching and learning is just not that simple. And so to deal with the complexity, we need to rely on the professional judgment of our educators.
They're going to make decisions and choices that are in response to the students that they've got, the context, what's going on, the other staff at the school, the supports that they've got, a whole host of things to make those choices. And I want to empower our leaders, our teachers to be able to make some of those choices in their classroom, in their school, to make the biggest difference they can to our students. And that they can make some, you know, they can have some failures as well, that they can have those praiseworthy failures that we talk about: 'give something to go and if it doesn't work, well, that's okay. We can learn from it, take a step back and move [00:04:00] forward and be even more successful'.
Dale Atkinson: Now on a weekly basis you go out and visit schools and preschools, and so you're hearing them talk about this, and you're seeing how they're engaging with the Strategy and the Purpose. Have you seen anything that exemplifies the direction in which you want our system to head?
Martin Westwell: Oh look, so many things. You know, one of the things about the Strategy was, it was actually quite a reflection of what was already going on in, in many of our schools. So many of our schools with a focus on wellbeing and making sure that our students are able to regulate, are able to work with each other, are able to work well in classrooms. That all the things that need to be true for that classroom experience to be a good one put in place.
But you know, some of the places that I've been to when I think about other areas of impact, like being an effective learner, for example. Just watching students do things like self-differentiate. It's amazing!
So just pick out one example, I was at Mount Barker South Primary School and there they've got two classes, two teachers. And they got the two classes together [00:05:00] and it was a particular piece of maths work and they said, "so if you're", they had this particular language about, "if you're looking at this in the", I think it was "surface" that they were using.
"If you're just, if you're just getting into this and you're just starting and you're not so confident, you're just getting going, you can do this task in there with this teacher. If you, if you're going for deep and you've got an understanding of this and you're going a bit deeper and you really, you know, you think you can do these kinds of questions, stay here with this teacher. And if you're doing transfer, so if you're taking this idea and you think you can go with it, pair up and do this particular piece of work. No teacher, just get on with yourself".
And then I watched these kids sort themselves out. And I saw the teachers like intentionally looking across and like seeing some of the kids who had gone for the surface and going, "uh, not sure you're in the right spot. Go next door and see if you could, if you can give that a go".
And I talked to some of the kids who were doing the transfer piece, so they I could see them, they'd negotiated whether they were going to do the transfer bit or not. They talked [00:06:00] about it, they decided they were, sat down, they got on with their work. And I went over and said to them, "Why have you chosen to do this? Because, you know, if you went into that other class, the deep one, you'd be able to be really successful. Why don't you go in there and show everybody what you can do?" They looked at me as if I'd grown two heads. They said, "But we can already do that. You know, why, why would we, why would we go next door and do that because we can already do that. We're here trying to do this thing that we can't already do and we're grappling with it".
And so just fantastic to see. And that doesn't happen overnight, right? The learning culture the, again, the aspects of wellbeing that have to be in place. And then the kids are able to kind of do this differentiation, feel like they're in the right place and then just lean in and engage with their learning. It's an absolutely beautiful thing to see.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, and I think what goes for the kids there at their primary school goes for the schools and preschools within our system. That success looks very different for different settings and in different settings, doesn't it?
Martin Westwell: I think that's a really important point, right.
So, you know, so I [00:07:00] say this thing, but what I, what I don't want anybody to do is to kind of rush out and go and do that, you know, because it might not work in your site. That might not be the way that we get the biggest difference for the kids in every site. So there is something about, yeah, again, that teacher judgment. Having a good sense of what's going to make the biggest difference for these students with the staff that you've got, the students that you got and so on.
And so, you know, that's that difference between "best practice": everybody do this; to, you know, through to good practice and even emergent practice: these are the things we're trying so that we can make a difference for our students. And I think we see that again, we see that all over our system. And of course, some parts of that that are really important, you know, we've invested heavily in phonics.
And so clearly phonics and the phonics check that we've got really helping people to make decisions around what, when kids have got it and we can carry on and when we might need to put a bit more effort into that. But the way that people are doing it are different in different places. Just, again, making sure that it's, [00:08:00] we're having the maximum impacts that we can through good practice based on teacher judgment.
Dale Atkinson: Can I turn to the corporate office. What are your expectations around how the department's corporate services are going to orient themselves in light of the Strategy?
Martin Westwell: Yeah, you know, so for all of us, we've got, you know, we've got this purpose in education. And when you think about it, we're all having an impact on students.
And so we talk about them learning and thriving. We talk about them achieving and prospering. And how do you achieve that? That almost only happens through the interaction between a student and the people in a classroom, teacher or the students. Most of the time that's where that change occurs. So really everything we do, it's got to be focused on that moment.
And yet, because we need our systems in place and a whole host of things to really kind of focus down on that moment, those moments, that space in between. The student, child, an, an educator, whether that be in preschool or schools, focusing on that moment because that's where it makes the difference.
So there [00:09:00] is something about making sure that we are always operating in service of principal or a preschool director, their staff, in order to make the biggest difference to students.
Sometimes it feels like we ask people to do things to serve the system. And wherever we can, you know, there are some things where we have to do that. There's some national requirements for data collection, you know, even things like our finances. There's some requirements that we should have. But really asking all of us to say, 'is what we're doing really serving as best it can the people in schools and preschools to make the biggest difference they can to children and students'.
Dale Atkinson: Now at a meeting of principals recently you flagged a book by Helen Timperley, 'Leading Professional Conversations' I think it was called, as a, it's a bit of a touchstone on what leadership should look like and feel like under the Strategy. Can you talk us through the key learnings from that book?
Martin Westwell: Yeah, I think the reason why I was talking about Helen's book, and it goes back, I mean, this has been Helen's work for a long time, right? And she wrote a piece for the, for AITSL back in [00:10:00] 2015, 16, which was along the same sort of lines.
And really it's about the kinds of conversations that we have as leaders. And when I say "leaders", I kind of mean all of us, right? So in almost regardless of our role within public education, we're all leaders. You might have a formal leadership role or when we're providing a service and, of course, educators interacting with kids being leaders of learning and development. So we're all leaders. And what do those conversations look like? And Helen's book is particularly about kind of school leaders and people in that kind of leadership role.
But what she's saying is that the sorts of conversations that we need to be having. And much more of those kind of coaching conversations. And of course, when you're having coaching conversations, you're not telling someone what to do. That's, that's not what we're doing in coaching. You're kind of asking questions, you're prodding, you're getting people to think. And I definitely think that in a learning organisation, the way that we should be leading is through learning. We should see leading as a learning activity.
And so those conversations are kind of a prodding conversations they're [00:11:00] bringing out people's thinking. They might be putting two ideas together that just don't go together. So that natural tension that then kind of comes out of that, again, to stimulate thinking. The conversations have to be those kinds of conversations.
Anytime in leadership where we're using our positional power, things have probably gone wrong to a certain extent. Where we're using the kind of hierarchy of the organisation, things might have gone wrong. And you know, don't get me wrong, we have to have some structure to just get things done and there are some things, you know, some requirements.
So we've got NAPLAN, so we need to be communicating through our system when the NAPLAN test window is and this and that. That shouldn't be our starting point, that should almost be the kind of footnote of information that needs providing. The sorts of conversations that we should be having should be the conversations about the, it's the human conversations.
And Michael Fullan talks about systems having, you know, being in danger of having a kind of "bloodless paradigm". It's all about data, it's not about people. It's all about a transaction. It's all about training teachers to do this thing and do it in this way. [00:12:00] And he calls it the "bloodless paradigm". And he's calling for a shift to a human paradigm.
Where we're recognising the, kind of, the motivations that people have, what they bring to this social enterprise of learning. Because it is a social enterprise. Because it's a, it happens because of social interaction. You can, you can transfer information online, you can, that's quite easy to do. But when we know that, you know, we want to encourage somebody who's struggling with something, we want people to grapple. You want people to kind of look into each other's eyes and go, kind of, 'yeah, I trust you. I'm with you on this. We can do this thing together'.
There's a social interaction that's, that's going on there. So those coaching conversations that Timperley talks about, I think really helped with that. Recognising that this is a human paradigm, these are human beings interacting with each other, working together, grappling with the same sorts of things. And it's those conversations that we need to be having rather than more kind of compliance conversations.
Dale Atkinson: You touched in there about becoming a learning organisation and the importance of learning as an individual. What [00:13:00] have you personally learned from the process of developing the Purpose Statement and the Strategy?
Martin Westwell: So much. So much. Where to start?
You know, there's been some things. So some things about kind of, you know, just us as a system and the human system. Let me try and pick out a few. Some of the things I already knew, but have just been reinforced, just about the kind of, the commitment. You know, we talk about the moral purpose of educators and just how much that kind of shines through. And when it does shine through, the joy that comes from that, about, you know, letting educators be educators, letting teachers teach.
And, you know, when you do that the joy that comes with it. That's been really great learning. That was something that we'd intended through the Strategy. You know, we'd really come at it from that point of view to create a bit of space. And there's loads more work to do to create space for educators and leaders. But to create a bit of space to allow that joy to come through. And I think we're starting to see that happen now.
So it's, one of the learnings is it's doable. You know, there's this latent joy, you know, alright joy that's already [00:14:00] being expressed, but there's more of it that can be released in our system. I think there's something there.
One of the things I've seen as well is, you know, like we talked about before with the Strategy, we're setting out the choices that we're making as a system. This is the direction that we're going in. This is what's important to us. And you can criticise that and say, 'well, if you're not going to tell educators what to do, it's either a thousand flowers blooming, or it's just confusion for people'. Well, what I've learned is that that's not the case.
Some people need some support. Some of those coaching conversations we're about, you know, to draw out some of that thinking. Some people, you know, want to try this thing out but perhaps just need a bit confidence, a little bit of nudging along. But what I have seen is so many of the responses at a site level when people have taken that time to stop and think about where we're heading, how this connects with where they are as a school and as an individual professional and as a team of professionals, when people have done that and stopped and thought about it, there has been so many different responses. Almost all of them have just been fantastic, you know. [00:15:00] Really different action, but really bringing out the kind of heart and soul that we'd intended from the Strategy.
Again, I think there's still a distance for us to go. There always will be. There'll always be changes. There'll always be something that happens in the world, the students will, they'll change, the demands from society on educator and educators will change and we'll need to respond to those. But I do think we're in a, you know, a really positive place in 黑料吃瓜. And, in fact, getting more and more national and international attention because of the work that we're doing.
Dale Atkinson: Flash forward a year from now, what do you want us to be talking about?
Martin Westwell: I think the conversation that we would need to be having would be about the impact that we see. You know, the road to impact. So, you know, so if last year was kind of looking at the big picture, getting the international thinking into our thinking, bringing all that together, this year being about us taking control of that story.
This is our story. It's 黑料吃瓜's story. The introduction of some of the Australian curriculum, the adapted Australian [00:16:00] curriculum subjects this coming year. I think, you know, we really need to be saying, 'this is the impact we're starting to see. This is the change that we're seeing'.
And so if you take that kind of good and emergent practice notion, in a year's time what I think where we'll be as a system is we'll be able to see the things that we really want to amplify across the system. Might have been occurring at site level in some of the pilots and things that we've been trying out and saying, 'well, how are we going to amplify those things?'
We'll be clear about some of the things that are not working for us and we'll have to dampen those things down. So I do think we'll start to see almost kind of the output of the evaluation. Yeah, we've had some successes, we've had some things that have not been so successful and then building on those and, and make sure that the system can take those on and we can grow and learn further together.
Dale Atkinson: Grow and learn further together. Professor Martin Westwell, thanks for your time.
Martin Westwell: Thanks Dale.
This episode offers insights into the teacher to leader transition and the vital role of high-quality professional development. Join us as Kurt Ferguson from Taparra Primary School (previously South Downs Primary School) shares how Orbis professional learning programs, including Middle Leadership, supported his leadership growth. Meanwhile, Sarah Edwards from Loxton High School discusses how transitioning from a teaching role to leadership expanded her skills and network, and why she鈥檚 loving working at regional schools.聽
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And today we are talking about professional learning programs and specifically about the professional learning programs provided by Orbis, which can boost your career development and opportunities as an educator and a leader. And we're talking to two people who have been boosting their opportunities as educators and leaders in Kurt Ferguson from South Downs Primary School, and Sarah Edwards from Loxton High School.
Welcome to you both.
Kurt Ferguson: Thank you.
Sarah Edwards: Thanks. Thanks for having me.
Dale Atkinson: So first of all, Kurt, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your current role?
Kurt Ferguson: Sure, so I've been out for a little while now teaching. My current role is a senior leader for curriculum pedagogy that really involves system-wide processes for our school around kind of our data collection and how we use our data. And then kind of building evidence-led practices at our site and supporting with effective teaching learning behind that as well.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, I'm sitting across from you and you look like a reasonably young human being. [00:01:00] What's that career journey involved in terms of going from teacher to leader in relatively rapid succession, I assume?
Kurt Ferguson: Yep. It's probably taken a fair bit of adjustment. I think probably early on I had to really grapple with kind of my own knowledge and building my confidence around that and really backing myself in and realising that, obviously, people have put me in the position because they also see something in me, believe in me for that. So, that's probably taken a little bit of adjusting, but I'm kind of finding my feet with it now and obviously nothing worth having is without its challenges.
Dale Atkinson: Absolutely true. In terms of Orbis' role in your professional learning, how have you engaged with the programs there?
Kurt Ferguson: Yeah, so I think my first one was Instructional Leadership. So we actually had at the time at my previous site, my whole leadership team went in and that was really nice way to find, dabble my feet in with the Orbis work. You're actually doing a lot with your current site and I found that a lot of the Orbis PDs had us doing a lot of things that we could actually take back and action at our site.
So that was probably a really nice way to dabble into it. And then probably more recently I've [00:02:00] been engaging in Middle Leaders PD, and that's probably been a little bit more on my own personal development and myself as a leader; and talked a little bit about building my own confidence and resilience as a leader. And that's probably had a bit more of a role in that there.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it is a nice mix, isn't it, of learning some of those leadership capabilities that you're looking for, but also some of those practical tools around pedagogy and classroom experience.
Kurt Ferguson: Absolutely.
Dale Atkinson: Now Sarah, you're a teacher who's worked at various country locations across 黑料吃瓜. Can you walk us through your experiences?
Sarah Edwards: Well, my experiences have been a bit of a whirlwind, to be honest. I've also been out of uni for a little while now and I was teaching for a couple of years and then, before I knew it, I was in a leadership role and I was like, oh what is going on? And what I can really accredit it to is living in country areas.
Like, being in country schools provides such unique opportunities that you don't necessarily get in those metro schools. And there's ample opportunities, there's some really broad opportunities, to [00:03:00] demonstrate your capacity as a leader and that's anything from organizing camps, excursions, you can coach sporting teams, and then of course you go right through into those official leadership positions within the school.
And I think I was quite lucky being in a country secondary school. Sometimes those cohorts were a little bit smaller and the teaching teams are very close-knit. So I was working quite closely with a leader, and then he retired and it just seemed like that natural progression to step into his role. It wasn't as easy as what I'm making it sound like.
I initially applied for the job and didn't win it, but sought lots of feedback, particularly around how I could work with other people and how I could develop my skills. And I worked really hard as being a leader in like running PLCs and chairing committees. I really tried to set myself up and then I applied for the job again, and I won it. Flash forward and yeah, here we are.
Dale Atkinson: That's really good, isn't it? 'Cause it's that combination of kind of structured professional development and learning that you want to engage with as, as an educator and as you go through your career. But then there's also the self-propelled stuff that you do on your own.
That's right. Isn't it [00:04:00] Sarah?
Sarah Edwards: Yeah, absolutely. I was only having a chat to my principal this morning; I was chatting to her and I'm like: "remember when there used to be written reports? And it'd always be like, Such and Such talks a lot, or Such and Such is this. Mine was always: Sarah always has leadership opportunities or she's always a leader of a group".
So I guess it was kind of there and I've always wanted to be a leader in some capacity. It just probably happened a little bit quicker than the plan, but I love it. I think it's fantastic. I, I think teaching is a great job and I think that these B-band or middle-band leadership roles have that really great balance between the leadership and that teaching as well.
Dale Atkinson: And so what is the, what's the role of Orbis been in drawing out some of those sort of natural leadership tendencies in you?
Sarah Edwards: Orbis has an extensive opportunity for me to, or not just me anybody really, to network and work with people who are like-minded and just as passionate about what you do. I really like the Instructional Leadership that Kurt mentioned earlier where you actually do get to work in a small group of people and you, you get to really build on your strengths within that team that then is [00:05:00] reflected nicely and directly into schools.
Dale Atkinson: Now, Kurt, is there anything that you've been surprised about yourself or something unexpected that you've learnt through the Orbis programs?
Kurt Ferguson: Definitely. I think probably in the last one, the Middle Leaders, really getting engaged for like who I am as a leader and actually starting to, you know, you've got professionals that are actually there who are well-skilled in leadership everywhere and all the different facets that it has and actually kind of understanding that there's so many different layers to what leadership can look like, what kind of leader you can be.
And I think probably in that Middle Leaders you really get the chance to grapple with your own identity as a leader and, kind of, what your values are and what they mean for, you know, if you've got certain traits or characteristics that you lean into when you're feeling pressured or when you're feeling that you're under a certain level of stress and, kind of, ways to manage that and mitigate, kind of, your responses as a leader to make sure you're still the most effective leader.
I think that's something that certainly surprised me and has been, you know, really powerful for me as a leader to, kind of, move my own learning forward.
Dale Atkinson: That does sound really powerful.
[00:06:00] Sarah, you mentioned this a bit earlier in terms of professional learning communities and those sorts of things. How have you been sharing what you've learned at Orbis with your colleagues?
Sarah Edwards: The thing I really love about the Orbis professional learning, and I will continue to rave about this, it is that it's so relevant to what's actually happening in 黑料吃瓜n classrooms at the time. Like, I'm sure we've all been involved in some professional learning that isn't provided by Orbis.
And you kind of go, 'oh, does this really fit my context? Why am I here?' What I really love about Orbis is I walk in going, 'this is gonna be great, and I know I'm gonna walk out, I'm gonna be walking out with resources and strategies that I can directly implement into my classroom. And if it's not in the classroom, in that leadership space, depending on what the professional learning was about.
I rave about this so much that when I did the Orbis 6 to 9 Numeracy last year I was like, 'right, this is great. I had direct impact on my own pedagogy in the classroom that when I started at a new school at the beginning of this year, I was like, 'I need my maths team, my maths [00:07:00] teachers, to be participating in this because I know how valuable it is. And if it's impacted me and my efficacy in teaching mathematics then it is certainly gonna have an impact on them.'
So we've had three teachers do the same program, and I could confidently say that they've all had the same experience. That they can take exactly what they've learned and bring it straight back into the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: Now, Kurt, you were nodding along to a bit of that. Is that a similar experience that you've had?
Kurt Ferguson: Yeah, very similar experience.
I've really enjoyed, kind of, everything that I've engaged with and, as I said earlier, like the Instructional Leadership, kind of, my first little chance to engage with Orbis was very much, you know, taking what you're doing into practice and taking it straight back to your site. Spread out over a year, you know, it was really intentional in that, you know, you're working with your entire team on quite literally your site. It wasn't just something that you do on a day and you bring back. And the reason I was nodding is, I've had a couple of our staff sent off to the Orbis Maths this year and it's always a glowing review when they come back. There's evidence-based practice that they can bring straight back in that's gonna provide the, the best bang for buck in classroom practice. So yeah.
Dale Atkinson: That's really [00:08:00] good feedback. How has that impact filtering down to students? What have you seen in that area?
Kurt Ferguson: Yeah, I think all of the Orbis PDs and trainings that both our teachers and our leaders have been able to go along to, we started to see that trickle-down effect. So it might not be that we're directly, it's not the students that are going along to these PDs, but their educators are making sure that you're putting best practice in front of those students and then, in terms of leadership, we're making sure that all the different things that we're implementing as a site and our school-wide practices and processes are so streamlined and tight. It, it falls hand in hand that by the time it gets down to the students, we're, we're very confident in that, you know, there's the most evidence-backed, research-based practices happening in there and there's engaging pedagogy and, as a result, you're gonna see your students move from that.
Dale Atkinson: And you're seeing something similar at it to Loxton, Sarah.
Sarah Edwards: Yeah, for sure. I'm lucky, I'm sitting on the end of the phone 'cause I'm also nodding away. I think, Kurt, really, now that they're talking about that evidence-based approach to lots of the, the teaching and the [00:09:00] learning strategies that Orbis presents and that, that we can take directly into classrooms.
I found as a teacher and somebody who engaged with the 6 to 9 Numeracy program, that it really consolidated my understanding of the maths curriculum. I found it rather affirming and that when I came back to class, I noticed an increased engagement level with my students because I wasn't spending all my planning time unpacking the curriculum because I learnt so much of that at the Orbis that when I was planning for these lessons, I could focus on making it more engaging for my students and that I could differentiate for them more confidently because I just had, I guess, almost one less thing to worry about because Orbis had gone through it so thoroughly.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's a huge step change for, for any teacher in terms of workload and other things.
Kurt, you mentored early career teachers. Can you tell us a bit about the benefits of mentoring for yourself and, and the mentees?
Kurt Ferguson: Sure.
Yeah, I've been lucky enough to have a few early career teachers that have gone through the Orbis early career stuff with me as well.
I think something [00:10:00] that has been really powerful for me is, I mean, schools are a very busy place, as you both would probably understand. It's not often you get the opportunity to kind of set aside some time to really unpack both: one, how your early career teacher's going; and two, actually getting the opportunity to work through those things with them.
I think a lot of the time you feel like you have a really strong grasp on how things are going, but it's not until you get to a day like the Orbis Early Careers, the first intensive you do where a lot of the work is around, kind of, their perceptions of how everything's going. And I think in the times that I have done that, it's been really like, 'oh, I really needed to probably take a bit more of a step in the direction of actually getting the information I needed from you to see how I can best support.'
I've done it twice now and both times I've walked away feeling more confident that I can support my early career teacher better and vice versa. That, you know, they have a stronger affirmation that I can be the leader that they need.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. That does sound like a really powerful kind of exchange of, of interest really.
Sarah, you mentioned earlier today that you're out on a beautiful spring day in Loxton. Best [00:11:00] time of the year, according to you, up in the Riverlands. So you started your teaching career out at Roxby.
Sarah Edwards: Mm-Hmm.
Dale Atkinson: You've been all over the country. What advice would you give to new teachers considering starting out in country areas?
Sarah Edwards: Oh, this is so easy for me. I love when I get these questions because I'm so passionate about education, particularly in country areas. And I get that I can respond to this question really easy 'cause I grew up in regional areas and so for me it was a no-brainer that I was gonna teach in a regional area myself.
I really didn't have any interest in going to Adelaide schools because I just think the country is the best. Like we have the most beautiful state, and I might be a little bit bias-y, but I think we actually have one of the most beautiful states and some of the pristine holiday locations. So, heck, why not wake up every day in these beautiful locations and get to work and live in that community?
But for me, I guess I just really wanted to use this to address some of probably the worries that some teachers may have about moving out [00:12:00] into the country. It, it can be really daunting for some people, but rest assured, the department has plenty of supports in place. You have access to government employee housing with subsidised rent which is always a, a win there.
And then, of course, the department also supports you in moving by organising a removalist and you don't have to pay for those kinds of things as well. So it's a wonderful opportunity. And I guess I'll also take this opportunity to give a bit of a plug for all of us here that quite often if you are in a country school, they will pay for your accommodation or your travel costs to head down to Adelaide.
So I think that's a win-win win all round.
Dale Atkinson: We'll take all those wins.
So lastly, for those who are aspiring to step into leadership roles and are maybe considering Orbis professional learning, what is your advice in, let's say, fewer than five words to them?
Kurt Ferguson: I can give you a few over.
Dale Atkinson: Go. Start with a few over.
Kurt Ferguson: Don't be afraid of what you don't know. Just remember that you're gonna grow.
Dale Atkinson: That's pretty good. That's not bad. Sarah?
Sarah Edwards: Aw man, that one even rhymed!
Dale Atkinson: You've gotta try and top that.
Sarah Edwards: How am I gonna beat that? [00:13:00]
Dale Atkinson: Do your best.
Sarah Edwards: Take every opportunity and grab it with both hands 'cause you just never know where it's gonna take you.
Dale Atkinson: I, I'll take both of those. They were excellent. Thank you very much to Sarah and to Kurt.
Kurt Ferguson: No problem.
Sarah Edwards: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: And Orbis professional learning programs, they can support you and your career from graduate teacher to leader and everything in between. You can enrol in a professional learning program that's right for you on the Orbis website, which is www.education.sa.gov.au/orbis.
Or you can just look in the show notes underneath where you access the podcast.
Thank you very much for joining us. See you next time.
In this episode, UK cognitive scientist Professor Guy Claxton explores the crucial connection between learner agency and effective learners and how educators can support this in their classroom. We sat down with Professor Claxton fresh from a live online workshop he facilitated with almost 600 students across 黑料吃瓜.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach; a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and today I am joined by a very special guest. An international man of great ability and expertise, Professor Guy Claxton.
He is a cognitive scientist. He's written more than 30 books on psychology and education. He's a man with a double first in natural sciences from Cambridge University and a doctorate in experimental psychology from Oxford. That's a lot of stuff there.
Professor Claxton, thanks for joining us.
Guy Claxton: Not at all. It's my pleasure.
Dale Atkinson: Now what I'd like to speak to you today about, and you've just joined us from a conference with a large group of our students, and I'd like to talk to you about student agency.
Tell us a little bit about what that session today with those, four, five, six hundred students looked like.
Guy Claxton: First of all, can I say it was a first for me. First time I've done a live workshop with that number of kids scattered across a large geographical area. It was the first also in the sense that I've never been involved in a similar event anywhere else on the planet.
I would like to start by just tipping my hat to Martin Westwell and his team for engaging in such a thorough and honest investigation of what it is that communities, and professionals, and families and students themselves, what they want from their education. I don't know of any other jurisdiction that has gone to these lengths to do customer research- customer facing research.
Doing that kind of research has been a kind of commonplace in the business world for, I don't know, 30 or 40 years, but education doesn't seem in most places, certainly not in my country, and then back in England, it doesn't seem to have caught up with the importance of finding out what the customers actually want and getting some feedback. I suspect there are a lot of reasons, but one of them might be there is a kind of continuing insularity or arrogance on the part of educational professionals, that they're the only people who know whose business it is to know what young people need to know, and that anybody who questions- who isn't trained in the profession, you know, doesn't know what they're talking about. So students who don't turn up or vote with their feet, there's something wrong with them, or there's something wrong with their families.
And the idea that cumulatively, certainly in my country, the vast number of kids that haven't come back to school after COVID is just brushed away as if it were, you know, we need more draconian measures to punish parents if their kids don't come to school. Rather than entertaining the possibility that it may just be that their time out of school hasn't sharpened their sense of the relevance and the empowerment of what goes on in school. And they've, you know, hundreds of thousands of such kids are continual truants in my country, and I suspect the stats are not very different in Australia.
This consultation and the seriousness with which the department are taking it, I think, is really laudable. And the focus of it is obviously meet and drink to me.
My work is two-pronged in a way. I am, as you said, Dale, a cognitive scientist or a learning scientist is my specialism. So part of me is an egghead and my work has revolved around learning to learn, the learnability of learning itself and also really quite rapidly changing fundamental conceptions of what it is to be intelligent and moving away from that. The idea that we're condemned by our genetics to have some kind of fixed sized pot of general-purpose nous that sets a ceiling on what we can achieve and that follows us around for the rest of our lives.
And the other side of my work is very practical with schools. Actually going into classrooms, talking lots of workshopping with teachers and gradually developing an extensive micro-toolkit of little things that teachers can do in schools as they are. We're not going to get wholesale improvement unless we can show existing teachers the steppingstones that are not too threatening to get them from here to there.
So a large part of my job here and my work with the students this afternoon is to try and introduce them in a kind of entry-level sort of way into some of the science, but also a little bit into some of the practical ramifications. And I think we were at least partly successful. They seem to be quite interested in the practical relevance of some of the things that I was talking about.
Dale Atkinson: And what changes when we start to engage students on this level, the level that you were engaging with them today?
Guy Claxton: The fundamental change is around the notion of learning and around the learnability of learning. And around the interestingness of, if you unpack that, if you start to see learning as a craft, then beginning to understand what the skills and capabilities or life skills, or there's a whole big vocabulary that is used to refer to something a bit deeper and a bit broader than merely a skill which sounds like a rather technical thing.
So habits of mind, character strengths, positive learning dispositions. So getting clearer about what are the underpinnings of someone who is confident, autonomous, and capable when faced, this is my definition broadly, when faced with situations that are novel, challenging, complex, or uncertain. That's my definition of learning.
It's like being good with uncertainty. Or as Jean Piaget once defined intelligence as: knowing what to do when you don't know what to do. We've built an education system around giving kids things that they do know what to do.
I always have this image by the time they leave they have a large backpack of well-rehearsed performances of understanding that is supposed to equip them for life in the big wide world and I honestly doubt that that's the best send-off we can give them.
Whereas, if we dig deeper into the process of learning and if we talk about learning as if it were itself something that was learnable, there are skills and strategies, obviously, but there are these more deeper, more character like things. And I think for me, that's the difference of nuance between in the new framework that's emerging from the Department for Education.
I think for me, learner effectiveness or the effective learner points in the direction of the skilful or the strategic. And the idea of learner agency points at something deeper; a confidence or an attitude or a stance. All other things being equal and openness to that which is strange or challenging. Not being automatically frightened or bigoted or dismissive of people, things or ideas that are not immediately yours or not immediately familiar.
And goodness knows, society needs that kind of mindset, doesn't it? Tolerance for diversity.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, I think that's certainly echoed, I think, in the way that educators have been engaging with their students.
Guy Claxton: Yeah, so if I could just add one-one more thought.
A lot of my work is how to make that not just hot air and aspirational. You know, the road to educational hell has been well-paved time and again by fine words and wish lists. Whereas my work has been: 'so how can we tweak what's going on in a maths classroom so that it is building, not just the ability, but the desire, the appetite to figure it out for yourself?'
So you don't have students kind of sitting there looking pathetic with their hands half up, saying with their most mournful face on, saying verbally and unverbally, "I don't get it, Miss, please come and rescue me鈥.
And I think we've been too quick often in the past to, it's like kind of responding to a stroke patient who says, "Nurse- I, my legs won't work anymore. Please wheel me around in my wheelchair". Whereas, a good physiotherapist will say, "Come on, George, up you get. You did 12 steps yesterday, do 15 today". And that kind of tough love, you might say, is absolutely in George's best interest. And likewise, for children to discover the capacity and the appetite. I think both those things are important.
So I often say that you know you're making progress in a classroom when you set the students a puzzle, it might be in an English lesson. A common activity, certainly in my country, is to take a poem- a well-known poem, cut it up into individual couplets or stanzas, give them back muddled up to students and take away the title of the poem and give it back to students to would say work in twos or threes to see if you can reorder these elements into what seems to make the most sense to you. And out of which, you can make a reasonable guess as to what the title of the poem is.
And you know you're doing well when you say, "I'll give you ten minutes to do that", and after seven minutes, you say, "Would you like to know the answer?" And they all say, "No, Sir. No, don't!" Like: 'Don't rob us of the possibility that we might be able to figure it out for ourselves'. Because there's pride and pleasure. It's not fun, but there's a pleasure, isn't there? In that efficacy.
So it's like, little things like that. How do we change our very understandable impulse to rescue children and comfort them when they're finding something difficult and tweak that so that now they are gradually discovering and strengthening their capacity to do it for themselves; so that the mood in the room now becomes one of the teacher is the last resort to rescue them like if all else fails rather than the first resort?
Dale Atkinson: I mean this is quite a glib summary perhaps, but that transition from teaching the student the thing to teaching the student how to learn about the thing is quite a profound shift, isn't it?
Guy Claxton: 'Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day, teach him how to fish'. It has some similarities to that. Fish goes off much faster than learning does. But yeah, absolutely.
The idea that children's performance in schools, like how and why they do well or they do badly in their learning, is not easily predicted by some naive combination of fixed ability and effort.
That's the traditional, what we call in my discipline, folk psychology. And it's inaccurate and it's unhelpful. It would be like talking to, you know, the third squad of a football club and saying to them, effectively, you know, 'you're in the third squad and that's where you belong, mate. Because you lack ability'.
You wouldn't be a very good coach if you spoke to your athletes in that way. You'll motivate, you'll say, 'if you try really hard, if you practice, ta da da, maybe next season you'll make it into the second squad'. And maybe they do and maybe they don't, but they'll have learned more through the aspiration, rather than feeling pigeonholed.
And we've unfortunately and without really meaning to that notion of ability, fixed ability plus effort, has and in some places still does permeate. It's like a bit of mental malware. That if you're a bright student or a successful student the way you tell that is by the fact that that student gets everything right first time, preferably without breaking sweat, and always. Now that's a very stupid idea to feed into students' minds because it means if they're slow or they make mistakes, that immediately gets interpreted as stupid. Nobody likes to feel stupid, so you're kind of getting them to veer off, you know, the legitimate experiences of being a learner now become aversive to you.
Once you point that out, it's common sense. But in some classrooms, still, it's a rather uncommon common sense. People might sort of poo-poo it as just a bit of sort of Namby-pamby psychology, but to my mind, it's absolutely practical.
And I think it went- those ideas went down rather well with the students. For a lot of them, it made them stop and think about, for example, the nature of mistakes. Some mistakes are sloppy; some of them are unacceptably costly if you really mess up some expensive material; and some mistakes are smart. Like, they were a good idea, they didn't work perfectly, but you've learned from them and the next time you're going to do better.
So even that, for a group of five-year-olds, detoxifies the notion of mistake and opens up the concept of drafting, learning through critique and through reflection. Good old-fashioned trial and error.
Dale Atkinson: One of the things you spoke to the students about was the learning pit. Can you sort of explain that concept to the listeners?
Guy Claxton: The learning pit is a very nice, simple, graphic visualization which basically just points out two things:
Any learning worth its salt is uncomfortable by definition, unless it's kind of really trivial learning. What it means is you're at and beyond your current limit of comprehension or competence. You're somewhere out there. You don't know, you can't reliably predict the effect of your actions. You can't always get the result that you wanted.
Getting kids clearer, getting-getting them to understand more clearly the realities of learning, I think. And to know that frustration and confusion are not things to be scared of. They're inevitable emotional accompaniments.
The science shows very clearly, deep down in us in the way we're designed biologically, our bodies, and our brains and our minds learning is an emotional business, you know. We were designed as learning animals to discover things that matter to us. And our brain is designed to switch on and to make itself rubbery and plastic when we're confronted with something that matters to us, that seems threatening or an unexpected resource. And yet, schools have often kind of operated as if curiosity, or that sense of significance or mattering, was a sort of expendable issue. Like, we don't need to pay attention to it or even that it was a distraction.
So the learning pit, first of all, encourages children to understand that it's not that bad to be in the pit. And everybody did. David Bowie did, Paul McCartney did- he spent a lot of his time in the learning pit. So did Beethoven, so did Einstein, etc, etc, etc.
And the second side of the pit, it just graphically shows, but if you develop on your strategies, and if you develop your learning strengths and your learning attitudes, you have ways of getting yourself out of the learning pit. They're like crampons in the side of the pit. And that you can go on discovering those more and more.
I was in a school this morning, Prospect North Primary School, where the children there- year five and six children were showing me their customized version of the learning pit which was very meaningful. I, like, I checked with them, 'Is this just another bit of teacher business that we have to do?'
They- 'No', they said, 'it's really useful to have those words, to have that insight'.
The time in the pit is not necessarily just painful and useless. And that if you try and build a rope bridge across the top of the pit and avoid the discomfort, then you end up just as incompetent as you were on the original side of the bridge. I mean, I think a lot in metaphors. And I think in education, it's useful to communicate a lot in metaphors.
So I think the learning pit is a very useful image, a way of imaging that gets kids, particularly younger kids, directly into an understanding of the reality of learning rather than this alternative idea that anybody who's really bright doesn't have to bother with mistakes or effort. You can just do it.
Dale Atkinson: There's a huge degree of resilience and self-confidence that's required for a student to tackle learning in that particular way. How is it that educators can activate those capabilities within learners?
Guy Claxton: Well, that's a big part of my work and I think it's a big part of what underlies the responses to the consultation.
I was just looking at some of them. Children and parents alike saying they often use the word 'skills', where I would use the word 'dispositions'. But again and again, they use words like: 'be more resilient', 'more confident', 'more curious', 'more creative', 'more entrepreneurial', 'more imaginative', 'more collaborative'. They often couch their wish list for education in those terms.
So the job of the teacher now becomes moving them at an acceptable rate. You become like a mind coach, where you're not- you don't see your job just as filling minds of a fixed sized ability, but of actually expanding that ability. And you do it gradually in the way you blow up a balloon. So it's like you see intelligence not as a fixed sized bucket, but as a balloon that is capable of being inflated or becoming larger and more flexible as you go along.
So little things like resilience. There's lots of little strategies that are very common, they're not particular to me. But what I do is try and collect these things and show the synergy behind them.
Little things like, try '3 Before Me'. Which is when a child is struggling, you'll go to say, "I will help you, but just tell me the three things you've tried to help yourself first. And if you haven't come up with three things, then would you just, Anna, would you just see if you could hang in for another couple of minutes? Then if you're really, really, really stuck, I'll come and give you a hint. Would you do that for me?"
It's a tiny tweak in the classroom, but it's a tweak that is inviting, that is telling Anna she might be able to rescue herself. That doing so it is a desirable thing and that if she has another couple of minutes, she might just be able to do it rather than falling into that helplessness and there's lots of lots of variations on that. So it's just finding those little stepping stones that help teachers get from here there.
How you build concentration, for example, we know that the ability to concentrate despite distractions is a strengthenable muscle. It's what mindfulness training is all about. There are all kinds of little ways in which you can raise children's awareness of their own potential capacity to control their attention. To not get ripped away from what they were doing by a fire engine that goes by. And to learn to recognize that. And it's a bit like CBT, a form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
It's like having the awareness in the moment to say, 'Ah, this is a potential distraction. I don't need to go there'. And sometimes it's so juicy you can't resist it still. But sometimes that opens up a moment of choice where you can say, 'Aha, I'm now going to go back to what I was doing'. So these little things that are highly accessible, but I think often psychologically quite sophisticated, are things that I want to kind of make available broadly to teachers.
We're not going to get into the world of dispositions by a quantum jump. We're going to get there by evolution by lots of teachers hearing about these things and going quietly to themselves: 'Oh, I could do that. I could do that with my kids. I'm going to try it tomorrow'. And gradually, the great liner of education begins to turn around or at least that's my belief.
Dale Atkinson: Well, I think that's very encouraging and, uh, in the show notes we'll have more information on where teachers can go to access some of the advice and expertise that, uh, Professor Claxton has made available.
If you had one piece of advice to the teachers that are listening today, what would that advice be?
Guy Claxton: Give it a go. That was one of the things- one of the lists of five most important things that parents said they wanted for the children. The willingness to give it a go. And I would just wish all teachers not to be stuck, not to be defensive, not to be immediately critical.
Not to say: 'Oh, but it'll jeopardize the results', particularly secondary and senior secondary teachers. But to say: 'It's only a little thing, it's a little tweak. It might make a difference; I don't know yet. But I'm going to give it a go and I'm going to make it work for three weeks and then I'm going to see if it's made a difference to the mood in the classroom'.
Chances are it will, and if it does, then you might be ready to make the next little tweak and on you go. So do something a little bit different tomorrow.
Dale Atkinson: I think the piece of advice that we're providing to teachers there is exactly the skills and capabilities we're trying to instil in the students that we're educating.
Guy Claxton: Exactly right.
Dale Atkinson: Professor Guy Claxton, thank you very much for your time.
Guy Claxton: It's been my pleasure. Thank you.
Season 3
In 2009 Mr Rod Bunten, the husband of the Governor of 黑料吃瓜, left the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office and completed a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education. He then started a second career as a secondary school teacher of physics and mathematics. In this episode Mr Bunten shares his thoughts on making science and maths more relevant for students, preparing teachers for management roles, and why teaching is among the most honest and self-reflective of professions.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. And today for something a little bit different, I'm joined by a man who's had a few careers I think over the journey, Mr. Rod Bunten. He's been a diplomat, he's been a maths and physics secondary school teacher, and currently he is, well, among other things, um, married to the Governor of 黑料吃瓜, Her Excellency, the Honourable Frances Adamson.
Rod, thank you very much for your time.
Rod Bunten: Thank you for inviting me.
Dale Atkinson: So can I talk a little bit, first of all, about your journey from diplomat into teacher? How did that happen?
Rod Bunten: It happened because I'd reached a point in my career, and the Governor had reached a point in her career, we were both diplomats, that it made little sense for both of us to carry on, and even less sense for her to give up her career and me carry on with mine.
And I, I'd always considered myself not as a diplomat who used to do physics. But as a physicist who was doing diplomacy. So, I thought, I'll retrain as a physics teacher. There are things I want to teach people. There are things I think young people might need to know. And here's a job I can do anyway.
Dale Atkinson: And what was it about the appeal of teaching that drew you in?
Rod Bunten: Initially, it's two things. Initially, it was about the subject physics, about the fact that students as they learn physics have to reject everything they've ever been taught and hold dear and are good at and take on a new way of looking at the world. And that's, that's a fascinating process to go through and to watch people go through and to help people go through.
But the main reason was that I came from a pretty ordinary background. But I was good at physics. And if you're good at physics, you can go to, you know, Oxford and do physics. And nobody really cares what your background is, can you do physics. It's a lot harder if you're good at English literature because you don't have that cultural wealth of backgrounds that other people have.
So I always thought of physics as being, you know, boxing for smart kids. It's how you get out of the ghetto. And I've had an amazing life through physics. I met presidents, prime ministers, Nobel prize winners, Oscar winners, captains of the Australian cricket team. I'm here, in essence, and I wouldn't be if my talent had lay in the direction of modern languages or, as I say, history and not physics.
Dale Atkinson: I think it's an interesting message at a time when really across Australia and internationally as well, there's really like an outcry for more students to be studying those STEM subjects, to be going into mathematics, pure mathematics into physics. What is it that we aren't doing currently that we need to be doing to encourage some of those younger kids into the discipline?
Rod Bunten: There's two aspects of that. One is how do we get more kids in and the second and specific one is how do we get more women into it. You've got to make it relevant. You've got to make it about them. You've got to make students understand there are people in 黑料吃瓜, engineers, designing a better mechanism of delivering stints to the heart.
They are going to save tens of thousands, um, or massively improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people a year, more than the most brilliant surgeon will ever do in a lifetime. They're engineers, not biologists. The physical sciences should be seen as something for people who care about the world, as well as people who just enjoy the challenge and fun of that maths-based world.
Dale Atkinson: I guess that's the difference. You've spoken a bit previously about, um, mathematics is a creative art form, rather than perhaps how it's viewed in high school. Certainly the early stages of mathematics is quite formulaic and dictated in terms of the outcomes. How do we present that creativity within maths and physics?
Rod Bunten: There are a number of ways you can do it. So, if you were to look at some of the project-based work, you know, initially, IB Maths was intended to be entirely taught by project. That is to say, the students would just do two years worth of projects. And they would learn the maths on the way as they needed it to solve the problems they were trying to solve.
If you look at Japanese maths teaching, it tends to be a quick five minute exposition of a new element of mathematics. And then the children are broken into groups. Mathematics in Japan is a group exercise. It's not like here where it tends to be a solitary undertaking. You don't want to share with anybody else because you want to be sure that you're the brightest.
It's a group exercise. They're given a group problem. They solve it as a group, other groups solve it, and they critique each other. I quite successfully, um, got people being creative by asking my students to write their own exam paper. Everybody wrote a question, and then everybody answered all of the questions, and then everybody judged each other's questions as to whether they were good questions, whether they were too easy, whether they were too difficult. So it started them thinking about the use of mathematics in quite a different way. But I'd turn it around, I think, and I'd say, well, how do people teach jazz? Because we need to teach mathematics the way people teach jazz.
At the moment, we're teaching mathematics the way they teach, if you like, to be a classical musician in a, in an orchestra, perhaps. We're focusing on accuracy and precision and learning technique rather than expression and creativity and operating with other people and feeding off other people's creativity.
So, that's how I'd love to do it. I totally accept that at the moment no teacher is given the resources to enable to do that. No teacher who did that would be particularly happy with their parents because all parents at the moment care about is that terrible four digit number, the ATAR. Nobody should judge a student on four digits.
Dale Atkinson: One of the interesting things that was discussed at the Maths Summit with maths teachers a bit earlier and a few leaders this year was around the concept of permission to fail for students and while you're talking it just makes me think about that as a, and quite often, maths anxiety is built around the fear that I will get the wrong answer, rather than, you know, I've come very close to getting the right answer and my creativity is being shown in these various different ways.
Is there a way that we can signal to students that, in essence, having a go at mathematics is part of the benefit of it, rather than just being seen as, you know, correct or incorrect.
Rod Bunten: I think there's a broader problem, not just in mathematics. I think it's most acute in mathematics. No teacher wants their student to fail. So all teachers, all school systems, go out of their way to put in place safety nets and scaffolding and support for students to stop them failing. The problem is, if you don't fail, you don't learn resilience. When I was doing teacher training, another mature teacher student who had previously been in the building industry said that he was on a building site and he watched an interaction where an apprentice turned up, uh, first day working on the building site and got there at, um, 8.30am and the subcontractor said, go away, you're fired.
You were supposed to be here at 7.30am, you're here at 8.30am. And the apprentice said, oh, give us a chance. And the contractor said, this was your chance, you're fired. And the trainee teacher said to me, why did he have to learn that lesson for the first time in real life? Why hadn't he learned that lesson in 18 years, 12 years of schooling?
So I think we have to let people fail in all subjects. When you get to mathematics, it gets more acute because there is this, this concept of the right answer. And if you structure a subject, and if you structure the way it's done, and if you structure assessment particularly, so that, that it's all based on right answer, wrong answer things, then people naturally become terribly averse to the wrong answer, because that's the only reward going, is getting it right.
So, a lot of it will come down to assessment, I think, but there are other dimensions as well.
Dale Atkinson: I'm just touching on, uh, the concept of getting it right and definitive answers, one way or the other. Can we move on to science? You've co-written a, a paper about teaching climate change science in senior secondary school and some of the issues and barriers and opportunities that exist there.
As I understand it, your argument Is that climate change should be taught by inquiry rather than transmission, and that the kids, the students, should be taught to make judgments about their claims. Why is that?
Rod Bunten: In science, science, not science teaching, but science as it's done, all judgments are personal.
Scientists stand on the edge of the unknown, hopefully on firm ground, trying to reach for the next firm ground. So, students must learn that knowledge is not perfect, knowledge is not an abstract. The purpose of science isn't to walk up a series of steps to this perfect knowledge, but rather to work out how to get from where we are to the next step.
That's one thing. But the main thing is that, of all the people you'll teach, only a handful will go on to be scientists. But all of them will go on to be citizens. And citizens need to be able to assess and judge claims about science and other things. But claims about science, it might be climate change.
It might be vaccines. It might be COVID transmission. And if you just teach a body of fact, what you are teaching them, the meta learning, is you achieve knowledge in science by transmission from a higher authority. If, on the other hand, you teach them how to make a judgment themselves, you're teaching them meta learning is very different.
There's an old saying, 'Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you destroy an entire ecosystem.' We need to give people the knowledge they need and not the wrong sorts of knowledge. It's really interesting, I don't know whether anybody's talked on this podcast about indigenous systems of learning.
But indigenous systems of learning are based upon the idea that there are safe knowledges for certain levels. And so the bottom level in Pitjantjatjara, and that tends to be the level that is safe for, you know, even people like us to learn. So that's what is sort of told to outsiders. We have a, unfortunately, a system with many wonders, but one of the problems of the internet is that almost anybody can become a teacher of people, particularly young people, not somebody who is trained, not somebody who necessarily has their best interests at heart.
But just somebody with a podcast or somebody with a, an axe to grind and we need to teach students to become their own judges of their own learning. So an inquiry-based approach to something like climate change, and I chose that for my paper because that was a really big issue, the science of climate change, 15 years ago, is a brilliant opportunity for students to learn that.
Dale Atkinson: Now from your experience, um, within the diplomatic service and then moving into teaching, what is the comparative way and what are the benefits of both in terms of how we prepare people for management roles?
Rod Bunten: So I came quite late to teaching as I've said, and I came with an assumption of how managers would be prepared.
So the idea is the diplomatic service, you reach a point in your career about 10 years in where if you're identified or wish to become a manager, there's then a period of extensive training, possibly full time or longer part time where you acquire a whole range of skills to become a manager. In the school system, largely, you sort of organically come up through the system and you organically bid or selected for positions.
And you drift up, drift is, that's a value, uh, laden word, but you, you move at whatever pace up through a system. And the advantages of that, of course, that everybody in a sense knows what is happening and it's quite open and also you are working with people. You are familiar with. The disadvantage seen from outside, a twofold, one, if you're having people just purely selecting the people below, inevitably people think that the best management style is the one they use, but that results in a cloning, that results in an organisation, reinforcing one single way of doing things. And the second thing is teachers, and an education system ought to believe in education, it ought to be so deeply entrenched in the DNA that its response to almost every problem ought to be, can we train to do this better? And if you do management training, you discover there are different management systems, different management styles, but also some very valuable techniques.
So two that served me well as a diplomat, one was an old-fashioned technique called management by walking. The idea being, you know, you want to manage a whole group of people, make sure that every day you sit and see them doing their work and just get a feel for, are they having a good day? Are they having a bad day?
Is the work going on? What are the problems they're facing? And a second is to judge what are the skills and strengths and attitudes of all the people in your team. How do they work together? Do they, do they complement each other? Do they clash? Is everybody on the same page? Which sounds like a good idea but isn't always a good idea.
So, for example, some people, particularly senior managements, often get really excited about answers to the question 'What does this mean for the organisation in three years time?' In many ways, that's what people look for when they're looking for senior leadership. Many other people, and I'm one of them, tend to be quite excited by the answer to the question, 'What does this look like for me on Monday?'
And if when you're exploring problems, and particularly when you're explaining what you're doing, you only look at what does this mean for the organisation in five years time, you will turn off and not engage. The people will go, yeah, that's fine, but on Monday, I've got my year 8, level 3 maths who are just a pain.
Or, for me, in my first year of teaching, every second Friday, I had triple essential maths on a Friday afternoon. You want to learn how to be an engaging and enthusiastic and fun teacher? Try teaching essential maths for two and a half hours on a Friday afternoon every second week.
Dale Atkinson: That sounds like, uh, whoever was sitting at the timetable, uh, didn't like you very much. That seems like an awful challenge.
Rod Bunten: It was fun. We enjoyed it.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's good.
Rod Bunten: I mean, they teach the syllabus, but we enjoyed it.
Dale Atkinson: Well, that's maybe where the creativity comes in, right? Friday afternoon, you've got to try all sorts of things. Can you tell us a little bit about the Governor's priorities around education during her term?
Rod Bunten: Yes, I mean, I have to start off with the obvious caveat that all of your listenership will be aware that none of them voted for the Governor. So the priorities for education are the government's, but the priorities for education inside her time here, uh, very much about leadership and citizenship. It's very much about how can we encourage students, encourage, enable, support students to be active citizens.
From my own personal viewpoint, I, you know, was a secondary school teacher and I always felt a bit that that was the Cinderella service in education. Lots of people get excited about universities, and there are good reasons for that. Lots of people engage in primary schools because for a whole variety of reasons, but I can see the attraction in that.
Secondary schools sometimes look like a bit more hard work and a bit more of a challenge, but I have to say as a teacher that was, I found nothing more rewarding than dealing with 17 and 18-year-olds. For two reasons. One, they all see the world in black and white and that is so refreshing after, as you reach my sort of age, and you tend to see everything in different shades of grey.
But the second thing is, if you, as one of my students were, come to school late because before you get there, you have to drive your siblings to their primary school because mum's a, uh, an addict and dad is absent if he was ever present. And you're 17, you are what is known as a winner in the lottery of life.
And 97% of the people on this planet would change places for you in a heartbeat. But it doesn't look like it, if that's your situation in life now. And it doesn't look like you have much options. But actually, people do. Those people do. And it's really exciting to be working with a group of people where actually the potential is so high.
Can I say just one thing generally about teaching which I, which I learned, and really surprised me, coming from diplomacy. And that is the honesty and collegiality of teachers. Teachers are much more self-reflective of their own performance than almost any other profession I've come across. I was once observing a substitute teacher in a maths class. It's always a tough, really tough job being a substitute teacher. And this class for this individual, who was off task all the time, hadn't gone well. There'd been several interactions, ended up with the individual being excluded and sent off to the level two. And as we left to go different ways, the substitute teacher turned to me and said, I know you've been watching what I did.
I want you to know that's not how to do it. I really didn't handle that kid well. Don't use that as a model. And walked off and I thought, 25 years as a diplomat, I've been in meetings with ambassadors, ministers, prime ministers, councillors, all sorts of people. Never once did we walk out and the leader of the delegation go, 'Oh, didn't do that very well, did I?'
Everybody always tries to find an excuse to externalise failure, if you like. Teachers don't, they know that it's a performance art, you don't always get it right, you go into the staff room, you seek support from your colleagues, and normally you get it, you dust yourself off, you go back and think, I'll do it better next time. That's a great thing.
Dale Atkinson: So just as a final kind of reminder to all the educators and teachers out there, you can actually request a visit of the Governor and you can request to visit Government House if you go onto governor.sa.gov.au to check it out and we'll have those links in the show notes for everybody to access as required.
Mr. Rod Bunten, thank you very much for your time.
Rod Bunten: Thank you. It's been great fun.
Join us as Dr Jennifer Buckingham discusses the how and why of teaching synthetic phonics. Dr Jennifer Buckingham OAM is Director of Strategy and Senior Research Fellow at MultiLit, and Director of the Five from Five Project. She explains some of the strategies educators can take to develop efficient reading for all students.
Show notes
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all Elders, past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education and today we're joined by Dr Jennifer Buckingham who is the Director of Strategy and Senior Research Fellow at MultiLit. Jennifer, thanks for joining us.
Jennifer Buckingham: You're very welcome. Thanks for inviting me.
Dale Atkinson: Well, it's good to have you here because you are involved in discussing the research base behind the teaching of synthetic phonics at our Literacy Summit. And the title of your presentation is From Sounding Out to Sight Words, the Teaching of Synthetic Phonics. And it's looking at the large evidence base describing how children learn to read words and the tools and strategies that primary leaders and teachers can use to develop efficient reading for all students.
Can we just start by talking a little bit about what the reading brain is?
Jennifer Buckingham: Sure. It's a really important concept for teachers to understand, and it's really just a shorthand term for the neurological network that is created when we learn to read. So children are not born with that network in place, it has to be created through teaching and learning.
And we need to make connections between parts of the brain that aren't connected in a way that it needs to be, in order for children to make the connection between print, speech and meaning. So, we do that through repeated exposure and practice with connecting letters to sounds, with decoding words, and then over time those words become stored in memory as letter strings, and those letter strings, which we otherwise call words, then become connected to meaning.
With lots of practice, that process becomes really fast and we start to recognise familiar words on sight. So, it feels effortless, but that has to happen in a really intentional way, there's no alternative to that. It has to happen in every student's brain, it just will happen at a different rate for different children.
So we create the reading brain through teaching and learning and there are types of instruction that make that more likely to happen, and to happen quickly, and to be successful.
Dale Atkinson: What are those types of instruction that make it more likely to happen?
Jennifer Buckingham: The instruction that is most effective is explicit and systematic.
And systematic synthetic phonics is a very explicit and systematic way of teaching children to decode words to read. So it is the method that is most aligned with the reading research on the reading brain and on cognitive processes and on successful reading acquisition.
Dale Atkinson: What is it that teachers need to be focusing on in the classroom when they're engaging with children on this stuff?
Jennifer Buckingham: Teachers need to focus on the connecting of the letter sounds in those very early stages of reading. So, um, getting children familiar with the alphabet and teaching in a very systematic way how the letters in written language, connect to the sounds that they hear in spoken language. And that's sort of something that we do really without thinking about it too much, but it's a brand new idea for a lot of kids.
So, beginning readers need to have that explained to them very carefully and taken through that alphabetic code in a really methodical way, but at the same time, making sure that they are developing their vocabulary because that's the other very important aspect of it. There's the code and the written word and then there's the language, and we need to connect those two together for children in order for them to be able to read.
Dale Atkinson: What does that experience look like for the child that you're teaching? What are you trying to kind of instil in them over a period of time?
Jennifer Buckingham: Yeah, so from the beginning stages we're connecting the alphabet to the sounds in speech and we're building up their understanding of how those sounds come together to make words. And those represent words that they know the meaning of, that they've learned, and also new words that we're teaching through vocabulary.
And it's a very systematic process starting with a few letters and sounds to begin with and adding some more. So over the first year of school, it's amazing, you know, how much code students can learn and how much language they can learn at the same time. A systematic and an accumulative process.
They're not teaching, you know, one set of content and then forgetting that before they move on to the next one. It's picking up the previous content and integrating that with the new content that they're learning. By the end of about the second year of school, you'd hope that children were pretty familiar with all of the alphabetic code and they're decoding fairly well, and they've got a really good developing vocabulary.
So then by the time they then get into the third year of school, you're starting to work on things like fluency and reading comprehension. But laying that foundational groundwork of being able to read words accurately and with some automaticity is essential for that next process to take place.
Dale Atkinson: Now the teaching of reading and language seems to be a strangely contested place at times.
What do you say to teachers who, and leaders, who might say, you know, look, our children don't learn like that. We tend to approach it more through, say, levelled readers or other approaches. What's the message there?
Jennifer Buckingham: Well, levelled readers use an approach that's less effective because they're based on a disproven theory of reading, which is the three cueing method.
And the three cueing method encourages children to use context cues to try and work out what an unfamiliar word might be. So it might be the overall meaning of the sentence or it might be whether, you know, it sort of makes sense in terms of the syntax. And they're taught to do that before they attempt to decode it using phonics. So using that, that three cueing approach has been shown to be inefficient and has a really high error rate. And it's much higher than the error rate than when students use decoding as their first strategy if they've been taught a systematic phonics approach. So when children are learning to read using levelled readers, that can give the impression that they're reading, but what looks like successful reading is often just good memory for whole words.
It's not building that neurological network that I mentioned earlier and that skilled readers need. So, our brains have a limited capacity for remembering whole words, and so a student who can't decode will hit a level that they can't get past at some point. As I mentioned, some children will learn to read no matter what the teacher does, but because there are individual differences that arise from having an advantaged tone background or just a stronger predisposition to learn.
And so those students who do eventually manage to learn to read using these less effective methods, such as levelled text, often have poor spelling because they haven't learnt that code. Um, and also they would have learned to read more quickly if they'd had that really effective explicit instruction.
So there's, there is an opportunity cost for those students who would have been learning to read earlier and could have been really building up their vocabulary and those other great things that we want.
Dale Atkinson: That is so insightful and incredible. I'm the father of a nearly six-year-old and one of the things that is very apparent about her and some of her little friends is just how incredibly powerful their memory is.
But while you're talking, it just makes me think about the superficial learning of memory and the difference between that and actually understanding the sub layer of what you're trying to engage with, which is what we're trying to achieve with this, isn't it?
Jennifer Buckingham: Absolutely, because knowing the code and how it works can be generalised then to every word that they read.
And we still use that even if we don't necessarily know we're doing it. So we as skilled readers most of the time are just reading words on sight because they're words we've seen a thousand times. And so we just, we're familiar with them. But if we see a word that we're less familiar with, or it's a brand new word, we will go back to using that decoding strategy.
And we have that. And you don't lose it. But for children, it really has to be painstakingly built and so that they will always have that and take it through their life.
Dale Atkinson: And where can people, obviously, you know, the research base that you've engaged with at a really deep level is available, I think, on your website, five from five.
What sort of resources and other activities and support is available on that website?
Jennifer Buckingham: The five from five website is a really great starting point for teachers who want to know more about scientific reading research and it provides it in a really accessible way. But it also is a great resource for teachers who are looking for ways to upskill their practice or to look for references and up to date research.
So it's got a really wide range of uses for teachers wherever they're up to in terms of their understanding of the science of reading and of systematic synthetic phonics instruction. So there's information on there for parents as well. That has been developed so that there can be a better partnership between teachers and parents, and all have a good understanding of what's going on when children are learning to read.
Dale Atkinson: As a parent myself of a child who's nearly six, what are the types of things that the parents should be doing in terms of supporting the classroom teaching that's going on?
Jennifer Buckingham: One of the best things that parents can do with children is read with them and whether that's their home reading books, which in the early years of school will hopefully be decodable books until they have become proficient in that particular skill.
But also, you're reading a wide range of great children's literature and having fantastic conversations about language, about the alphabet, about words and really building up their vocabulary. It's such an important thing for parents to do because there's only a limited time as we know in school. So, teachers are using that time in the most effective way possible, but there's a lot of time outside of school where children can be really engaging with literature and learning lots of words and word meanings and background knowledge and that's a really fun thing for parents to do with children as well.
Dale Atkinson: So really the parental role is less explicit instruction and more just helping to engage enthusiasm for reading and reading practice.
Jennifer Buckingham: Yeah, absolutely. So, supporting what's going on in school in terms of reading instruction and if there is some homework, if there's some practice to be done around tricky words and things like that, then yeah, definitely following the guidance of the classroom teacher.
But really, it's, you know, a great role of parents to be developing vocabulary and knowledge about the world. And all of those things contribute to children's reading comprehension.
Dale Atkinson: So with the five from five website, how does that fit in with the best advice papers and the big six components of reading that have been produced here in 黑料吃瓜?
Jennifer Buckingham: Well, they're very closely aligned in terms of content, which is not surprising given that they draw on the same evidence base. So sometimes there's little, slight differences in terminology, but the language is largely really consistent and certainly the recommendations are as well.
Dale Atkinson: Now, SA's Literacy Guarantee with the Phonics Screening Check, the coaching, the professional learning that that sits there is obviously, you know, heavily engaged with phonetical awareness and synthetic phonics and evidence-based reading instruction.
What do you think our next steps as a department and as a public education system should be?
Jennifer Buckingham: Well, 黑料吃瓜's been a national leader in terms of literacy policy around the early reading instruction in schools, and the Literacy Guarantee and the Literacy Guarantee Unit have definitely been at the centre of that. I know that teachers around the state really value the support that's provided through the unit.
So my advice would be to not lose that momentum around exemplary phonics instruction. It's really easy to sort of feel as though, okay, we understand this now, we don't need to focus on it as much, but results in the year one phonics check have improved since it started, but they could and they really should be a lot higher.
Those results show that the work isn't finished yet. There's a lot of great achievement, but we still have some work to do there. And I'd also advise that not taking your foot off the pedal around phonics instruction, but also paying attention to vocabulary and building knowledge through primary school.
They contribute to reading comprehension. So when you have a state full of fabulous little skilled decoders, they will then also be able to read for comprehension and enjoyment.
Dale Atkinson: The escalator we want all those little kids to be on, really.
Dr. Jennifer Buckingham, Director of Strategy and Senior Research Fellow at MultiLit. Thank you very much for your time.
Jennifer Buckingham: My pleasure. All the best.
Dale Atkinson: Dr. Buckingham's presentation is available on plink. That presentation's name is From Sounding Out to Sight Words, the Teaching of Synthetic Phonics.
And there are another 9 presentations from experts available there. The Literacy Summit presentations are all on plink. There's 10 in total. They provide educators with the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge about literacy improvement in preschools and schools. They're all aligned to department policy and that includes the literacy guidebooks and best advice papers.
So thanks very much for listening. Looking forward to your company next time.
From barista training to industry immersion weeks, the Workabout Centre supports Aboriginal students to make a successful transition from school to work, higher education or further training. In this episode, hear from the Workabout Centre鈥檚 Senior Project Officer Natasha Chisholm and former Workabout Centre and Mark Oliphant College student Jacob who is now working at the Australian Taxation Office. They share how the Workabout Centre helps Aboriginal young people learn important skills and discover career options.
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all Elders, past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education and today we are joined by Natasha Chisholm who is the Senior Project Officer for the Workabout Centre at the Department for Education. And by Jacob Turner, who is a man we have to be nice to because he works for the Australian Taxation Office and is a former graduate and person who's come through the Workabout Centre program.
First of all, for those who are out there who don't know what it is, Natasha, what is the Workabout Centre?
Natasha Chisholm: The Workabout Centre is a school to work transition model. So when we're talking to students and families, we basically say our jobs are to help Aboriginal young people stay in school, complete SACE and then ultimately achieve a successful post school pathway.
So we run a whole different range of programs that's going to support a student's school retention and then give them opportunities to explore training and career pathways.
Dale Atkinson: So, before we came on air, I was having a look at the website that you guys curate, which is available for parents and for students to look at, which is workaboutcentrecareers.com which you can go and look at and explore, and people should definitely have a look at that. But the broad range of activities that are available and the pathways that you make available for students to explore is pretty incredible. Can you tell us a bit about the scope of the work?
Natasha Chisholm: The scope of our work is really driven by our young people. We'll have a lot of generic programs we sort of run, so things like barista, white card, first aid, all those small little qualifications that help a young person go into a training environment for the first time, start actually exploring what they do and don't like. And then we might, depending on student interests, look at individualised programs.
If we have a group of students who really want to explore university, then we might work with the university to create a program that's specifically for them. We do a lot of work readiness as well, so those basic entry level employability skills. And we do a lot around that essential identification as well.
So birth certificates, tax file numbers, which Jacob's now an expert on, getting bank accounts, Medicare cards, all that identification that a young person's going to need once they leave school as well. And even in school, once they get a job. Last year, we started a lot of volunteering programs as well. So it's really driven by that student demand.
Plus what's happening out in the community and, and with the industry, we just try to, yeah, match that all up and create opportunities.
Dale Atkinson: So you've got a group of 120 students, I think you said that you're working with this week. What's the experience that they're enjoying at the moment?
Natasha Chisholm: So that's year 10 students from across the state. I think we have maybe about 20 school sites involved in that. That's for the ACE program, so ACE is Aboriginal Career Education. It's the third year of the program, so those year 10s during term 1 to 3, undertake a couple of career education workshops with our team, and then they come together a couple of times throughout the year to explore pathways.
This week is all about picking your individual industry, so we have 11 groups across 9 different industries. So each day, the students are bussing out to their activities, like our animal care group today is going up to Mylor to Animals Anonymous. We have three different trades groups going out to do bricklaying, carpentry, other various industry tours.
Our health support group today is going out to the TAFE SA Dentist School at Gillies Plains. So it's really about them learning, trying hands on activities, and learning more is this pathway really for me. And then next week, when students are going back to do subject selections, the aim is that they're able to make more informed and educated decisions about their pathways.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. I'd imagine that's incredibly helpful, which is probably a good time to throw over to Jacob. In terms of the experience that you had, how did that help you clarify the work pathway that you wanted to take?
Jacob: My original plan was to go to university up in Queensland, James Cook University. And the whole idea was, what am I going to do for work while I'm there?
And I had no skills. I was just like, yeah, cool, I'm going to go to uni, that's it. Without thinking about what I'm actually going to do while I'm there. Enter Tash, where she's like, oh, you know, we've got barista courses, we've got this, we've got that. And Cairns, which is where the university is based, is a huge tourist destination.
So, my idea was, I'll go be a barista. When I did the barista course in year 9, which I think I was the youngest out of the group at that time, and then from there it was just starting to look into all these other places I can go. So the barista course, I did a white card, so I can go work on construction sites, which I ended up using for like stage setup and takedown, things like Adelaide 500, the Queen concert that was in Adelaide a couple of years ago. And then I ended up doing a kitchen operations course for a year, learning how to cook. Not just for a career, but also just being an adult.
Dale Atkinson: Just for life.
Jacob: Yeah, that's it. But a lot of it was kind of coming out your shell, being around, being put into these practical situations that you wouldn't get in school.
We'd do a coffee morning here at the Education Department. So, you know, we'd be downstairs, we'd have to talk to people, we'd have to be loud, we'd have to be fun, charismatic and whatnot, which we weren't used to. We're all, you know, 13, 14, 15. That ended up leading into cafe jobs, restaurant jobs, and then into sales.
I ended up not following my plan and going up to uni, but yeah, being able to speak to people, those, those skills that you kind of get as a by-product of doing these other courses that really helped build my communication and being able to get into a Federal Government job at 19, which I was the youngest there at the time and, you know, have a chat to some of my other mates and they were just learning those skills that were just getting those jobs.
So, yeah, I think that was a big takeaway of. Working with Tash and the Workabout Centre, you get all of the skills that they primarily teach, but then also the life skills that comes with it that you don't really notice until, yeah, you do it and you grow up and go, Oh, I learned that really young compared to, you know, them, them, and them.
Dale Atkinson: While you're talking, what it makes me think about is you end up with a, quite a safe space to explore all of your options, really. Tash, is that kind of the aim of what you're going after?
Natasha Chisholm: Absolutely. So, Workabout Centre is a team of Aboriginal people, which is quite unique. And no matter what we're doing with our young people, it's a culturally safe and supportive environment. That's first and foremost. So even when we're engaging non-Aboriginal trainers and businesses, we do a lot of work beforehand to ensure that this is going to be the right environment for our young person. And we could have a group of 10 different kids together and they want 10 different pathways, and we'll support them to explore that.
But that just fills my heart with joy hearing Jacob talk about that, his experiences now and what he learnt. That's the takeaway though for me and the rest of my team as well. It's not, yes, this is our jobs, but we're actually supporting our community and our future leaders. And yeah, that's added bonus I think for us.
But one of the key things we say that works for Workabout is we don't say no. And what we mean by that is when a young person comes to you and says, I want to explore this pathway, or I want to do this job. And even though we might know it's unrealistic, we don't say no, we say like, yep, let's explore that together.
Let's find out what's the first steps in that. It's about letting that young person grow and learn for themselves. Actually, maybe that is unrealistic or it's not going to work out for me or it's, there's no opportunities there, but what is there? So we like to go on that journey with them.
Dale Atkinson: I think the interesting thing about what Jacob was talking about in terms of the breadth of your experience and the, the variety of avenues that you kind of explored, which is you don't really know how one thing leads to the next, do you? Like the journey from being a barista to working for the tax office is not direct, but you had, I think a bit of a plan and a bit of a way to explore it. Would that be fair to say?
Jacob: Yeah. You know, before that plan was in place, I had no idea what I was going to do, but I believe actually my plan at that time was drop out and be a sparky.
And then Mum once again was like, oh yeah, you might need some other skills before you get into that. You know, Workabout Centre came along and that's when I just started prodding around and looking at what options until I found that plan and then looking at what options help directly with that plan.
And, you know, as I said, it doesn't always go to plan and, but it all kind of works. To doing a barista course, it wasn't just how to make coffee, it was how to talk to people, how to build those relationships with people very quickly. You know, it takes two minutes to make a coffee and you've got to really make a good connection because at the end of the day, that's what people come back for.
They come back to see the barista. Even if your coffee is a bit, how you going.
Dale Atkinson: I think that's very true. I know, speaking on behalf of the entire department workforce that when the Workabout baristas come in, we are very grateful for the, for that.
Natasha Chisholm: We get a lot of that feedback, yeah.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, no, it's terrific.
I think one of the things that sort of strikes me is that there's a bit of a wraparound here, Tash, in terms of what the student experience is. Can you talk about what that one-to-one experience and support from you looks like?
Natasha Chisholm: Yes, as I mentioned before, like, we take a really individualised approach because there might be some students who need more support, one on one support.
There are other students who prefer that we work with them in smaller groups. I think it's important to mention, like, we're not a full-time program. We're not a flow program or alternative learning, but we are there to support our young people when they need us. So someone like Jacob started in year 9, but then he also engaged with us year 10, 11, 12, and obviously several years post school.
So students can come in and out of Workabout Centre programs and services as they need that. There'll be some students where we might take a step back and do behind the scenes work a lot because the ASETO and the Aboriginal education staff in their school have that really great relationship with the young person and the family, and we might just be able to provide supports on the, I guess the outside of that, and just come in when we're needed.
And then there's other times where our coordinators might be that key person for our young person, and they're the number one contact and we're drawing in other services as they're needed. So again, it's all student driven. Like I said, we can put the opportunities out, but it's a young person's decision if they want to engage.
Dale Atkinson: And what's the age range that students engage with you?
Natasha Chisholm: It's generally 15 and up. If it's accredited training, sometimes there's minimum ages. We have run events for students as young as year four. We have like a, it's called career walk. So students come and do like little 30-minute activities of actually just starting to learn, Oh, I, I like doing makeup and hair.
I can actually do a pathway in that. So, just starting to, I guess, create that spark for them. But generally our programs will be year 9, 10 and upwards.
Dale Atkinson: And just looking at the website again and the broad range of options and areas that students are able to explore, can you talk to us a little bit about your connections with the tertiary institutions, with the training providers and with the industry?
Natasha Chisholm: Yeah, so when we're working with the universities, we're primarily working with the Aboriginal units in those universities. So, for example, just on Tuesday, we worked with the Yungkurrinthi team down at Flinders University with Indi and Viv, they're amazing. And we said, hey, we've got a group of year 10s coming who want to explore these pathways. What can you do? So they've taken the regional students through the university accommodations, we've gotten them on campus to actually see what it's like to be a uni student for the day. And then they've explored those different faculty areas as well. And we do that with Adelaide University and UniSA have hosted our health group for two days this week.
And those staff are amazing at being responsive to us and what our young people need, they create really engaging and interactive programs. Cause we know that if it has Workabout Centre’s name across it has to be engaging. It has to be interactive. It has to really capture our students’ interest. So that's why we work really closely with those people to ensure that that's going to happen.
With our RTOs, we work with a really wide variety. And again, We'll do a lot of that background work, maybe with the trainers to gather, you know, what's your experience working with Aboriginal young people, maybe actually support them to look at how they're going to deliver and what's their alternative assessment methods and do we need our stuff in there as support as Aboriginal people when there's a non-Aboriginal trainer.
It's the same with industry, for example, with Kmart, their indigenous recruitment officer has been great, and he works with us a lot to identify where there's local employment opportunities. So then our coordinator can go out to the school, target some of those young Aboriginal people, prep them up for interviews.
And we've had a lot of young people get jobs with Kmart through that industry connection.
Dale Atkinson: Well, it just sounds like there's nothing that a student can't dream of that you aren't able to kind of at least give them some concept of how to achieve that thing.
Natasha Chisholm: I would like to think that, like, we hear that you can't be what you can't see and dream big and all of those sorts of things.
I just think we should be empowering our Aboriginal young people in our community at every opportunity. Showing my age, I didn't have a lot of these opportunities. I was in a regional school as well; I didn't have a lot of opportunities to explore these certain things. And we didn't have school-based traineeships and apprenticeships at the time.
I didn't work when I was in high school. So I really value this, and we can bring this to our young people now. We'll do everything in our power to make that happen for them.
Dale Atkinson: What would your advice be, Jacob, to other young Aboriginal kids who are thinking about various different careers and, or maybe even don't know what they want to do?
Jacob: Just have a crack at everything. You know, if you don't know, it's harder to research into it than just do it. At the end of the day, it's, it's a job. You can go work at a place for a couple of weeks, if you don't like it, you can get a different job. I know growing up, it was very much like, oh, it's very hard to get a job.
It's very hard to get this, that. If you've got your head screwed on, it's not as hard as people make it out to be to bounce from one job. You know, you can try being a barista for six months here if you don't like it, go work in the kitchen for six months. If you don't like it, go work as an administration officer somewhere for six months.
Like, that's okay to do. You don't have to nail it on your first shot. Some people get lucky and they do. You know, some people work at the same place for 14 years. And absolutely love it. Yeah, and other people, they don't find what they love until, you know, they're 30, 40. And that, that's, that's fine.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, might even go higher on that number. I think that's good advice.
Natasha Chisholm: Because there's so much pressure on young people to, you know, know what you're doing after year 12. It's okay if you don't, I think you make a really good point, Jacob, like, just try different things, as long as you keep doing something, keep moving forward.
Dale Atkinson: Now, Natasha, how do people find you?
Natasha Chisholm: Me personally? No. For staff in schools, our Aboriginal education teams in secondary sites are our key people, and they're often connected to their local Workabout Centre coordinator. So we have three metro coordinators, and then we have three coordinators who are covering regional areas. So they can reach out to those people.
We do have a page on the internet and the intranet as well, with all of our contact details. We have a generic Workabout email address. That you can go to, which is education.WorkaboutCentre@sa.gov.au and that'll come through to me and we'll send that out to the relevant coordinators. We have a Facebook page that you can keep up to date with and you can message us through that.
And then we also have the careers page that you were referring to earlier. Oh, we're on the 15th floor in the education building, so come say hi.
Dale Atkinson: There are a lot of open doors on all platforms. So it's, I guess there's a message for our educators, but there's also a message for any Aboriginal young people who are thinking about entering the workforce in the next three to four years, that the program's there to explore and navigate career options and possibilities. They can help you to make informed career choices beyond school. There's the opportunity to take up school-based employment opportunities that can increase the likelihood of students finishing year 12, completing SACE, all these sorts of activities.
But most important of all, I think, was what Jacob touched on in his conversation earlier, which is the opportunity to develop the broadest possible range of skills, capabilities beyond just work skills, but life skills and expand your horizons as a human being. It's quite a, quite a program.
Natasha Chisholm: Yeah. You never know where it's going to take you.
Jacob, I would consider a colleague now as well. So Jacob and Zane, another student who's come through Workabout Centre, came out to one of our career expos earlier in the year as stall holders. So that was great to, a proud moment for me, yeah, to see some of the young people we've worked with over the years actually now participate in programs in other ways and engage our young people.
Dale Atkinson: Self-sustaining. It's an incredible thing. Natasha, Jacob, thank you very much for your time.
Natasha Chisholm: Thank you.
Jacob: Thank you.
Metacognition is the process of thinking about one鈥檚 own thinking and learning. In this episode, clinical psychologist Andrew Fuller explains how metacognition applies to wellbeing and learning and the role it can play in improving student outcomes. Andrew has worked with more than 4,000 schools and identified the concept of The Resilient Mindset. Plus, did you know the department has a Self-Regulation Service (SRS) which helps schools and preschools meet student needs with a focus on regulation? Occupational therapist Kathryn Mahadeva discusses why co-regulation and building good relationships with students is so important.
Show notes
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all Elders, past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education and today we are joined by a man who is a clinical psychologist, a family therapist, an author, a speaker. There's a very long list of things in front of me here, Andrew.
Andrew Fuller, thank you very much for your time.
Andrew Fuller: Feel free to keep going.
Dale Atkinson: Well, it does say here you've worked with more than 4000 schools and more than 500,000 young people, which is incredibly impressive.
Andrew Fuller: I get around.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. And your area of expertise really is around helping young people to self-regulate.
The idea of metacognition and their ability to stop and think. What is the most common mistake that teachers and parents make when they're confronted with a child who's struggling to self-regulate?
Andrew Fuller: Well, I guess the major issue is to believe that they can self-regulate, really. In fact, I don't particularly believe in self-regulation, I believe in co-regulation.
So that people learn to self-regulate eventually, hopefully, not everybody, through being co regulated. So we actually calm ourselves or enthuse ourselves in our relationships. Basically, we know that dopamine is one of the things that of course drives an up regulation and that's really driven partly by challenges, problem solving, quizzes, puzzles, estimation games in classrooms, all that kind of stuff, but also about the strength of the connections.
So, our social interactions are really important. Also, when we are upset, cranky, distressed, and so on. Some of us can sort out our stuff, and that's kind of cool if you can do it, but many of us can't, and so it's only when we're with somebody that we trust, respect, or have some kind of sense of connection with, that we can start to calm ourselves down.
So again, we co regulate.
Dale Atkinson: So the idea really is about building relationships between educator and child and helping to establish that before you reach a kind of crisis point where there is a young person who's topping out and feeling really kind of agitated and not in a good space.
Andrew Fuller: Well, really at the centre of any great school, any great life, any great experience, are relationships and so if you don't have the relationships there, people can't learn.
So we only learn really when we're within the company of people who we trust and feel safe with. And so without that, no learning exists in a school. So the core business of any school is if you can get the relationships right, then the learning follows, and the behaviour also follows that.
Dale Atkinson: Can we talk a little bit about metacognition? What exactly is metacognition?
Andrew Fuller: Well, a long time ago inscribed on the temple of Apollo in Delphi in Greece was the words 'know thyself'. And how wise that was to know thyself is a critical feature of an aware life. And so knowing yourself, of course, is critical for your learning, knowing how you learn best what your learning strengths are, what distracts you and so on, so we can talk about it in terms of learning.
But it's also true of wellbeing. So that essentially all of us, I think, have our ups and downs in terms of our practices of wellbeing and self care, I don't know about you, dale, but you know, I look after myself most of the time, but there's a few days, the party went a bit long or whatever happened, right?
So you're going to go, whoa, okay, I now need to pull back. And so basically, we need then to think about how do we help that conscious part of ourselves to be aware of that. Now, it's an interesting kind of phase to understand because it's not just a cognitive awareness of yourself. I mean, that's important, but we also need to be aware of under what conditions we function best.
So it's not just about kind of having the awareness it's going, okay, what are the features that I need to replicate in order to function best? Am I better after six hours sleep, or ten hours sleep or what works best for you? Am I better if I catch up with people regularly every day or am I better if I have sometimes where I don't catch up with many people at all?
So it's finding out that wonderful, curious mix that is individual to you about the conditions under which you thrive best.
Dale Atkinson: And how is that something that an educator can help to develop and build that self-awareness in a young person?
Andrew Fuller: Probably the most critical word to think about is what. And so partly when we're looking at kids or anyone who's not functioning very well, one of the first thoughts is not why is that occurring, because we can all theorize about why you're like this, but what's happened to you really? What's, what's going on? Now, maybe I may know that, or I may not know the answer to it, but speculating on what's, what's happened to that person that they are distrustful or feeling weary or feeling annoyed or angry or irritated by what's going on. And then partly the other question is the same word as saying, so what's going on for you? You know, you're not normally like this. How can I help? And so understanding that, is it critically important? Because we live in a world of why. Why aren't you ready on time? Why aren't you, you know, kids are thrown, and people are thrown, that why question all the time.
But what, is a much kinder response, I think.
Dale Atkinson: Why is it so important that we talk to young children about the way that their mind works and how this can help them?
Andrew Fuller: One of the most essential things that any of us can do in our lives, and we really don't have this as a major process in schools, which is a great, great shame.
If we can help people to understand how their brains work, we can improve their lives dramatically. We can improve basically their learning outcomes easily, but we can also improve their emotional lives, the richness of their relationships. So knowing, metacognition is knowing yourself and part of knowing yourself is knowing your brain.
In the last year particularly the amount of research on neurobiology of learning and neurobiology of basically wellbeing has been through the roof. It's really recent research and so what we need then to start to do is to think about how we could help people to get their hands on that research, use it in their classrooms, but also use it with young people to go, okay, so this is what's going on when, when I feel like I want to procrastinate, for example, what's going on in my brain?
Why might that be occurring? And what can I do that's different that's going to shift that state?
Dale Atkinson: You've worked with more than 4000 schools. Among those schools, are there any that you, that come to mind where you think, wow, they have done, an incredible job or are doing an incredible job. And what were the things that really captured you and really twigged your brain around that?
Andrew Fuller: The 4000 schools that I've worked with, and I've had been very honoured to work with all sorts of different schools, I can tell you that the things that really differentiate great schools are not programs or processes or even really things that they've imported or the knowledge and the wisdom of the staff in many cases.
It's the culture. The culture is around relationships. So having distilled this with 193,000 young people, what I boiled those three features down into were three words that basically when people connect with one another, when they protect one another and when they respect one another, people thrive. So the CPR of wellbeing, connect, protect, and respect.
And I think if you think about your own life, it's with the people that you connect with, the people you feel safe with, and the people ultimately you feel respected by, are the people that you're most comfortable sharing yourself, being aware, being creative, and being exploratory in your life.
Dale Atkinson: And I guess those moments that you reach a point of sort of psychological safety, that's where you're, you're confident to be a learner, confident to open yourself up to other experiences and to be open to gaining new learning. That's where it all kind of fits in.
Can we talk a little bit about the resilient mindset, which you've touched on with the CPR stuff? What does that look like as an individual?
Andrew Fuller: We've heard a lot over the years about fixed and growth mindsets, and the research has moved beyond that to a three-factor model. And if you think about it, these are driven by the challenges that we meet and our capacity to meet those. So we've all had times where the things that we have to do exceed our capacity.
I've got so much on, I don't want to begin, I don't want to, we get frazzled, we become anxious. So we enter an anxious mindset. There are also days where your incredible capacities are not fully appreciated by other people. Dale, I know that's very hard to imagine, but it possibly happens from time to time.
People don't enjoy that joke or that mediosyncratic sense of style that you have, and you get a bit dismissive. You become a bit avoidant. You say to yourself, well, what's the point? The point, nobody listens what I have to say. Nobody cares what I think. Right? And so we become into that avoidant mindset, but it's the balance between the challenges and the capacities that give you this sweet spot.
And that sweet spot is a bandwidth that we call a resilient mindset. And it's only when you are in that bandwidth that you can learn things. Other times you're either too anxious or too avoidant to learn a damn thing. And so it relates exactly to learning, but it also relates to your immunological functioning, because we know when you're in that bandwidth, your immunity actually is heightened and your longevity also increases, so basically you live longer and you're healthier physically.
So part of the art of running a school, running a family, running a community, running a classroom, is trying to have the bulk of people in that bandwidth most of the time. And being observant of the people who are either in the anxious or the avoidant mindset and thinking about what do they need from me in a relational sense to feel safe enough to get back into that bandwidth.
So it's not basically going, 'Oh, right now, Dale, you're in the avoidant mindset and you need to fix that.' Because you can't, you actually, you're going to fix it partly by having a kind adult who helps you to kind of, he looks like he's been feeling like he's been a bit neglected or overlooked. I'll ask him a question, include him and that kind of stuff.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the great challenges for, uh, principals and leaders within schools and preschools is finding time within a very crowded space for all of the things that they need to do from, you know, curriculum design to the leadership piece to these relationship type skills that you're talking about here.
What should they be prioritising in terms of how they're working with their educators in this space?
Andrew Fuller: For any educator to have a happy career, they need to have a good time with the people they're going to spend most time with. And those people are their students. So if you get the relationships right with your students, then you're going to be a happier person.
If you're a happier person, that's that becomes a bit contagious, right? So it's very clear to me where your number one priority is. Actually, when you're at work, if I get those relationships right work becomes a joy because of course, you know, people are kind of relating to you, they're vibing off you and things are going well.
Now, that's not going to happen all the time. We know kids are kids and life is life. But by the time you get into my classroom and you're welcome, that's great to see you, how's things, all that kind of stuff. And basically, I believe in you. I know you're a smart kid. We're going to get even smarter this year. We're going to do all that kind of stuff. That makes an incredible difference, not only to you as a learner, as a student, but to me as an educator, it just makes my job a joy.
Dale Atkinson: Maybe this is something that's a bit self-evident, but we don't really stop and think about these things sometimes. Can you talk us through the characteristics of a good relationship and what some of the warning signs of an unhealthy relationship might be so that people can really think and reflect on that?
And what you can't see, listeners, is he's just checked his watch. Yeah, can you talk us through some of those things?
Andrew Fuller: There are five major features to a quality relationship, and the first one is trust. It's hard to imagine a good relationship without a degree of trust. But trust alone, while kids are desperate for it, people are desperate for it, we all rely on it, is never going to be sufficient because we all get things wrong.
We'll say things sometimes we don't mean or upset people we don't mean to upset. And so we have to have forgiveness. Now, forgiveness is often a misunderstood concept because, of course, sometimes people hear forgiveness and go, it's sort of an anything goes kind of world, but actually forgiveness is holding people to a higher level.
It's actually saying, you know, you're more than this situation, it's actually, let's go and help you fix it, because that's what we do here, if we stuff something up, we fix it. But, you know, I know that that's not who you are as a person. Then the third part is integrity. Being who you say you are and doing what you say you'll do, which is a big-ticket item in all aspects of life.
The fourth one is hope. In a world that often wants to rid people of hope and spread anxiety and despair, being somebody who sides as the antidote to that. Being hopeful for his or her students, being hopeful for the world in terms of its capacity to overcome difficult times, is a remarkable statement.
Some might say it's a bit rose coloured glasses, but it's actually important to really tune ourselves to what's hopeful in the world and the great breakthroughs that are occurring, and there are those. And the last feature of the five is kindness. Now, I think that everybody knows when they're kind. And I think also everyone knows when they're not kind.
Put those five features into any relationship, a romantic relationship, into a work relationship, into a relationship between you and your students. Trust, forgiveness, integrity, hope, and kindness, and you're there.
Dale Atkinson: It's a challenge for the listeners, I think. Trust, forgiveness, integrity, hope, and kindness.
That's what we should be going after in all of our relationships.
Andrew Fuller: Try it out in your romantic partners, my friends.
Dale Atkinson: Andrew Fuller, thank you very much for your time.
Andrew Fuller: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: And we're also joined today by Kathryn Mahadeva, who's an occupational therapist with 黑料吃瓜's Education Department's Self-Regulation Service. Catherine, thank you very much for joining us.
Kathryn Mahadeva: Thank you. Thanks Dale.
Dale Atkinson: While we were listening to Andrew talk there, you were nodding on a lot. What was resonating with you? specifically?
Kathryn Mahadeva: Well, our service is very much to support educators in schools to promote the regulation of students. We believe that that's essential for students to feel safe. The metacognition, being self-aware and understanding their emotions, their inner feelings, and being able to tweak their arousal levels, their attention, their emotions, and consequently their behaviour for the situation at hand. We very much believe in that occurring through relationship, so co regulation, and, yeah, our service is there to support schools with that whole process. We've got OTs and psychologists and also educators involved in our team.
Dale Atkinson: So what does the support look like? Is this a hand holding exercise with the staff out in the schools? Is it about training them up? Is it everything in between?
Kathryn Mahadeva: Well, essentially, when a school is interested in our service and puts through a request, we meet with the leaderships. So we very much want to be intentional, join them on a journey.
So their developmental journey of where they're going in terms of supporting the regulation of students, fitting in with their site improvement plans or their PQIPs and very much the culture of where they're heading and what they want to develop in that way. So we do planning and then we provide professional development opportunities.
So that's workshops, that can be either stand alone, sort of shorter, or it can be more of an in-depth process. And so the types of topics that we cover include relationships, so co regulation, the role of that in supporting emotional literacy development in students, the sensory processing as being an important part of understanding arousal levels, and also we look at thinking strategies and also educator self-care because we know that it's important for adults in the young people's life to be regulated themselves and having that inner self awareness and being able to therefore provide the safe environments and the co regulation for the students. We also do very much some follow up supports because we believe that the workshops alone are not going to make a sustained difference necessarily.
And so we're looking at translation into practice. So reflective practice through coaching and just unpacking what does that mean in everyday life in the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: So as a principal or leader out on a site, what are the kind of things that they might be observing that should be a little trigger to them to think, oh, actually, I might give Kathryn and the team a call?
Kathryn Mahadeva: Well, it really is a matter of what they're seeing in terms of the students. We're interested in data.
We encourage schools to collect data too, but they may be more informally noticing trends. But because we know that the academic outcomes, the learning is going to be based on students feeling safe and being emotionally regulated. It can be anything from student wellbeing that triggers this, or it might be even the engagement, attendance, all of this is, is related to how regulated students are. So there can be many, many ways in which we see that this situation needs support and addressing and building within a school.
Dale Atkinson: So I guess sometimes asking for help can be an act of vulnerability. There can be some anxiety around that process.
What would your message be to, to principals who might be like, oh, I'd love some help, but also I'm a bit anxious about how that might be perceived centrally or by my bosses or plenty of those sorts of things.
Kathryn Mahadeva: Well, I hope that we exude the fact that we're enthusiastic and warm. Essentially, we believe in relationships. So it's very much we, we want to foster that sense of safety ourselves. And we know that for all humans to be vulnerable and to grow we need to feel safe. So, it's very much a philosophy of our service.
Dale Atkinson: It's baked into the ethos.
Kathryn Mahadeva: Yeah.
Dale Atkinson: Kathryn Mahadeva, thank you very much for your time. She's an occupational therapist with the Self-Regulation Service with the Department for Education.
You can find out more about the self-regulation service on EDi and they'll also be in the show notes if you want to make contact and learn a bit more. Kathryn thank you for your time.
Kathryn Mahadeva: Thanks Dale.
Discover the advantages of taking your students outside the classroom and how it can help connect their learning to the real world. Joss Rankin is a Senior Lecturer at Flinders University, in Health and Physical Education and Outdoor Education Lead. He shares some of the barriers to outdoor learning and how they can be overcome.
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From implementing green initiatives to having a say in history lessons students at Craigmore High School in Adelaide's northern suburbs are empowered and supported to play a role in their learning experience.聽 In this episode Student Agency Leader Georgina talks to us about fostering student agency in the classroom and students Ellie and Elliot tell us why it's made them excited to come to school.聽
Show notes
- If you want to find out more about student agency and Craigmore's approach you can contact Student Agency Leader Georgina via georgina.davis734@schools.sa.edu.au
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all Elders, past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education and today I am out at Craigmore High School and we're joined by Georgina Davis who is the Student Agency and Pastoral Care Leader at Craigmore High School. Hello Georgina.
Georgina Davis: Hello.
And we've also got Elliot who is a student leadership group member. He's in year eight.
Elliot: Hello.
Dale Atkinson: And finally Ellie who's a fashion design student in year nine.
Ellie: Hi.
Dale Atkinson: Thanks very much for joining us. So the reason we're out here is we're going to talk about student agency. What it is, how to get it, how to activate it and what to do with it when you've got it.
First of all let's have a quick chat with Georgina Davis. Georgina, can you tell us a little bit about Craigmore High School?
Georgina Davis: Yeah, absolutely. So Craigmore High School is a category 2 public school in the northern suburbs. We have years 7 to 12 here and we have an extremely diverse range of students from ATSI, EALD backgrounds and many different other backgrounds to be really honest.
So yeah, really diverse school with lots of fantastic students, over a thousand students on this site.
Dale Atkinson: Can you tell us a little bit about your journey as a school in terms of seeking to activate student voice and agency. What, what were the motivating factors behind it?
Georgina Davis: Yeah, absolutely. Um, so student agency has been a major part of Craigmore High School for a long time now.
I think even before I started teaching, to be really honest, and currently it sits with me as the Student Agency and Pastoral Care Leader, which is a new role this year at our site. Previously, it has sat with curriculum areas in regards to co-agency and students designing their curriculum. It's also sat in areas of leadership groups, which or other ad hoc programs where staff have volunteered to do those things.
And I think at the moment we're really working on refining that program and refining those curriculum areas and making sure they're really visible to all our staff and that they're able to understand the importance of student agency in our site for all staff.
Dale Atkinson: Now when I talk to my friends who are not educators about student agency, inevitably they always say, why would you bother asking kids about what they want to learn? So, what's the answer to that question? Why do we engage with students in this?
Georgina Davis: So student agency is a multifaceted approach to teaching and I think there's many, many, many wonderful approaches or reasons why you should use student agency. The reason that we use student agency, or I personally think student agency is really, really important, is it gives students an entry point and an engagement.
It's the same way that if you're at home and you are, okay, I've got a list of things to do right now, and one of them is clean the toilet, mop the floors, walk the dog, or baking. And baking is my passion. I love baking. I know which one as an adult I'm going to go to first. Which one is my interest? Which one am I going to be willing to engage in?
Which one am I willing to actually get some learning out of as well? Yes, I could probably learn how to effectively clean a toilet, but I don't really want to do it, so I'm probably going to rush it. I'm probably not going to do it really well. I'm not going to really pay attention. But if I, okay, I really want to bake a red velvet cake, I really want to refine the skills that I need.
Whether it be whisking eggs or making the best possible icing for that cake. I'm willing to have an entry point in that. I'm willing to engage in that. Students are willing to engage in things that they are interested in. They're not willing to, and I don't blame them, not willing to engage in things that they have no interest or stake in. Why bother?
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, I'm totally up for the baking over the toilet task to be honest with you. So let's talk about how you actively activate that. What does that process look like?
Georgina Davis: So at Craigmore High School, student agency is a multifaceted approach. It very much is multifaceted at this site. So the first thing is your stereotypical student agency group.
So your leadership group, which I feel like most schools would have these days, is our first sort of port of call. However, we've really made an effort to diversify those student agency groups. So making sure that I'm not just got your stereotypical student leaders, the kids that want to be there and are happy to have leadership attached to their name.
We've also got different groups. So for example, we have the Charter Ambassador Program, which we're about to start running, which gives students an opportunity to look at the charter and what impacts them and what makes them happy, safe and well, and that they get to involve themselves in that. We also run the Australian Refugee Association group and I have a group of girls that work to really make their voices heard in regards to the refugee space.
So it's a really diverse range of students in those leadership groups. We're also looking at forming an ATSI group to support Aboriginal learners at our site. So that's the first sort of facet of it. The other area moves towards the curriculum side. Now within curriculum there's two approaches again.
The first one is subjects that have been specifically designed with student agency at the focus and they would be at our year seven and eight level passion projects. So passion project was designed for students to explore their passion and that was designed with student agency at the focus. So that's our middle school version of agency in a curriculum subject and if you move towards SACE, we obviously have the new EIF and AIF pilots currently running through, where student agency is once again at the forefront.
And I suppose the third part of student agency at our site is looking at our curriculum areas. So your maths, your HASS, your English, your science. And in those areas, co-design is used to support student learning. So they should have a say in what they are learning in those subjects.
Dale Atkinson: What difference does that make in that last bit around the co-design? What difference does that make in terms of engagement for the kids?
Georgina Davis: Yeah, so I think it goes back to even what I was just saying before about the baking example. If you're willing to engage in that, the results are going to be more authentic. The outcomes are going to be better because students are willing to put the effort, willing to put the time in.
So if you've just got say two designated lessons a week, which we do at CHS, and say you want to do this really, really big project, you're obviously going to have to engage outside of school. I'm only going to engage in that if I have agency in it, if I have some sort of stake in it, if I have something that I'm willing to do.
So students are more dedicated in their learning. The outcomes are much better in that they are authentically learning things that are important to them that they know are going to guide or improve their future.
Dale Atkinson: And what are the, um, kind of metrics, what, you know, in education we are absolutely obsessed with data. What are the metrics in terms of what you're measuring and what you're seeing from, from this engagement?
Georgina Davis: Yeah, so we definitely have to speak to our curriculum leads on this one because within CHS obviously many different, um, curriculum areas. I know specifically, um, if we're looking at our leadership group, so not the curriculum area that we were just talking about, we're seeing an uptake in students actually participating in those leadership groups. The number has grown greatly and it's also diversifying, which is really important. So whereas before we had no students from our disability unit in our leadership group, this year we do. And we're also seeing a range of students from a range of different backgrounds involved in these leadership groups, which previously we may have seen less of.
So it's really good to see a diverse range of students within these groups.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that sounds incredible and very rewarding, I would imagine.
Georgina Davis: Yes, it is.
Dale Atkinson: Which is a good time, I think, to bring in the students, given that this is all about the kids. So Elliot, Georgina spoke a little bit about the student leadership group and you're obviously heavily involved in that.
Can you tell us a little bit about what that experience looks like and the impact that you're having at the school?
Elliot: The student leadership group is pretty much when a whole bunch of students come together and want to make change for their peers and the school, the school environment in general. We come together in this room and have like a list of things that we talk about, sometimes made by teachers, but we host it ourself and the teacher mostly takes notes.
Dale Atkinson: What have you been tackling this year so far?
Elliot: The stuff we've tackled so far is the green team, which is pretty much a way to help the environment around the school. There's been a lot of trash and litter, and lots of children just don't care about the environment. So we put together a group of different students to help clean up the school and educate around the subject.
Dale Atkinson: And what was it that made that one of the things that you wanted to focus on?
Elliot: Ever since I was a kid, I've always like seen bad stuff happening on the news and bad stuff happening to the people around me. And I've always wanted to make some change one way or another, even if it's just in a small school environment.
Dale Atkinson: And does it make you feel like you've got a bit more kind of control over your day here at Craigmore High School?
Elliot: I'm a very controlling person and I like having power over other things and being able to do what I'd like is really rewarding to me.
Dale Atkinson: And do you feel like you've made more connections with the other students here?
Have you sort of expanded out your friendship groups into areas that you wouldn't have expected?
Elliot: Definitely. Lots of the students in the student leadership group I had barely talked to before I joined and now I'm pretty close with them and I can just send them messages about what's happening or just talk to them in the yard.
Dale Atkinson: That's really exciting. Ellie, you were a fashion design student, uh, in year nine. Now, um, we were talking before we came on air about just how old I am. Now there is no, there is no way when I was at high school that there would have been a fashion design program in year nine. Can you tell me what that looks like, how that's happened, and what your experience has been.
Ellie: Yeah, so, originally, I'm going to put this out, originally when I started I was doing visual arts. No interest in jewellery at all. And then I suddenly picked up, I want to do jewellery, I want to make, you know, all these pieces, and my teachers just went, alright. Just do jewellery making, like, I'll help you do this.
So, jewellery making is a lot of like, focus, a lot of, um, of course designing, and you know, making practical things. And really delving into what you want to create as a designer.
Dale Atkinson: And what's been the experience over the last couple of terms? Like, have you been able to kind of create some really incredible things?
Ellie: Oh, yeah, of course. I've been able to fully make three pairs of earrings so far, big thing for me because I've never touched jewellery before I started this. And yeah, really being able to like expand my creativity in that department.
Dale Atkinson: And are you looking to go on with it, a little bit?
Ellie: Of course. I've had a blast.
Dale Atkinson: That's excellent. Can I talk a little bit back with you Georgina about what that experience might look like from a teacher because obviously there is an element of... kind of courage and trust that kind of goes into that sort of approach where you do meet a student on their own level.
What is it in terms of the conversations that you're having with your colleagues to kind of make that really give that permission for them to try something new?
Georgina Davis: It's a really individualised thing. So I can say all I want to be honest, but I think a lot of our staff have a lot of really great tools in their toolkit to do that. Megan Hill is Ellie's teacher and Megan is fantastic at co-design and as you can hear already, she's done some wonderful co design with Ellie so far. I think it's really about starting the conversation with students. Because it can seem quite scary to release the reigns a little bit because as a teacher you're like, okay, I need to have my learning assessment plans, I need to have my unit plans, lesson plans and I also need to make sure that this all comes back to the Australian curriculum.
So your hands are fairly tied to start off with and then you have students and you're like I really want to engage them in this and I really want to do this and you're hesitant to start. Most people are 100% and I totally get that but I think if we look at the outcomes as I was talking about before, it's easier for you to teach a class where you're not having to run up against behaviour because you won't have behaviour in your classroom if students are actively engaged and if students are doing things that they have chosen, say like Ellie making earrings, the behaviour is going to be at an all time low.
So it's really about me helping staff create that conversation or start that conversation, really starting to sort of discuss their interests. Things they don't like as well, and like really anything. So having that conversation to start off with is the starting point.
Dale Atkinson: Back to you Ellie. You've obviously had this great opportunity and experience of, of doing jewellery design within the fashion space. Have you been able to think about, uh, other areas that you might want to expand into and, and use to engage your education?
Ellie: Personally, at the moment, my HASS class, we were focusing on, in the beginning, wasn't interested in that. It was like, basic, you know, World War stuff. And my teacher has said to us, she's gone up to us and said, Hey, what do you want to learn about next semester?
Is there anything you're interested in? And this has really got me like, oh, okay. Like, this is something I can have a voice in. I can pick what I want to learn. And it's really helped me personally stay like, on track. I want to come to school now because I have a voice.
Dale Atkinson: So Elliot, in terms of, uh, next steps and directions for the student leadership group, you spoke a little bit about some green initiatives. Are there some other things that you're looking to tackle in the back half of 2023?
Elliot: We're working on having different clubs and lunchtime activities, because the very first thing thing we discussed in the leadership group was there being nothing to do at recess and lunch and lots of groups just walking around having no idea what to do.
So we want to set up like student run clubs where students can pick whatever they're interested in, that being like chess or theatre or gaming. And like set up a little room at recess or lunch with obviously a teacher present so they can just do what they'd like and express themselves in a little room with people that want to be there.
Dale Atkinson: It's such a different approach to like teachers telling you maybe you guys might like to play some soccer at lunchtime or something like that. Do you feel like the ability to kind of come up with those ideas yourselves is important?
Elliot: Yeah, a lot of lunchtime activities has just been this is happening at this time, come here, or this is going on in this room. And I feel like having the opportunity to like have students pick what they want to do and like how they do it is really good.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's exciting, isn't it Georgina, in terms of being able to unlock the passion in the kids, but also give the teachers maybe a little bit more freedom to kind of engage with students in areas that might be interest from outside.
Georgina Davis: Absolutely. It's definitely, and it was a question asked of me this morning actually around like how rewarding this is. And I said, my favourite part of my job is like building relationships with kids and having a chat. And now in my role, I just do that all the time.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's pretty exciting. So I mean, I asked the students about their plans for the back half of this year and you've sort of ran through at the start of the pod just about some of those things that you're looking at in terms of climate ambassadors and the Australian Refugee Association group and other groups like that.
Where are you planning to take this?
Georgina Davis: So you've heard that we've got a couple of different leadership groups. I really want to expand that, driven by student interest. So SLG is something that, like, leadership group is something that us as teachers are like, we need a leadership group. I really would like to throw that back to the kids and see what that they feel there needs to be leadership in regards to.
I did mention earlier about the ATSI leadership group and that's about diversifying our leaders. And I think it's really important to hear Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices throughout our site as well as in many other facets of our learning. That's why that exists and why it should exist.
And I think setting up more leadership groups where students get that say is part of what I'm going to do. Chatting to our principal, Sarah, I think I'd also really like to make this learning and the student agency learning more visible across the site. I think for new staff coming in, and we have many wonderful ECTs at our site, it's really hard coming into a new site, whether you're a brand new teacher or you've been teaching for 20 plus years and trying to understand the lay of the land.
And I think student agency has always been at the forefront of our school, but I think providing staff with the strategies, facilities to understand what the key components of that are and how to do it within their classrooms because it looks very different at a HASS level to a student leadership level.
They're both student agency but they look very different. So I think making the learning more visible for others is something that I'm really keen to work towards and really delving into those specific curriculum areas, HASS, English, etc. to really understand the excellence that's happening in their areas and making that visible to everyone.
Dale Atkinson: And where do you go for your own learning in this area in terms of the networks that you tap into and perhaps the knowledge of colleagues?
Georgina Davis: Yeah, absolutely. So, firstly, knowledge of colleagues is, would be my first thing. We have after school on a Thursday when the kids leave early. Um, we obviously have from 2.30 to 4.30pm and throughout this time, we have used that time for lots of literacy intervention for our school because that's something really important to our site. But I think I'd really like to tap into the wonderful student agency that's happening throughout our site and allowing others to present on their ideas.
So I think to be really honest, I think your first, and you'd be silly not to, is looking at staff here that are already doing it because we've already heard of the wonderful examples in Megan's class already. Why would we not go speak to Megan?
Dale Atkinson: And are you comfortable if people come and speak with you?
Georgina Davis: Oh, absolutely. Go ahead.
Dale Atkinson: Excellent. Alright. Well, we might make some of those details available, uh, either through us or, um, up on the notes in terms of contacting Georgina, which would be great. I guess we've got a bit of time for one final message. So I guess my final question to all of you is, what difference has the activation of agency made in terms of, for you Ellie and Elliot?
Elliot: I'm a lot more confident about my schoolwork. Having like, most of the time it's just a task sheet with like a list of things we have to do. And the rest is completely up to us. So I love just decorating my little slideshows or PowerPoints or whatever I have to do. And having the choice to put in a lot of effort or put in a little. Or paint this one colour, paint it another. I just love that.
Georgina Davis: Sounds great. Ellie?
Ellie: Totally agree. This has just been something that's, you know. Like I've said before, it just allowed me to get more motivated, just in general, coming to school. I'm like, alright, you know, I can choose what I want to do, I'm gonna go for it. It's like, I'd be silly to throw away the opportunity. Yeah.
Elliot: I'm a lot more happy coming to school if that means I get to do whatever I want instead of following a script that a teacher gives me.
Dale Atkinson: I get the feeling, Georgina, that that, what they just said there, is essentially the motivator for you, is that right?
Georgina Davis: Yeah, 100%. That is the first and forefront motivator. The other thing also, if I was adding my two cents, is it's, like, it's easier as a teacher. I know it might not seem like that, like you have to go into a classroom, you have to then like work backwards and have a chat to the kids, but, If you're not up against students that don't want to do the work, and I don't blame them, some of the curriculum, it can be a little bit tricky to either understand or get through sometimes.
If we're facing up against that, sometimes it's really important we then then have these agency, these discussions to help our students, which in all fairness makes my job a lot easier because I don't have to behaviour manage. I don't have to do any of those silly things I don't want to do. I can just have a chat. This is what we're doing. What do you want to do? Okay, let's do that. That's your lesson. It's so much easier.
So whether you're either baking a cake or
Dale Atkinson: making some earrings or changing the world through green initiatives, the more control and agency you've got, the better. Thank you very much. This has been a great chat. Georgina, Ellie, Elliot. Thank you.
Georgina Davis: No worries.
Ellie: Thank you for having us.
How good is the communication at your school or preschool? Following the department's Perspective survey last year, communication, change and voice were identified as three focus areas for sites. In this episode, hear from educators at Parafield Gardens High School and Port Lincoln Junior Primary School who have seen a considerable improvement in their site鈥檚 communication results and how they went about it.
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Continuing our conversation about the purpose of public education we discuss creating a public education system suited to 21st century life and beyond.聽Valerie Hannon is an independent writer, researcher and consultant in education and works with innovative educators around the world to devise and design new models for learning.聽She argues the new promise of education needs to be more about the collective common good.聽
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Professor Geoff Masters, CEO of the Board of the Australian Council for Education Research, says all schools are facing two key challenges: how to better prepare young people to survive and thrive in the future and ensuring every student learns successfully.聽 He believes that current curricula aren鈥檛 going to provide the preparation required and that deep reform is needed.聽聽
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Today鈥檚 students have grown up surrounded with digital technology. They know how to use it, but how can educators and parents help them to use it well and safely? Google for Education Government and Academic Engagement Lead, Chris Harte speaks to us about the positive potential of technology in education and the importance of learning good digital citizenship skills.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a Podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and today I am joined by a man who has an extensive technological background technology in schools, technology around schools, ways schools can use technology.
He's the Government and Academic Engagement Lead at Google for Education. Mr. Chris Hart, thanks for joining us.
Chris Harte: Thanks, Dale. Lovely to be here.
Dale Atkinson: So first of all, what is the positive potential of technology in education?
Chris Harte: So I think one of the areas where technology can genuinely support is in personalising learning.
And I think that we've talked about like the promise of personalising learning for 20 years. How do we give each child an equitable shot at learning, at learning growth? How do we really ensure that they have what they need at the point in time? And technology has always like hinted at that possibility and never really delivered.
And I think that we're moving into a space and technology where the actual capacity of the technology to support the personalisation of learning is becoming a reality. If you tackle the big challenges around access to devices, access to connectivity and platforms and skill building and pedagogy, which have now made sound really small, but they're pretty big challenges once you kind of tackle those and you're in a space where young people and children have access to technology, as a standard piece of their learning. It's not like we're going to go to the lab to do an hour. They've got some access to technology over a long period, an extended period of time. Then I think we're in a space where technology is supporting personalisation and you know, that's through AI. I think it's through the ability to collaborate and to connect globally.
I think there are so many parts of that where we're kind of plugging into a learning ecosystem beyond just the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: So you must engage with a lot of schools out there in all sorts of capacities. What are you seeing nationally and internationally that is really exciting, you and animating sort of your work?
Chris Harte: I'm really so lucky. I mean, I spent 17 years working in schools as a, as a languages teacher in the school leader in the UK and also here in Australia. I should never pick a favourite school, so I'm not going to say a favourite school, but one of the schools I think that really inspired me and continues to inspire me is XP School in Doncaster in the UK.
XP School is one of those schools I worked very closely with a lot of the founding staff in that space, and it came from the tragedy of a secondary school burning down. And so, what do we do? It's actually a blank canvas for us to be able to do something brand new and XP School takes a very, very different approach to learning.
And even though, you know, I have a passion I guess for technology, the reality is that the technology at XP is probably quite invisible. It's just there. And it really is much more about the pedagogical approaches and the culture of personalisation. And it is a bit of a tagline, but it's really meaningful as they talk about the children and young people in the XP schools because there are now a number of them in the XP schools are crew, not passengers.
And so it's really about how do you empower the agency that the young people already have so that they are driving their learning with support, with scaffolds, with accessibility, with all of the things that the kind of grownups in the space have to put in to ensure that that happens. The reality is that that crew, not passengers, mantra, really feeds into everything.
So students drive their learning. They do take a project based, they're actually called expedition based. So that's where XP comes from, expedition-based approach to learning, where they will investigate through transdisciplinary approaches, some big challenging questions, but they connect to the local community as well.
And the walls both kind of physical and metaphorical, I guess, are really porous. So they're constantly connecting out to community, having community connecting in. And part of the technology piece is being able to connect to that global learning community and global learning experiences. So when I'm looking at something which is a very non-traditional model of a learner focused ecosystem, I think XP has got a really interesting story there, which is within the context that the school exists, it's within the physical context, the location, the community, and every school's different.
But I think there are some things that you can pull from that, which are really interesting to explore anywhere in the world.
Dale Atkinson: I'm going to make a big assumption here. Any parent of a child and teaches are, are similar in this dynamic, understands the plasticity of their little brains and their capacity to pick up technology is far more intuitive than perhaps it is for those of us as we get a bit older.
What are the challenges for educators in this space, and how do we encourage upskilling and building capacity in these areas for, for people who perhaps aren't the digital natives?
Chris Harte: Yeah, it's a, it's a really great question because I think there is absolutely a lot of truth in the idea that young people who have been surrounded by technology intuitively know how to access and use the technology, but they don't intuitively necessarily know how to access and use it for good. And in the sense of they don't like they can use the things, but there are still a bunch of skills around digital citizenship, around what it means to use the power of technology to advance learning, to do good in the world. I think that's a really important piece that needs to be deliberately designed by educators, um, and, and families actually, and parents to talk about, you know, what are the pros and cons of, of technology because there are. And the technology in itself is, is never at fault in the sense that it's just a thing, it's just a tool. But the reality is like how we use it, how we apply it. So while I totally agree that young people tend to know how to use the technology, whether they know how to use it well and safely, for the most positive impact, I think is maybe another question.
And to pick up on the, the kind of upskilling piece, there are lots of programs out there at Google we have a program called Be Internet Awesome. Which is a kind of game based, um, curriculum around for young people, which is freely available just in go and Google it. And that is really focusing in on how do I stay safe online, how do I look after my identity?
What does it mean to have a digital footprint, those kinds of things. So we do it through a game-based approach, which is great, and we localised it across the Asia Pacific region into many different languages now. So that idea of, yes, there is technology, yes, you know how to turn it on, you know how to do stuff with it.
But there is definitely learning and upskilling around that, the capabilities and the digital kind of citizenship skills needed to really make the most of it.
Dale Atkinson: So one of the big challenges for the schooling system over the last two or three years has been COVID-19, the impact on learning. What has it taught us about the positives and the negatives of technological opportunity?
Chris Harte: At the height of COVID, there were kind of 1.5 billion kids who were, you know, forcibly removed from their schools across the world. So there were suddenly kind of evicted and having to learn from somewhere else. And in many countries, you know, in Australia we were, we are very lucky, we're generally resource rich and able to do kind of remote learning and those kinds of things. For where that was impacted in many other countries, that was not the case. And I think what it has taught us, there are a couple of things. I think that technology in and of itself is never the solution that it has to be about how technology is used. So if you go personal anecdotes, I have a who's now a 17-year-old, but he was going through year 10, 11, and 12, some parts of 12 through COVID.
And day one, when he was sent home, there was a timetable set. He was online and he had lessons, you know, an hour long between 9 and 10 and whatever. And day one, he was sitting at the dining room table, you know, bright eyed and bushy tailed. I think after four days he was lying on the sofa with his laptop, and then probably after a week he's in bed with his hoodie on, camera off.
And there was something about that whole piece. I mean, it was a challenging time anyway, but there was something about that whole piece of we can't shift technology into the same structures. It'll only take us so far. So if we try and just take school as is and shift it online, then actually we're losing connection. We're losing that wellbeing aspect. You end up with a two-dimensional representation of your class where you might have some cameras on and some cameras off, and this isn't the best of circumstances where people have actually got technology and connectivity. I think there's something about that learning design is not the same, so you have to think about learning design hand in hand with technology. And why I think the, the kind of pandemic and the, the sessions of remote learning have, have really taught us is that to do learning really well with technology, we have to unleash learner agency. They have to have some level of autonomy, some level of choice and voice and responsibility and identity around their learning experience through technology.
Because if we just think, oh, I'm going to do my teacher piece, and then the kids are going to fill in some quizzes and, and that's okay. There's nothing wrong with doing that, but you're losing a huge amount of students’ engagement because it becomes such a passive piece. And you know, as a teacher, you're walking out of the room, you've got eye contact, you've got the ability to keep the dynamic in a room or in a learning space going, and you kind of lose that a bit with technology.
So the learning design has to be different. The learning design has to be focused on learners at the heart of a learning ecosystem, like how do I tap into this self-serve learning content? How do I tap into this lecture from an expert in, in the states on something else? And I think it's a much more dynamic and, and in many ways more interesting and personalising opportunity to take technology as an enabler of a different paradigm versus let's just pick up school, which we tried to do because that was, it was an emergency, right? You try to pick up school and put it into technology. So I think that that is a shift. My biggest worry is that we snap back to an older paradigm because we're all tired, like we're all sick of change. And you know, there's the real exhaustion out there. So I think that school's thinking about that and saying, what did we learn?
And in fact, asking the very question, Dale, that you just asked is, what did we learn about it? What can we take the good bit and how can we move that forward in our school, I think is a real opportunity.
Dale Atkinson: I mean, there are some fundamental things about the way, uh, education infrastructure is designed which are not future ready to the physical spaces, the furnishings, even the structure of the school day, uh, in many cases, which can sometimes be, you know, locked away in enterprise agreements and various bits of legislation.
These are very big challenges for us. What are some of the kinds of practical changes that schools, educators, leaders, can make now to kind of adopt some of these technologies in a really meaningful way for kids?
Chris Harte: I think that one of the really interesting pieces in this is that if we focus on an incremental shift on what we already do, then technology will be helpful. It'll be something that's useful for kids. It'll shift maybe instead of having a handwritten essay as a proxy for learning, we've got a, you know, a really dynamic video presentation as a proxy for learning, but it's still, at the end of the day, just a proxy for learning for, for something from a curriculum.
I think that the small steps are about how does this enable us to do something different and better than we would otherwise do. Like I'm a fanatic for post it notes and butchers’ paper, like I love it. I'm all about it. I want to be in that space. I want to be moving stuff around. And sometimes, you know, you can go online and, and you can go and do a Padlet, or you can do a Jamboard or something like that.
And it's a kind of that when we talk about sort of SAMR models and pieces like that, it's a bit of a substitute level. What I'm really interested in is yes, do that because that helps teachers to feel comfortable. It helps them to see that the technology helps a little bit. Look for things which are maybe more augmentative, things that are going to move learning in a different direction, but also really try and at the same time, and this is also the challenge, at the same time, in parallel, try and reflect on what would it fundamentally look like if we shifted something like the timetable.
So what does it look like when, which we did during the pandemic, often in many schools, what does it look like when students have extended periods of time where they are driving their online? And I think when we talk about agency and it, it sometimes feels like it's a student voice wellbeing place and it's like, oh yeah, it's about students being able to talk about what they want, which it is having some voice and having some choice.
But I think the reality with agency is that technology allows the students to access learning at times, which are more appropriate to them, and that will be different for every child. And technology allows us at this idea, again, of, of the promise of personalisation. Technology allows us to lean into personalisation.
So if you were to say to kids, okay, we, we are doing this for unit of work, and there's some content and there's some process and there's some product, one really simple thing with technology is to say, okay, the content is x, the process we're going to use over the next six weeks is this. The product can be whatever you want.
Use technology. If you want to go and do a video, do a video. If you want to do a beautiful poster, then do a poster. Like as long as whatever you’re creating demonstrates the learning outcomes. Great. And I think unleashing technology that way is a really small step that people feel comfortable with, but also then that helps learners and young people to really demonstrate what they know and what they can do and what they can apply in lots of different modes.
And I think that's a real joy of technology and I think it's that kind of, short, easy step to take.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it does take some bravery though.
Chris Harte: It all takes a little bit of bravery. I think that's the thing.
Dale Atkinson: Well, I think you've inspired all of us to be maybe a little bit braver in our thinking, um, as we move forward.
Thank you very much Chris Hart, for joining us to talk about technology and education.
Chris Harte: Thanks for having me.
Sir Kevan Collins is a member of the department鈥檚 Education Innovation Council and founding CEO of the UK鈥檚 Education Endowment Fund. In 2021 he was put in charge of England鈥檚 post-COVID education recovery. Join us as we chat to the former East London teacher about the purpose of public education, why equity matters and the biggest challenges educators must face from COVID.
Show notes
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders past, present, and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and today something with a bit of an international flavour. I'm joined by a man called Sir Kevan Collins. He is the founding Chief Executive of the Education Endowment Fund.
He's also a member of the department's Education Innovation Council. Uh, which is chaired by our CE. So he's a, an important advisor to the strategic direction of our department. Sir Kevan, thank you very much for joining us.
Sir Kevan Collins: It's great to be here.
Dale Atkinson: Can I ask you first about, uh, the parochial question as a 黑料吃瓜n, what are the advantages and disadvantages we've got as a jurisdiction
Sir Kevan Collins: In the, in the work I do supporting 黑料吃瓜, it's, it's interesting reading the data because I think the big advantage is obviously the brilliant people that work here, and all the data shows the successes and the progress you've made, but also the size. Because one of the things we've learned about education is the more personal you can get, the more down you can get to know the individuals, the more progress you'll make.
And the size allows you to really get into the detail and that's where the answers are. Not in grand, big plans, but in meeting the needs of individual children and working with individual schools, the 700 or so schools that serve here.
Dale Atkinson: So it's really the interface which, where all the, all the work gets done, isn't it?
Sir Kevan Collins: Yeah.
Dale Atkinson: So let's talk a little bit about equity. You spent some time, a lot of time in Tower Hamlets as Chief Executive there an environment where there is a vast span in terms of the haves and the have nots. Can you tell us a little bit about your view of equity and why our schools and parents should care about it?
Sir Kevan Collins: Equity matters not just for the child who is underserved, but actually equity matters for everybody. If you look for example, at Australia, let's do this, the country rather than the state here. If you look at Australia's results in PISA And the desire to move up if that's what you want to do. You cannot do that without raising the tail.
The dragon lag of having some children left behind makes everyone suffer. The other thing we found in the UK and the work I do with UNESCO and and other parts of the world is when you serve the most disadvantaged children, well everybody benefits. You become a better teacher, a better school, and more effective organisation.
That's true of special educational needs as well. The biggest challenge of our generation educators is how do we make sure we don't leave some children behind because there are growing gaps. And the bad news to bring to Australia is when you look at the gaps, they're widening. And this big challenge of how do we narrow gaps and bring everybody with us to the promise of education, if you like, is the challenge.
Dale Atkinson: Can I talk to you a little about how we address this in a, in a post COVID environment? A lot of the researchers sort of indicated that there has been impacts, not just on learning outcomes for students, but on wellbeing indicators as well. What should we be looking at post COVID in terms of helping our kids?
Sir Kevan Collins: What we learned through COVID and I was the National Education Recovery Commissioner for the UK appointed by the Prime Minister to work on COVID, and what we learned through COVID was that education affects the whole of the child's life. It's not just that maths scores go back. Or English scores go back. We learnt that mental health, socialisation, a whole range of things have been impacted by not going to school.
What that reminds us then is schools aren't just about academics, they're about the whole child. The impact of COVID, unfortunately, on all the data everywhere has been greater on the most disadvantaged children. So how do we deal with the legacy if we're not careful of COVID, that we've got widening gaps?
You know, children have had access to computers. Children who had parents who were highly educated supporting what, that's one story. But there were some other children who didn't have connectivity, didn't have resources, and this is the biggest disruption since the Second World War on, on education in, in most of the developed world.
And it goes without saying that it's going to take a long time and it has to be a broad front across the whole of a child's life. Not just more maths and English, but more sport, more choir, more drama. In England, 19%, uh, drop in the number of kids taking part in sport. These habits have been broken of being involved in these activities and we need to rebuild them.
Dale Atkinson: And so what have you seen in your experience of site systems, individual schools are doing this well and what are they focusing on?
Sir Kevan Collins: I think there are three domains that people are beginning to focus on. The first. You do face down this thing of learning loss. Those of us who working, for example, early education, will know the phrase from someone like Jim Heckman, the Nobel Prize winning economist, 'skills, beget skills'.
And if you haven't got some skills that you would've acquired in early learning that has a deficit, it begins to catch to you later on. So we have to cover the loss off. The second we've seen is that these broad social skills, these habits of learning and social skills have to come before you do the hard academic skills.
You have to get children back into the habits of learning. Teachers will talk to you now quite often about behaviour, low level disruption, kids not attending. So you got to get the habits of learning first. And then you've got to work on the skills. And then the third bit I think, is this, um, opportunity to really understand how technology, now there's been a kind of breakthrough in technology that's a positive legacy.
If there are already from COVID, we should grab hold of and rethink education as this blended experience between the use of technology. Never, ever without the teacher that's going to not be, instead of that as well as, and how do we think about those two things, but critically, the broad experience, which I think COVID taught us children really need in schools now.
Dale Atkinson: You started your career as a classroom teacher. What do you wish you knew then in terms of teaching children that you know now from your experience?
Sir Kevan Collins: It's almost like you wanna go back and apologise to those children because, Uh, and I was lucky, I taught, there was one group of children, we had a, what's called vertical grouping in London, east London. It was 40 years ago. A third of the kids were, were of one age, and I had the youngest kids all for all three years, every day. And of course now I know that I wish I'd been better skilled. I wish I'd known more. I look at teacher training and I think it's great, but we need to kind of develop it.
So this being intellectually curious about what I do and about how children learn, I think is kind of driven by my ongoing guilt about the way I serve that first group. So I wish I'd known a hell of a lot more.
Dale Atkinson: So taking you back to that Tower Hamlets experience, and I know Tower Hamlets had a reputation for being quite innovative as a local government area, and local government in the UK has a remit that's more akin to State Government in Australia.
So responsibility for things like education, child protection, aged care. So a fairly broad remit, I think one of the things that Tower Hamlets was looking at and, and had enacted was really going out to the community and talking to them very actively about how they wanted the money to be spent and resources allocated.
Sir Kevan Collins: Sure.
Dale Atkinson: What are the kind of things that we can learn as an education system from that approach?
Sir Kevan Collins: So when you look at the challenges of serving, I think any kind of community, what we've realized increasingly is that you can get a disconnect between those of us that want to do the best and sit in big offices running the system and those on the ground who are the communities. As they get more and more diverse and the needs kind of develop and they get more and more complex. It's hard to keep ensuring that the classic old services deliver. So you've got to be more creative about how you engage with people. So in Tower Hamlets, for example, which is if you take free school meals as a proxy for poverty, we had the most kids in England and by 10% more than anyone else. And when I first got there, it wasn't me who did this. Our results when I was teaching at the beginning were pretty much the worst in the country. Interestingly, now they're in the top quartile and for every year group in England, and they outperformed somewhere like West Sussex, which is interesting because, uh, these kids, 70% come with English as second language and there's poverty now.
I think the big step, and it was unusual for someone to be a, a primary school teacher and then to become the chief executive of the council took a long time. But the interesting thing we learn was one, you have to work with the crane of your communities, so you have to go to where things are quite interesting.
You have to work with the moss, you have to work with all sorts of community groups where there are lots of conversations that need to be thought about. What are your values, what are their values? What's non-negotiable in those spaces? You also have to be ready to do things that were innovative. We, in that example, to the budgets, we spoke to young people and so the community across all ages and said, what do you think we should do with the money?
And we actually put money on the table and said, you decide. Young people overwhelmingly suggested we spend it more on older people in their lives. Older people overwhelmingly said we should spend it on young people, but giving people the chance to really take ownership meant a different relationship with the activities.
And I'm a great believer that the people who use services are the best source of data and information on how you improve services. And by the way, the other thing about improvement is its habit, not an event. So this took 20 years of sticking with the knitting, which people like to kind of keep innovating, but sometimes you've gotta stick with it and the grind it out.
Dale Atkinson: So that takes us very neatly to a conversation that's going on here in 黑料吃瓜 around the purpose of public education and a thing that our chief executive has kicked off in terms of a discussion at every level about what are we for in public education? What's your focus on that? What is your take on the purpose of public education moving into 2023, 24, and the next century?
Sir Kevan Collins: I mean, I'd like to start the conversation just a slightly different place, and that is what kind of place does 黑料吃瓜 want to be? Is educations one of the biggest drivers to create the place you'll be in the future? What kind of lives do you want children to have in the round? And then how does education play a part in that?
Because the one thing I'm absolutely certain is that education plays a part, it's essential, but not sufficient to describe and create the lives you want for children if you want them to flourish and thrive. So you've got to ask, how healthy do you want children to be? What achievement do you want children to have?
How do you want to participate and make a contribution to the lives of 黑料吃瓜? What about the economic wellbeing of our children and what about their resilience and wellbeing? Education has a role to play, but we just can't load it all education. Well, we have to think about that in the future, and education is right at the centre of that ecosystem.
Dale Atkinson: Sir Kevan, those are some excellent questions for us to think on and to leave on. Thank you very much for your time. You are needed by our chief executive to, um, provide him with some advice and a discussion point. So I'll let you get going, but uh, thank you very much for your time.
Sir Kevan Collins: Thank you very much indeed.
Join us as Emeritus Professor Peter Sullivan discusses strategies educators can use to improve students鈥 numeracy learning experience including the four types of maths lessons that should be delivered. Peter Sullivan is the Emeritus Professor of Education at Monash University and wrote the Australian Education Review publication 鈥楾eaching mathematics: using research-informed strategies鈥.
Show notes
Join us as Dr Florence Gabriel explains how developing students鈥 self-regulation skills can help tackle maths anxiety in the classroom and why it can be beneficial to let students know that it鈥檚 ok to fail.聽 Dr Florence Gabriel is an Enterprise Fellow in Education Futures and a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning at the University of 黑料吃瓜.
Show notes
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders past, present, and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and today I'm joined by Dr. Florence Gabriel, who is the enterprise fellow in Education Futures, and a senior research fellow at the Centre for Change and Complexity in Learning at the University of 黑料吃瓜.
Dr. Gabrielle, thanks for joining us.
Dr Florence Gabriel: Thank you for having me.
Dale Atkinson: So today we are talking about maths anxiety. We're going to take it out of the equation. I guess the first thing to kind of establish is what is maths anxiety?
Dr Florence Gabriel: Studies over the years have shown that many people have extremely negative attitudes towards mathematics, and that they can develop negative emotions when confronted with mathematics and these negative emotions, they can turn into a phobia of what we call mathematics anxiety.
Maths anxiety is a negative emotional response to mathematics, and it's often defined as feelings of tension, nervousness, or even fear that some people experience when doing mathematics at school, at work or in their everyday lives. And unfortunately, maths anxiety is a common problem in classrooms. If we look at piece of data, for example, select survey that's run by the OECD.
25% of Australian students report feeling helpless when solving a maths problem. And also, interestingly, neuroimaging studies have shown that students with high levels of maths anxiety they show more activation in brain regions associated with the detection and experience of pain, but it's pretty serious.
Dale Atkinson: That seems like a, like a pretty extreme reaction to something that we are exposed to pretty broadly in the education setting.
So for a lot of kids, what, what are they experiencing in terms of symptoms? Like what? What's visible to teachers when a child is, is experiencing mass anxiety?
Dr Florence Gabriel: There are different types of symptoms associated with maths anxiety, and it can cause physiological symptoms, and that includes increased heart rates and breathing rates, sweaty palms, stomach ache, or headaches.
It's also linked to emotional symptoms, so if you're a student who's starting to panic or if you are getting angry during a maths lesson, , it might be due to maths anxiety. There's one more type of symptom that's actually really important to learning, and these are cognitive symptoms. These cognitive symptoms, they can take the shape of invasive negative thoughts or ruminations or, or worries where you would think things like, Ugh, I'm never going to understand math, and these worries, they will overload your working memory.
Which is the type of memory that allows you to hold information in your head when you complete tasks, like mental calculations, for example, and obviously when your working memory is disrupted, well, your performance in mathematics will often suffer. Something that I don't think I have mentioned yet, but if you are math anxious, it doesn't mean that you are bad at math.
It just means that maybe some students would be deterred and wouldn't become the mathematicians, engineers, scientists, programmers, or, or economists that they could become because they feel too scared or anxious about mathematics. We want to avoid this situation and support our students and help them perform to the best of their abilities.
Dale Atkinson: So where does this all come from for students?
Dr Florence Gabriel: Unfortunately, it starts really early and mathematics anxiety appears to increase with age during childhood. So it can start as early as in year one or two, and it becomes quite strongly apparent from year four or five. And this may be due to general anxiety, increasing as children get older, but also because of exposure to other people's negative attitudes towards mathematics. It's also linked to experiences of failure or, or even just the threat of it, and also it's linked to changes in the content of mathematics itself. With maths becoming more complex and more abstract. Math anxiety is caused by pre-existing difficulties in mathematical cognition, but we shouldn't neglect social factors because they also play an important role. For example, if you were exposed to teachers who themselves suffered from maths anxiety, you鈥檙e more likely to develop math anxiety yourself, and studies have shown that this tends to be more often the case for girls than for boys.
Yeah, that's really interesting. I think the public perception of mathematics and, and how it's all framed is an interesting phenomenon in that people will very readily describe themselves as incapable or, or not particularly adept when it comes to mathematical concepts in a way that they wouldn't do in terms of literacy.
Yeah, that's great. Often here or I'm not good at math, so I'm hopeless, but you'd never hear somebody say I'm hopeless with reading. These stereotypes are well and truly alive and, and it's something that we hear all too often.
Dale Atkinson: So how do we combat that in the classroom?
Dr Florence Gabriel: What's really important in the class is to build student confidence in their mathematical abilities.
And things that we can do to help combat these stereotypes is just making teachers aware of them. Studies from the US showing that if in-service teachers are made aware of stereotypes and stereotype threat around mathematics, it will actually change their attitudes and obviously teachers attitudes and their beliefs in their mathematical abilities will also influence their students attitudes and and their mathematical achievement.
There's actually a really interesting theory that comes from educational psychology that was put forward by Reinhard Pekrun, and it can help us understand how and why maths anxiety is happening in the classroom. And this theory is called the Controlled Value Theory of Achievement Emotions.So according to this control value theory, the experience of emotional achievement settings is determined by two types of appraisals, those relating to control, for example, that can be expectations for success or confidence or self-concept beliefs, and then appraisals relating to value.
And that could be the level of importance that a student gives to a task or a subject. This theory says that anxiety is rooted in poor control appraisals combined with higher levels of value, which means that if you care about mathematics but you don't feel in control of your learning in mathematics, you are likely going to experience anxiety.
So what we can do to help that is developing students' self-regulated learning skills because this will allow them to take control and take ownership of their learning. That's something that we're working on currently with my research team at at UniSA. Developing interventions built to develop students self-regulated learning in maths classroom.
Dale Atkinson: I was talking about the opportunity to interview you with one of my colleagues. They immediately jump to the work of Dr. Carol Dweck around, you know, the growth mindset and the fixed mindset and how the perception of the opportunity to learn and the idea that success is possible is such an important thing for a child when they're particularly in any learning space, but, but with mathematics.
Dr Florence Gabriel: Yeah, absolutely. And I think building strong self-belief and that confidence in mathematical abilities is very important. Because, you know, sometimes we just feel negative emotions and it happens, but what really matters is what we do with these negative emotions and how we're going to regulate them so that. They don't negatively impact our learning.
Dale Atkinson: So what are some of the things that educators can do to create that sense of safety for a child to embrace the challenges of perceived difficulty?
Dr Florence Gabriel: What's really important is that children are allowed to fail and they feel comfortable and that they understand that failing is part of the learning process. Encouraging taking risks in the classroom, and that can be done by using open-ended problems, for example, where there's multiple solutions to our problems. Students can explore different ways of solving problems. Collaborative learning can help too. In this case, these are techniques that are proven to help students and reduce their anxiety as they're working on mathematics problems.
Dale Atkinson: Something for parents perhaps. What's the role of high expectations from parents to students in this area?
Dr Florence Gabriel: Parents' expectations for, for their children and, and how much they value mathematics themselves. They are also obviously associated with student attitudes and their outcomes in, in mathematics and research actually shows that parents' expectations can act as a, as a filter through which children understand their abilities and it will affect their expectations for success. There's really interesting research coming from the US on the impact of parents, mathematics, anxiety, and particularly when dealing with the children's homework. But it's not necessarily linked to pressure, but it's related to the maths anxiety that the parents experienced themselves.
If children ask their maths anxious parents for help with their math homework, it, it can actually backfire. And this is because parents can communicate their fears and their frustrations to their children who can then internalize all of that. In the worst case, avoid mathematics entirely. So the way we talk about mathematics and the language we use, is really important here.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, I think, it's probably the classic kind of challenge for any parent is not imprinting the negative perceptions of things on their own kids . So it's a, it's an extension out to mathematics in all parts of life. So you mentioned a bit earlier that a significant proportion of the adult population and a number of teachers experience maths anxiety themselves. What are some techniques that educators can avail themselves of to help to overcome?
Dr Florence Gabriel: Yeah, so unfortunately there is indeed a large value of evidence in the, in the research literature that shows that pre-service teachers have higher levels of maths anxiety compared to other university students who are studying things like business or health sciences, for example.
And unfortunately, these pre-service teachers are typically going to become teachers in early years or primary school. And, and the big issue here is that they will bring their maths anxiety with them into the classroom. And usually they tend to think that they are less capable of successfully teaching mathematics, and obviously that will have a negative impact on those students.
One of the, the biggest issues here is that maths anxiety can affect how teachers assess their own mathematical abilities. So the more mathematics teachers know, the more confident they will be in their mathematical ability. And one of the positive consequences of increasing teacher's self-efficacy beliefs in, in mathematics is that they tend to rate the importance of teaching mathematics to young children more highly.
It's really important to support pre-service and in-service teachers in this space. This support can take the form of professional development or enrolling in postgraduate courses, in in mathematics education, for example.
Dale Atkinson: It's something that really needs quite a bit of focus and, and I guess part of it is wraparound from colleagues who are confident and capable working with those who are perhaps a, a little bit more anxious and feel that anxiety. So really it's about, you know, getting together with your colleagues and, and one owning up to whatever anxieties you have, but having those conversations with people who are perceived within your teams as, as really strong in that area.
Dr Florence Gabriel: Absolutely. And I think having that safe space to talk about it freely and recognizing that maybe you are a bit anxious when you are teaching maths, but there's something you can do about it and, and working with your colleagues to, to help alleviate the symptoms you may feel when you are teaching maths yourself, that's definitely very helpful.
Dale Atkinson: We're very fortunate that you have agreed to provide, some of your expertise for a plink course that's going to be available to listeners and that'll be linked off to in the show notes, uh, when it comes available, what are the top three things that you want to get across to, to educators in that process?
Dr Florence Gabriel: The first thing I would say that, well, maths anxiety is very common and it's probably something you've seen in your students before. But the second point that I want to make is that we can actually do something about it. And self-regulated learning seems to be a good avenue to alleviate maths anxiety symptoms.
So helping children with their self-regulated learning and their emotional regulation, uh, will help them become more confident and less anxious when learning mathematics.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the interesting things about mathematics as opposed to, you know, we touched on literacy, uh, a bit earlier and, and lots of other areas of learning, is that it can be perceived to be right or wrong, you know, it's a pass fail binary kind of outcome in terms of the problem that's in front of you, which is not something that's apparent if you're discussing the humanities or if you're learning how to write or even, you know, you're reading it's okay to fail a little bit and then get some growth.
What role does that play in terms of maths anxiety, and how can that be alleviated by educators when confronting kids and letting them know it's okay not to get it right the first time.
Dr Florence Gabriel: It's important for teachers to allow children to understand that it's, it's okay to fail and, and to take risk in, in math classrooms.
And, and sometimes there's not a, a single right answer as well. It's, it might be true with simpler arithmetic, but if you work on more complex mathematics, there might be more than one way to arrive at a solution. So, focusing on, on that flexibility in terms of teaching and learning is really important as well.
And, and that's actually linked to all of that self-regulated learning and the, the executive functions that underline self-regulation. So, allowing children to come up with, flexible answers and different answers to a problem will help them in this case and hopefully alleviate some of the, the maths anxiety symptoms they would otherwise feel.
Dale Atkinson: I mean, so much of it, like all things in education, comes down to educator demeanour and perception of how the kids are experiencing that relationship with their educators. It's such an important factor, isn't it?
Dr Florence Gabriel: It is. It really is. Yeah.
Dale Atkinson: What's your final message to everyone out there in terms of giving maths a go?
Dr Florence Gabriel: I think it's really important for children to feel less anxious when it comes to mathematics. Mathematics is beautiful and it's also the gateway to many different careers. One of the long-term consequences of mathematics is the avoidance of anything that has to do with math. So any course or university degree or career that has mathematics in it.
So what we want to do is really support students here and make sure that they develop their full potential.
Dale Atkinson: Some great messages for, for educators, for parents, for students about, you know, being bold and giving things a go. Dr. Florence Gabrielle, thank you very much for your time.
Dr Florence Gabriel: Thank you.
Discover the tools and resources available to help support teachers to prevent and respond to bullying. Plus, Woodville Primary School鈥檚 student wellbeing leader and school captain share how their site鈥檚 student-led restorative bench project encourages students to mend and build relationships through conversation. Thanks to Lydia, Lisa, Wendy and Emily for participating in this episode.
What is the Autism Inclusion Teacher (AIT) role? How will AITs support 黑料吃瓜n primary school teachers? Discover more about this nation-leading initiative and hear from Keith Area School about the difference this role will make at their site. You might notice us use the terms autistic person or person with autism and this is because we recognise that there are people in the autistic community who prefer identity-first language. Thanks to Anna, Erin and Ceri for participating in this episode.聽
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders past, present, and emerging.
Bella Pittaway: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Bella Pittaway and I'm from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. Today we're talking about the Autism Inclusion Teacher role. We'll be seeing across our primary schools this year for the first time. Soon, we'll head to Keith Area School to hear from a special education teacher about the difference this new role will make, but before then, let's get some more information about the Autism Inclusion Teacher role. Joining us, uh, Anna Noble, Assistant Director of Inclusive Practice, and Erin Anear Manager of Disability Advice and Research. Welcome to you both. Now, the big news last year was that an Autism Inclusion Teacher will be appointed in every public primary school this year. What exactly is the Autism Inclusion Teacher role?
Erin Anear: Yeah, it certainly was big news. Since then, we've been working really hard to make that announcement kind of become a reality. But before we talk about the role, I just wanted to explain really quickly that you might notice us use the terms autistic person or person with autism today.
And this is because many autistic people prefer identity first language, and we might use both interchangeably. So you might hear autistic person or child with autism. But we use both because each person is unique and their preferences around identity are different. The Autism Inclusion Teacher role is really exciting.
It's a new role. It's been developed with a focus on improving school support for autistic children in young people in ways that work for their school. And that's really important because while we're rolling this out statewide, we have been really conscious of ensuring that each school can develop the AIT role to work within their own site context. But we don't wanna lose focus around that role. And the consistency as well. The AIT role's really focused around two key areas, so that's helping teachers to build their own practice in teaching autistic children and their knowledge around autism, but also influencing the practice of others at their school as well.
So that's really our two key things that we're looking at. There'll be opportunities for formal and informal professional learning, and the AITs will all be connected to a network as well. And I know Anna will talk a little bit more in detail about that, um, later on too. And it's unique because the role isn't just release time and it's not just training, it's a whole package of supports around the teachers.
We've been calling it the team around the AIT. . So this definitely includes that release time and that targeted training, but it's more than that. And this is something that hasn't really been done before. So it's a really new concept. Um, and it is a really exciting initiative as well. And I guess the role itself has been developed with input from educators, from schools, from teachers, from industry groups, university researchers, specialists in autism, and most importantly, with input form autistic people themselves. And so from teachers in our system who are autistic, and also from young people as well in our system.
Bella Pittaway: And Anna, why is this such an important role?
Anna Noble: Well, the prevalence of autism diagnoses among children and young people has increased substantially over recent decades, and this has in part, been driven by a greater awareness of the condition of autism.
And what we are finding is that school outcomes for many of our students who are autistic, they're poorer relative to their non-autistic peers. Uh, so things like not feeling connected at school, not feeling like they belong, difficult relationships sometimes with peers and with their teachers. It really is something that is noticed throughout the education and throughout their research.
The other thing is participation rates, and it's not just children not attending school. What we're finding is participation rates within a classroom. So for a lot of our autistic students, teachers will be providing opportunities for learning, but not think about, well, how do I make sure that a young person with autism is fully included in this? Have I provided supports around working in groups? Have I prepared this person so they know what's coming? For many of our children with autism, school can present a real challenge. So given this, there's a need for building teachers knowledge of autism so that they can apply effective approaches in their classrooms and so that they can make good decisions about which supports, which services, which interventions will likely be in the best interest of their students.
And this is really about the best interests of our children with autism. So that's one of the key reasons it's building the capacity of our Autism Inclusion Teachers to know and recommend good practice. Another reason is we know um, autistic students benefit mostly from teachers who can recognise or maybe anticipate where the challenges are at school for their children. Is the classroom noisy? Is there too much going on? Is there not enough going on in the classroom for these children to keep them engaged in their learning and motivated in their learning? Is the classroom too unpredictable? And as well as those, those aspects, there's things around, um, opportunities. Where are the opportunities such as freedom to follow a deep interest? We know that for a lot of our autistic students, they have very deep interests and passions, and teachers can use these strategies and these interests of the children to really engage and motivate their kids. So there's lots of things that can make or break a good schooling experience for our autistic students.
Bella Pittaway: And do we know approximately how many students have autism? Bearing in mind that there would be students who are undiagnosed.
Erin Anear: This can be a tricky question to answer. There may be children and young people in our schools who are undiagnosed, and there also might be students who are diagnosed, but they don't necessarily receive any extra support or resourcing or anything around them.
But what we do know is that sort of at the end of 2021, when our last data came through, there were around 4,900 students who you know, had an autism diagnoses, were in a mainstream school and they received additional resourcing as well. And I guess if you look Australia wide, the number of people with the diagnosis of autism is actually growing.
When we have a look at the data in 2015, there were 164,000 people across Australia who were diagnosed. And by 2019, that had grown to 205,000. And that's a trend that's sort of across the world as well. So we are looking at about one in 70 people would have a diagnosis of autism.
Bella Pittaway: Anna, who will be in these roles at school this year, what training are they going to receive?
Anna Noble: There are gonna be lots of teachers. We're expecting there to be about 440 teachers, and they're all different kinds of roles. The people who be AITs are coming from different positions within schools, so lots of them are teachers. Quite a few are leaders, and some are teacher leaders.
The teacher leaders are those who hold those specialist positions in their school, such as an Inclusive Educator or a Wellbeing Coordinator. What we know about them is that they're going to come in with different levels readiness for this role. And so when you talk about, you know, what training's going to be provided, the training will be set at different levels because some of our teachers, such as our Special Options Teachers or our Special Class Teachers, or our Inclusive Leaders, Inclusive Education Leaders, they'll have deep knowledge in autism already. And so they'll be training for them set at a more advanced level to build teachers understanding of autism and to know its impact on learning. Most of our autism inclusion teachers will participate in a two-day face-to-face course provided by Positive Partnerships, and they will complete one of their modules.
Plus they'll receive training in how to use some of their autism specific tools that will be incredibly helpful for our teachers in the classroom and across the school and these tools will help support their decision making for their autistic students. Then what will happen is they'll be provided with a whole suite of training options.
We'll be pointing them to other training opportunities that are accessible on plink online. Or coming to 黑料吃瓜, for example, Barry Carpenter is coming to 黑料吃瓜 in March, and the AITs are going to be invited to come along to that training.
Bella Pittaway: Awesome. And so once they've had all this training and they're taking up the role in their school, what will they actually be doing?
Anna Noble: They'll be analysing the data schools have on their students with autism. And this is to identify the strengths of the school already. So where are they already providing evidence-based strategies and supports and evidence-based interventions, and also looking at the needs. So with the AITs, they'll be receiving our training.
This will always be around what are effective practices in schools. And our AITs will then be able to say, okay, so we are doing this practice, but that doesn't seem as evidence-based as something else. Maybe we should introduce this. They'll be supporting their fellow educators to know a range of strategies and support.
So in-class supports, assessment modifications, ways to engage students in different classroom activities, such as working within groups, speaking in front of a class. They'll be sharing resources across the school, such as our newly released autism practice guides, and they'll be sharing their learning from the training.
So leaders, Will work with their Autism Inclusion Teachers to support them to identify what's gonna be most beneficial for that school community. So the main focus on site will be to provide guidance to the fellow educators on how to best support and educate students with autism and embed inclusive practices that support learning and development.
Bella Pittaway: And Erin, how does this role, the AIT role connect with other student support services?
Erin Anear: That's a really good question. It's so important that we recognise that there's excellent work happening across the system already to support autistic children and young people. And the AIT role is not designed to replace any of the supports that already exist.
So your special educators, your behaviour coaches, psychologists, speech therapists, they're going to continue to be available and they can help schools. They might work with the AIT at the site as part of that help with the school. But the AIT role isn't designed to be a main point of contact for the services, and we still expect schools to manage referrals just as they have been through their student referral teams. Or through just general consultations with their student support services providers.
Bella Pittaway: And we know you mentioned earlier, I mean, there are at least more than 4,000 students with autism. And for teachers out there that might have, uh, a student with autism in their class, they might be thinking, well, how can an AIT support me?
Erin Anear: And I guess building on what Anna said earlier, we really see that AIT role being able to support teachers in lots of different ways. And that really depends on the site context. But the AIT can share the learning that they're doing in the professional development. They can guide teachers to different approaches or strategies to trial, and they might be able to share resources like articles on specific areas around autism.
It might be that the cohort of students at that school has a specific need. You might have a number of girls diagnosed with autism, and therefore you might need some resources specific to that. That's something that our autism inclusion teacher could help teachers to access, or it could even be different kinds of scaffolds. So you know, ways of teaching students with autism, it might be strategies you can use around specific areas of learning. So that might be comprehension reading fluency, it might be, how do I best work with an autistic learner around multiplication? So there's lots of different ways, but I guess the most important thing is just sharing those contemporary evidence-based practices.
Bella Pittaway: That means you've got someone in that school that you can go to, if you've got a question, you can go to that person and go, look, this is what I've got happening in my class. Is there anything you can suggest or something that I can follow up on?
Erin Anear: That's right. And then, you know, the autism inclusion teacher has access to those networks of those professionals, um, to then be able to have those questions in supported by the professionals who have an experience as well.
Bella Pittaway: Well, we've sort of touched on it already, but Erin, what do you think AITs will be able to teach, you know, other staff at their school?
Erin Anear: The fact that we've got an AIT in all of our primary schools is such a unique position. So while we're talking about this being something that's site specific to the context and how they'll work, we're also making sure that there's a consistency of the information that's being shared with schools.
So this is an opportunity for those contemporary evidence-based practices to actually be shared more widely across the state as well. And we know that the research in and around autism is developing rapidly and there's new information being shared every day. So the AIT will be in a position to be able to share that with staff.
And they might not necessarily formally teach the staff, but they might be sharing information perhaps as part of a staff meeting. They might have a regular sort of sharing spot, but it's more about them guiding others, demonstrating that best practice and modelling that within their own classrooms um, or with the autistic students at their site as well.
And at the same time, the AIT is going to be regularly connecting with the networks as well, and the networks themselves will be able to help with some of that, I guess on the ground information. So, you know, I tried this and, and that didn't quite work. And oh, hey, maybe try it this way. So you've got this AIM team of professionals giving you the, the evidence base, and then you've got your contemporary peers actually helping you with, how do I actually get this happening on the ground at my school? I, I think that's a really unique part of the.
Bella Pittaway: So we've talked about what the autism inclusion teacher role, what they will be doing. What are some misconceptions you'd like to address or some things that they won't be doing?
Anna Noble: I think it's important for people to know that the autism inclusion teachers won't be teaching all of the children with autism on their site, that's not the role. That's not their particular role. They won't be providing the referral services Erin spoke to, and they're not going to be the centre point for families. Classroom teachers will still be the first point of contact for families, but if teachers are saying, I need some support to engage our families in working with this child who happens to be in my class, then the autism inclusion teacher, who will be undertaking some professional development around engaging families, will be able to bring some of those strategies to that teacher.
Bella Pittaway: And just also something unique. What has it been like, because this is an Australian first, so I can imagine it's not like you've had a model where you can look at and go, okay, well this is how they've done it in their school system. This is happening for the first time. What has that been like?
Anna Noble: It's, I don't know that we've had an opportunity in the past before to really step back and have a look at the science of learning, really considering how do adults learn, how do teachers come together? What makes a network? Because a lot of this work is going to be supported by the networks and teachers coming together, sharing practice.
So we've had to think really deeply about what does an effective network look like? How do these teachers stay connected? How do we ensure that we provide them with the ongoing support, ongoing modelling that we are guiding the work they're doing and giving them an opportunity to say, actually this is what's happening in my site, and is anyone else finding something similar? And the support of the Autism and Inclusion multidisciplinary team, we just call them the AIM team, is really to bring in their sort of credible scientific knowledge to go, these are the strategies that you could use in your classroom, hearing about what's not working, and then exploring with our AIM team around, you know, why don't you think this particular intervention might be working at this point in time?
So they're gonna have access to these opportunities. I think that's what's the difference and the time we've really taken to look at what does an effective network look like. That has been the most significant part of this.
Bella Pittaway: You're sort of forging this path, and I'm sure you know, other states will be looking on and seeing how it all goes and probably have their own questions about it too. Before we finish up here, what impact are you expecting the Autism Inclusion Teacher role will have in our schools,
Anna Noble: Given that there'll be one person who is released one day per week or one day a fortnight, to focus on improving the school experiences of students with autism, I'm expecting that they'll support schools to feel more confident in the approaches they're using for their autistic students, that they will increase their repertoire of strategies and interventions available in their schools. They'll have more evidence-based resources to draw from when thinking through tricky situations. And I heard Ceri talking about sometimes it's tricky and I'm going, yeah, that's kind of what we are doing here to be more inclusive.
And I guess the ultimate impact I'm expecting is that they'll have this sort of ripple through effect across the state, across our primary schools of building knowledge I'm hoping that families will report that their child's previously unmet needs are now being addressed better. I don't know that we can solve all problems in this, but we can start to improve and that children with autism will say they feel better connected to school. They feel they belong and they wanna be there.
Bella Pittaway: It's a big, big task and obviously something that is much in need. Um, and yeah, wish you all the, the best with it. It's, yeah, really, really important work. Thank you for joining us today to take some time out to sort of explain a little bit about the role and, and the impact, um, you're hoping it'll have.
Anna Noble: Thank you.
Erin Anear: Thank you.
Bella Pittaway: Joining us on the phone from Keith Area School in 黑料吃瓜's Southeast is Ceri Price, a year four, five special education teacher. Welcome, Ceri.
Ceri Price: Thank you. It's nice to be here.
Bella Pittaway: Can you tell us a little bit about your school?
Ceri Price: Yes. So Keith Area School is a rural school. We've got approximately 310 students from foundation to year 12, and almost every class has autistic students.
My year four five class, for example has two autistic students, one of which is quite high needs.
Bella Pittaway: What difference does additional training and support for students with autism make in your classroom?
Ceri Price: So for me, the training and and support is all about leading the improvement of the experiences that my students have, not just in the classroom, but also in the yard. I want them to be positive and to cover all their needs, including functional needs and skills as well as the curriculum. So having that additional training's going to enable me to be able to deliver that.
Bella Pittaway: And how have you sort of had to change things or the way that you do things in the classroom to make sure that your teaching is inclusive?
Ceri Price: One of the things that we do is clear timetables, and I know many teachers out there will say, but we do that anyway. But for many of our autistic students, having it on the board isn't enough. They need their own personal timetable, differentiating the work so that it's inclusive. So we are using their interests, their interests to engage them in the activities, making it all relevant and personalised to them.
Bella Pittaway: What sort of changes have you noticed when it comes to inclusive teaching? Where we are now, say from 10 years ago?
Ceri Price: Nowadays, it is a very big focus on inclusive teaching, on making sure that all students are having their needs met, that we are differentiating the curriculum, that we are not just delivering one size fits all.
Because as we know, students aren't all the same. They don't learn at the same rate. They don't learn in the same way. So we have to be able to be adaptable and to make sure that we take into account their backgrounds, their abilities, um, their disabilities.
Bella Pittaway: And how do you go about sort of balancing the needs of your students in your class?
Ceri Price: It's a tricky one, and each day can be very different because as students come in like one day they can come in and have had a bad morning. And so you teach to the emotions that day, but it, it's knowing your students, it's getting to know them and keeping up to date with evidence-based practices and knowing what strategies and methodologies are the ones that are recommended. And ones that are known to work are not ones that are just, 'Hey, one teacher's done this and it worked there', but there's no backing to it. There's no scientific evidence that says that it either works or doesn't work.
Bella Pittaway: Is there one in particular that you've sort of been using that you've found really helpful?
Ceri Price: I wouldn't say one, I'd say there's a lot of different methodologies that I incorporate cause you need to have a toolbox. I like the Positive Partnership and a lot of the advice and strategies that they promote on their website and in their trainings. But yeah, it's really about getting to know your students and, and having that toolbox and, and knowing what you can and can't do at a different, at certain times.
Bella Pittaway: And Ceri what are you looking forward to with the Autism Inclusion Teacher role?
Ceri Price: Well, a school can be a really isolating place, especially when you're trying to improve the experiences of students. So I'm actually really looking forward to being able to work with other teachers in the same role, to develop that sense of collegiality and support and to lead the upskilling of educators at our sites with evidence-based practices and methodologies, but also working with other professionals such as the psychologists, having that extra support to back us and to advise us is going to be so worthwhile and useful.
Bella Pittaway: What difference do you think it's gonna make to Keith Area School?
Ceri Price: I think it's gonna make a huge difference having so many students that are autistic, being able - school bell sounds -
Bella Pittaway: I love that we've got the school bell. It's perfect. . We're having a chat with you at school, so of course the school bell's gonna go off.
Ceri Price: That's it. It signals the end of the day, so it's the mad rush hour. But no, being able to help the students gain a better experience to help the teachers, the SSOs or the educators to be able to provide that and know that actually they're doing the right thing as well. It's that sense of peace of mind that comes with it.
Bella Pittaway: And Ceri before we, we let you go, because the school, school bell has, uh, just rung there, . What does, um, what does inclusive teaching mean to you?
Ceri Price: Well, inclusive teaching's about what we've just talked about, really it's about meeting the needs of the students. It's about having that toolbox of strategies and methodologies. It's differentiating and it's engaging the children in the class, no matter what their abilities or backgrounds, and having all of that together will then help develop their sense of being valued, their wellbeing and their overall success at school, which is essentially what we've become educators for.
Bella Pittaway: That's a lovely way to end there, Ceri. Thank you so much for your time.
Ceri Price: Thank you.
Join us as the Department for Education鈥檚 Chief Executive Martin Westwell shares his vision for 2023, why student voice is so important and why he鈥檚 a fan of northern soul music.
Show notes
Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders, past, present, and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And today something a little bit different, we're joined by the big boss, Professor Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of the Department. Professor Westwell, welcome.
Professor Martin Westwell: Oh, good on you, Dale. Looking forward to it.
Dale Atkinson: So, nine months into the job now, it's a reasonably solid gestation period. What would you say you've learned so far?
Professor Martin Westwell: Look, how long have you got? It's a steep learning curve when you go into a new job. And no different with this job. When you think about our system, lots of people complain about the bureaucracy, and so they should. That's what we do. But, you know, coming into department, one of the things that I have learned is just how impressive the work that we do, the people that we've got in the department, really are having a kind of central corporate function, all the things that go on here.
Professor Martin Westwell: Learnt so much about that and the support for schools. And just the way that people think about the support that they're providing for schools. I think especially during things like, you know, COVID and now the floods in the Riverland, how we're able to bring resources to support schools. It's just amazing. And also I think I try to get out and go to sites, preschools, primary schools, high schools to see the work, see the system from their point of view because you can't see the system from this office in Flinders Street.
Professor Martin Westwell: You've got to get out there and see that in all the different contexts that we're doing work. I kind of knew it in my head, but just seeing the breadth that we've got, you know, we've got some amazing educators supporting kids in amazing ways and a knew it, but just never seen the breadth of it. And that's been something that I've learned.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's pretty impressive, isn't it? And I know you've made a deliberate and conscious effort to go out to sites a lot this year. Are there any specific kind of things that stick with you from your experience over the last nine months?
Professor Martin Westwell: So, so many examples and it's hard to pick. I think one of the things is kind of got trapped in this thing where we talk about good schools being schools that get, you know, the highest grades. And what I've seen a good schools, great sites, amazing kindies, you know, just sitting down with the kids. There was one down in the South East, and I sat down and sat with a group of kids in the kindy, and they were playing hairdressers. And so, they had the brushes out and the hairdryer and they said, 鈥楥an we do your hair?鈥 And they thought that was hilarious because anybody who knows me, knows I've got no hair at all. So that was hilarious. And then they decided that was a bit boring because there was no hair. So, they started doing my makeup. So, but actually what I saw in that was the results of the efforts that the people on site put in to develop the kids and the kid鈥檚 interaction. And one kid kind of tried to get another kid to do something and that child wasn't having it and just gently said, 鈥楴o, I don't want to do that.鈥 And the other child backed off. It's those moments that you really get to see. You know, you can see the impact that we're having on young people.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, that's interesting you say that. I was out at a meeting with a principal and the Governing Council chair, and the principal was talking about implementing project-based learning as a way of preparing young people with a breadth of skills academic, social, interactive that would really help those kids to thrive and prosper in, you know, the modern workplace, the modern world.
And the Governing Council chair brought it back and he said, 鈥楲ook, that sounds fantastic, but what does that mean for teaching pure academic stuff to my kids?鈥 He says, 鈥楨verything we see kind of indicates, you know, NAPLAN scores, PISA scores. That's what we're looking at when we're looking at the quality of education鈥. We've done an amazing job, I think, conditioning parents to look to those things as an indicator of educational quality.
What does that tell us, that interaction, about how we should be talking to parents about the broader purpose of education and the role of schools?
Professor Martin Westwell: Yeah, our structures kind of corral parents into this way of thinking. And one of the ways in which has been expressed is this idea about, you know, parents asking the question, how well is my child doing? As if there is kind of one line. And what we want to know is how far are my kids along that line, how far are my kids along that line in comparison to other kids?
We want to know where our kids are developmentally. You know, even when your child's born, you know, you might follow the weight in the growth compared to the averages. But if you're not average, that's fine as well, because you're not supposed to be average. Yet, somehow in education, we've got to narrow this thing down to the average or some comparison on one single measure.
So, this question, 鈥榟ow well is my child doing?鈥 is almost the wrong question. The question really should be, 鈥榟ow is my child doing well?鈥. Trying to capture that kind of diversity of what so many ways of doing well and being ready for the world. More and more we see employers saying not interested in university, not interested in how much you know, I can help you to develop that knowing, What I'm really looking for.
Doesn鈥檛 matter which industry students or young people are working in, what I鈥檓 really looking for is resilience. What I'm really looking for is that ability to learn. What we're really looking for is that good communication and ability to work with others, you know, whatever those things might be. And yet we leave those to emerge from education. Parents go, 鈥榃ell, that's all okay, just as you said, that's all okay, but come on, the main game games over here, isn鈥檛 it?鈥
Well, no, it's not anymore. It hasn't been for a long time, but what we really see now is the world really demanding that shift. I was talking to the Industry Skills Council, so people from industries all across 黑料吃瓜 and I talked about this and the shift. I think that we do need to make to get that balance right.
A bloke came up to me afterwards and said he was a potato grower down in the South East, and I thought, oh, what's he going to say? He's going to say 鈥榦h, I just want skills.鈥 And he didn't. He said, 鈥榯hat鈥檚 the best thing I've heard, that's exactly what we need for young people.鈥 Now, of course, getting a job isn't just the only purpose of education, but what we are seeing is the world asking us to think differently about education.
And I think that will come through with that conversation with parents as well. The question being, 鈥楬ow are you, the Education Department, best preparing my child to get into the world and be brilliant? Come on. How are you doing that?鈥 That's what I want parents to ask, not 鈥榟ow well is my child doing?鈥
Dale Atkinson: So, what does that mean for an educator in terms of how they know whether they're doing a great job? What are the indicators we're looking for from educators in that sort of space?
Professor Martin Westwell: That's really why we've started off this conversation about the purpose of public education in 黑料吃瓜 because we have to really have a settlement on what we agree that we're going to jointly be responsible for. And then things like the Australian Curriculum that I think are full of lots of knowledge, which is great, students need knowledge, subject specific skills, but perhaps not some of these other the things that we know are so important.
So, if you just think about something like self-regulation skills, some research just came out that you can teach self-regulation skills. And if you do, what happens is it has a big impact on students鈥 academic achievement. But what it also does is it has a big impact on students鈥 ability to control some behaviours, ability to stop and think and make better decisions.
That's making students brilliant, not just in academics, but also in other aspects of life and in the way that they interact with other people, the way that they make decisions, the way that they participate in a democracy. Not all the information, all the misinformation that's thrown at them to be able to just stop and think and say, well, actually my emotional response to that is this.
But my second thinking is actually, well, hang on a minute and do that thinking. That's what makes a brilliant mathematician, or contributes to making a brilliant mathematician, a fantastic historian. And it also helps to find your way in the world.
Dale Atkinson: Gives you that space. The clarity of thought, I guess, is where you need to be. You've spoken before about 黑料吃瓜 being historically a leader in public education, stretching back to the 1800s. It's probably not the public perception now, albeit we know that there's plenty of innovative practice in that field. What can we do collectively to reclaim that position as innovators and leaders in public education?
Professor Martin Westwell: Got to be able to tell a good story, right? I think going back to this kind of purpose, you know, what are we here for and tell that story. You know, there's a famous story that's probably not true of JFK going to NASA in the sixties and meeting a janitor and going over and saying, well, what do you do?
He said, 鈥榃ell, Mr. President, I'm helping to send a man to the moon.鈥 And I love that, even though it's probably not true, I love it because what it is, you know, we've got this thing that we're going for and everybody knows what it is, and we can be really clear about what it is that we're going for.
And of course, it鈥檚 not enough just to start the story, kind of do the thing as well. Right. They actually did put a man on the moon. So, you have got to be brilliant. But if you look back at the story, 黑料吃瓜, you know, some of those amazing people like the likes of people like Alby Jones, Garth Boomer, 黑料吃瓜 was known for meeting the needs of students.
Having a system that really focused on students, on students being effective learners compared to know us. To be an effective learner, you鈥檝e got to know stuff, you can鈥檛 be knowledge free. You got to know stuff, you got to have skills in the subjects in the areas in which you're doing learning. But I think 黑料吃瓜 was known for being effective learners.
So you go to a janitor, in a school in 黑料吃瓜 and say, 鈥榃hat are you doing?鈥 鈥業'm helping to develop effective learners.鈥 That would be pretty amazing if we had that story. We had the evidence to back it up and say, this is what we're doing, this is how we're changing the world, this is how we're changing 黑料吃瓜.
So, I think that both, we can do that, and I think we can tell a better story about how we're doing that.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, a group of 30,000 people all targeting one direction. You've identified student agency as a key factor in gaining traction in learning. So, my dad would say 鈥榳hy would you ask a six-year-old what they want to learn?鈥 What does it mean? Student agency, in terms of curriculum, design and pedagogy?
Professor Martin Westwell: Two things, just first of all, one of them is the student agency in learning. That's a kind of means to an end. So, what we want to do this learning, you want to get this achievement, you want to do brilliantly in NAPLAN and SACE and other assessments. And so, there's a question about how the student agency support that.
And you can think about student agency as an end in itself. We want young people who have got agency, can take agency, can use their agency in their lives. We want young women, young men who can use the agency. We also want young people, gender diverse people say, this is who I am, and I am taking agency my life to achieve my goals in my life, to support other people, to help other people to change 黑料吃瓜.
And the opposite, of course, of agency is just that passivity of sitting back and letting the world do what the world wants to do to you. And so now we think about student agency, the development of agency as an end as well as a means and something that's going to be important in the world. Back to kind of what it means for us in terms of our system.
It's not about saying, you know, you choose, we'll stand back and cheer from the sidelines. You know, it's not that, if we're purposely going to be developing a student agency and it's an intentional outcome and we're going to get in there and support students to do that. And it might be some choice about what they're learning.
It might be some choice about how they're learning, it might be some choice about how they're going to show us the evidence of their learning, through our assessments and other things. And it might be some big things. So, imagine if we had student voice in some of the policy decisions we're making about curriculum, about the way that we run our schools, the way that we run our system.
Because then if they've got that voice, they've got some of the ownership, the part of the story. And so now they become active partners in that work rather than again sitting back and letting it be done to them. I also think that the student agency we can see has a big impact on student鈥檚 self-concept in their learning, on the sense of belonging, the idea that, you know, yeah, this is something I'm taking this personally, this is something I can do, I can be part of.
So, I see it as being crucially important in moving forward in education, no matter where we are in the world. And I do think we have to think about how we incorporate it into our practice and how do we support our educators to incorporate it into their practice.
Dale Atkinson: And that's a process that's already started. Last year we held a number of student forums across the state. Can you tell us a bit about that project and why that was so important?
Professor Martin Westwell: This is starting with students, purposefully, asking our students about their aspirations for the future, trying to reveal the thinking underneath that. Also thinking about how are they partners in this process. So, this idea about getting to our purpose, you know, the example that's often given around the world is Kodak. Kodak thought that they were in the business of film and chemicals, and they sold more film and chemicals. And even in their own labs, then they invented digital photography and they put it to one side. Why? Because they were in the film and chemical business, and it decimated the company. It made them irrelevant because the main game moved and went to digital photography. Now, if they thought they were in the business of photography, the business might have moved and changed and maintained its relevance.
So, the reason why I give that example is, when we talk about our purpose, we have got to make sure that we remain relevant. And who do we have to remain relevant to? Clearly, our students. So, what does relevance to our students mean? So, talking with our students is important to do that work and to make sure that our students feel like they're part of the story, that they're activated in that work.
But what we're also seeing there is students telling us, you know, they don't use this language, but telling us something about equity, telling us something about wanting to be challenged more. You know, we put some of the data in front of them about things like their cognitive engagement, talked about what cognitive engagement was. Then showed them their own data from the Wellbeing and Engagement survey and said, what do you notice about this data, first of all?
Then we asked them, why do you think things are like this? And then ask them, how might we improve if we do it differently? What could we start with? What should we stop doing? Amazing insights from our young people to help us move the system forward.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's incredibly powerful, isn't it, to talk to those kids. So, this is the opening salvo in that discussion around the purpose of public education. What are the next steps in that process?
Professor Martin Westwell: We've got all this input now from our students and just working through that feedback now and getting that together. And then for us to be able to share that with leaders, educators across the system, to help that to inform some of our thinking, of course, using some of the best research from around the world to inform our thinking as well, but also, of course, the expertise and experience that we have in our system.
So, engaging with our educators and with our leaders again to think about what is it that we're going to have the shared responsibility for. From that, when we think about that purpose and those components of what we're taking responsibility for, what we want our system to look like, we've had a lot of focus on excellence, quite rightly over the last few years.
But I think we need to think more about equity in our system. What do we mean by that and how do we get an equitable system? Because we know that if you drive a more equitable system, you get more excellence from it. Those two things work together really well. And thinking about, you know, the wellbeing of our students, developing that, developing some of these capabilities of students that are going to make them brilliant in the world and brilliant learners.
And of course, again, to improve that achievement. So, we want to kind of bring those principles together and then say, okay, so if this is what we do, we want to be responsible for how do we know if we're going to be successful? So, what are some of those measures? And we're going to need to put in place across the system to understand that we are being successful in those things?
Clearly, from a school's point of view, if there's a dozen different measures of ways of being successful, you're not going to do all 12 or however many there are. That's too much. But schools will know where they can really focus to get the biggest impact they can for their students and perhaps focusing on two or three of those measures going for those things to make the biggest difference outcomes for our students.
Dale Atkinson: It's interesting you say that schools will know. Speaking to a teaching colleague, they were saying that generally in their opinion, a 2 to 5 year lag between a change in systemic strategic direction and that adjustment gaining traction in the classroom. How do we address that? What do we do to meet that kind of need and make sure that the educators themselves aren't suffering from initiative fatigue or feel like they have too many competing priorities?
Professor Martin Westwell: Yeah, so look, I agree with that. I mean, it's really clear that even with an intensive focus on one particular thing, sustained change happens over at least an 18-month period to get sustainable change. You could focus on that for at least an 18-month period. And I think your point about initiative fatigue is a really good one.
If we're doing lots of bits and pieces, there's no clear understanding of, you know, why we're doing this. We don't have our man on the moon discourse. It feels like you've just been asked to do a lot of stuff, you know, it's unconnected stuff. We've got this thing or initiative going on over here and that initiative going on over there.
It鈥檚 all piling in on schools. So, I think there's a couple of things. One is we're actively thinking about now is how to relieve some of that pressure on schools. What are we currently asking teachers to do and principals to do, leaders of preschool sites as well? What are we asking them to do that really, we shouldn't be asking them to do?
So, what can we take off whilst making sure that you've got student agency, but we'll want to make sure there's enough room for teacher agency as well, and for principal, site director agency in the system too. That's a balance to get right. Sometimes you can think that you're taking a load off teachers, but what you end up doing is taking choice off them as well.
So, we've got to get that balance right. So, if you have lots of different initiatives that don't seem to be connected and don't resonate with educators in terms of how is this making a difference for kids, how is this helping me to express my professional identity as an educator? Because this is what we're here for. I鈥檓 here to make a difference for the kids.
If you don't feel like it's all connected, then you鈥檙e just doing stuff for the sake of it. That's draining. But I think that with our purpose statement, with this shift of balance from just excellence to excellence and equity, we're thinking about what are the components of wellbeing that support our students to be successful in the world as well as in their learning, and perhaps some broadening to think about how are we developing some of these capabilities for our students.
I think when we've got that story settled in 黑料吃瓜, anything that we do will then be guided by that. So, everyone should be able to see that this initiative, this piece of work, this offering, this opportunity is connected to putting a man on the moon. Our version of that. I think things will make much more sense and educators will see the connection to their professional identity and to their professional purpose in making the biggest difference to kids.
I think that will help, as well as the streamlining that's necessary along the way.
Dale Atkinson: We're speaking with Professor Martin Westwell, Chief Executive of 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. Now you're new to the role, ish, do we still claim newish? Nine months? How do we go?
Professor Martin Westwell: Still lots to learn, I reckon.
Dale Atkinson: Still lots to learn, and still lots for people to know about you, I think too. So, we've established a little fast round here of questions for you so you so people can get to know you a little bit better. Are you ready?
Professor Martin Westwell: I鈥檓 not sure, but let鈥檚 do it.
Dale Atkinson: All right. So first off, I know you're from the north of England originally. So, this first question, it's very important. AFL or Premier League?
Professor Martin Westwell: I'm going to say neither, Rugby League.
Dale Atkinson: Rugby league.
Professor Martin Westwell: So born in Wigan in Lancashire, which is just, Rugby League country.
Dale Atkinson: So, do you still follow the rugby league?
Professor Martin Westwell: Yeah. So, we adopted our Australian team when we first got here. The kids were five and nine and there were a few Poms playing for the Rabbitohs. So, we follow the Rabbitohs and get to see some games and of course the State of Origin gets played in Adelaide from time to time. So that's always a good day out.
Dale Atkinson: So corporate office or classroom and I'll be shocked if you answered corporate office.
Professor Martin Westwell: There's some things you can do from a corporate office, right? So, there's levers. You know, you get to influence the system, but you know, it's the reason for being is the classroom and what goes on in the classroom to make that difference to kids.
Dale Atkinson: Favourite band?
Professor Martin Westwell: Tricky one. I reckon, anything Northern Soul. Wigan was the centre of the Northern Soul area in the UK. I grew up in the late eighties, early nineties, probably Stone Roses. And you know and you go to WOMAD and see some of those bands that you're never going to see again. And so, some got into things like there's a band called Elephant Sessions, but really love and would never have, you know, really obscure.But that's the great thing about going to WOMAD.
Dale Atkinson: So Northern Soul, does that mean you've got a pair of bowling shoes at home, and you can do the, the kind of shuffle dance?
Professor Martin Westwell: Yeah, that鈥檚 right. Years and years ago, you know, people used to come out with talcum powder at the trouser legs and sprinkle it on the floor, just to get the moves going.
Dale Atkinson: And I would encourage anyone who is not aware of Northern Soul, to just type that into YouTube and have a look at kids going crazy.
One book every educator should read?
Professor Martin Westwell: If I had to pick one, it would be Ken and Kate Robinson's 鈥業magine If鈥 that came out recently. I think that's a really great short read. Captures Ken Robinson's philosophy. But things like even G.H. Hardy鈥檚 鈥楳athematician's Apology鈥. I think anybody who works in science, maths, physical sciences, that's an incredible read and I don't think I can go past Garth Boomer鈥檚 鈥楴egotiating the Curriculum鈥 either, and the contribution from 黑料吃瓜n educators to that volume.
Dale Atkinson: We'll look to see a little bump on the Amazon list there.
If you could achieve one thing in 2023, it would be?
Professor Martin Westwell: Look, there's so many things, lots of medium sized things and big things, you know. So, landing this purpose conversation, obviously that's something I'm really focused on. Some of the national stuff. Minister working hard to improve school funding and the way that school funding occurs for public schools in 黑料吃瓜. So, negotiations with the Commonwealth Government. But 2023 has to be a year of hope.
It's raising the levels of hope in the profession. It's been such a tough couple of years. Things have been really difficult, but now I think we're coming out of it and so just thinking about what we want to achieve as professionals can flourish, can grow in 2023 in a way that's just not been able to over the last couple of years.
Dale Atkinson: So, in that light, if you could say one thing to 黑料吃瓜's educators and support staff in week zero, what would it be?
Professor Martin Westwell: I鈥檓 not sure this can be one thing. So do you think, you know, think about the possibilities that we've got in front of us, be part of the purpose and feed into that process. Look after yourself. But also, you've got to look after yourself, you've got to feed your soul in this work. And Ken Robinson, going back to Ken, said, 鈥榃hat you do for yourself dies with you when you leave this world.
What you do for others lives forever.鈥 I think that teachers, more than most, are able to change the lives of others children, young people to change the life of 黑料吃瓜. So, what I'd really say is go on, live forever.
Dale Atkinson: I think it's a lovely way to wrap it up. Professor Martin Westwell, thank you for your time.
Professor Martin Westwell: Thank you.
Season 2
Term 1 2022 has been unlike any other. With this in mind, we鈥檝e turned our focus to student wellbeing and taken a look at how our teachers can support students to be mentally well and ready to learn. Thanks to Shaun Walsh and Lucinda Yates from Norwood International High School for sharing your insights.
Show notes
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Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to teach a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. And this year I'm joined by a new co-host by the name of Georga Tyson, who we have pulled out of Largs Bay School, Georga welcome.
Georga Tyson: Thanks Dale, it's good to be here.
Dale Atkinson: So tell us a bit about your background. Why have we gone out and drawn you out of your school? What are we getting from you today?
Georga Tyson: Well, I've been teaching for the past 20 years in a few schools across 黑料吃瓜, including some valuable experiences in my hometown of Whyalla, I've taught in a number of schools across metropolitan Adelaide. And at the moment I'm at Largs Bay, as you said, and I 'm in a unique role there as a specialist NIT teacher, taking kids for functional grammar and, and writing, which has been amazing. So I'm working with kids from R to 6
Dale Atkinson: Well, it's great to have you thank you very much for agreeing to join us this year.
And I think we'll have some, some fun adventures together. And the first of our adventures is today and we're at a Norwood International High School. Now for a lot of students returning to the classroom this year has been a fairly substantial challenge. I think it's safe to say we've had a staggered start. We've had COVID there's been a lot of unsettling activities nationally and internationally with flooding the situation in the Ukraine. It's a lot for any child to digest. And on top of it, Is the process of being a child and being a teenager. So given all of that, we thought the first podcast for 2022 should focus on student wellbeing and in particular, how our teachers can support students to be mentally well and to be prepared to learn when they come to the classroom.
Georga Tyson: And how lucky are we Dale to be here at Norwood International High School and this new facility, which is really impressive. I have to say. We acknowledge that we're on in the Eastern suburbs of Adelaide on Kaurna land. We pay respects to elders past, present and emerging. We're speaking to Shaun Walsh, director of wellbeing for learning and Lucinda Yates, a student wellbeing leader at the school. Welcome to you both.
Shaun Walsh: Thank you.
Lucinda Yates: Thank you.
Georga Tyson: What has the start of 2022 been like for both of you and the school community?
Shaun Walsh: Where do we start? Where do we start? It's certainly, I think it's going down in history as one of the most unique years that education's ever faced. Our school has nearly 1700 students in it. We've gone on to a one campus model. Prior to that, we had a middle school campus down the road and the campus we're on now was, currently that was the senior school. So we've had the complexities of 1700 students aged from around 11 years to 18 years of age, finding their niche areas and their little market spots within the school and accessing online learning right from the get go. So that's been a challenge.
Lucinda Yates: Bringing in year seven and eight new cohort has been particularly challenging. So at the start of the year, we had a lot of parents waiting out the front and there's been a lot of changes in regards to kids coming to school, leaving school, with the addition of masks, some kids have never seen our entire faces. So it's, it's quite difficult to make those connections sometimes as well.
Dale Atkinson: What you're describing there is something that a lot of other schools are experiencing, but you perhaps on a larger scale, which is students having to settle in, in a number of different ways facing a number of different challenges, like you say the seven to high school thing is creating some issues. You've got issues around the patriation of kids from two campuses into one, you've got the backdrop of of COVID and all those sorts of things. So what are the strategies that you guys are putting in place to kind of address some of those big issues for kids?
Lucinda Yates: So we started some of these last year. So for five of our year levels, they hadn't been to this campus at all. So our year twelves are the only cohort who have been on this campus. So we started by doing a transition day. At that point we didn't have all of the facilities open so they just did a walk through. It was about, you know, transitioning them, making sure that they were aware of where everything is having, just having a look generally. And then we also had the, have the addition of the new house systems. So we're trying to bring in a lot more community and relationships with staff and students and build up a connection to school. So we have a new house system. We have four houses. We recently, we previously had three and then we embedded things into our connect curriculum, things like a Kahoot quiz, every Thursday, a fitness Friday. so going out into the yard and just really getting them to think about wellbeing and things that make them healthy and connect to school.
Georga Tyson: Is this space that we're sitting in now, this wellbeing hub is this new to the school or was this at your previous site as well?
Lucinda Yates: Yeah, so the entire kind of wellbeing web is new to the school. So previously we did have a director for wellbeing, but it was, he, he was based on the middle campus. It was just one wellbeing leader on the middle campus, one on the senior campus. So there was no kind of group approach to wellbeing. We were separate. We met regularly, we did case management together and we worked very much as a team, but in terms of the support, it was just very separate. And so having now we have the director for wellbeing here. We have three wellbeing leaders. So we deal with two year levels each and then we have kind of a whole community approach up here. So we did previously work very heavily with the year level management and now we're able to separate that and go you level management deals with academics, attendance, behaviour. We are very much about wellbeing and the whole person approach.
Dale Atkinson: What sort of difference has that made in terms of how you're able to support the kids?
Lucinda Yates: It makes all the difference because yeah, we're able to support each other as well as supporting the students and if one person's workload is too much we're able to kind of separate that and say, hey, this has come up, is anyone available to deal with it? And so we have one person that's based here for every double lesson so then if students do come up and they're experiencing a heightened state of awareness, we're able to deal with that on the fly.
Georga Tyson: As I was coming in today, I saw a student coming in, actually, and, and I thought what a welcoming space. They'd just brought themselves in to catch up with one of your colleagues, I think.
Shaun Walsh: And it's great I think having three or four of us up here, because if a student can't find a connection with that person that's allocated to their year level, it means that they can go and work with another person sort of thing and I think that that's really important. I mean, the whole value of, it's not therapeutic, what we do, but the whole value of that relational safety and that connection to, to someone in your site is really important. So the fact that they, every kid in the school would have someone that they could come and connect with on some level is, is, is really great.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. That's amazing. Isn't it? I mean, I think like what I'm hearing from you and what I can see around here is that there's a, there's kind of a multi-layered approach here, where, you know, the overarching strategy is to create a sense of belonging for the kids and to create a real sense of kind of wellness in the space. But then there is, you know, resourcing there's, there's a really kind of intense focus on being able to support kids in, in like the acute circumstances that they might be facing. Is that, is that fair to say?
Shaun Walsh: Yeah, definitely you know, and I mean, I think it, and it's, it's brilliant in the sense that we have a principal that sees the, you know, the measurable value of having a wellbeing focus within her school and our focus is not just on our, our students. It's also on our staff and particularly at the moment with everything that's happening around, you know, staff coming out on COVID leave and all sorts of things, you know, we've tried to make as much focus as possible on making sure that our department's most valuable assets it's teaching an SSO and support staff you know are a huge priority alongside of our students too.
Georga Tyson: Which is really that whole school approach. Isn't it. And that's what the experts tell us is the best way to support mental health and wellbeing is with a whole school approach. And we understand as well that the wellbeing engagement collection, the survey data has been a big part of forming that whole school strategy. Can you tell us a little bit more?
Shaun Walsh: Oh, look obviously like every school, the WEC data, all form attendance, you know wellbeing, referral data, all adds to our vision and where we, where we see that we need to drive our supports. I think the 2021 data highlighted things like connectedness, school belonging, motivation to achieve, and students actually knowing who they can go and talk to and what they could talk to that person about, whether it be academic challenges, whether it be wellbeing challenges. Obviously things like bullying and keeping themselves safe and keeping their friends safe as well. So, I mean, obviously that data formed the focus for 2022 in relation to the way the program was structured, in the way the resourcing was structured, the staffing levels and what the teachers would actually be delivering in that, around, you know, the, the child safe curriculum, anti harassment, bullying programs, but also it drove where teacher training needed to be invested as well to make sure that the teachers were armed with the resources and the skills needed to actually deliver the programs and support the kids in their classes.
Georga Tyson: Connect program, does that take place where maybe in the past it would have been your home group?
Lucinda Yates: Yeah, we also had a look at the structure of the role of the connect teacher as well. So we worked with our staff around being mentors and not so much just the teacher that stands in front of the class, so when we say, where do you go to for support? We not only say the wellbeing team and year level teams, but we say very much that that connect teacher is someone that you can go to if you need to talk to someone, and if you need support in any area.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the interesting, that you kind of touched on Shaun is like in a school of 1700 kids that will have vastly different backgrounds, how do you make sure that you provide kind of a differentiated, kind of personal support to the kids that meets them where they are?
Shaun Walsh: There was a massive amount of work that went into the transition for the year six's coming into seven and the sevens into eight. And I mean, I've only been in the school eight weeks, put my hand up and say that, but I was blown away in that sort of initial week, zero time when we came back together just at the learning community leaders, how they just knew who their kids were, and they'd worked extensively with the primary schools in the lead up through the transition programs. So that sharing of information and not just with students from six to seven and seven to eight, but also within the school itself. So the eights moving into nine. And I think the structure of the learning community leaders has actually meant that the handover of information is quite spectacular for a school this size, but also the fact that everybody knows something about one of the students in there in their cohort of kids, in their class sort of thing, there's always information and the learning management system as well, we use Day map, we put a lot of information and maybe not highly sensitive, but a lot of sort of, you know learning information, but also wellbeing information about students on that. So it's a ready tool for teachers to access if they've got a student that they're a bit concerned about.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, right. Is there like, is there a way that you guys kind of foster nice interactions between the teaching and the staff to kind of share that information? Is that a formal thing or do you kind of just do it on a kind of one-to-one basis.
Shaun Walsh: It's a mixture. I think it's a mixture. Yeah. I think we get you know, you'll have, you'll have really switched on staff who will come and say, look, I'm really concerned about this student in my class. I've noticed that their attendance or their looking a bit sad or a little bit under the weather today. Obviously the learning community leaders track attendance data and that's in a school I think one of the biggest indicators that something's not quite right for a student is looking at that data. So obviously we flag students in relation to those that are the ones who, even if they're approved absence, you still start looking at the mount up and think maybe something's not quite right. So obviously, you know, the wellbeing leaders in, in consultation with the learning community leaders will connect with families, will connect with students and almost create that, I guess, a team around the child approach in, in relation to sort of making sure that that child is supported.
Lucinda Yates: It kind of comes naturally as well with our leadership team. So we've got the different levels of leadership teams. There's exec, then there's wellbeing team. Then there's the different management teams of the senior and then the middle. And then there's the curriculum leaders. And then, of course there's the year level teams. So the learning community leader will work very closely with their year level team. And we would work very closely with the teachers that have those high level well-beings students in there. But I think just the, the leadership structure, the way that they all work so well together kind of bleeds out into the general staff as well.
Dale Atkinson: Yes. So got to be a real big kind of culture piece for you guys.
Georga Tyson: Who do you turn to for support?
Shaun Walsh: Each other, each other, each other. I mean, even though I've only been here eight weeks, I feel like I've worked here for a very long time and I'm very blessed and fortunate to have an amazing team that I get to lead. But certainly, you know, we all bounce off each other and if one is in crisis, then we're all there alongside that person. Obviously accessing external supports, like incident management team, the SWISS team, our own private networks as well outside of school. I think they're all the things that we amongst ourselves promote, but also promote them amongst the staff too. And as I said earlier on we, we, you know, one of my passions is staff wellbeing and we've really started to work on that sort of thing around, you know, how do our staff look after themselves and what's their window of tolerance and you know, how much time do they spend outside of the window of tolerance and you know who is their trusted colleague or their trusted person that they can just purge when they need to sort of things. So they've got the opportunity. Sometimes that's us, you get the kids purging at you and sometimes the staff purging, but that's the nature of the job that we've chosen to do.
Georga Tyson: Along with the pandemic, more recently, we're seeing mages of record-breaking floods in Eastern Australia, and the war in Ukraine, how do you help students deal with these, with understanding these events that are happening in the, in the broader community?
Shaun Walsh: It's about establishing, not just about individual events, but a culture of safety and connection. I think that any, any natural disaster, anything globally that happens, and I mean, we have a massively diverse student cohort from many different backgrounds and cultures. So you don't necessarily know, at the time who's being impacted by what's happening around the world. So, you know, through, through our, our language that we use through our you know, our our sort of, you know, commitment to young people through our leadership, as Lucinda's already mentioned, it's around our core value is safety and diversity, and actually making sure that every student that comes through our doors as much as we possibly can with 1700 feels safe and that they've got someone they can connect to. Our teachers, I mean, I had the opportunity to walk around to the classes a lot and you watch the very topical discussions that happen in the morning connect and during extended connect time and things like that, and there's a real culture amongst the, amongst the teachers that have talking with kids about what's happening around the world and actually unpacking it and giving them probably that educated view rather than just what they read on social media or what the, you know, the media itself is barraging at them as well.
Dale Atkinson: Now Shaun just finally, before we wrap it up, you've been in a number of different settings, so you've, you've spent a fair bit of time in the Southern Behaviour Centre leading that up, you've been in Willunga High School. What are the differences and similarities between, you know, places like that, which would be perceived, I think, to be very different to, to Norwood International. What, you know, what's the experience across those sites?
Shaun Walsh: When I won the job here, people said, oh, eastern suburbs you'll have no behaviour issues. I scoff at that because we have our fair share of, of students with challenging behaviour and, and who will test the boundaries but that's adolescents. The similarities is, is kids are kids. They bring with them, the complexities they bring with them, the joy of coming to school. There are lots of kids here and there's lots of kids at Willunga and there were lots of kids at the learning centre who found a sense of comfort and joy in actually attending school because it's a safe haven for a lot of our kids, you know, sort of thing. And I say that sadly, and I don't mean that, but you know, they don't necessarily get that at home. I would say that probably, I notice here families are in the whole far more proactive in seeking external support for their children than I've experienced in previous schools. When you do talk to a family, they'll say, look, we've been to the GP, we've got a mental health care plan. We've got them connected with a psychologist. I would say this area particularly has highlighted to me that there are more services, I think as well, because I think maybe financially people are able to pay for things more than they necessarily might be able to do in some of the southern areas as well. Not to say that there weren't amazing families at Willunga or through the learning centre as well, but I just get the feeling too, because we're closer to the CBD, there's a lot more option for families to sort of shop around for supports and they might in the southern area.
Dale Atkinson: So there's issues of capacity, engagement.
Georga Tyson: In your role over that period of time, have you had to have more connection with outside agencies then than before, or.
Shaun Walsh: Definitely. And especially the last three years at the learning centre, our role was really to be, I guess, the intermediary between schools and support services. And I'm a huge advocate of support services, schools, building relationships, setting up effective student review teams. That's one of my goals here for us to work on developing those relationships, accessing services through the department, like the HEI, like complex case review group, the SWISS team, they're amazing, and the incident management team, even though we report and we have incidents, I've always found when I ring them, they've always been a wealth of information, and if they haven't been able to answer a question, they'll always get back. So it's about reaching out because you can't do this job without establishing those relationships and accessing what our department actually has on offer.
Dale Atkinson: That's great, Shaun, Lucinda. Thank you very much for your time. This has been a great chat just to learn how you're going about it here at Norwood International and the challenges and the, and the programs that you've got in place to overcome them and really actually pretty inspirational.
Georga Tyson: Catch you next time on Teach.
For the Public Education Awards this year, you can nominate yourself or enter a colleague. Find out some tips to help your application stand out from the crowd.
Show notes
- Apply for the Public Education Awards
Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders, past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome back to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. Today's episode is all about our people, our teachers, our leaders, and the people working in support roles, and also in central office. We think everyone from time to time deserves to be recognised for the stuff they do and deserve a bit of a cheer too.
That's why we're reminding you that nominations for the 2022 Public Education Awards will be open soon. With me today is Abbey Woolley, who is part of the team that oversees the awards each year. And I've got to tell you, I was there last year, it was an amazing night. Welcome Abbey.
Abbey Woolley: Thank you. Thanks for having me, Dale.
Dale Atkinson: Well, it's nice to have you. We all know it's hard to find some time to reflect on our achievements, particularly under the current COVID settings, and everyone's working incredibly hard. But I imagine the awards create a valuable opportunity for people just to take some time out and recognise the fabulous work they do.
Abbey Woolley: Indeed, they do, and a lot of the cases teachers are inherently humble. And so, it's nice to showcase and recognise the excellence that is out there in the department, and the awards give us that platform.
Dale Atkinson: So, they've been around since 2011. There's a little bit of a change that's coming in because normally individuals have self-nominated for the awards. So that's been the previous kind of set up. This year, what we're saying is that applications can also be submitted by a colleague on behalf of an individual. So why has that change been made?
Abbey Woolley: I guess it's been made because we really are looking for the best of our best, and like I mentioned, teachers can be humble and not necessarily want to put themselves forward.
We recognise that there are many outstanding staff that are reluctant to recognition, or simply not recognise the impact that they have with the students or their community. So this year, like you said, peers, leaders, and colleagues, we're asking them to consider if they work with an outstanding individual or team, perhaps that they should consider applying for them on their behalf and they can submit that application in collaboration with the person. But they indeed do need to seek consent obviously before submitting, or they can just tap them on the shoulder and say, hey, I think you're brilliant. Why don't you apply for an award this year?
Dale Atkinson: One of the things that really stood out at last year's awards is the sheer breadth of categories and the incredible range of things that people do that are amazing, but that they can also be nominated for. So, what are the types of things we're looking for and why should someone enter or be entered for the awards?
Abbey Woolley: We all know I guess that teachers are extremely passionate about what they do - teaching and learning, and we really want to share their stories and showcase outstanding practice impact.
And that really does contribute to the department's world-class vision. Winning a public education award is a recognition of an individual team or the whole of the school community really. And it gives schools, preschools, and children's centres the opportunity to share their expertise and be recognised for that outstanding impact.
Dale Atkinson: And so what's the process of applying? What should people do and how do they get that underway?
Abbey Woolley: We've put together an application guide, which will be available at schools in a hard copy, but we do also have an online copy of that. So, visit our website for that. But, to apply, the first step is looking at the application guide, choosing a category, perhaps discussing that with your leader or your peers. And I guess when you're choosing that category, making sure that it is a category that you can most comprehensively answer all the criteria for it. The next step is seeking endorsement, because your line manager or principal will have to endorse your application before it goes any further in the process and then of course writing your application, this can be done on our online platform, or we have also provided some Word templates that are available on our website. Just in case you do want to collaborate or work on your answers offline before submitting online. We do say use plain English, read your application thoroughly before submitting it. We've just put those tools in place to make that a little bit easier for people.
Dale Atkinson: What are some things that people can think about to make their application kind of stand out for the judging panel?
Abbey Woolley: I can't stress enough, how important evidence is. Our judges are looking for evidence. Evidence is key, evidence, evidence, evidence. So, you know, real examples and details of lessons and the impact that they've had on learners, practical evidence of high quality, inspirational teaching, or approaches that enthuse, engage and motivate others, examples of how you have actively involved families in their child's learning, using quotes from students or colleagues to back up an argument or piece of evidence that you're providing. And I guess finally think about any additional opportunities that you or who you're applying for have created for children and young people for an example, extracurricular activities, or how you may have actively lived the public sector values, you know, and for more information on what makes a good application, we do have some more tips and tricks online if people want to explore that further.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, perfect. I mean, I think one of the things that kind of stood out at the awards last year from the videos of the awards' recipients, was just how the flow on effect of the work they did impacted their colleagues or the children they're working with, to try and drive those improved outcomes. And I think that's really one of the key things that we're looking for in the awards.
Abbey Woolley: Absolutely. And I think that, you know, showcasing this excellence and showcasing the fact that it is transferable, it's inspirational, but in a lot of the ways, these stories can be transferred into other sites and, and other central applications.
So that's what we're really after that, ripple effect of impact.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, and one of the great things about the awards is that winning an award contributes towards some professional development that people can get. All the winners receive $10,000 in a prize towards professional development. All the finalists receive $2,000 towards their professional development. What sort of things can the prize money be spent on?
Abbey Woolley: Yes. So, I guess there are many ways over the years that I've seen the prize money be spent. It can be used to either support you or your team's professional development. Some of our past winners have used the money for training or up-skilling or coaching. Some other examples of further tertiary study, attending conferences or events specific to your field of interest. And we've had previous winners and finalists learn from other jurisdictions as well, but you may not be aware that you can also spend the prize money on learning resources for the school or community, which is a great way to look at how that can be spent, and for it to benefit children and young people. So, some examples of that are e-learning tools, software, or hardware to support that, books, films, flashcards, anything that you can think about that you'd find in a classroom.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. I mean, one of the great things from awards winners is what I've seen previously, as it creates this kind of virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. So, they're away, they're using some of this money to work on some of their skills or to create these collaborative practice teams and really bring some of the knowledge back, extend that out to the broader school and partnership community. It's really impressive. It's great stuff.
Abbey Woolley: And I think Dale, like, that's what we want to get across. Winning an award impacts the whole community for the individual or team. That's really something that we would really love applicants to know.
Dale Atkinson: It's an amazing thing. Who are some of the previous winners that stand out for you, and what they've gone on to do?
Abbey Woolley: There are so many over the years, I've been with the program for, this is my fifth year now. And there's just been some incredible people that I've seen win, and be finalists. A few that do stand out to me, Antoinette Jones was the 2018 winner of the leadership award. She was the principal at the time of Mitcham Girls School, and she was very, very humble. And when we were filming at the school, she was very much about showing us what everyone else was doing, not necessarily wanting to put the spotlight on herself. And in true Antoinette style, she spent her $10,000 on providing a professional learning opportunity for her whole staff and invited community along and some surrounding schools to be a part of that. So, they all did a course on respectful relationships.
So, I think that that impact was felt quite heavily at that school, with her winning. Another lady that won, was Peta Thompson. She was Peta Tooley at the time of winning, and she was the recipient of the 2018 Early Years Teacher of the Year Award. Peta spent her money on a tour of Reggio Emilia, and she wanted to deepen her learning of that approach. And she came back, and she's since authored a book called Settle Petal which is a book about dealing with anxiety and children. And with that, she put together lesson plans to really embed that learning and key takeaways from the book, into the classroom. Yeah. They're just two pieces that make me smile, but there are plenty more.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's a real launch pad to think, almost creatively, about how you want to progress your professional development and your career. And you want to help out the rest of the people at your site.
Abbey Woolley: Indeed. And we are always here. The team are always here to snowball ideas or workshop ideas about, any professional development that finalists or winners may want to just talk about, and we can provide some advice where possible.
Dale Atkinson: Okay. So, it's exciting. What are the key dates? What do people need to know?
Abbey Woolley: So, applications are open from the 1st of June for the whole month. So, the 1st to the 30th of June applications will be open. On the 26th of August, finalists will be announced. After that time, we will go into a period where we will actually go out to sites and central offices, and film finalists, because at the award ceremony, we premiere a 1 minute video clip of them all. So that will be happening. And after that point, winners and finalists are invited, as we've mentioned, to attend the award ceremony, which will be held on the evening of the 4th of November at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
Dale Atkinson: And it's a fantastic night. It is one of those great opportunities, great, rare opportunities that educators have from across the state to get together and really celebrate the thing that we do, which is an amazing thing. Abbey, thank you very much for taking the time to chat with us. We're really hoping that this kicks off some conversations in those staff rooms and in corporate office and everywhere else about, you know, maybe somebody who's really worthy of being recognised or maybe get people thinking about, well, yeah, actually the work that I do is worth being, given some, recognition. So, thank you Abbey. Thank you for taking the time to chat with us today.
Abbey Woolley: Not a problem, Dale. Thanks for being here.
Dale Atkinson: And thank you everyone for listening. If this podcast has got you thinking about applying for an award or nominating a colleague, make sure you visit our website at education.sa.gov.au/awards or you can check out the show notes from today's episode, which can be found at education.sa.gov.au/teach. Catch you next time on Teach.
In this episode we hear from past Public Education Award winners and how the awards changed their teaching career. Peta teaches at Gawler and District College B-12 and has written a book that will help teachers and parents open a discussion about how to manage and reduce anxiety. Plus you鈥檒l meet Lucy from Kilparrin Teaching and Assessment School and discover how the Music For All project is making music education more accessible.
Show notes
Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all Elders past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education
Georga Tyson: And I'm Georga Tyson, Largs Bay school teacher.
Dale Atkinson: Now imagine going overseas to study a teaching technique or, having a bit of space to write a book or create musical performances for the kids.
Well, public education awards winners have gone on to have those kinds of experiences while further developing their careers.
Georga Tyson: Today, we're catching up with some previous winners to hear what they're up to now and how the award changed their teaching career and how it could change yours. Joining us today, are Kilparrin music teacher, Lucy Standish, who won the 2019 Community Engagement Award, and Gawler and District College reception/year one teacher, Peta Thompson, who won the 2018 Early Years Teacher Award. Welcome to you both. And congratulations on your achievements.
Peta Thompson: Thank you. Thanks for having us.
Georga Tyson: Why did you both decide to apply for the Public Education Awards?
Lucy Standish: I applied because I knew we were creating something really special that year. And that's why my principal nominated me.
So we were doing a big performance, the Music for All project and had that coming up. And so, I wrote the application with that in mind of what we were about to create. That was seen as something that was going be really special.
Peta Thompson: I had dreams of going to Italy to do some training in the Reggio Emilia approach.
But I knew that I would never be able to fund it on my own. I am really, really passionate about community and bridging that gap between home and school, and the whole Reggio Emilia approach is about the whole child, the community, the parent, the teacher, all raising and educating the child.
And I just dreamt of being able to go over and do that. So, I thought, well, this is the perfect opportunity for me to be able to actually obtain that.
Dale Atkinson: So tell us a little bit about what that experience is like going to Italy and what you learnt from there.
Peta Thompson: Oh, well it's phenomenal. Firstly, I don't speak any Italian so that was the biggest challenge.
So I actually went to the town of Reggio Emilia and it's a two-week course where you are immersed in the learning and the schooling over there. There are conferences every day where you hear from parents of kids who go to their schools, you hear, from community members and how they actually have a part in the child's education.
And yeah, you get to visit schools and look at the setup, the wonderful ways that they approach education, which is looking at the whole child. So I was really, really passionate about the community aspect of it. And I took so much of that away and have implemented that into the way I teach now as well.
Dale Atkinson: It's an amazing night, it's an incredible time to spend with your family and celebrate now the great things that can be done in teaching. Can you just explain a little bit about what the experience of the evening was like for you?
Lucy Standish: Such a fun evening. The Public Education Awards really put on a great, great show and I think my category was quite late in the night. And so the tension was, you know, happening the whole throughout the whole evening. And I was like, I'm not going to win. I'm not going win. And then I won and had to go up and make a speech. And then it was just fantastic. Yeah. We had lots of Kilparrin staff come along to support me as well. So, it made it a really fun night. How about you, Peta?
Peta Thompson: Yeah, the whole process actually was really enjoyable from woe to go. Once you put your application in, you don't think you're ever going to be selected. And then, a couple of months later, there was a little envelope in my pigeonhole and it was like the Willy Wonka's golden ticket and I remember opening it and seeing you're one of three finalists and you've been invited to the celebration, the awards night. And so again, you go along, you think, oh no, it's not going to be me. You see the videos of the other people that you're up against. I remember not eating a scrap of food because I was so nervous staring at my meal, thinking, oh my gosh, then yeah. They call your name out. And it's a huge celebration. Lots of staff and friends were there as well from our school. And then it's just a whirlwind after that.
Lucy Standish: I even had Eddie Betts come and, um, tell me that I was the finalist so that was a pretty special moment.
Peta Thompson: Was that you? I saw that.
Georga Tyson: How would you say winning the award has changed your teaching journey or what impact has it had?
Peta Thompson: It's changed me as a person forever. It is something that I really could never have dreamt of. It's incredible. As a teacher, as an educator, you know, every single day, we're always trying to refine the process in what we do and reflect on our teaching, and I just gained so many skills and so much knowledge about children and how they learn and why they learn the ways that they do.
And that really shaped my pedagogy and what I do in my classroom. I could not thank the education awards team more for the opportunity they gave me.
Lucy Standish: Yeah. From the moment that Eddie Betts walked in that was, you know, really exciting for my whole school and Kilparrin. The students still remind me of that moment, but after being a winner, it's really shown the music education that we are, um, doing really amazing things at Kilparrin with our music.
And partnered with SASVI as well. And with Connecting the Dots in Music, we are really innovative in our field and people are recognising that. Music Eviva in schools has also approached me and my colleague at SASVI, Lily Gower to run some professional learning for them on diverse needs and just making a difference with Kilparrin students who have multiple disabilities, deaf and hard of hearing, vision impairments, sensory needs.
We need to make sure that everyone is having an accessible music curriculum.
Dale Atkinson: Now, before we came on air, you were talking to us a little bit about performance that you had a couple of weeks ago. Can you just explain a little bit about how that works and how that reaches out into the community?
Lucy Standish: Yeah. So we've just put on our second Music for All project. And this time it was called The Nest. The first one was Fancy Pants. We were lucky to have Connecting the Dots in Music. Emily G is the project manager. She's a friend of mine and has contacted me again and said, look, we've got to do this.
So, we've been working on it for a couple of years. COVID's got in the way. We were lucky that Tia Martin, who also works for Connecting The Dots in Music, she was our lead teaching artist and she was able to get some grant money from Carclew, which made it possible for us to put it on. And so last week we had musicians in our school that were teaching artists.
And we all created the music with our teaching artists. They got to know our students. They got to know our students' ways of communicating, because most of our students at our school use alternative communication. So that was a fantastic week. We created the music and then we put on a big performance at the end of the week.
Dale Atkinson: Ah, sounds amazing.
Georga Tyson: Incredible Lucy. You were also planning on heading overseas before COVID disrupted the plans. What did you hope to use the funds for?
Lucy Standish: I had planned to go to Helsinki to the International Music Education Conference, where I was going to speak about the project that we did the Music for All project and yeah, that didn't happen. So, I'm really interested to see what they do in Helsinki, because there was a special education music centre there that seemed really interesting and very similar to students at Kilparrin as well. So maybe that's something that I might do. I'm just waiting to see how travel goes for a bit.
Dale Atkinson: There's a lot of opportunities. So that’s, you know, a bit exciting. Now, Peta, your focused on writing a book called Settle Petal to help children manage and reduce their anxiety. Why was that an area you wanted to write about?
Peta Thompson: I'm really passionate about children's wellbeing. And I think as a reception, year one teacher, I see a lot of anxiety in kids, especially starting school and you know, a lot of separation anxiety from mum and dad.
And I'm really passionate about getting the wellbeing intact of the child before delving into the curriculum. I love that saying that no child can learn unless they're in that state of relaxed alertness. And so, when I was looking for resources, there are so many amazing wellbeing resources out there, but nothing that I could find that specifically targeted anxiety and I suffered terribly with anxiety as a child.
And sometimes I knew why, sometimes I didn't know why, it was just a feeling. I wanted to create a resource that opened up that discussion with kids, and also with families. So, I created a teacher resource. I'm really lucky when I met my partner, his family are also in education and his beautiful sister, my sister-in-law Emma Thompson. She's also a reception teacher at Salisbury Park Primary and she's an artist as well. And so, I said, hey, I've got this book that I've written, and I need an illustrator. So she said she would love to do that. So, we collaborated, and we came up with Settle Petal.
So, it's designed as a teacher resource. It comes with a resource pack of activities for teachers, but it's also really important for parents as well. It's a great resource for parents to have a discussion with their kids and open up those lines of communication. At the back of the book, there's a whole heap of, talking points and discussion points that you can do as a classroom teacher, or you can do as a parent.
Georga Tyson: And what was the book writing process like while working as a teacher?
Peta Thompson: I mean, as, as you all know, teaching, the list never, ever ends there's always something to do. But I actually found it therapy for myself, go home after a long day at work and I think about the kids and what could I have done differently and how could I have supported them more.
Am then I would just sort of delve into a, you know, couple of hours a night here or there and, and write the book. And I found that really helped me shape the storyline. So, the process was phenomenal.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the things that kind of stood out about one of the things you said a bit earlier was around, it took someone else to nominate you to feel like you could then go and apply for the awards. And I think that is something that characterises a lot of teachers, which is a natural inherent modesty about the work they do. So, what advice would you give to anyone who's either considering nominating or considering nominating someone else?
Peta Thompson: Yeah, look, none of us think we're special. We don't think that we do anything special from day to day. Every single teacher is, you know, a miracle worker, the things that we do every day change the lives or impact the lives of kids, you know, constantly. And I would just say, if you can nominate yourself, go for it.
If you've got something to share, whether it's big or small, absolutely. Throw your hat in the ring and have a go. You know, this has been a life changing experience for me, and I've never considered myself lucky. I've never won a meat tray in my life. I didn't think there was any chance that I would be a contender, but you know, it doesn't come down to odds and a raffle.
It's putting what you do onto paper and sharing the things that you do in your classroom or in your school community and, you know, having a go. So absolutely. If you've got something to share, go for it.
Lucy Standish: Yeah. And I was lucky enough to be a judge last year. And I was really like, it's just so exciting to read about what other people are doing and you're doing something special at your school, you know, give it a go.
Georga Tyson: And what's next for you both?
Peta Thompson: Teaching. I've got 26 little people, report writing, yep, all of that. More books are on the horizon for me, I want to do a series of wellbeing books. And the beautiful thing about being in a classroom is you can see the need for things, so I'm getting my inspiration from that.
That's kind of the next direction for me. I'm also incredibly passionate about literacy in the early years. So, I would really like to get into doing some mentoring around explicit instruction.
Lucy Standish: After just finishing our Music for All project last week, just looking towards how we're going to create another one, version 3.
We're all excited from last week at school. Got to get our minds together and create something new, again.
Georga Tyson: Lucy, when you first did Music For All, were you imagining that you would go on to do a second and a third?
Lucy Standish: Not at all. No. I think before leading up to it, there was so much work involved, creating it and working out the model of how it was going to work. Now we've got the model sorted, we know how it works. We know how we could do the second one. We tweaked it here and there as well. Yeah. We are hoping that other schools will also see what we've done and then they'll continue and create something like what we did last week.
Dale Atkinson: I think that's the great thing about the Public Education Awards is that it's a wonderful recognition of, some personal achievements, but it also provides a real beacon to other schools, other teachers, leaders on really great practice out there. And, it's incredibly, incredibly motivating. So, I'd like to thank you, both Lucy and Peta for joining us today.
Peta Thompson: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: It was wonderful to hear your story and thanks to everyone for listening. You still have some time to apply for the awards for yourself, or on behalf of a colleague.
Georga Tyson: Catch you next time on Teach.
Hear from 2022 Literacy Summit keynote speaker Professor Debra Myhill from the University of Exeter on the complexities of writing and how you can successfully teach all children to write. Plus find out who some of the other speakers are and the research and advice they鈥檒l share about writing improvement.
Show notes
- (EDi - staff intranet)
Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders, past, present, and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the state's Department for Education.
Georga Tyson: And I'm Georgia Tyson from Largs Bay School. Today, we are talking about one of the most complex things that is taught in the classroom, the skill of writing, which is also a focus at the 2022 Literacy Summit that brings together international, national, and local experts in the field of literacy improvement.
Dale Atkinson: That's right. And we are lucky to be joined by a couple of those experts now in the form of the department's very own Bev White, our Assistant Director, Literacy and Numeracy Policy. And from the UK professor, Debra Myhill, who is Professor of Education at the University of Exeter and also keynote speaker at the Literacy Summit.
Welcome to you, Debra.
Debra Myhill: Hi, good to see you well, hear from you.
Dale Atkinson: Nice of you to make some time available to us. So, you are coming to speak to us about the dimensions for learning to write, which is one of the most complex things that can be taught in the classroom. Can you talk to us a little bit about why it's such a complex learning area?
Debra Myhill: Well, I think it's because it makes such a high demand on brain power, on mental processes, because you are trying to do lots of things at once. But at the same time, it's making high demands of your language skills and what you know about language. And at the same time, you have to understand what the expectations are about writing.
So, it is very, very challenging to manage. And unusually, writing stays challenging as we get better at it. So even experienced writers find writing a challenge, but they've changed the bar as it were. So, it doesn't get easier, the better you get.
Dale Atkinson: But does it get easier to teach, the better you get?
Debra Myhill: Yes, I think it does. I think because for very young children in particular, there is a stage where they're working very, very hard on simply managing to get words out onto the page, even at the level of, you know, the motor skills to shape letters, knowing how to shape words, writing lines, writing fluently, all of that for very young children means that they can't focus quite so much on the writing itself because you're so busy getting ideas out. Once you've got past that phase and that's become more internalised and automatic, it does free you up to think more about the text itself and what you want to do with it.
Georga Tyson: And what are some strategies teachers can try to support their teaching of writing?
Debra Myhill: Well, I think the strategies really rely on teachers having a strong grasp of these three dimensions of writing. What I was saying earlier about the mental process is that's a cognitive dimension. What I was saying about the language is the linguistic dimension and understanding expectations and being an also sociocultural, if you really want to bring in strategies to help children, you have to think about what is it I'm trying to help.
So, if you do have, just going back to those transcription skills, very young children who are still struggling to write fluently, you might want to play some games that really just get them doing lots of writing and shaping. You may be wanting to teach them how to hand write particular letters and give them practice at that.
So that would be targeting the transcription. On the other hand, if actually they were struggling more with thinking processes around planning, drafting, and revising, because they're older children, some of the explicit things that teachers can do is to explicitly look at how you revise or how you outline text rather than just giving instructions to do revision. And that would probably be looking at a very focused issue. So don't say, let's look at how we revise this story. We might say, let's look at how we revise the characters we've described in this story. So, I think the key thing about strategies in the classroom is that they match the learner's needs in the classroom and that they will draw differently on different dimensions depending on those learner's needs.
Dale Atkinson: So, one of the things we were speaking about in an earlier podcast about the science of reading in particular, was the need to be really deliberately sequential about how you build the learning in that child through an understanding of their individual needs. Does that go doubly, triply so when we we're talking about dimensions for writing?
Debra Myhill: Yeah. In general, I think it really does because you have to know where every child is at in order to know what it is they need to do next. I mean, one of the other reasons that writing is a challenge to teach, as opposed to a challenge to learn, is that writing is multidimensional in terms of the things that you have to learn to do. So, you've got the basic act of learning how to write words and how to spell them or learning how to punctuate. But then you've got learning about how to write argument or learning vocabulary or learning about sentence variety. So, there's so many things you could be looking at, at any one time. And so, it's really worth knowing what is the children need next. The one exception would be, is not to put a feeling on children's imagination or creativity, because I think even very young children who may not have wonderful spelling skills, can come up with wonderful ideas.
So, there's a real thing about don't limit what they can do because often that demotivates children, so let the imagination and the creativity flow, but then what they produce really look at closely in terms of explicit teaching and incremental learning. So, I think the learning is often incremental. The one thing where it differs from, I think from reading, I wouldn't want to make too big a claim on the reading side, on the writing side is that learning is incremental, but it's also spiral or recursive. So, you know, your six year olds can be really good at creating a story, particularly they might do it orally and then write it down. But you know, you have great novelists who are still working on creating a story. Learning about writing is both incremental and spiral or recursive.
Georga Tyson: And what is the connection between learning to read and learning to write?
Debra Myhill: Symbiotic. I think the thing about learning to read and learning to write is they really do go hand in hand and, sometimes there's a bit of a myth that you learn to read first and then you can learn to write, but there's a lot of research that shows that as we learn to read, it improves our capacity to write. But likewise, as we develop as writers, it improves our capacity to read, they're really interrelated processes. So, I would always say, you know, when you are teaching, reading, think about how you might involve writing with the teaching and reading.
And likewise, when you're teaching, writing, draw on excellent reading texts and children's own reading experiences in order to help them think about being a writer and being an author.
Dale Atkinson: That's great advice. What, what advice can you give us about engaging children in the writing process itself?
Debra Myhill: Do you mean the writing process? The planning, drafting writing? Or do you mean writing generally?
Dale Atkinson: Well, all of it. Yeah.
Debra Myhill: Well, I think one of the things that we know from talking to a lot of children and young people is that sometimes they really dislike writing in school, because we make it a little bit dull even though some of them love writing outside of school.
So, I think absolutely at the heart of being able to do all this incremental explicit targeted teaching is also creating a classroom climate, which is conducive to writing. So, we often talk about creating a, a community of writers. In the classroom. And that might involve things like using writing workshop approaches, where children are given plenty of time and space to write, using things like free writing, where you just sort of effectively dump ideas on the page to get going is very motivating.
And that free writing of course is not drafting. It's just getting ideas out. Sometimes, I mean, certainly in the primary schools here where we've worked with the primary schools, having what the teachers here called messy books, where they've got space to write about what they want to write about prior to writing it in a more perfect form for an audience that can really, really work.
So that sense of valuing children's ideas, desire to write alongside, they're being explicit about teaching them things. And I think part of that is also about a community of writers where you create lots of opportunities for collaboration and conversation about writing. One of the wonderful things about collaborative writing and that could be collaborative writing as a whole class where the teacher leads it and, and does joint composition collectively, or it could be collaborative writing, probably in pairs. I think collaborative writing in bigger groups is slightly harder to manage. One of the real benefits of that kind of collaborative writing is that you have to offer ideas and justify why you're making those choices, which is a real learning conversation about writing.
So, if you have to rewrite a paragraph from a science book as a narrative, and you're doing that in a pair in order to do that rewriting, there's got to be a lot of conversations about the writing choices you make and the value is in those conversations. And I think the other thing that's linked to the collaboration and conversation is lots and lots of opportunity for sharing writing, not necessarily always in very formal ways of celebrating finished pieces.
But just regularly reading aloud, work in progress and trying to create that climate where children can say I don't like that sentence, or I don't like that word and can talk about it with others to seek peers’ advice. And of course that grows with age. You wouldn't expect necessarily your youngest writers to be doing that, but you start the habit early by having classrooms, which create that climate for being a community for collaboration and for conversation.
Georga Tyson: Why do you think teachers find teaching writing challenging?
Debra Myhill: I think, I mean, that's a, it's a difficult question to be absolute about, but I think there's two reasons. I think one is that teachers themselves may not be enthusiastic writers. Teachers are more likely to be enthusiastic readers than writers.
And of course in primary schools, we know that they're not always even enthusiastic readers. And I think if you don't write yourself, it's quite hard to understand that sense of being an author. That sense of power as an author you want to try and make your reader feel in a certain way or think in a certain way.
And also if you don't write, I think it's very easy to forget what the experience of being a writer is like. You know, when children get stuck or go off track, those are experiences that most of us have when we are writing. So, I think that's one whole strand of it is that teachers themselves don't have enough experiences as writers to share and be aware of what children are doing in the classroom as, as authors in the classroom and then contend to make it a rather formulaic approach. You know, you must plan your writing without understanding, for example, that, you know, not everybody plans in the same way, or some people have to write first and then form the plan.
But there's one thing I think the other thing though, is back to the thing I said earlier, that from a teaching point of view, when you're teaching writing, there's so many different strands of writing you could be teaching at any one time from, you know, how to shape your letters, to spelling, the punctuation, combining sentences, all the way through to paragraphing text structures. And all of that is what you might say is the form aspect of writing. But you've also got all the things about how do you create the right images for your reader? How do you express strong opinions in an argument? How do you write a scientific text that makes you sound like an expert? So, it's bringing together all the time, writing different aspects of being a good writer.
And I think the risk is that we could spend too much time on one end of it and not enough on the other. And depending on classrooms that can work both ways. You know, you can have classrooms that are brilliant at all the content side and the ideas and the thinking about what you want to say, but not enough explicit teaching about the text itself. Or you have it the other way around where there's just too much emphasis on the form, which just demotivates children about the purpose of writing, which is all about communicating ideas. So, a balanced approach, but it is challenging.
Dale Atkinson: Well, this is a challenging area and made a little less challenging thanks to the conversation with you, Professor Myle. Thank you very much for your time.
Debra Myhill: You're very welcome.
Dale Atkinson: Thank you. And we are lucky to be joined by the department's very own Bev White, our Assistant Director, Literacy and Numeracy Policy.
Let's talk a little bit about the Literacy Summit. What is the point of the Literacy Summit?
Bev White: The point of the literacy summit is really to bring the research to classrooms to actually support leaders and teachers to understand what the current research is and how that can really influence and support the choices they make in planning and teaching for writing and in particular in 2022, it's about learning to write and writing to learn. So, we've had a, a focus on reading for a number of years now, and we do know that people are really keen to learn more about writing. So, we are hoping that we are going to deliver a series of presentations that will support schools to learn together and to really develop their programs.
Dale Atkinson: Now it's a really comprehensive program with a number of speakers from right across the world, internationally, nationally, and locally. Who can come along? And, and what sort of experience are they going to have?
Bev White: We have 10 speakers. And the fantastic thing about it is it's on demand. Once they're loaded up onto plink, you can access them anytime you like.
You can access them during staff meetings, you can use them to support pupil free days. You can do independent learning if it's a real interest for you as a teacher. Anybody who has a plink account in the education department can access the presentations.
Georga Tyson: Who are some of the other speakers and what do they discuss?
Bev White: Well, we have three keynote speakers. So, as well as Debra, we have Steve Graham from the United States. He is a world-renowned leader in the teaching of writing, both reading and writing actually, and talks a lot about the things that really make a difference. The evidence-based strategies that teachers can use and because he and his colleagues have done so much research in teaching writing, he actually has the research data to support what he's saying. So, he's talking about evidence based practices for teaching writing, and he makes connections to reading and learning. So, a very powerful presentation from Steve Graham.
Our third keynote is particularly for the early years, so preschool and the early years of school and that's Iram Siraj. A lot of our preschool educators will remember Iram from, last year. And she's talking about the essential precursors to teaching, reading, and writing and talks about the meaningful conversations that you need to be having in those early years environments to build the language in preparation. Those are our three keynotes. The rest of the presentations are more focused presentations. So, we are looking at focusing on either a particular area in teaching writing, or a particular audience. So, we have Tutita Casa who talks about writing in the mathematics classroom. But how do you teach writing in Maths so that you're actually supporting children to reason and to explain their thinking in, in mathematics. So, it's like using writing to improve your learning of mathematics. So that's one of my favourites. If you're a science teacher, we have Gail Forey, he talks about teaching students to talk and write like scientists and really goes into how you teach the language of science to improve content knowledge and to improve writing and oral language in science. We have a presentation from Dr. Damon Thomas from the University of Queensland. Now, this is an extended presentation because Damon is talking about meta linguistic understanding.
So a lot of teachers are asking for support with functional grammar and Damon delivers. He talks about what you need to teach in the English curriculum in the early years of primary, the middle years of primary and upper primary in terms of functional grammar and the language features that are going to support kids to express their curriculum learning.
And it's pretty full on, but I'm sure that schools will love it. And it's the resource that teachers can go back to many times to really build their skills in that area.
Dale Atkinson: Wasn't an incredible array of speakers that’s available to us. What a resource for all the teachers and educators out there.
Now these can be accessed online. There’s a lot of different ways that people can get them. We’ll include links in the show notes and information on our website, to make them available to you. So, what would your message be to the teachers out here listening and thinking, oh, I should get involved in that.
Bev White:
I think you'll find it incredibly valuable. Like we say, it's all very current research. It really builds on what we've been doing in 黑料吃瓜 for a long time, but I think it really helps teachers understand why teaching writing is so complex. And when we look at all of those three dimensions and bring them together and you get the whole picture, it's almost like, ah, now I get it. Now I know what to look for in my students, and now I know how I can help each one of them to improve.
Dale Atkinson: If you've liked what you've heard from Professor Myhill or from Bev, with the excellent rundown of the keynote speakers and the presenters who are going to be at the Literacy Summit 2022. Please tune in, check the website notes and, get involved.
Thanks very much for listening.
Georga Tyson: Catch you next time on Teach.
We speak to Stirling East Primary School Principal Jess Moroney to discover how the Future Leaders initiative can help emerging leaders identify leadership potential and fast-track preparation for leadership roles. Plus Jess discusses the importance mentors play and how he鈥檚 dealt with the challenges bushfires and COVID-19 bring.
Show notes
Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders, past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education. Our guest today is Jess Moroney. He's the principal of Stirling East Primary School up in the Adelaide Hills, with a student enrolment of around 550 kids, and just participated in the Future Leaders program, which provided the tools and resources to reflect on his leadership style and capabilities.
And when he was appointed as a leader, he was also provided with the program's leader advisor service, which helps connect people to experienced leaders for ongoing coaching and mentoring. So, Jess, thanks very much coming in.
Jess Moroney: No worries, thanks for having me.
Dale Atkinson: So you're the principal of Stirling East Primary School. Can you tell us a bit about the school?
Jess Moroney: Yeah. So, as you mentioned, we have about 530 students from reception to year six. We have those spread over about 19 classes. Adelaide Hills, very cold this time of year, but, lovely group of kids and highly experienced and expert teachers. So very fortunate to be there.
Dale Atkinson: So, was it always your intention to become a principal or is this something that you kind of fell into?
Jess Moroney: Yeah, and it seems a very common theme amongst most leaders that I had no ambition in being a principal, sort of started off as a specialist PE teacher for quite a number of years and transitioned into the classroom. And I guess then found opportunities where I was in, acting in leadership positions and quite enjoyed it. It just sort of eventuated that way.
Dale Atkinson: So, what was it that drew you to those leadership positions in the first place?
Jess Moroney: I think it was being able to influence larger and larger groups of students. Initially in a classroom, you have your, you know, 30 odd children in front of you and then through leadership position sort of coordinator roles, you have a chance to work with larger groups and more teachers and more children, and yeah. Seeing that opportunity to improve yourself and improve others, and eventually that has the student outcomes attached to it.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, right. So, tell us a little bit about how the Future Leaders program helped you make that transition smoothly.
Jess Moroney: For me, it was that turning point of realising that I was probably ready. I went down the path initially I was certified as a lead teacher back in 2015 and was really keen on leading from the classroom working two or three days a week in a leadership position. The balance in the classroom was fantastic for me.
And I guess I never really knew that I was quite ready to not step away from the classroom, but to take on a full on leadership position. And I guess the Future Leaders program was one that gave me the confidence.
The feedback that I received was essentially that I was ready and most of the learning now was to be done on the job in a formal leadership position. So, it was almost the kick that I needed just to take the plunge and apply for some positions.
Dale Atkinson: And what's the biggest change that you have transitioning from being a teacher into those leadership positions and being a principal?
Jess Moroney: I think for me, it was quite surprising how similar it actually was in the sense that I guess the difference is rather than having 30 students in front of you, you have you know, a number of staff who require their own levels of differentiation, support, challenge. And so, I guess the difference was working more with adults rather than children. And on a day to day, I guess you often get people when they're emotionally charged, could be, parents could be, students could be adults.
The big difference is probably the end of the day. You're pretty drained. Sometimes you can have challenging conversations from the start of the day, right through to the end. But all for the right outcome.
Dale Atkinson: So, you made the transition in the last couple of years to Stirling East Primary. What year did you start there?
Jess Moroney: I only started there at the beginning of this year. So previous three years at Lenswood Primary, which was sort of polar opposites, it was three classes, 65 children, small community school, but incredibly rewarding place to be as well.
Dale Atkinson: And how have you found it? Because obviously, I would say during COVID 19 times, not the easiest time to transition into a leadership position, how you found that and the challenges?
Jess Moroney: Look, to a certain extent, it was probably not a bad way to start at a new school that everything could be paired back.We talk about week zero and the first couple of days, which as a new leader coming in could be high pressure. At times I just had the opportunity to talk to the staff and you know, this year we had four days to get ready for the hybrid approach to some students online, some face to face. So, we basically took the pressure off and said, get in, get organized, get ready. And I just had the chance to get in and meet the staff and all hands on deck, as opposed to putting on a big professional learning series.
Dale Atkinson: And was the mentoring relationship that you managed to develop ahead of time and throughout the last couple of terms, was that something that was helpful in that scenario?
Jess Moroney: Yeah, I think you mentioned the leader advisor program, which was fantastic when I first stepped into a principal position. So, I was appointed a leader advisor who I hadn't met previously and didn't know a huge amount about my context other than what I'd shared with him. And often I'd see a pop up in my, my calendar as I had a three hour meeting with my leader advisor and thought, what on earth are we going to talk about for three hours? And every time I walked away and just thought, you know how remarkable it was just to have someone to bounce ideas off of and have those conversations where, you know, you're probably tossing up which way to go with some bits and pieces going on in the school and having someone who was sort of non-judgmental and just there to support was great.
Dale Atkinson: And so what are the sort of challenges that you're bottoming out with your mentor?
Jess Moroney: The day to day challenges that you have around certain contextual situations happening with staffing and, and students and families. And I guess just speaking with someone who's been there, done that before, and just knowing that these challenges are real and just being a sounding board really.
Dale Atkinson: That sounds like a really kind of positive thing. And, and not just during those three hours, there's accessibility isn't there, outside of that time as well.
Jess Moroney: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I always knew that my advisor was on the other end of the phone whenever I needed. And he would often just touch base from time to time just to check in and see how I was going and was there anything I needed. I think he was also a good reminder that as a leader, you had to make time for yourself as well. So, he'd often gimme a call and just say, look, if you're still working, put tools down and go out and do something and you know, that was great.
Dale Atkinson: And obviously a sort of different dynamic, different relationship than, you know, the mentoring relationship that you might have with your education director, there's a bit more freedom and flexibility there I'd imagine.
Jess Moroney: Yeah, absolutely. And I think, you know, when I was reflecting on mentors, the leadership team and the education director within that is fantastic, but it was also nice to have someone who probably sat outside of that sphere. And you could just speak completely openly about everything that's going on and ask a couple of those curly questions as they popped up yeah.
Dale Atkinson: It was a bit easy than, uh, sometimes talking to your boss, I guess.
Jess Moroney: Yeah, absolutely.
Dale Atkinson: We're talking about one of the big challenges, I guess, under COVID situations for kids, for teachers, for all of us, I think is being able to manage the day to day work of, you know, trying to lift the academic achievement of the kids, but also supporting the wellbeing of your employees and supporting the wellbeing of the kids. How have you managed to balance those things?
Jess Moroney: Look, we had a bit of a trial run at this, that when I was at Lenswood, we had the Cudlee Creek bush fire sweep through just prior to COVID time. And so that was a pretty challenging time to be a leader and be a teacher and basically be anyone in that community.
I learned from that experience initially of essentially, we just had to pair back anything off of the calendar that wasn't absolutely necessary at that point in time. And that was hugely beneficial for the staff wellbeing, I guess we looked at everything and if it wasn't highly important right then and there in terms of educational outcomes for kids or wellbeing for staff and students, get rid of it for a short amount of time or permanently, and just focus on the things that were really important for us then and there.
So that's then continued through into COVID times and we're still right in the thick of it. And I think I'm finding now more than ever we're finding that staff are pretty flat. We've been working basically running on adrenaline for the last couple of years and ongoing changes that you can't necessarily prepare for too well.
So again, we are just back to, I guess, analysing everything that we do in a school and asking the question, how important is this right now? And can it wait?
Dale Atkinson: And so, what are the priorities that you've landed on for Stirling East?
Jess Moroney: One of the things that's been a true leveller, you know, right through the bushfire time and the pandemic is making sure that, you know, your key priorities remain consistent.
Just having that level of knowing what we're focusing on. We've maintained the site improvement plan, albeit we've given ourselves the capacity to say that some things can wait when we're tracking how we're going. If there's a couple of things that are still sitting in the orange or red for the second part of the year, that that's okay.
But we've probably just narrowed our goals and stuck with our initial goals of what we had on our site improvement plan and keeping everything else aside for now.
Dale Atkinson: Part of that leadership responsibility is deciding what you can green light, what you can red light, how you prioritise these things. And that's part of the challenge, isn't it?
Jess Moroney: Yeah. And I think, even though we are pushing ahead fairly heavily with our site improvement objectives, I think it's also knowing how we can alleviate some of the pressure on the staff there as well. And having conversations with my teachers, making sure that they know that we appreciate them fully, but often actions can speak a lot louder than words.
So rather than just thanking them, we've looked at ways that we can alleviate the pressure on them in a day to day or looking at ways that we can support them through it with additional release time or being a bit innovative to release each other in some of the challenging moments where they're busy writing reports, you know, interviews, assessment, schedules, those sorts of things, how do we help them through that.
Dale Atkinson: Just back onto the program a little bit, obviously it provides you a bit of feedback about your strengths and areas where development's needed, what sort of assessment process did you undertake to look into your strengths and areas for development?
Jess Moroney: And it was quite interesting because this was probably four years ago now. So, prior to coming in for the podcast, I had to look over my feedback again and I just realised how spot on it actually was about me, my personality, my leadership style. So, it was a pretty rigorous process. There was some self-assessments that you carried out a range of different surveys and then there was the day itself, which I probably won't speak too much about because I think the best thing about it was that you didn't really know what you were going into, but it was highly contextual in terms of putting yourself in scenarios that will become your every day to day as a school leader. So, then the feedback, I guess, that came from that was how you observed in different leadership scenarios.
So, for me, I found that the strength that came out were the bits that gave me a nudge to say, yep, you're ready. And the areas to developers, still things that I'm working on now, so it was pretty much spot on.
Dale Atkinson: And so how have you folded that into developing your own sort of personal development plan and the path to leadership?
Jess Moroney: Through the Future Leaders program, a development plan was created as well. So, it gave a few internal professional learning series that were worthwhile having a look at, but then also some external ones as well. So, one of those for me was the Crucial Conversations and Crucial Accountability courses, which through our portfolio, we engaged in. And then I guess I've just kept some of that feedback going. And some of the bits that I knew I had to work on in my PDP each year, with my education director. And so, yeah, I've just been sort of sticking the course with that one.
Dale Atkinson: So, like something that's incredibly focused and detailed. And if you go into it with an open kind of mindset, looking, thinking about what you can do to develop, that's where the richness of the conversation comes in, isn't it?
Jess Moroney: Yeah. And I think we all get into education, you know, knowing that we're always learning. As a principal, I'm always learning that I go back into the classroom and at the end of the day, I'd analyse my teaching and learning. Like I would expect my teachers to then likewise, at the end of the day or week, you have to have a look and reflect on areas where you've gone well and some of the areas that you need to rethink.
Dale Atkinson: What are the next stages for you four years in? How does this develop as a program for you?
Jess Moroney: For me, I think, as I just mentioned, I'm still, you know, still learning that I'm fairly early in my principalship. So, I guess it's just taking the time to look at what are the areas, where, and I think you have to celebrate the success along the way.
So, you take the time and look at the areas where you think you've done reasonably well, but conversely, the bits that you still need to develop as a leader. And when I look at the feedback from the future leaders, the areas that were highlighted are still things that, that I'll be working on for a number of years to come.
Dale Atkinson: So, what are some of the things that have surprised you about going from being purely a teacher in the classroom to being a principal.
Jess Moroney: I think, initially how similar some of it is, obviously contextually it's different, because you spend a lot more of your time working with adults than you do children, but the skills that you're required to be a quality classroom teacher or a teacher in, in any area are still very relevant as you move into leadership.
Probably one of the biggest surprises I had was how many interruptions you have in a day, and high quality and important interruptions. You'll often sit down to do something at nine o'clock in the morning, and it's still sitting there untouched at the end of the day, because they've been really pressing things that you prioritise ahead of whatever you had planned for the day.
So, I think I learned very early that you never leave anything to the last day to get it done, because that'll be the day where you have children needing your staff, needing your parents, needing you. So that's probably been the biggest challenge is to probably prioritising your time and managing that.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the things I've observed about principals is their ability to segment the day into very effective, productive 15 minute segments is an incredible skill.
Jess Moroney: Yes. Yep. And, and very needed.
Dale Atkinson: Jess Moroney, Principal of Stirling East Primary School, thank you very much for joining us and talking about the Future Leaders program.
Jess Moroney: No worries at all. Thank you.
Today we鈥檙e discussing how to accommodate the needs of students who have been through trauma. Trauma-informed practice in education aims to achieve a safe environment for all. It provides academic, social-emotional and behavioural supports to trauma affected students and promotes their engagement and success in learning. Hear from the department鈥檚 Senior Social Worker for Children in Care and Senior Adviser for Child Protection. Plus, Merryn Gomez from Eastern Fleurieu R-12 School shares how implementing trauma-informed practice has helped their school community.
Show notes
- Contact the child protection and trauma-informed practice team at: Education.TraumaInformedPractice@sa.gov.au
Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education.
Georga Tyson: And I'm Georgia Tyson, Largs Bay school teacher. Today, we're talking about trauma informed practice and how you can accommodate the needs of students who have been through trauma.
Dale Atkinson: And we are joined by three very experienced people in this area. We've got the Department's Senior Social Worker for Children in Care, Tanya Russo, Senior Advisor for Child Protection, Deidre Lockley, and Merryn Gomez, Assistant Principal for Inclusion and Wellbeing at Eastern Fleurieu R-12 school, a school that is implementing trauma informed practice across all their five campuses.
I think that's right, Merryn is that correct?
Merryn Gomez: Yes, that's correct.
Dale Atkinson: It's a lot of campuses, I guess the first question for people who kind of aren't sure. And this is perhaps for, for you, Tanya and you, Deidre is what is childhood trauma? What do we mean when we talk about that?
Deidre Lockley: So trauma is anything that means that we have a response that we feel is overwhelming.
It might be to a real or a perceived threat. It overwhelms our capacity to cope, and it feels like things are outside of our control. And often it means that we respond in a way that is based on fear rather than what is actually happening around us. In the department, when we are talking about trauma, we're talking about trauma that occurs for children and young people in our schools.
And usually we mean trauma that's relationship, complex, relational trauma. And so that means that the trauma is stemming from experiences of abuse and neglect or sustained witnessing of family and domestic violence. And what that means is that often children and young people can have feelings of hopelessness and shame they're associated with that.
So it's not an individual stressful event that can cause a trauma. Like we might have a car accident that we find traumatic. When we're talking about trauma informed practice, we're talking about complex trauma that is the result of abuse or neglect or sustained family violence.
Georga Tyson: And what should teachers be aware of in terms of whether their student might be experiencing trauma? Are there signs of it say difficulty concentrating?
Deidre Lockley: So sometimes people may not know exactly what's happening for a child outside of school. Often there's confidentiality when other people are involved, whether it be a psychologist or child protection, but things that we notice in schools are things like difficulty in concentrating, like you mentioned, but often it's more than that.
We might see behavioural difficulties. One thing we know about trauma is it impacts the development of children and young people, and that's because it's happening at that really early stage of their life when their brain is developing. And they're also developing understanding of relationships and complex trauma happens in relationship.
And so that means that sometimes they don't know exactly how to maintain a relationship or create new friendships. And we know that when we are in a classroom, the key way children learn is through that relationship with the teacher or the relationship with their peers. So sometimes we'll see that as a difficulty as well.
Tanya Russo:I think another difficulty that a lot of teachers see is around memory as well, and about their ability to retain information, which can be quite frustrating for some teachers. So it might be that they'd forget their belongings or be disorganised as well. And that was also a really difficult thing for young people in school, because obviously we are relying on a lot of their memory to do their learning and, and to be ready to learn in the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: So what are the types of things, Merryn, that you're observing as a frontline educator at the moment. Are you seeing those sorts of behaviours playing out in the classroom?
Merryn Gomez: Yeah, we are certainly seeing those behaviours R-12. We are in reception to year 12 school, so we're able to have that whole sort of educational journey to reflect on and it doesn't matter what year level, I guess, or what age a student is in. If they have been impacted by trauma in those early years, or as their brains are still developing, then it will impact the way that they are able to cope in a classroom. And for some students even walking through the door of a classroom and being in a situation where they are around a group of peers and not I guess experiencing that felt sense of safety for them as an individual can come out as behaviour difficulties. So that is certainly something that I think every teacher at the moment can relate to and something that's really important for people to be aware of that there is always more to the behaviours that we are seeing and it's our job to understand them.
Tanya Russo:I was just going to add to that. We may not always know what the triggers are and the children might not be able to articulate that either. Because I think some teachers do want to know, you know, is there way I can prevent this? Or is there something that I can notice in that young person or prevent from happening, but we might not always know what they are.
Because it could be a smell. It could be a tone of voice. It could be the look of a person. And I guess that makes it a little bit tricky for teachers. So, we really do need to get them to know the children, to sort of identify what those stress cues are and really observe them and record, because that is a bit of a tricky thing, understanding their triggers.
Georga Tyson: You mentioned there, you know, about supporting the teachers. What is available to teachers to help accommodate the needs of students who have been through traum?
Deidre Lockley: So, we have a series of programs or professional development that's available to staff within the department around trauma informed practice.
They range from the Strategies for Managing Abuse Related Trauma program, otherwise known as SMART. We've been working alongside of the Australian Childhood Foundation for the SMART program for 17 years now. And so people can access that online through plink, through face to face training that we often hold at at EDC, but we also provide that in schools for the whole school, if they'd like it, or for small groups, if that's say a school has a small set of SSOs who they would like to provide some more information to around trauma, we have the SMART program, but then we have a large program called the Trauma Aware Schools Initiative. And that's where we have non-government providers who are experts in trauma, come and assist our schools to really build strong understanding of what trauma might mean, what it might look like in their school and different approaches that they might take. And I think Merryn will talk a little bit more about that in a minute and what it means in her school, but we've had over 200 schools in the last five years, undertake some kind of training through that initiative.
We also provide scholarships each year to graduate certificate in Developmental Trauma programs. We have a master classes for school leaders in Implementation of Trauma Informed Practice. We have an online learning community for anyone who undertakes any of this kind of training in Flinders Street, we have a team called the Child Protection and Trauma Informed Practice team who will very happily chat about any of these in more detail, if that's useful.
Dale Atkinson: So, Merryn, what was your journey as a school and professionally, individually at Eastern Fleurieu what was your journey in terms of coming towards implementing more trauma informed practice at the school?
Merryn Gomez: So, Ian Ken, our principal, identified pretty early on that we were seeing some really challenging behaviours across all of our campuses and that a lot of those students were sort of being stuck in that cycle of suspension and exclusion and relationship rupture without the opportunity to repair and reflect and look at how we were doing things and how we could do things differently.
So in his sort of investigation we thought what can we do differently? How can we look at this differently? In another way, he came across the Trauma Aware Schools Initiative, which Deidre talked about and signed us up straight away as a leadership team. And what that meant was that he was able to choose between three external providers to provide some training to all of our staff. Initially, we went as a whole leadership team and R-12 leadership teams and we did the four day Berry Street education model. That looked at understanding trauma, its impact on students, in a really practical way where there were strategies that you could take out of that and implement in your classroom the next day. The experience that we had as leaders involved in that training, it had so much impact on us that we actually decided that our entire R-12 staff, so teachers and SSOs included really needed to be immersed in that training and that understanding to be able to have the impact that we wanted to have on our students. So, from there, we went on to put our whole school through that four day training, interrupted here and there by COVID, which was really, really tricky, but that was the initial steps.
And from there, what we did was we identified a key team of leaders across our R-12 staff who would be the key implementation team. And we called them the, the TIPI team, the Trauma Informed Practice Implementation team to work on our whole school strategy and our whole school approach. And to monitor the effectiveness of that.
Dale Atkinson: What has the effect been? What have you seen?
Merryn Gomez: Oh wow. That's a huge question. We've seen not only a change in student engagement in the classroom, but what we've also seen that was quite unexpected, was a shift in the understanding. I think of ourselves as educators and how our own brains were functioning and window of tolerance and the strategies that we could use for ourselves when we are stepping into a classroom or when we are alongside a student who is dysregulated to be able to ensure that we are staying regulated ourselves in order to be able to help co-regulate those students. So, we've seen a huge change in behaviour. We're still seeing some really tricky behaviours. I think we always will because that's the nature of putting that many kids in one place and trying to teach them. But what we are seeing is the way that we are responding to those behaviours has changed and the way that teachers understand relationships and the importance of that has really shifted in a positive way so that we are now able to intentionally plan moments throughout our day to create positive interactions, even with the kids who are resisting that the most. And what then happens is over time that builds into them feeling that felt sense of safety and being able to participate in learning in the classroom. So, it's been, I could talk for hours about the difference that we've seen in individual students. But an increase in engagement for sure. And a decrease in those difficult behaviours, but the most impact has been the change has been the change, that paradigm shift to understanding behaviour as communication, and then looking at how do we respond to that and how can we ensure that those ruptures and that cyclical suspension process, we can interrupt that and create more understanding for that student around self-regulation co-regulation and most importantly, repairing those relationships.
Dale Atkinson: It sounds like there's a really profoundly positive impact on the experience that the student has through this, but is there also a personal benefit to the teacher around their own mental health wellbeing, their ability to cope with these scenarios?
Merryn Gomez: I think when you walk into a classroom, right, and you've got 30 or so kids, and there's always going to be a few who you need to do things differently for, to get them feeling calm and regulated and to be able to engage in the learning.
And initially, you know, as a new teacher, you often think that when you're seeing those behaviours it's to do with your lesson plan or your topic, or the way that you've sort of structured that lesson. And look, it really can be, but it's often about those relationships. So, when you understand that as an educator, you're not so upset that your lesson hasn't gone to plan because you understand that at the moment, what that child needs is connection. And once I get that connection, then I can focus on the learning because if we don't have that connection, no learning is going to happen.
Georga Tyson: Merryn, how do you bring a team together to support a child?
Merryn Gomez: We use a team around the child approach that Ian brought in when he came to Eastern Fleurieu School. And it's around a set of protocols that bring all of the providers or stakeholders or important people in that young person's life together with a team around the child. So, we call it a TAC. And what we do is we work really closely with support services. And if the children and care team are in involved, any other providers, DCP anybody involved with NDIS and we bring everybody together and have a discussion about that young person, identifying their strengths, identifying what their growth points are and how we can support them to move forward.
Whether that is with a new enrolment in the school or whether it. Some difficulty that they're having or whether it is just things are going well. And it's a check in and a time to, as Tanya said earlier, celebrate those successes. The team around the child approach has been absolutely crucial in supporting some of our young people in care and has really been the difference between there sometimes being, I guess, conflicting priorities between different providers to bringing a whole team together with that young person at the very heart of every decision that is made and really making that clear. That is what that team is there for regardless of anybody else's sort of motives and wants and needs for that child, it's about them and what they need and the importance of working together so that we can create that consistent and predictable routine for them in an environment where they begin to feel safe and feel seen and heard is what makes that successful.
Dale Atkinson: That sounds like an enormous relief in some respects to have that awareness around, you know, your own professional practice.
Georga Tyson: Are we seeing more and more schools becoming trauma informed, more and more sites?
Deidre Lockley: So, we see more and more people who are interested both as individuals, but as sites. And I think that's because in every classroom and every school, we are seeing children who have more complex needs and more complex behaviours. And I think we have staff across our system who are really seeking to know how they can contribute and how they can help out.
We're also seeing that in other systems that work alongside us, like the Child Protection System, where we see more and more children who are coming into care.
Dale Atkinson: And who should teachers contact to access support?
Tanya Russo:So, for children that are actually being removed, so we've got the Children in Care service. So that service was established by the Department for Education in mid 2019 as a systems improvement response to increase and support education outcomes for children in care.
So, we actually sit as part of Student Support Services and work alongside the Multidisciplinary Team in Support Services. But we also work really closely with Deidre's team in the Engagement and Wellbeing section, but also with schools. So, a lot within our agency, but also across with DCP, in their service as well.
So what we realise, what we need to do is to improve the visibility of children in care within our department and really promote those trauma informed practice principles that we've been talking about, about a safe and predictable environments and I'm increasing those safe relationships with trusting adults.
And I guess our job really is about building that educated capacity to be empathic toward these children and have an understanding about what their needs are. Having opportunities to celebrate the success. Success for these young people might look a little bit different to others, so we need to really tap into that and celebrate those things.
But also, and that not give up attitude. These children have got a right to be educated as well, and they should be at school and a lot of our children in care, actually in part-time for a whole range of reasons, but we are there really to advocate at an individual level, but also at a system level about their needs and their right to be at school full time. As part of our role, we are actually identifying some of those system gaps and working collectively with DCP to work on those.
We have a joint action plan with DCP, which we work very closely with Deidre's team. So, every year we have a number of actions. It's about 11 actions for 2022. So, we have a joint commitment to try and identify and collectively support these young people at a really high level. And we know that from research that none of this can be done in isolation.
So, the children in care service can't do it on their own. And a teacher at a school can't do it on their own, really need to collectively do it with our policy people, but also alongside our DCP partners as well. So, and we really want to promote that school can actually be a place of healing as well. With those really strong relationships school can be one of the most protective factors that they've experienced before they were in care, but certainly afterwards as well. Because we do understand that some of the placement options for young people in care are not ideal at the moment. And there's lots of resource issues around that as well.
So, it's really about trying to support them. And we have a duty social worker available at our office, so you can contact us through Felixstow Education Office and we have a duty social worker to help and we provide some consultation and advice and information, and that could be from a child in care, being enrolled in a new school that could be about identifying what's the process around ISP funding. It could be about how do we use our transition funding money for children in care, or it could be that we can't get in touch with DCP, we don't know what to do. Because we understand that a lot of the communication barriers are impacting young people actually engaging in schooling too.
So, we need to sort of refocus on what the child needs and be really child centred about our practice.
Dale Atkinson: And we'll have information about contact details and other programs in the show notes. One of my final questions, I think probably for you, Merryn, is what's the message to other teachers and educators, other schools who might be considering undertaking some training in trauma informed practice?
Merryn Gomez: I think acknowledging that it's a journey that there's no end to, you know, we've been on this journey since 2018 and initially I thought we'll have a list of things to do, and then we'll be a trauma informed school, but it is certainly not a checklist and we can always continue to improve. And that's really a part of that continuous improvement cycle that all schools go through.
But I think that probably the key message that I would love for every teacher and leader and SSO to know is that as Deidre said earlier, she was talking about relational trauma. So, trauma that happens within relationships, particularly for young people where their brains are still developing. And the way that we heal brains from relational trauma is within relationships.
And as educators, as individuals and as collective sites and partnerships, we can actually make a really significant difference in healing trauma within those relationships that we develop. And if we don't do that, and if we don't do that together, then those young people's brains, they won't heal, and they will continue on that same process and that same cycle.
So, I guess what I want people to know is that every single one of us has the opportunity to have a huge impact on that healing and that it does happen, it happens in schools, in those little micro moments every single day. So, when you're running welcome circles or brain breaks or whatever it is that you are doing with your class, those moments of connection are the moments that are making a difference for those kids.
Dale Atkinson: I think that's a lovely way to wrap up the podcast. Merryn, Deidre, and Tanya, thank you very much for joining us to talk about trauma informed practice.
Tanya Russo:Thanks for having us.
Georga Tyson: Catch you next time on teach.
If you鈥檙e tired of spelling lists and stuck for ideas to support spelling in the primary years, discover the way forward without spelling contracts. Literacy coaches Ashlee and Daina share their practical advice about quality spelling instruction and resources available to teachers.
Show notes
Teach podcast: death to the spelling contract
Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders past, present and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education.
Georga Tyson: And I'm Georgia Tyson, Largs Bay school teacher. This episode is all about spelling. Our guests today are literacy coaches who are calling for the death of the spelling contract and have some ideas for practical activities to support quality spelling instruction.
Dale Atkinson: That does seem extreme. With us, Ashlee Dewet-Cowland and Daina Wilson. Welcome to you both.
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Thank you for having us.
Dale Atkinson: So first off, can you tell us a bit about who you are and what your roles are?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Sure. So this is Ashlee. I've been working with the Literacy Guarantee Unit now for a year and a half and I have to say it is the best job I have ever had. In fact, it's not a job. It's just me doing what I'm very passionate about every day. I've been a JP teacher for over 22 years in Victoria and 黑料吃瓜. So it's just been a very long journey to get to this point.
Georga Tyson: And you are working in schools as well?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Yes. So, part of our role as literacy coaches, we work in identified sites and work towards building quality evidence-based literacy practices in the school, leading to greater literacy outcomes for our students.
Dale Atkinson: What about you, Daina? Where have you come from?
Daina Wilson: Very similar. It is absolutely the dream job. So lucky to be working with a group of like-minded people who are passionate, and we get to talk all day, literacy, all the time. JP background. So came a bit later to teaching in my more mature years. And so have been teaching for around 10 years and have then come into this position with literacy coaches.
So the same, we work with a wide range of teachers across many different sites and working with them to improve their knowledge and understanding about reading development.
Dale Atkinson: So, you operate in schools, but you also provide some guidance through the literacy guarantee conferences. Now, the name of your seminar was 鈥楧eath to the spelling contract, the fundamentals of quality spelling instruction鈥. What are spelling contracts and why do they have to die?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Well, it comes back to the purpose really, of spelling activities. But I guess if you want to go a little bit deeper, it actually is about teacher knowledge of spelling. And what we've found is, and I am putting it out there, I have absolutely used spelling contracts. In fact, I brought some along today to show you both that I call them chewing gum for the brain, because really there's no purpose often to these activities. And the reason for that is that teachers use them in place of explicit instruction because many teachers don't really understand how to teach spelling.
Spelling is a linguistic skill. And we didn't learn this at university. I'm lucky I have a linguistics degree, so I have some knowledge or I had some knowledge of language before I started teaching. But spelling contracts really, they lack purpose. When it comes to teaching children about our language and spelling.
Georga Tyson: I think what you're saying is true, there is a lot of unknown for teachers about spelling and absolutely the title, 鈥楧eath to the spelling contract鈥, definitely hooked us in. And that's why we're chatting with you today, but how do you think the teaching of spelling has changed?
Daina Wilson: Well, I think a lot of it, and Ashlee and I have had this discussion over the last few weeks leading up to our conference presentation, and I think this is the catalyst of some change, is this knowledge and understanding behind our language and the structures behind our language. I think in the past few years, we've had a lot of resources and development into our junior primary sort of sector around teaching phonics and that early reading development and what's happened is that it's then teachers are going 鈥渨ell, what do we do next? So where do we go from here?鈥. And so, I think a lot of it, it has been about teachers really wanting to implement strategies and practices that create impact and create that improvement for their students, but not quite sure about how to go about it.
Dale Atkinson: So, what is the key to quality instruction in this area?
Daina Wilson: A lot of it is about evidence, so we know so much more about how the brain learns. There鈥檚 so much out there, research and evidence across multiple countries, multiple languages about what happens in the brain when we learn to read. And obviously then when we learn to read and write. And so that has definitely increased, I suppose, the conversations that come about, about how we teach reading and then obviously, and spelling which is the focus of ours.
Dale Atkinson: Why do you think some teachers might be stuck with the teaching of spelling?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: I found it when I was starting this science of reading, science of learning journey quite a few years ago, it was really hard to find information. And I wasn't sure where to look. We asked children questions. Well, what do you think about this? Well, if they don't know anything about a subject, they don't know what questions to ask. All I knew was that my students spelling in their writing, wasn't reflecting what I was teaching them in my spelling lessons or phonics lessons. So, it made me wonder, what am I missing here? What do I know from my background? So, I would bring in lots of morphology and vocabulary into my lessons, but other teachers weren't. So, it really led me down a path. I discovered Lyn Stone. She was probably one of the first people I thought, oh, okay, now I'm getting it. So, it requires this deep knowledge of how the English language works. And when we understand that our English language is made up of many different languages, Anglo-Saxon, French, Greek and Latin words that allows us to understand why we have certain patterns in our spelling. And so, all of this started to come into make sense to me. And so, it just led me down this path of learning more.
I ended up doing a master鈥檚 in leadership, but it changed my direction and actually brought it back to, well, how do we improve literacy practices in schools through transformational instructional leadership? And it was down one of those rabbit holes where I found more knowledge to help me. So, I think teachers are stuck because they don't know where to look for help.
Georga Tyson: Of course. I agree with that.
Dale Atkinson: Can you tell us a bit more about Lyn Stone and what it was that gave you that ah-ha moment?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: It was when she was talking about orthographic mapping and how children transfer knowledge from their short-term memory, into their long-term memory. And we have this place in our brain where we store letter patterns. And when we've learned things explicitly and we've mastered these letter patterns, and we understand when we use 'ai' and when we use 'ay' and can differentiate between them and I'm telling you right now, reception children can do that. Then that helped me understand how to hook that learning into my student's brains. So orthographic mapping, and as soon as I had that word, I thought, right, I'm Googling this and off I went, I discovered Lyn Aierie, David Kilpatrick, Tessa Daffern who will be coming out in October to our LGU conference. There's a lot of rot out there. So, you do have to be a critical consumer of research and articles and products, but really our goal is to develop teacher knowledge so that you don't need products. You can teach from just using your explicit instructional routine. So, a really good bank of activities and making spelling fun.
Dale Atkinson: So, what are those practical activities and, and where can teachers find them?
Daina Wilson: There's lots of really good activities. And again, in our presentation, we talk about these spelling knowledges. So, we talk about four spelling knowledges. So, we look at the phenology. So, the sound of our language, the sound within words. We look at the orthography, so the spelling choices and the spelling patterns. We then look at that morphology, so our English language is a morpho phonemic language. So, it's made up of sounds, but it's also made up of meaningful parts. And so that's that next level. And then the final level is that etymology or that origin of language. So, when we have a look at our kids' spelling patterns, we need to really understand which component or what stage these students are in, so we can really target the activities to the needs of our students. For example, if we are looking at that phonological level, students will be missing out letters. For example, if they're writing jumped and they're writing 鈥榡upd鈥, so they're missing out a sound within that word. We know that we need to do phonological activities. We need to make sure that they're being able to segment and hear those individual sounds within words. So, things like oral activities, manipulation, word chaining, sound boxes, Elkonin boxes, which also helps with the next level of that orthographic. So, the actual spelling choices that we make and Elkonin boxes which are now a fairly common strategy that is, is out there is a really great, powerful, easy strategy to use to really map those sound letter correspondences in words.
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Um, and it's really important that everything we do in spelling, children are writing it, because the more repetitions you have with writing the more that learning is going into that letter box in their brain, holding that learning in their long-term memory.
Georga Tyson: And what, what other resources are available to teachers to help them with spelling instruction?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: The best advice on writing spelling came out. So, you can find that on EDi. There's lots of great advice there for number one, the theory behind spelling. So, they talk about the four knowledges of spelling, and you'll find practical ideas in there to help you reinvent your spelling journey, shall we say? So that's certainly where you could look and what the beauty of the science of reading community and science of learning community is there's a lot for free. So, there's great Facebook pages, and I'm sure people are already on them. Reading Science in Schools, Sharing best practice, Think Forward Educators, well I could go on all day. They are fabulous communities where you can go online, people share ideas, just put spelling into the file section. You'll find lots of great ideas on there.
Dale Atkinson: And we'll include some links in the show notes for listeners if they want to access those a bit later on.
So, I am the father of a reception age daughter and you mentioned earlier that even at that age, they have an ability to understand while the sound may be the same, the letters are different. How does that work with someone so tiny?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: When I work with schools, I talk about a roadmap. So, when they're planning for learning, think of your roadmap in your head. And number one, I talk about having a scope and sequence. So, there are scope and sequences out there. And coincidentally, the department has just released the R to 2 phonics and spelling scope and sequence, which you'll find on EDi and watch this space because the 3 to 6 spelling scope and sequence is in development as we speak. These scope and sequences are developed, according to research about the most common or most frequently seen graphemes in writing or in their writing, it's actually based on the work of Carnine he came up with the idea that, you know, you should introduce these letters in this order order.
So, you have a scope and sequence. You need some really good explicit instructional routines in your classroom. So, you need to ensure that every day you are doing a daily review. So, you are reviewing the learning from yesterday, from last week, from a month ago. You are being really explicit with your learning intention, you are guiding them through the learning in small steps.
So, here's our new grapheme, repeat after me. Let's sky write it. Sky writing is hugely helpful, especially for reception children and beyond. Are they reading words with that grapheme? Are they spelling words with that grapheme? Are they leading to hand write that grapheme and when you put this together in a routine, what you're doing is you are reducing the cognitive load for those students.
They know exactly what they're going to do at every point of the phonics lesson. And you are guiding them through the scope and sequence in a logical order. So, you can find advice online through EDi. We've got our LGU instructional routine lesson plan on there that you can look at, but even better, you can watch our online phonics lessons. So, Our Learning SA, just navigate to the primary resources, literacy phonics, and watch our coaches teaching reception, 1 and 2 lessons. So, with that in mind, that's the roadmap. And so, you know that you are guiding your students through their learning. Logically you are matching that learning with decodable readers. So, they're reading these graphemes, they're practicing these graphemes in connected text. So, it's all part of this wonderful phonics routine that we go into schools and ensure that schools are using them. Because the department have actually, we don't mandate much, but we've mandated that, in the early years, students and teachers are using an explicit instructional routine and synthetic phonics.
Dale Atkinson: And I think that really draws us neatly back to the original premise of this podcast, which is death of the spelling contract. Cause what you've described there is really conscientious, deliberate, structured, ordered approach to education, which really makes perfect sense from the outside. And it sounds like it makes all the difference when you're in the classroom
Daina Wilson: Yeah. And exactly that point is we know, and people like Lyn Stone, who we've spoken about earlier, talks about the fact that we want to ensure the activities or the strategies that we are using are actually developing and improving their ability to use those skills. So, in spelling, we want to ensure the activities that we are using are helping them to map those spelling patterns or those generalisations of our language.
And we know that our language English is complex, but it is actually quite logical when you know the history behind it and the reasons why words are spelled in certain ways, there are logical reasons behind it.
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Absolutely. I mean, I'm just looking at this spelling contract here that I just downloaded off the internet, 鈥渦se Scrabble tiles to add up the value of each spelling word鈥. So that's ultimately, it's a maths activity when you scramble letters and have to put them back. And what word is going to magically appear when I unscramble these letters. But put yourself in the shoes of a child, living with dyslexia, they don't have this ability to do that. So, they need this explicit instruction and systematic instruction. So, if we are teaching everybody with explicit instruction, a systematic instruction, then no child, theoretically, should be left behind.
Dale Atkinson: And I'm assuming here that the experience for the child is actually a bit better too, that the engagement levels go up when you approach it in this way?
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Yeah, absolutely. Just if I can share a little story, I was running a presentation yesterday in one of my sites and one of the teachers said, 鈥渙h, can I just share a little story? One of my boys told me what a great job I'm doing now. He actually gets reading and spelling now. So, he congratulated me on my new informed practices.鈥 And I actually started crying in this staff meeting because the impact we are having on children by making small tweaks, leading to big changes, that's all we're asking just to rethink, you know, the activities you're putting in front of your students think about it, is this relating to their phenology? Is it relating to helping them understand letter patterns and where they are in, in words? You know, there's some great textbooks out there to help teachers. One of the first books I recommend to my teachers is The Next Step by Anne Italiano. Really simple way of identifying when to use this letter pattern. Why we use this letter pattern and here's some words that contain this letter pattern. Lyn Stone, Spelling for Life, is a fantastic resource. It actually instructs you in how to do a spelling lesson.
Dale Atkinson: Alright well, I am entirely convinced I'm on-board death to the spelling contract. Ashlee, Daina, thank you very much for joining us.
Ashlee Dewet-Cowland: Thank you for having us for having us.
Georga Tyson: Catch you next time on Teach.
Discover how the Special Education Resource Unit (SERU) supports the engagement, access, participation and learning of diverse learners. SERU is made up of a team of former teachers as well as disability experts who can provide advice, support and resources for educators about how to educate learners with additional needs. In addition to experience and insight, they have rows and rows of tools and resources that educators and parents can borrow and test out. SERU Manager Rachel Scheuboeck shares how teachers and families can access their support.
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Intro: Teach is produced on the traditional land of the Kaurna people. The 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land and pay our respects to all elders, past, present, and emerging.
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education. Today we're going to hear about the Special Education Resource Unit, or SERU. It's made up of a team of former teachers and disability experts who can provide advice and resources for educators about how to support learners with additional needs.
Rachel Scheuboeck is the manager of SERU and she joins us on the phone now. Welcome, Rachel.
Rachel Scheuboeck: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: Now, Rachel, this is a bit of an unusual job. Can you tell us a little bit about what you do and how you ended up there?
Rachel Scheuboeck: I've been teaching, I think for about 27 years now, which is all horrifying to admit. I started off as a general teacher working in a mainstream site.
I've also worked in disability units and in a special school. I then worked as part of support services as a special educator and then as a manager, and I ended up at SERU as the manager about two years ago. And I guess the other part of my journey, which probably might give you a bit of a sense as to why I get a little bit passionate about this area is the fact that I have an 18 year old son now who has a disability as well. So, I was in disability before I had a son. But, it's not just professional, it's personal too for me.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. And so, the combination of personal and professional there is really brought you into quite a, an interesting place and fascinating insights, I guess, into what it means to educate a child with specific needs.
Can you tell us a little bit about what SERU actually does?
Rachel Scheuboeck: The reason I feel for me it's a really, really good fit is we are a service that supports not only our education department staff, but also families. It's really exciting to be part of an organisation which is quite unique in 黑料吃瓜.
I'm not sure that there's another sort of organisation quite like us within Australia. We have a resource library which educators can use and access lots of different types of equipment or resources or reference materials or assistive technology. We've also got access equipment.
So, for students who might need some help around personal care, perhaps if they need a change table, they might need a hoist. They might need a specialised seating tool just to help them sit in the right position so that they can access their learning. We also have support through assistive technology, so for those individuals perhaps who have a physical disability or might have a vision impairment, we have support through a technology that might be on a laptop or an iPad.
That supports them in their access to education. We've also got some services that come out of our SERU as well. We've got the early intervention, deaf and hard of hearing support, which is for students from birth all the way through to school. And we've got a number of teachers and a speech pathologist who support families, young children and babies. We also have a conductive education service, which is quite unique and again, it's one of those services that a lot of people don’t know a lot about, but it really is concerned with physical movement and supporting movement through education. And conductive education is run out of three sites.
We have three conductors at the moment who support us. They all come from Hungary, which is where the training originates from. They provide support around getting the most out of students' physical needs and helping them to be as independent as they can. And the last service that we have is our inclusive practice team, which is our teacher team, which provides a lot of support around helping parents or educators to find resources that might have more of a chance of sort of supporting the student. And also providing training and development for teachers and SSOs.
Dale Atkinson: So, if you're a teacher listening to that, and that's such an extensive range of services and resources that are available, if you are listening to that and thinking, well, actually there is something that I could really use some assistance within this specific area. How do they go about getting help from SERU?
Rachel Scheuboeck: Well, there's probably three ways that they can access us. They can either give us a call and our fabulous admin staff will direct you in the right direction. You can just ring up and say, look, I'm looking for advice or support in this area, and they'll put you onto probably the best qualified person.
You can also use our web. We have a website, and through that we also have like even a catalogue of all our resources so you can actually even order things and borrow things through the website. And the third way is actually to physically come down and visit us. We are located on the same grounds as the Fulham Gardens Primary School, and we're at Henley Beach. We're not overly convenient for everyone, but we're in a great spot we think, near the beach.
But there is an extensive resource library here and you can come and have a look and see what we've got.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. So, plenty of access points for any teachers out there interested in getting some assistance. Can you talk to us a little bit about what the experience might look like from start to finish for a teacher who gets in touch with you?
Rachel Scheuboeck: To register to be part of the library service it's a free service to all education department and staff. So, you can easily come in and register or we can send you out a registration form. It's also a free service for all families, regardless of whether they're part of the education department or the private sector. So, we do offer that support to all families to support their child with a disability
Once you've registered, you'll get a code. So, you can actually go on and use our online catalogue. You can see all the resources that are available, which teachers might use for things like trial and evaluation. For example, an OT might suggest that you try a wobble stool or a wedge to support a child who fidgets and isn't able to sit very still.
So, you might look and say, Oh look, I don't want to go out and buy one of those, I'd like to try it first, so you can ring up SERU, you can go on our website. You can say, have you got a stool that I can borrow so I can trial it? We can send one out. It all works through the courier, so you don't actually have to physically come on site.
It is great if you do come on site because you'll get to see lots of things, but you certainly don't have to. That way we can service all country locations as well. The courier goes out widely and we can get all resources out to the country or out to different sites or locations within Adelaide.
Dale Atkinson: One of the experiences in education in this area is the identification, I guess, for teachers that perhaps a student has a need but not an understanding of how to satisfy that need. Is that something that you can help with?
Rachel Scheuboeck: Absolutely. One of the things that we do try and do, we've got a number of staff in our teaching area who are our inclusive practice team, and those staff have amazing skills and expertise and experience. Most of the staff that we have here, have worked in a range of options.
All our admin staff know exactly who the right people are with different skill sets and different expertise. We have staff here who are really good in the learning difficulties area for those students who might have dyslexia. Or might be really struggling with their understanding of supporting their written skills or their reading skills.
We also have teachers here who are pretty well experts in the area of augmentative communication. One of our staff here has worked extensively within special schools and has a really, really good understanding of communication and supporting children's communication need. We also have teachers here who have done extensive work around personalised learning.
We have teachers who have worked really closely in support services and been special educators and worked really closely with a range of schools. We've got two teachers here who are experts in the area of inclusive technologies, and they will do family consults, they'll do teacher consults, they'll support finding the best fit for a child because there's lots and lots of inclusive technologies out there.
But what we need to do is actually find the best fit for the student. So, they're feeling in control. And we've also got staff who have expertise in the area of inclusion. So, it's a really wide range of skill sets, and you know, we also have people who've just got that broad overview of having worked with students with specific or significant disabilities or physical disabilities or autism.
So, we can really use skills of the people here to support teachers who might be at that point of like, what do I do? I've got a child, I'm not seeing any growth. How can I support them in their learning?
Dale Atkinson: What times of the day can teachers get in touch with you and parents get in touch with you?
Rachel Scheuboeck: We're open every day. On Tuesdays we close a little bit earlier because we have staff meetings, so we close at 3pm on a Tuesday, but every other day we're here from 8.30am to 5pm. In the school holidays we close at 4pm because we tend to find that people don't come in after about 4pm anyway. But we're available all school holidays and any day of the week up until five o'clock, except for on the Tuesday.
Dale Atkinson: Can you actually, just on a personal level, can you just describe one rewarding, memorable experience that you've had in the role?
Rachel Scheuboeck: Oh, I'm not sure I could think of one in particular. I know that there's so many things that happen on a daily basis, which I find incredibly rewarding. We had a situation recently in 2020, soon after the pandemic was announced, and we had number of parents that contacted us about online work for their child.
They'd been given some plans or programs from their teachers, but we have to remember at that point, teachers were trying to teach and do online learning. So, what they were able to produce for parents was not of the quality of what we're doing now, because they didn't actually simply have the time. So, teachers were providing a program, but it wasn't necessarily always differentiated. At that point, we had a number of parents that contacted us and said, my teachers given me, these ideas and these activities, but my child can't do them and I don’t know what to do.
And so, we actually as a team sat around and looked at some of the advice and ideas and then came up with some differentiated activities that the parents could try. And that was actually one of those points that you realised the parents were so grateful and we found that they kept coming back to us and saying, look, I've got this and I've got that.
It's not the case anymore because I think teachers are doing an amazing job of actually providing that wide variety of resources. There's a lot of things out there for parents with disabilities. But in that very, very early timeframe, we felt that we had a really amazing opportunity to really support parents and to support teachers.
And we ended up getting teachers contacting us as well, saying, I'm trying to send all these things out to my students. Can you help me with how I might differentiate this to some of the learners in my class who aren't going to be able to do it? So that was one experience that I think, you know, you think about these times where things have been a little bit tough and I think it sometimes brings out the best in everybody, and it was a really lovely opportunity to really work closely with some schools and also some families, and then getting that feedback of how that had gone and being part of that loop that, yes, this was working and thank you, that was helpful and helped my child to feel that they could participate.
Dale Atkinson: That's a really great illustration, I think, of what SERU is really all about, which is meeting the child, the teacher, and the parents at their point of need and providing that real expertise over the top of it, isn't it?
Rachel Scheuboeck: Yep. And it was having our extensive resource library, we were able to just package things up and say, come and pick them up from the door, or let's send them in the courier so that people had things that they could grab from their hand, you know, they could grab immediately and have, and could actually put into place straight away.
Dale Atkinson: So, what advice would you give to an educator who's listening to this today with a learner with some additional needs that they haven't experienced before?
Rachel Scheuboeck: What I can say is it's really important to take time, to get to know each individual student.
It's really important to know what motivates them and how to engage them, knowing what skills they have and what are their next opportunities. Listening without judgment and if they can't communicate effectively, giving them a tool or a device or a system, otherwise you get your unwanted behaviours.
Those sorts of little bits of insights really help us to direct and support and come up with some ideas and to work hand in hand in saying, perhaps this resource, or have you thought of this? Or is there something we could do to support you here? In that area of special ed, I've worked in it for many years, obviously, and it's one of those careers that I kind of fell into, not by choice, but I fell into it.
But I've stayed by choice. It's been the most rewarding place to have worked. I've met the most strongest, resilient, amazing individuals in my classes. And yes, they've often been challenges and at times it's been really, really hard. But keeping those realistically high expectations and never making assumptions is really, really important.
And it's one of those jobs where there's no two days are the same. We've got these amazing kids. It's such a rewarding place to work. And you know, it's one of those careers that I've found, I've been able to really have that sense of actually really making a difference. So, I would say, you know, you have to at times ride the wave.
At times it seems all overwhelming, but the benefits and the, that sense of actually finding that right resource or helping that student to actually overcome some behaviours or helping them to learn something are those moments that make it absolutely amazing and the most rewarding job, I think.
Dale Atkinson: Rachel, I couldn't wrap it up any better than that. Thank you very much for your time. That's Rachel Scheuboeck from the Special Education Resource Unit. It's down at Henley Beach, located on the grounds of Fulham Gardens Primary School. It's a team of former teachers and disability experts who can provide advice, support, and resources for educators about how to educate learners with additional needs.
Teachers can ring SERU at any time to talk to an expert. Actually, there are specific times, but they'll be in the show notes along with other information on how to get in touch. They can talk to an expert, go down and visit them, get a whole bunch of ideas and tools and resources to help that learner for free. And the child can try some of these tools out in the classroom. Find out what works for them before the family, or the school has to commit to buying them.
Rachel, you and the team are doing fantastic work. Thank you very much for your time and thanks for speaking to us today.
Rachel Scheuboeck: Thank you so much for taking the time to get in contact with us. We really hope that we can support and connect with some of the teachers out there.
Dale Atkinson: Thanks, everyone out there for listening and speak to you next time on Teach.
Learn how you can use the practice guidance resources to support the education of all learners, including those with additional needs. The hands-on practical guides provide information on specific additional needs, such as learners who have autism or are vision impaired or who are deaf or hard of hearing. Plus, we head to Ceduna Area School in the state鈥檚 far-west to find out how the guides will make a difference at their school.
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Join us as the principals of Murray Bridge and Salisbury high schools share how their teams achieved growth in their senior secondary learner outcomes. Both have complex schools and a high proportion of students with issues that can impact their readiness to learn - so how have they gone about creating a positive culture?
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name's Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education and today we are meeting with Sylvia Groves from Salisbury High School and Ruth Mussger from Murray Bridge High School. Every year we have what's known as Leaders Day. It's an opportunity for all the principals and preschool directors to come together in the morning. They hear from the minister and the chief executive and other senior people in the department about the department's strategic direction, some of the priorities for the year ahead. And then in the afternoon the really enriching part takes place, which is where the leaders come together and learn from one another. And Ruth and Sylvia were giving presentations at this year's Leaders Day, and they were speaking about their high schools, their improvement journeys in those high schools, and the outcomes that they've been able to achieve for their students.
So that's the reason why we're speaking with you today. So, Sylvia and Ruth thank you very much for joining us. So, Ruth, to you first, can you just give us a bit of context around your site? What's unique about Murray Bridge High School?
Ruth Mussger: Sure. Murray Bridge High School is a large rural school. I think one of the things that stands out for us is that we are the only feeder high school for our community. So we have lots of small primary schools that join together with us at high school. We are an entrepreneurial specialist school and a music focused school.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. And you've got a fairly diverse student background as well don’t you. The number of children from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island?
Ruth Mussger: Absolutely, yes.
Dale Atkinson: In addition to that, as a result of the industries that are up there, quite a number of children from international backgrounds as well.
Ruth Mussger: Less so while Thomas Foods, which is the major employer in the town, is rebuilding after the fire in 2018, which had a devastating impact on the community, and we saw a lot of our families having to leave to seek employment elsewhere. We're really looking forward to this year when Thomas Foods back online.
Dale Atkinson: And Sylvia, you're an hour and change away from Murray Bridge High School. But I think in terms of student population and parent background, we're talking about a sort of similar sort of setting aren’t we?
Sylvia Groves: We're a Category two school and with a high degree of complexity, which I'm sure Murray Bridge is as well. Our numbers currently sit at just under 1100 and we have over 30 different cultures represented at our site, which adds richness that we love. 11% of our students are Aboriginal, which is high for a metropolitan school and which is also growing rapidly. We have 77 special needs students who also add a richness to our site. We have 234 students with an identified disability. We have 528 students identified in CCD, a third of our students that your students and that's growing 55% of our students are school card, which adds another layer of complexity and our families experience significant social disadvantage, which has been exacerbated by COVID, which continues to take a toll. Of our enrolling students in year seven, 37% were below and in year 8, 36 were.
Which one of our priorities is helping our kids to learn how to read. And in previous years that deficit was closer to 50%. So we've had to train our teachers how to teach reading and now moving into the numeracy space, we’re well supported by families who believe the school will make a difference to their children. And for some time we've had waiting lists to get into our school and we are a positive sitewith minimal staff movement and there is something about the school in the community that tethers staff to our school, which is great for stability.
Dale Atkinson: But one of the things that kind of jumps out as you talk is actually one of the things that also is very apparent in Ruth’s presentation to the Leaders day, which is you both have a very clear focus on who are the kids that you're working with and you've got a really deep understanding of that. How do you go about gaining that deep understanding of your student cohort to help drive the improvement journey?
Ruth Mussger: For us, it's been a matter of going out to our feeder schools and really spending a lot of time working with the teachers and with families to really understand what students bring to the table so that we're starting from the point where they're accessing learning already rather than assuming they're an empty slate. That's been really important to us. We have similar statistics to Salisbury in the number of students below standard of educational achievement in literacy and numeracy. So the mantra of a year's growth in a year for us can't happen. It has to be more than that and significantly more than that if we're going to get our kids to catch up.
Dale Atkinson: Is that a similar experience to you Sylvia?
Sylvia Groves: Absolutely. And we've got significant programs in place to support that. In terms of students, we have to know our students and relationships are the critical thing at our site. So we have a care program where students from year 7 to 10 stay with the same care teacher, and then in 11 and 12 they will have a different care teacher.
I also take a care class, which helps me have a greater understanding of families and have that same connection with students. And our mantra is no surprises. So we need to know all the time where our students are at and we expect that of our teachers as well. So we have a five weekly reporting system. That's what our clients want and while that is onerous for our staff, it does make a big difference.
Dale Atkinson: So those things don't happen by accident. They build over time and done in a very deliberate way. How have you gone about that in terms of approaching that with your teams, with you, with your teachers, and approaching that with your parent community?
Ruth Mussger: The focus has been on, yes, we're a complex site and yes, we have our challenges, but let's focus on the over 95% of students who are there and just want to get on with learning. Let's work out what the systems are, the processes are that enable them to do what they need to do best and then add support layers for those who need additional help.
Sylvia Groves: I think too developing a culture of high expectations was really critical to our site because many years ago, and I've been lucky enough to be there for a long time, getting over the line was the main thing. Very few kids went to university and even the attitude of staff to students wasn't high. So developing that strong culture of high expectations for both staff and students was really important at out site.
And the mantra with no surprises so that we know what's going on at all times. So we worked really hard on getting helping the kids to believe that they can achieve and achieve well and they can compete. They're not defined by their postcode. But we also had to develop strategies to support our staff, to build the belief for them and have the courage to give our kids 20s, to know what 20 looks like, and to put structures in place so that the staff feel supported because initially they felt like we were overreporting and we do overreport. But that's what we need to do because we need to know. So we listen to what our staff are saying. We put strategies in place to support them, whether it's no meetings during snapshot time. And when we get our results, we look at what sort of support do staff need, what strategies can we put in place so that they feel the process is also about them as well.
Dale Atkinson: And Ruth in your presentation, you I think, there were a couple of very individual personalised stories from some of those students about some of the work that had gone on in terms of building their ambition and lifting their sights in terms of where they wanted to be.
Ruth Mussger: And I think that teaching fraternity are absolutely critical in having those conversations. Kids have got to trust first, and I think that we're exactly the same. And once you build that level of trust, then you can have the hard conversations around, what are you doing with the rest of your life? Let's work out where you want to go, what direction you want to take, and how we can support you to get there. So the individualized pathway planning is a very strong feature of our senior school.
Dale Atkinson: Is that something you focus on as well?
Sylvia Groves: So we've used a multi-pronged approach. So we have the positive behaviour for learning, we have positive education and career development and those things sort of steer the ship and we're constantly working on that. So we're always hunting for the good. We're looking at ways that we can move forward, not just for our students, but for our community as well. There's a lot of training and investment in those.
Dale Atkinson: What sort of focus have you put on in terms of creating those teaching teams and those communities of learning among your staff?
Ruth Mussger: One of the critical things is that we had to create time to allow good things to happen and schools are busy places. You can't expect that teachers will develop incredible lesson plans and do all the work that they need to happen during the day and also come up with great new ideas. So creating think tanks and opportunities for people to be involved in those has been really important for us.
Quarantining time for teachers to work together. It means getting rid of the extra, we always saw that the one hour staff meeting was an essential element of our week and we discovered that, you know what, a half hour or 20 minute online briefing every week is enough, which frees up 40 minutes for other things to happen.
Sylvia Groves: We’re similar. Every Wednesday we finish the school day at 2.15 and that time then is quarantined for professional learning teams and very much the same, intentional lesson planning using data to make sure that we're getting the planning right for our students. The English teachers who are doing the literacy blocks in year seven and eight, they get half a day a term to support them in their planning for that.
So it is very much valuing what the teachers are doing, but also creating that space because if you don't create that space, it's not going to happen. There's too many competing demands. So that's been really critical for us, is having that time and listening to what staff need and professional development has to be highly valued and teachers have to think that they have access to it, which they do with a large part of our budget goes towards professional development.
Ruth Mussger: In our situation. It's not just about teachers coming together in learning areas, but it's also around teachers who all teach common students together and finding out what it is about that student. Why are you getting success here where I'm not? What's happening in your class? It's different in mine and I think that's been pivotal.
Sylvia Groves: We've also created an innovative pedagogies team of people who could put up their hand and say, I want to be part of that, who are leading forward more innovation that they can share with other staff who have less time. And that team is now looking at powerful learners and trying to build agency for our students because our students like things to be done to them. They don't actually want to have to think as much. So our drive now is to move from the teaching of embracing and getting the students to take more ownership of their own learning.
Dale Atkinson: As you describe that, it strikes me that these things build a momentum of their own, but I'm assuming that it takes a little bit of a push to start that ball rolling. Is that fair to say?
Sylvia Groves: Well, definitely with the PBL. So we've been a positive behaviour learning school for a number of years, but we sort of do it on our own and it's just come at this opportunity where the department have realised that this is a really good practice and they've invited us, which to our surprise, because we're already doing it. And we went back to our staff to ask them if they thought it would be good for our school to do. And everyone about one said they wanted to do it. Getting the buy in from staff is really important. So as a leader it's really important that I give them all the information on why we should do it, so that they also have ownership, and that's been a really big part of anything we do. And keeping the focus narrow so staff remind me don't deviate too much, don't make us do other things. When we’re on the literacy path which we've now broadened. But initially they would say to me, But you said we weren't going to do anything else. So I have to listen to the staff a lot because that is that professional trust. But I also have to let them take risks and they do and they don't always work out, but they feel confident that they can put up their hand and say, Can I try this? And we will finance it and give them the courage to do it. And nine times out of ten it will benefit our students.
Ruth Mussger: Getting permission has become so important in our lives, hasn't it?
Sylvia Groves: And releasing for us too.
Dale Atkinson: You touched a bit earlier, actually, before we came on air a conversation about stability within the workforce being really important, how are you able to kind of maintain that? I think Ruth you said that in your presentation as well, that you've been able to keep a core team together.
Ruth Mussger: Yes. And I think for the first time in a long time, also having teachers from outside of our area reaching out and saying, gee, I'd like to come and work at your school, which is an absolute breath of fresh air. It is around building that reputation for teachers to be able to get on with what they love doing best and that's teaching and learning. Removing barriers that teachers often see are the stumbling blocks for what wears them down and makes life too hard. So having processes and procedures in place, supporting everyone to work together has changed the culture.
Sylvia Groves: Culture is very big at our site and we have a lot of young staff, but we do have older staff as well and we value all different levels of experience. We try and also make it a social aspect. So at the moment following COVID, we have a themed happy hour. The tech studies did The Block and things like that. We're constantly trying to bring our staff together and value them and meet their needs. Whether it's not to be isolated cause COVID did isolate us for quite a while. But Salisbury there's something that gets in that staff's blood. They want to stay there. We have many people who are there long term. And probably our biggest issue now is that we have a lot of emerging leaders who want leadership at Salisbury, but they don't want to leave and I can’t provide enough leadership jobs. And I see schools around me who don't have that stability. That's one of the major reasons they struggle because they're constantly training and getting people up to speed and it takes time.
Ruth Mussger: And going back over old ground when there's a new influx of people.
Dale Atkinson: As we're talking, we are a couple of weeks out from year 12 exams. We are by the time this goes to air probably will have been sat. Can you talk to us a little bit about your ambitions for this year? What are your expectations?
Ruth Mussger: I have huge expectations for seeing some of the processes and initiatives that we've put into place actually play out in a real sense. Our focus has for the last two years been on Aboriginal learners and their achievement and success and SACE completion and lots of work there in building capacity of staff and students. One of the areas that we've identified is that our students generally in an exam situation would be a grade lower than what their other grades are showing.
The temptation for a lot of us to say, well, they just need more exam practice is something that I've had to really fight, because what we know is that it's the language that our students don't have, the sophistication of that language. The tier two and three words that help them tell what they know is what's lacking. And that's a longer-term process. And that's starting as we do in year eight and seven in building that capacity and then seeing that change happen.
Dale Atkinson: That shift between not just understanding the concepts but being able to describe the sophisticated term.
Sylvia Groves: And right now we're working with every single year 12 student to maximise their opportunity because we have been hit by COVID. And these students for three years it’s embedded. And as I was speaking to before, attendance has been an issue for us. The competing demands of an opportunity for our students to get part time work and extensive part time work has impacted on their studies. So while we are expecting some really good results and one of our Aboriginal students is going to have exceptional results, which we're super excited about, we know that our results are not going to come on the trajectory we've had for the last number of years, which is a little bit disappointing for us because hard work is still there and students have also been less resilient and that will be a challenge for us in the future. When in doubt, they've opted out and no matter how much we've wanted them to remain in their schooling, that's been a challenge as well but we don't give up and we will to the to the deaf knell will br working with every student to make sure that they can maximise their opportunities.
Ruth Mussger: And I think we're in exactly the same boat. The other area that we have developed is our independent learning centre, which currently has around 120 students from ages 16 to 21. So that the opportunities to reconnect with learning and to make that final step to complete SACE is still there for those kids who take that easier route when when the going gets tough and we've had some above average state improvement in SACE completion through our ILC.
Dale Atkinson: It strikes me as speaking to both of you that there's a sort of an underlying philosophy of being really strict on the things that you're going after, but with the flexibility about how you approach those things. The need to be adaptive to contexts and shift your thinking when the circumstances in front of you change. What are your priorities given COVID and some other things that have gone on in the last 18 months, what do you priorities moving forward within the structures that you've already set up?
Ruth Mussger: The key thing is nothing new unless you take something away has been our mantra. Where does what we're initiating fit into our improvement agenda? And if it doesn't, then it doesn't happen. We had to remove a lot of barriers to learning, in particular the digital solution. It didn't matter how many different leasing and you know, those kinds of arrangements we had in place, we never got more than 50% buy in from our families and in the end we made the decision it is a crucial element and luckily we did. It was just before COVID to say we're just going to buy a device for every student. Everyone then has a level playing field. That changed a lot of what we were able to do in those early years in really maximising online learning opportunities, which for a lot of our kids when they were away and this year it was the teacher was away one week and then the student was away next week and then another group away the week after. There was no continuity and it wasn't smooth, but we were able to set up systems where there wasn't that lack of availability of resources for kids. The backwards mapping of skills and literacy demands has been our biggest buy-in for staff. They can see that if kids need these skills in year 12, they don't need magicy arrive in year 12 with them. They have to be developed and nurtured. So how do we design learning that enables that to happen? And once again, having the pockets of brilliance within our staff that take an idea and run with that Murray Bridge writing guide is an example of that. We know that our site improvement plan focused on literacy and numeracy, but in our complex sites there is more that goes on than that. And so developing a strategic plan around all of those elements and how they all fit together was really beneficial.
Dale Atkinson: So how do you as leaders create time in your day to day for the instructional leadership piece in the face of you know, those operational reactive demands, how do you keep a real focus on student outcomes?
Sylvia Groves: That is always a challenge and you can only have so many hours in the day. I'm very fortunate that I have an exceptional leadership team, so that allows me freedom and also because I have a lot of trust in them to do that role. We also have strong levels of communication structures, so that allows staff to reach to me and to other leadership and to support the voice across the site, which is really important. I make time for key meetings, but also fine tune the meeting so if it's not necessary, it's not going to happen and really value what's going on in those meetings and make sure I'm visible as much as possible so that I'm in tune with what's going on at the site. Observations has become a big part of what we do. Make sure that I'm in classrooms and the best part of that is it affirms what's going on in the school. And I get a lot of joy out of seeing what's going on and listening to the kids love it as well. When you come in, you know, they like when you sit next to them and they hear and see what you're doing, give feedback to staff, which, you know, they don't work in silos. They're part of a bigger system. That's been something we're really working on as part of our school processes and is embraced by the staff as well. I constantly try and listen to staff and find ways that we work smarter, not harder. What are the important things? So for us it's positive. behaviour for learning will be a big thrust to school and the giving the student agency.
But we can't let go of the work we're doing in numeracy and literacy and we also have to look at what are the good things we've got, what do we keep? Let's not keep changing for the sake of change as well. Having a clear class, being on the front line in terms of parent interviews, year 12 kids getting them in, all those sorts of things. That's what staff see as well. So it's really important. I'm not just in my office, I'm not just doing emails which you could do all day, but honestly, if you could. But that that's I need to be really visible and whether that at happy hour, in the classrooms, walking off and I'll be at the front gate in the mornings. The first lesson I often walk around to make sure kids are getting into class, it’s that visibility that's really important.
Ruth Mussger: And I'd go one step further also and say that good leadership teams don't happen by accident and it is leading from the front foot. We've found that like you we have so many staff who have spent their time want to head into leadership, don't necessarily have a leadership experience. So providing the opportunities for that training and as a whole leadership group, 24 of us all spent the whole of last year on leadership training and then carrying on this year into the Orbis instructional leadership.
The mantra is that we are all instructional leaders and it's not just about me getting into a classroom, it's about every single leader being in classroom and being visible around the school. And I think that the key thing for me, if it's not in my diary, it doesn't happen. So I do have to schedule get out of the office. That would be my key message to anyone.
Dale Atkinson: Well this is a conversation that I think could probably go on for another couple of hours, to be perfectly honest, if you didn't have to get out of the office and back out to running schools. Thank you very much for your time. This has been really great, so we thank you very much for your time.
Ruth and Sylvia: You're welcome.
Season 1
We visit Pennington R-7 to learn about the Simple View of Reading and how it can help improve student reading outcomes. Plus, special guest Professor Pamela Snow explains the origins of the scientific theory.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson – 0:00:00 to 0:00:16
Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the 黑料吃瓜n Department for Education,
Monique Miller – 0:00:16 to 0:00:19
and I'm Monique Miller, primary school teacher at Westport Primary.
Dale Atkinson – 0:00:20 to 0:00:30
In this series, we'll take you to a different school every month where you'll meet engaging educators who are working hard to inspire our students and make sure they are prepared for an ever changing world.
Monique Miller – 0:00:30 to 0:00:53
Today we're at Pennington R-7 in Adelaide's northwestern suburbs, which is on Kaurna land. We pay respects to elders past and present. Today we're talking about literacy. Shortly you'll hear from one of the guest speakers at this year's Literacy Summit about the science of reading. Plus, you'll hear from some awesome educators about how they've improved reading outcomes at their school. But before then, Dale, what's making news?
Dale Atkinson – 0:00:53 to 0:01:28
Thank you, Monique. As you just mentioned, the Literacy Summit kicked off last month for the first time ever. It was an online virtual event featuring literacy experts from right across the world. There are 13 presentations you can catch up on. You just have to head over to plink. And while you're on there, if you're a year one teacher you can register for our phonics screening check training sessions.That training is mandatory. There are three options to choose from based on your level of experience. This year's checks will take place in term three between the second and 27th of August.
Monique Miller – 0:01:30 to 0:01:48
Today we're at Pennington R-7 talking literacy. Literacy supports student learning across the whole curriculum and is fundamental to learning. Earlier, I caught up with Professor Pamela Snow from La Trobe University to talk about the Simple View of Reading and how it can help teachers and students.
Professor Pamela Snow – 0:01:49 to 0:04:04
Well, a Simple View of Reading is a theoretical framework. Can I say first of all, that I think the Simple View of Reading, the word simple is a bit of a misnomer. I like to refer to it as the elegant view of reading because it pares the reading process back for the novice to core skills and processes that have to be in play in order for children to achieve the final purpose of reading, which of course, is extracting meaning from text. So the simple view of reading is a formula, really, that's got two elements to it. One is the child's ability to decode or to identify the words on the page. So knowing that the black squiggles are in fact a code, that written text is a code for spoken text. So being able to crack the code that could be coding part of the formula and the other part of the formula is their language comprehension. And that's because we know both of those processes have to be in play in order for children to achieve that in point of understanding text. Importantly, the mathematical operator in between those two elements of the formula is a multiplier, not an addition sign. So it's not decoding ability plus language comprehension ability, it’s decoding ability multiplied by a language comprehension ability because anything multiplied by 0 is 0. So if you don't have skills on either side of that ledger, you're not going to be able to comprehend what you read. Or if you have weak skills on one or both of both sides. That's going to contribute to weakness in the reading process as well. So all children need to have capacities in both decoding and then in understanding what they're reading. It's possible to decode something that you can't understand. It's not possible to understand something that you can't decode.
The best example I can give you of that is the fact that I studied French for six years at secondary school a long time ago. I've forgotten an awful lot of my French vocabulary, but I do still know how French language works from a decoding perspective. I understand French autography, the writing system. So if you gave me a page of French text, I could read it out loud. But I couldn't really tell you very much about what it means, because my vocabulary store now is very thin. On the other hand, if you gave me a page of text in Arabic, I wouldn't be able to decode it. And therefore I wouldn't be able to understand it because I don't understand the autography of Arabic.
Monique Miller – 0:04:48 to 0:04:52
How does it provide guidance for student assessment?
Professor Pamela Snow – 0:04:52 to 0:06:52
Well, it helps us to break down some of the core component skills, and it's important to say to that more recent workers have broken down the simple view of reading into its component parts. A well-known example of that is the Scarborough reading rope that was produced by Paula Scarborough, back in. I think that was published around 2001/2002, and many listeners to this podcast would be familiar with the reading rope. But if they're not, a simple Google search will pull it up. And what Hollis Cabra did in that was to break down really the elements both in the decoding part of reading and in the language comprehension part so that teachers are very cognoscente of processes that they need to be addressing at an instructional level and also skills that they need to be assessing, um, in emergent readers. So if we look at the word recognition side of the rope, we're looking at phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, knowledge of the alphabetic system, the alphabetic principle, the recognition of some high frequency words that perhaps are leaning more towards what we might call less regular and maybe a discussion for another day. But it is generally thought that it's helpful for beginning readers to recognise a small number of high prescience words immediately on site like the word I and my and So that's the word recognition part of the decoding part, the alphabetic principle, technological and phonemic awareness. And then the language comprehension, part of the, um, Scarborough Reading Rope, which is also the language comprehension part of the simple view of reading, are factors such as the student’s background knowledge, their level of vocabulary, the extent to which they can understand their new syntactic structures to represent sentence structure and meaning, their verbal reasoning ability, their ability to grasp the fact that language is sometimes used literally and sometimes used metaphorically. So when we say something like, um, a piece of cake, we're not literally referring to a piece of cake on a plate we’re saying that it's really simple. And then, of course, there's also knowledge about print and print concept.
Monique Miller – 0:07:32 to 0:07:37
How can teachers like myself use the simple view of reading in the classroom?
Professor Pamela Snow – 0:07:37 to 0:08:21
It's been said that we have a language brain, but we don't have a reading brain, and I think if teachers keep that in mind, it helps to reinforce for them the level of difficulty that some children face in getting across that bridge. Some children will get across it quite seamlessly, it seems, and that's fantastic. But we have to have early years classrooms that cater to all children under the curve, and especially children who are packed closer to the tail of the curve and may need quite a specific boost in both of those components of the simple view of reading.
Monique Miller – 0:08:22 to 0:08:33
Absolutely. I can see in my classroom how some students can be fantastic at decoding, but their language comprehension just isn't there. So absolutely.
Professor Pamela Snow – 0:08:33 to 0:08:47
And they're equally reliant, equally important, and they're mutually reliant, so you don't become a successful reader if you've only got one of them, you have to have both of them.
Dale Atkinson – 0:08:47 to 0:08:58
Professor Pamela Snow from La Trobe University there. Let's go local now and hear from two educators who have embraced this theory. Principal Georgina Grinsted and teacher Stasha Andrews. Welcome to you both.
Georgina and Stasha – 0:08:58 to 0:09:00
Thank you for having us. Thank you for having us.
Dale Atkinson – 0:09:01 to 0:09:05
Georgina. Let's start with you. Why did you decide to adopt the simple view of reading at your school?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:09:06 to 0:09:34
Okay, so we had been working on the teaching of reading like everyone else for a really long time. But our results weren't really showing us that children were getting it. And so we knew that we needed to do something different. Two of my staff attended the literacy summit back in 2019, where Pamela Snow and others spoke. And in the process of that, people got really enthused about there's something new and different here that we could perhaps be looking at. We knew that it wasn't working, so why not have a go? So that's really where the whole thing started from.
Monique Miller – 0:09:34 to 0:09:39
And what was your experience with the simple view of reading? When did you first hear about it?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:09:39 to 0:10:19
Okay, so that was that was my first time. I guess some of my leaders, particularly my literacy mentor, had heard about it already and was already doing some preliminary work. We actually started this whole journey, though, on writing. So we started with how language works, and we wanted children and teachers to be able to understand how language actually functions. So we had done that whole as a whole staff, Um, and out of that, teachers started to say ‘I didn't know this stuff. I didn't know all of this information, so how could I teach it?’ And then they started saying, and I went to uni and I never actually got taught how to teach children to read, so we went okay, this is the journey that we need to go on.
Monique Miller – 0:10:20 to 0:10:25
My next question is for Stasha. How did the discovery of the simple view of reading change the way you teach?
Stasha Andrews – 0:10:25 to 0:11:26
Just building off of what Georgina said earlier. I'm an early careers teacher, and I had that same thought of I haven't been taught how to teach reading appropriately at uni. I hadn't been exposed to the Simple View of Reading. I had a pretty limited experience with it. So I've been on the same learning journey as everyone else, familiarising myself with a simple reading and learning about it. So I think for me, I now know the strands required to be a fluent, proficient reader. Through Scarborough's Rope. And I think one of the big learning areas for me has been understanding that vocab is crucial to making meaning, and it's connected to knowledge of the text. Um, so this is definitely changed the way that I teach changed what I teach, how I teach it. I've been focusing quite heavily on teaching vocabulary, one of the strands quite explicitly. So vocab’s been something that we've been working on as a whole school as part of our site improvement plan. It's also been part of our PLT teaching sprints and vocab being part of our teaching sprints has provided me with opportunities to engage in robust dialogue and discourse with my colleagues, with leadership and with our literacy coach here as well.
Monique Miller – 0:11:26 to 0:11:29
I really want to know more about these sprints you're talking about.
Stasha Andrews – 0:11:29 to 0:12:15
Yes. So we started with writing first on sentence structure. And then we’ve progressively made our way into reading. Um, so last year, we focused quite a bit on the vocab instructional routine and how we could work that into our daily program in our daily schedule. Um, so the instruction routine is all about introducing words and breaking it down, teaching it explicitly. Um, I modified the routine slightly just so I could focus on the more forms of the words a lot more. I added more activities to provide students with multiple learning opportunities to actually practice the knowledge that they were learning and actually apply it. Um, so we started with a vocab instruction routine, and now we've moved into a space this year where we're looking at comprehension. Um, and the complexities that come with teaching that.
Monique Miller – 0:12:15 to 0:12:38
I love. I love I've been teaching vocabulary as well, and to see that in their writing. It's just so fantastic and using it, and they're noticing it more and more of a upper primary lens, as opposed to what we think of, um, learning to read in the phonetics of it all. So, yeah, yourself as a upper primary teacher. Yeah, to sort of look at it through vocabulary and that more
Stasha Andrews – 0:12:38 to 0:13:28
sophisticated vocabulary. Yeah, definitely. I used that same term sophisticated vocabulary in my classroom as well. And it's been great because their writing has improved, their sentences have improved. Their vocab choices have improved where, you know, the kids say ‘Miss, I'm using more sophisticated terminology. I'm using more sophisticated words’, which is great. Um, so I've seen that change in their reading and they're writing, but I've also placed an emphasis on oral as well. I said, I don't want to just see it in your written stuff for your reading. I also want you using it in your oral language. Even the other day, I was on yard duty and a student walking around with me, and she was telling me a story about her grandmother, her maternal grandmother and I had explicitly taught maternal as part of my vocab lessons, which was great because she just naturally worked it into conversation so I could see her actually applying what I'm teaching. So that was really good. It makes it all worth it. Definitely.
Dale Atkinson – 0:13:28 to 0:13:41
So Georgina. Here we are. We're at a category two school with a really kind of diverse and interesting group of kids. Can you talk a little bit about the struggles that the students were having before you implemented the explicit teaching of reading?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:13:42 to 0:15:20
Certainly. Like I said, our data was really bad, and I guess we are a very data driven system. So for us as a school, we were putting in lots of effort and it wasn't actually going anywhere. So we really had to question What is it that we're doing? And is it having an impact? And that's really where the sprinting comes from because it's about teachers looking at one very small aspect of their practice and then trialling that for five weeks and then, if it doesn't work, getting rid of it and actually then replacing it with something that does. So for our children who don't have resources at home. They haven't got lots of rich language experiences. They're not being exposed to classic literature and good text materials. Despite the fact we were doing that old immersion concept wasn't working so as Stasha said what we needed to do was actually be more explicit. So the explicit teaching, I guess, was the fundamental aspect of what we changed and what we did differently. I also talked to my staff a lot about the fact that for children, a learning journey in a school should be like a trip around Australia, not a trip around the world, because there should be commonalities. There should be a common currency. There should be a common language. There should be sets of the culture should have things in it that are the same wherever you go, so that every year you're not spending the first term getting to know how this teacher does stuff. So I think for us, that's really been the next part of this is now we've got a consistency. Everyone speaks the same language. Teachers are doing the same activities. The sprinting brings year level groups together, and two and three classes are actually practicing the same technique with their children to see if it’s effective.
So for struggling readers, um, that whole notion now of being accessing the resources they need. So we got rid of all of the P M benchmark books, and we now use the decodable readers. So until a child can read, they don't see any other text other than decodable. And that's made a really, really big impact.
Dale Atkinson – 0:15:39 to 0:15:49
What's the, you correctly identified that we’re a very data driven system. What's been the overall shift in those numbers that you've seen since adopting the technique?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:15:49 to 0:16:34
So we've seen improvement across the board, particularly by year three level alongside of all of this, we've also implemented a synthetic phonics program, which is called Red Write Inc. They have a program called Fresh Start, which which we've used as an intervention with our older children, because until children have the letter sound connection, until they have really clear phonological awareness phonemic awareness, until they understand all that, no matter what level they're working at, that was very I guess, that was an aha moment for many of our upper primary teachers. We can keep pushing away at what we've done. But if children have missed those basics, it doesn't matter how hard we push, it's not going to change anything. So that's I guess that's really been one of the biggest direction changes for us as a school
Monique Miller – 0:16:34 to 0:16:42
start of what benefits have you seen for students into using the simple view of reading? And have these had impacts on student outcomes?
Stasha Andrews – 0:16:42 to 0:18:15
Yes, definitely had positive impacts on the ship and incomes. I think the improvement has been as a result of our understanding of how this learning takes place to the science of reading and how to actually address the breakdown. Before I started learning about the simple view of reading, I didn't know much about it. I couldn't address or identify the breakdown, but now I can identify the breakdown. I can figure out the problem. I can figure out what needs to happen next for that child, and I feel that all of us teachers have been on that journey, and we now can identify the breakdown, and now we can give them that tailored program. And so now the kids are actually getting what it is they need rather than some other program that's not really serving the purpose, and I think as well in my class I had groups of students who they could accurately decode what it was they were reading. But they weren't actually understanding the words they were reading. There was there was no meaning there. But then, on the opposite side of the spectrum, I had other kids who were focusing so much on the word recognition side of things that they just cognitively just didn't have the capacity to take in the meaning. And so we've implemented the explicit teaching of reading. We've upskilled ourselves with simple view of reading. We implemented the program that Georgina mentioned earlier for the older students, and so it's worked. They've got the alphabetic code now. I had one student who worked his way through the program. He now has his alphabetic code. He's reading with more fluency. He can decode unknown words, and with that, he's actually more confident now. And he's more engaged in reading. Before, it was like a chore for him and now he’s like ‘Miss Miss Miss, when’s novel study?’
So I've seen an overall confidence changed demeanor.
Dale Atkinson – 0:18:20 to 0:18:29
Have you noticed if that’s had a positive impact on that student’s overall experience at school? Does the confidence kind of expand out into other areas?
Stasha Andrews – 0:18:29 to 0:19:19
Yes, it has. Um, it's definitely helped him being more confident with his writing as well, because he's able to read all of the background knowledge, and his fluency has improved as well with it. I'm just so proud of this child. Sorry. So he's because he can decode the unknown words, his fluency has improved. So when we are doing tasks, he's actually understanding the knowledge and information that he needs in order to write about the topic. So there's more confident with his vocal choices going into his writing. His writing is improving, so it's just it's just been a bit of a flow on effect for him, and it's not that he's forcing himself to participate. He's actually genuinely wanting to engage now, and he's actually excited about reading or his writing. So it's just been an overall kind of positive.
Dale Atkinson – 0:19:19 to 0:19:23
Sounds like the most incredible thing is that something you recognize in your own teaching experience?
Monique Miller – 0:19:23 to 0:19:58
Absolutely. It warms my heart. It really does just hearing other teachers as well, being outside of the classroom and getting to meet you and hear yourself talk about it. I can relate to it so much as well and really understanding what part of reading that they're missing, um, to have good reading comprehension. Is it the decoding? Is it the language comprehension and being able to realise that and fix it really changes, make some outcomes. Georgina. What impact has the explicit teaching of reading had in your school?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:19:58 to 0:21:36
Well, I think first and foremost, it's had a big impact on teacher confidence. So it's not just about children. If teachers know and understand what it is, they have to teach, then they're going to be much better at doing that. So I think fundamentally, it's been about that. It's been about confidence. It's interesting. They've been teachers who've come and have been resistant along the way because as teachers, we get used to doing what works for us sometimes, and not necessarily what works for our children. Other teachers have said, ‘Oh, you know I did university, Why am I doing this again?’ And other teachers have said you've actually made me a better teacher. So that that's rewarding knowing that if you take, this was a risk, you know this wasn't something that just happened. We had to. We had to take a big risk. We we had to get people, teachers convinced that this is going to be better. And in the beginning they had to abandon a lot of things that they had been used to doing. And that takes a leap of faith. So I'm really grateful that I had such an amazing group of teachers who wanted to take that leap of faith with us. Um, and even those who were reluctant in the beginning, like I said, have come to it and realise that they are now more effective in their teaching because ultimately we want, we spend a lot of time and energy. A lot of thought goes into the work that we do. But if we're not having an impact, then why would we keep doing it? You know, that's a bit like banging your head against a brick wall. Um, so that's been a really big change. Like I said, the consistency there we now have the language that we all speak. The fact that the conversations in the staff room have changed, the conversations that I have with teachers are changing, and that's really important.
And then the flow on effect of when you see children for the Read Write Inc program, for example, we've just done a new round of testing because obviously we've got new children into our school for the start of the year. And children who come racing up and go I've moved from the pink group to the, you know, to see little ones really, really excited and know that they're progressing. You know, I think for many of our children they used to come to school and they didn't actually know whether they were making any difference for themselves. Um, so I think there's been just a very positive change to the culture of the school. Um and also that's had a, you know, an outgoing impact on the achievements and the results.
Monique Miller – 0:22:14 to 0:22:30
You’re so right, that consistency is key. And when you find something good, you really want it to run from reception, right through to year 7. Yes, Absolutely, So ladies, what advice would you give to a teacher or a school considering assessing and using the simple view of reading?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:22:31 to 0:23:15
Let's start from the whole school perspective. I think you need to take a risk. You need to say what we're doing isn't working. We need to do something different. And so, as the leader, you need to have that vision. Then, in my case, I've got an amazing team around me. Um, we chose because there was no real training and development we could access externally around this. We chose to do it ourselves. So we chose to upskill ourselves so that we could upskill teachers so that they could up skill children. So it has to be on all of those levels. Um, and basically, you need people who are willing to be learners who are willing to be vulnerable, who are willing to take on the challenge. Um, and willing to say, ‘you know what? This isn't working, so I'm going to try something different.’ That to me, I think is fundamental, Stasha?
Stasha Andrews – 0:23:15 to 0:23:34
I think from my perspective and maybe even the perspective of early careers teacher as well, I think one of my biggest things is make sure that you know and understand how our language works, have a good grasp of the of the language and also have a good grasp of how best the teacher, how students learn at best.
You know, we didn't learn a lot of this stuff at uni. Um, and so go out. Do your homework, do your research. And it's a journey. You're not gonna get it just like that. You've got to keep keep at it and keep learning. Um, you know, we've been on that journey now as a school for the last couple of years, and I think the science and the research is really clear on what we need to know and do to make a difference. It's just a matter of looking at the research. Look at evidence based practice and just give things a go. Just give it a go, trial it out and see how you go.
Monique Miller – 0:24:03 to 0:24:13
I love that. And finally, I have one last question which we're going to ask at the end of all our podcasts. What is one thing that you love about your school?
Georgina Grinsted – 0:24:13 to 0:24:39
Wow. Um, there are lots of things. I don't know that I can name it in one. But I do think going back to what I just said before, I do think it's about the commitment of my staff to make a difference for children, you know. As a category two school these children need all the help they can get. And everybody here I know comes to school every single day to do their very best for kids. And as a leader, I couldn't ask for better than that.
Stasha Andrews – 0:24:39 to 0:25:08
Look, I mean, I can't pick just one thing. I really, really love working here. I really love this school, and I love a lot about it. Um, but I think I would be I think I would agree with Georgina. I love how dedicated how committed we all our staff members. It's just even like Georgina said, the conversations in the staff room are changing. Everything we do is for the betterment of our kids, and that's probably one of my favourite things. Just how hard we're working to make sure that we have better outcomes for our students.
Dale Atkinson – 0:25:09 to 0:26:21
What I think walking in here this morning, like the enthusiasm and the energy kind of really just shows through it. I think it's just such an incredible place you've got here and the way the kids are kind of interacting. It's just such a positive vibe, and I think there's so many great things that are going on. So, um yeah, so thank you very much for your time and taking time out of the classroom. So I'd like to thank Georgina and Stasha for sharing their experience of teaching in 黑料吃瓜 and trying something new in the classroom. It's been fantastic hearing about how you both used and adopted the simple view of reading to improve outcomes for your students. Just a reminder to everyone that the simple view of reading is addressed in the advanced phonic screening check training session, which you can register for on plink. Thanks to everyone out there who is listening. We hope you've enjoyed today's podcast. Don't forget, you can subscribe to Teach on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you listen to your podcasts or head to our website education.sa.gov.au/teach. And we'd love to hear from you. If you have a question we could all learn from get in touch with us via Twitter or Facebook or email us at Education.TeachPodcast@sa.gov.au.
Catch you next time on Teach.
This episode is all about developing your career in education. We travel to Kapunda Primary School where along with career advice, you鈥檒l find out how you can become a highly accomplished or lead teacher and make a positive impact on your school.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson 0:00:07 to 0:00:16
Hello and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education.
Monique Miller
And I'm Monique Miller, primary school teacher at Westport Primary.
Dale Atkinson 0:00:19 to 0:00:29
In this series we will take you to a different school every month where you'll meet engaging educators who are working hard to inspire our students, and they may have had their own trials and triumphs along the way.
Monique Miller 0:00:30 to 0:01:05
Today we’ve travelled to Kapunda Primary School, which is an hour north of Adelaide on Ngadjuri land, we pay respects to elders, past and present. Are you an early career teacher like me? Perhaps you've been teaching for a while now and wondering what next step you can take. Today we’re talking about building your career in the teaching profession. There are four stages you can go through as a teacher, graduate, proficient, highly accomplished and lead. Shortly we're going to hear from two lead teachers, Belinda and Jemma about their experiences and advice for teachers, plus why you could have a lot to gain from teaching in the country. But before then, Dale, what is making news?
Dale Atkinson 0:01:05 to 0:02:36
Well we’re into April, so there's a lot going on first and foremost, consultation is now open on the next chapter of our workforce strategy. The workforce strategy is aiming to enable every person in the workforce to perform at their best. So together we can achieve growth for every child in every class, in every school and preschool. The focus this year is on designing a workforce plan for educational leaders and teachers. To help us shape this plan. We want to hear from you and your thoughts on the key issues, opportunities and also the barriers that are in the way of achieving our goals. You can have your say by completing an online survey, which we’ll share the link to in our show notes. Or you can submit a written submission via education dot workforce strategy at sa dot gov dot au. The consultation is open until April 30 and while we're talking jobs and developing your career, the department has hundreds of permanent secondary teaching positions available to start in the 2022 school year. This includes positions arising from the year 7 to high school move, So whether you're a public school teacher looking for a career change, maybe you're a graduate looking for your first job or a contractor to seeking a permanent role. And even if you knew to the public education system, you can apply for a secondary teaching position in a South. Australian public school. Applications open soon, so if you're a qualified teacher, keep an eye out for what could be your next great job at www dot education dot dot gov dot forward slash recruitment.
Monique Miller 0:02:37 to 0:02:45
Today we're at Kapunda Primary talking about how you could develop your career in education and why you might want to consider becoming a highly accomplished or lead teacher
Dale Atkinson 0:02:46 to 0:02:47
I reckon before we start that Monique.
Because you're quite an early career teacher at the moment. And I think you've got quite an interesting story in terms of how you got into the profession. So what? What made you want to become a teacher to begin with?
Monique Miller 0:02:58 to 0:03:24
Well, initially, I wasn't always planning on being a teacher but in that sort of important time in year 12, I had a really influential teacher, Anne, if you're listening, she truly made a difference in my life at that time. And then it became my dream to then have that impact on students in the future and yeah, that's when I guess I realised maybe I want to be in school for the rest of my life.
Dale Atkinson 0:03:24 to 0:03:33
That's understandable. But you, in terms of getting your break, your current position, I think essentially, you just made a bit of a pest of yourself.
Monique Miller 0:03:33 to 0:04:16
Absolutely. I was TRTing around the western suburbs at the time and working in some fantastic schools meeting students teachers all around And that's when I fell in love. I fell in love with my school and the culture, the leadership, the kid's effort, when I would go to work at that school, I just felt this magic. And I said, Well, this is where I want to be, went into the deputy's office and said, I want to be here. And if I have to TRT for four years, that's what I'm going to do because I want to be here. I feel a part of the furniture already so, and that's when they sort of said, Well, we’ve actually got a contract for you next year. So that was the best
Dale Atkinson 0:04:16 to 0:05:09
day. That's amazing. So it’s that combination, isn't it of like passion and persistence and really sort of being out there like it’s really about letting it known what you would like to do and demonstrating that to you, to your future employees. Really, which is a great story. You're doing really well out there. I know because I've spoken with your boss. We're also joined by Belinda Ramsey, who’s a lead teacher, national assessor and assistant principal at Roxby Downs Area School, and Jemma Worrell, who's the lead teacher and student wellbeing teacher at Kapunda primary school, which is where we are at the moment. Kapunda Primary in the Grain Belt, home to Map the Miner. I think also the town home to Is it the most haunted town in 黑料吃瓜? Is that the thinking and we’re in a building that I would suggest is probably 150 years old? So any bumps in the night here?
Jemma Worroll 0:05:10 to 0:05:19
There has been some sightings in this building in particular, people have felt a bit of a presence. I've never seen anything but certainly heard
Dale Atkinson 0:05:19 to 0:05:36
Well, that's exciting. I think we can all feel a little bit more anxious. So away from the spooky bumps and over to Jemma. Jemma Can you tell us a bit about your role as a lead teacher and how it's different from other teaching roles because it's not something I think that's well understood.
Speaker 3 0:05:36 to 0:06:32
Sure. So my job now as a lead teacher and as a leadership member, at Kapunda Primary is to create that magic I guess that Monique was talking about. So making sure that that spark and fire that you want to help spread. So I think it's my job as the lead teacher at this school to help lead mentor, support early career teachers and to help them find that magic. Because we want more of you and Belinda And I were saying last night that opportunities that have risen from becoming certified and like today we've said yes to those opportunities. So I guess it's about constantly saying yes. The other role that I have gained from this lead teacher process is being a mentor for our early career teachers. And there's one particular teacher at the school who I've supported through, and I want to see her become credited as a highly accomplished or lead teacher because she is phenomenal. So that's really rewarding is creating the Moniques in our schools.
Dale Atkinson 0:06:33 to 0:06:39
So Belinda, you're also a lead teacher. What was it that it initially made you want to become a lead teacher.
Belinda Ramsey 0:06:39 to 0:07:36
For me it was about the culmination of my teaching career. I've been in teaching for 23 plus years, and it was kind of the natural progression for me. It was the next step. It was my own personal growth but also my impact on others working in a country site where we have a large number of early career and graduate teachers. I felt that it was a part of my my role and my personal responsibility to ensure that we maintain the high expectations that we have in all schools across all of our sites in 黑料吃瓜, but also the exemplary practice that we see in classrooms it's so important for doesn't matter which career stage you're in your journey. It's about our impact on others it’s about our impact on our colleagues. It's about impact on every student that we teach. So for me, it was absolutely about supporting those and leading others around me.
Monique Miller 0:07:36 to 0:07:56
And good leadership is really what makes the difference in school as an early career doesn't matter where you’re at, if you've been teaching for 10 years, if you've got good support from leadership you want to go to school every day.
Jemma Worroll
And good leaders learn with, you know, they learn on the floor, on the ground with you. They needed to be modelling out, demonstrating and learning with you not telling you what to do.
Belinda Ramsey 0:07:56 to 0:08:25
Yeah and also the privatisation of the practise. It's about modelling, that exemplary practise and going in and doing classroom observations and the learning and the constant feedback because we're all learners and we're all growers in this profession. And that, to me, is one of the most rewarding parts of my role that I'm really passionate about. We need to ensure that our early career teachers have the opportunity that I guess Jemma and I had when we first came out in our first teaching roles.
Jemma Worroll 0:08:25 to 0:09:00
I think also the process for Belinda and I, we talked about as a lead teacher now, and Monique you already sound like you're doing this. It's just measuring your impact. So not, after teaching a lesson, what worked, what didn’t. How has my impact been measured and you reflect after every lesson. It's not just done and dusted. So you're asking the kids did that work? Did that not work? So you're just constantly reflecting on what you're doing as I guess a live learner. I think that's that's different from other teaching roles and that you're constantly reflecting,
Speaker 2 0:09:00 to 0:09:37
I think too, as a lead teacher, we’re kind of experts in the standards field. We know the standards inside out upside down because we lived and breathed it throughout our certification process. So the 37 descriptors at the league level Jemma and I could we could talk for another hour about those but we won’t. I guess just having that expert knowledge and sharing that with the people that we work with on a daily basis and bringing it to the fore of all of our coaching conversations and mentoring conversations our line management conversation. Because ultimately, our goal is to improve the outcomes of every student in every class.
Monique Miller 0:09:38 to 0:09:56
And constantly thinking about that throughout your practise, not just when it comes to putting together a portfolio or moving to the next level or anything like that. So I am really interested in the difference between a highly accomplished teacher and a lead. What's what's involved in that? And is it? Does it run as a timeline? Do you go to highly accomplished and then lead?
Belinda Ramsey 0:09:56 to 0:10:21
No, it's not fluid. Obviously, we start our teaching career at graduate, and then we moved to proficient. Some teachers might choose to stay at that level. Certification process is voluntary. So depending on what's actually happening in your site and your context, some choose to become highly accomplished or they choose to be lead. Depending on if they are running a lead project in a school again, it just depends.
Monique Miller 0:10:22 to 0:10:27
You might start the highly accomplished, then go to lead. Or, if you are leading in a certain area, you can go straight there.
Belinda Ramsey 0:10:27 to 0:10:36
So for Jemma and I. We both went from being proficient, proficient practitioners in our classroom context to lead.
Jemma Worroll 0:10:36 to 0:11:03
And the descriptors at the highly accomplished level talk about supporting colleagues. So it might be, I'm in my middle primary team and I might support the teacher next door. I'm helping support her, and I'm supporting her kids. At that lead level. It's leading a school, leading a group of teachers and having an impact on that more school wide level, so the difference is highly accomplished might be supporting one or two colleagues that lead is, I guess, leading by example,
Belinda Ramsey 0:11:03 to 0:11:07
which could filter into partnership level as well.
Dale Atkinson 0:11:07 to 0:11:24
Belinda, you're a national assessor, which I think is an incredibly intimidating sounding title. So I guess the first question is, Is it intimidating? And what are the key things that you're looking for when you're assessing teachers for certification?
Belinda Ramsey 0:11:25 to 0:12:24
Interesting question. I don't find it all intimidating. I guess I've been on both sides of the fence, so I've been through the certification process stage one and two and becoming a nationally trained assessor, I guess, it just harnesses more of my ability to know the standards and have that expert understanding off them and that deep understanding of what actually happens at classroom level and what we are saying with our impact widely amongst our teaching crew. Being an assessor has absolutely allowed allowed me the opportunity to network more widely within our department. Having conversations with like minded assessors about what we're actually looking for, and it's a very rigorous process that are aspirants at HALT go through and for us as assessors, we are looking for clear evidence of teachers alining their practise to the Australian professional standards for teachers.
Monique Miller
So what skills have you continued to develop by becoming certified teachers?
Jemma Worroll
One of the criteria to become certified as a lead teacher is we had to provide evidence within our portfolios of leading a whole school initiative that would have looked different for Belinda myself it was leading change, improving the pedagogy of teaching students with autism spectrum disorder. This school have made significant progress and growth with our pedagogies at that consistent level amongst all of our teachers. So in answer to your question, Monique, the skills that I've continued to develop since that time of submitting their portfolio is I've continued to roll out whole school initiatives and some of the things that I've done as a student wellbeing leader at this school is I’ve introduced wellbeing assemblies every fortnight to talk about wellbeing. And I guess, topical concerns within our school, topics such as casual racism, bullying, using great manners, the things that we're seeing in our yard. I bring to the forum every fortnight and speak, and it's a bit of a Jemma show, but the entire school gets the same message, and then we talk about it within the fortnight, which I've introduced. That sounds so it's so powerful. I want more. So those were just some of the initiatives that I think I've introduced, and I think having to provide proof of your lead initiative and that portfolio it hasn't stopped, like you just keep on saying Look, it's a bit scary. It's a bit out of my comfort zone, but I believe in it. I'm passionate and I'm going to roll it out in our school. So yeah, that's one of the things that that I've kept going since being certified.
Belinda Ramsey 0:14:05 to 0:15:27
I guess a skill at lead level and also at certified level is the skill of I guess diving into someone else's practise and knowing what we're looking for and aligning that practise with the standards. Also, I guess knowing our impact, the impact that we have on others, the skill of being able to communicate the language of the standards is really, really important when we're having pre-observation conversations with colleagues. So that's an area of focus for me is having the ability and I guess feeling very privileged, to be on that side and help support other people's practise and move them along and support them with their career. That's really exciting for me, the modelling of exemplary practise, using data supporting teachers to use data to inform their teaching practise is an area that we do dive into quite deeply at our site and consistently again using the language of the standards. Highlighting the importance of national certification as well. You know we want to be the best teachers that we can be and we have some amazing operators in sites across all of our schools in our state. It's really important to keep the conversation flowing about the importance of that. And we have a lot of teachers that are aspiring, aspiring to be highly accomplished and lead teachers. And Jemma and I feel that it's our role and our responsibility as leads to support with that.
And when you have the opportunity and I feel blessed in our site that we do have a large number of early career and graduate teachers, they're the ones that are coming through uni that have already put their portfolio of evidence together. They have a very clear understanding of the standards. They know about the career stages. And just because we're lead teachers, we don't know everything. So we learn from our early career teachers, and I have a really big respect for our early grad teachers that come out to our sites.
Jemma Worroll 0:16:04 to 0:16:05
Well, said Belinda.
Dale Atkinson 0:16:05 to 0:16:19
For those who are kind of on the cusp of this and thinking, God, this might be something that I'm really interested in doing, but well, it seems like quite a involved and detailed thing to get involved in. What's the What's the message for them?
Belinda Ramsey 0:16:19 to 0:17:36
Have a go. It's one of the most rewarding experiences in my career. It's actually the pinnacle and a highlight of my career to be certified at national level. A really big thank you to everyone in the national teacher certification team who supported Jemma and I on our journey. It's something you can't do alone we as teachers are naturally collaborators. We work together, we work as teams. We need to lean in and ask for support. Can you please come and observe me? Can you offer me some feedback on my lesson? How do you think I could do a warm up for this particular lesson? It's vital that we have that. And for me, I really would like to get the message out there that it's really inspiring the networking that comes with being certified. Being able to attend HALT summits. So Jemma and I have attended two or three of those listening to Professor John Hattie talking about knowing thy impact. We know that that's what we do on a daily basis, and that's what we hope going through the certification process does for everyone that we work with is knowing our impact and that positive impact that we have on not only students and teachers, but also our parents and our wider community. And it filters out again to our partnership.
Jemma Worroll 0:17:38 to 0:18:05
That collaboration is so important. You do need someone to support you. You need to have someone hold your hand and you do it together. And you can do that with a colleague, a line manager, find somebody. But if you're thinking about it, get some support and go for it because there are plenty of pits of despair that you go through because there's a lot of work. But if you're doing it together, you're having opportunities to share with each other. You can get there, but you do need support for sure.
Belinda Ramsey 0:18:05 to 0:18:35
Our department provides that support to the national teacher certification team runs workshops, which Jemma and I both attended. And I think that's when I first met you, Jemma. You were presenting at one of them. So we have day one day two and day three, and that outlines the whole process from collecting your evidence to submitting your portfolio of evidence, annotating the artefacts and that stage one and then moving into Stage two, which requires a site visit from a nationally trained assessor.
Dale Atkinson 0:18:36 to 0:18:56
I don't have a teaching degree, but I'm going to email you about how I could become certified too. It sounds like an incredible thing, and you guys are so passionate about it and such incredible advocates for for all of it, I mean, it sounds like an incredible benefit for the school. It’s an incredible benefit for the teachers, most importantly, an incredible benefit for the kids.
Belinda Ramsey 0:18:57 to 0:18:57
Thank you.
Jemma Worroll 0:18:57 to 0:19:23
And look, teaching is a really busy job and, you know, finding the time to put your portfolio together is tough. You need to dedicate some school holidays to it, but highly worthwhile. And if you've got the support and some time, you've got to make that time happen if you want it enough. But as I said, we're both in leadership roles now. But this certification process and becoming certified as a lead teacher is still my proudest achievement in my teaching career this far.
Dale Atkinson 0:19:38 to 0:20:03
So we're also, I mean, obviously out in the country. We’re speaking to two country teacher's, country assistant principal Belinda on the way up in the car you were talking about working in Roxby Downs and going into work, dodging emus and kangaroos along the way. You’ve been to Kangaroo Island. You've worked all over the country and out in the regions What's the great thing about working in country towns?
Belinda Ramsey 0:20:03 to 0:21:29
There are so many, there really are. Jemma, you would agree, I guess being born and bred in the country for me it just means instantly you are supported and you know so many people that can help you, regardless of where you are in your journey. I remember walking into Roxby Downs Area School in 1999 and we had a staff of about 59 instantly, you know, 59 people, and then when you have your weekend barbecues or whatever you're doing, it's you meet partners and family. So you feel immersed in the community from day one, and that's exactly how I felt in all of the schools that I've taught in. And it's also getting to know the parents. I think they’re pivotal in the daily work that we do having our parents as a part of the process of educating children is, I guess, a number one for me. It's a priority to get to know my students inside the classroom, outside the classroom, what are their interests, who are there brothers and sisters, where they from before Roxby. What's their story? And how can we tap into that? And I think I have seen a lot of early career and graduate teachers come to Roxby that have fallen in love with it. I had a three year plan and 22 years later, I’m still there and still loving it and still a part of the community, so it gives you the option to become integral in the community in a range of different ways.
Monique Miller 0:21:30 to 0:22:26
So that leads me to why should teachers, maybe graduate teachers or experienced teachers consider working in rural and remote areas?
Jemma Worroll
I think that obviously Belinda's context and my context is very different. But we're both country. For Kapunda I guess we’re at a gateway to so many beautiful spaces, We’ve got the river 45 minutes away. We've got the Barossa just down the road. The drive to work is where I am able to reflect on my job. I am driving past the vines and I love the vines because without sounding like a poet, you really see the seasons. You've got the stark wood in the winter, you've got the budding green blooms in spring. You've got the fruit in the summer and the beautiful autumn colours of the leaves in the autumn. It's just it's a beautiful space, and we can link into those natural resources,
Dale Atkinson 0:22:26 to 0:22:38
Like the exposure to the range of different great things but different problems that schools face. So the breadth of experience is so much broader than it would be potentially in some of the metropolitan schools.
Belinda Ramsey 0:22:38 to 0:23:48
It is, and I guess we learned to be very resourceful. We don't have the opportunity to attend a training and development from 4 to 6 on a Wednesday night at the EDC, so we tend to tap into our local expertise. So it might be teacher stepping up and running, training and development sessions it might be tapping into Andamooka Primary School or Woomera Area School, depending on what we're doing. But we we really learn, to, I guess, grow our own talent and tap into that. I think that's very, very important living in the country where distance is a factor and distance absolutely comes into it. You know, it could even be if students are going on school camp before we get anywhere. It's a four or five hour trip. So I guess just having that in the back of your mind when you early career or graduate teachers come to I guess when you look at a place like Roxby it’s rural, it's remote, it's isolated and it is in the desert, so, you know, be aware of things like the heat in the summer and distances that need to be travelled. But so many positives, the beautiful sunsets.
Jemma Worroll 0:23:48 to 0:25:11
And, I guess for early career teachers that are thinking about heading to the country, I guess in Kapunda we've got when you move into a school that has so many parents and family members that are involved in the school, those people are so highly invested, their kids and for the community as a whole. So it's like a family around a family approach. And that's what happens here. We asked the why we know the families, as Belinda was saying, it's really invested that family feel.
Monique Miller
Now we don't have much time left, but I do need to ask you, What do you love about your school? Jemma, do you want to start us off? I’m looking around there’s so much, it’s so beautiful.
Jemma Worroll
Yeah, I guess it is about the community. So many people are willing to help for our students with high needs that don't have food. We've got community members that are making meals, freezing them. We've got local businesses that are donating money so that a child in care can get braces, they reach out. We've got local churches that are on hand. If I text her and say We've got a family that needs a meal, she will go to ALDI. She will get the food and she'll drop it off that day. So it's just We've got so many people that will put their hands up to say Who needs help? We're here. We're here to help.
Belinda Ramsey 0:25:11 to 0:26:10
For me, the camaraderie that we have on our our staff. We've got quite a large staff and we all work really well together. It's a hard working team with high expectations and every teacher, educator, parent at the heart of what we do every day, are our students. It's about working hard for them. It's about getting better at what we do every day and ultimately supporting the students and improved outcomes for all of the students from reception right through to year 12. But also we have the luxury of our students quite a few of them stay in Roxby and work because obviously we have the mine at Olympic Dam and for me I'm seeing that next generation come through. So it's really nice walking into Woolies in the afternoon and you get the Hi Mrs Ramsey how are you, and I guess you still have that connection and that contact with the students that you've taught. So I guess it's kind of like a big family in the desert.
Jemma Worroll 0:26:10 to 0:26:19
That’s right, and it's about the soul of the school. And if you've got the right team that are invested in the school like at Roxby, like at Kapunda, then it's going to work for the kids.
Dale Atkinson 0:26:19 to 0:27:15
That's great, thank you very much. Belinda and Jemma, you’re both incredible advocates for I think, working in the country and pushing yourself in terms of professional development and career progression. And I think I reckon we'll get quite a few enquiries and a lot of follow up off the back of this. So thanks to everyone for listening, we hope you've enjoyed today's podcast. Please don't forget you can subscribe to Teach on Apple podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listened to your podcast, actually, or you can head to our website, which is education dot sa gov dot au forward slash teach, where you'll also find our show notes and there'll be a lot of them there, including some email addresses and things that you might want to use to contact and find out more information along with your own listening. We encourage you to listen to the podcast during staff meetings to generate some discussion. And we'd love to hear from you. So if you have a question we could all learn from get in touch and send us an email at education dot teach podcast at sa dot gov dot au
Monique Miller 0:27:15 to 0:27:16
Catch you next time on Teach
Dale Atkinson 0:27:16 to 0:27:18
See you guys. Thanks for listening.
Have you used our new curriculum resources? In this episode, we take you to the Education Development Centre where teachers and curriculum staff are simplifying the Australian Curriculum into localised content for your classroom to help you save time planning what you teach.
Show notes
Nick Kyriazis: He came up to me and goes 'man, this stuff is awesome, I can really concentrate on just teaching rather than trying to invent the wheel again'. And that's when I thought, yeah, well, that's exactly what it's for.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education, and I'm Monique Miller, primary school teacher at Westport primary school.
Now in this series, we normally take you to a different school each month. But today we've got a special episode that's taken us to the Education Development Centre in Hindmarsh in Adelaide's Western suburbs on Kaurna land. You probably know this if you've done any professional development in the city, if you've come to Orbis, if you've done your RAN training in the city, this is essentially, where we are.
Why are we here today Monique?
Monique Miller: Today we're talking about something that affects all teachers. Curriculum. Curriculum is what we use to plan, monitor and assess student learning. [00:01:00] Here at the Education Development Centre, new 黑料吃瓜n curriculum resources are being developed that simplify the Australian Curriculum to support teachers and leaders.
Dale Atkinson: And we're joined by Alex Semmons. He's the Assistant Director of Curriculum Development with the department. Welcome Alex.
Alex Semmens: Thanks guys. Thanks for having me.
Dale Atkinson: So tell us a little bit about your role, because you know, as with all these job titles, it can be a little bit opaque. So what is it that you do here at the EDC?
Alex Semmens: Uh, I guess simply my role is supporting our brilliant curriculum managers to develop, um, the advice that we're using to support all of our teachers and leaders across the state. And another big part of my role is connecting, um, with as many people as we can to kind of get their input and their support and their advice to make sure that these resources have the biggest impact, um, to supporting teachers and leaders and making sure our students get the curriculum that they need.
Dale Atkinson: So I was talking to one of my friends the other day, uh, who is a late career change, uh, going to teaching. So he started out as a lawyer did quite a bit of court work, and he's moved now into a, being a, an English studies and [00:02:00] a legal studies teacher.
He was talking about the experience of going into the classroom for the first time as being roughly akin to having a big trial case where you're standing in front of the judge, you've got an entire jury, you've got an opposition barrister. You've got media in the, uh, in the courtroom too. And he said the anxiety and the pressure that's on you to perform is really similar in the classroom.
So, how important is it to have a strong curriculum and planning tools in place as a teacher when you go into that court back slash classroom environment?
Alex Semmens: Yeah, it's incredibly important. I mean, there's the, all the research, you know, PISA, TIMSS, ACER they all talk about, um, making sure you've got a really visible, viable curriculum for the students.
And as important as that is, Um, the Australian Curriculum, um, can be quite complex, um, in many aspects. So, you know, having the support behind you to really know how all the elements fit together, um, how the three dimensions of the curriculum [00:03:00] can be implemented for each learning area. Um, having that level of support is, is, is critical.
Curriculum planning is a really difficult thing. So the resources are there to support schools and teachers and leaders to identify any gaps. Um, make sure there's no unnecessary repetition and providing that support so teachers really have the time to think deeply about the kids, um, the students that are in front of them.
So how do we take the Australian curriculum and how do we shape it? How do we really align it to the context and make sure that our kids can engage with it and learn and achieve in those high bands.
Dale Atkinson: It's interesting because ACARA has put out recently a fairly substantial review of the Australian Curriculum.
They've gone out to the public and said, look, what do you think of this? And, you know, looking through the media coverage, which kind of pulls out various different elements. The thing that kind of jumps out is the size of this product and the complexity of everything that goes into the Australian Curriculum.
Within that context. Obviously, teachers [00:04:00] need some support with the curriculum planning, um, and we've heard that within the department, which has led us to produce the curriculum resources that we have. Can you sort of talk us through, you know, what's being created and how that's being used?
Alex Semmens: Yeah. I think it's really important to know that and remember that all of our teachers are on a, kind of a different journey with their curriculum.
We have amazing experienced teachers that are super confident in doing just fantastic work. Um, we have teachers that are new to the profession, teachers that have come from a range of different backgrounds and a different experiences as well. So when we talk about the support that we're providing to teachers.
It's really important to acknowledge that, um, the wide range of teachers that are all kind of brilliant and doing the best work that they can. Providing these resources from the scope and sequence to the units of work. And then, um, the planning tools that really kind of a comprehensive package that will hopefully give all teachers and leaders an opportunity to really reflect on the curriculum work that they're doing.
And then also have some really kind of clear advice that's going to help move their work forward [00:05:00] as well and make life easier and make their time more efficient and more effective because it's just so difficult being a teacher and finding the time to, um, do everything you need to do to give the students the support they need.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. It's interesting. I mean, you talk about the scope and sequence documents. You know, if you're a teacher looking at this, what is it that specifically being provided how's that helping them in the classroom environment?
Alex Semmens: The feedback that we got from, from teachers across the state was there was a need there to make sure that the Australian Curriculum was accessible and easy to understand.
The Australian Curriculum is a great piece of work that's evidence informed and, um, you know, it's really robust and, um, helpful to our teachers, but the next layer to that was making it really obvious and easy to understand. So the 黑料吃瓜n scope and sequence documents, have taken the time to make sure the language is accessible, make it really clear what's thought at every year level, the key concepts and content and what to pay attention for, um, kind of stand out and taking every opportunity to kind of describe the elements of each learning area, the strands, the sub-strands and the threads, and make it visible, how those things work [00:06:00] together and connect.
We've also tried to bring as many kind of helpful elements into those resources as possible. So providing kind of a clear context statement about the learning areas and what's the essence of the learning area and breaking down the achievement standards. Um, as well and putting them all in one place. So any heavy lifting that we can do and put that into one piece.
So our teachers kind of have one document, can all be having the same conversations and, um, exploring the Australian Curriculum with real clarity when they're doing their planning.
Dale Atkinson: And I guess the piece that sits underneath that and the scope and sequence documents is the units of work, um, which are the doing, how do the units of work apply?
Alex Semmens: Yeah. So the units of work fit together to provide teachers with really high level advice for implementing each learning area at each year level. So a lot of curriculum planning has gone into that work. So all the units fit together and they provide that conceptual development and then really kind of targeted specific evidence-informed advice for teaching each learning area.
So what are the high impact strategies they're going to help our students learn the key [00:07:00] concepts and content for mathematics and science and HPE that are delivered in the most, um, supportive way, having that all in one place where teachers can feel really confident. That if they deliver those units, the way that they're intended, that the students who have, um, access to the curriculum, as well as the flexibility to kind of think about, well, what are my students really need?
Where are they up to? What is what's going on in my school and my site and how can I kind of tweak this and adapt it and shift it. Um, that really works for me and where I'm up to in my teaching and where my students are up to us as well.
Dale Atkinson: And I guess the final piece of the puzzle sits around, um, the support that's being provided around curriculum planning.
So if you look at the curriculum planning tools, what is it that teachers are getting from, from that product, which helps them to kind of deliver the work they're doing?
Alex Semmens: Well, I know the mantra of that work is, you know, how do you know and how do you grow? So, really helping, um, schools and teachers, uh, do a deep dive into where their curriculum planning is at, um, and there's four interrelated layers of whole-school learning area year level and [00:08:00] teacher.
And how do we know what we're working with? Really look at where we're up to and how are we going to implement the curriculum to avoid those gaps and repetition, and really provide the learners with the key concepts and content for where they're up to as well.
Dale Atkinson: The impressive bit about this work and the amount of work that's gone into it is that, I mean, this isn't something that's been generated from central office with us, just kind of thinking alright here's some great ideas, let's just plant these on top of the schools. I mean, this has been a very much a kind of grassroots built from the bottom up with schools and teachers involved, what are the benefits of having approached in that way?
Alex Semmens: It's just critical. There's no other way to do it. As I said, the advice is really targeted for every single learning area and it's written by teachers for teachers. So mathematics teachers, writing advice from mathematics to be used by their colleagues and I think the collegiality of this work is, is really obvious when you start reading through it, it's got this powerful authenticity [00:09:00] and it comes from a place of genuine help and support the team of curriculum managers are expert teachers and working with seconded teachers with current, you know, classroom experience, developing, you know, really high level advice that we know will resonate with teachers and really reflect what's going on in, in schools currently.
Um, and the other piece of that is working really closely with our principals, our education directors working with, um, Educators SA and our associations to get kind of constant feedback and input and advice on, um, how these uh, resources can have impact and really get to the knees of what's going on in the classroom.
Dale Atkinson: And we get to meet a couple of those teachers that have helped you um, very soon
Monique Miller: But before we continue our conversation on curriculum resources, Dale, what is making news this month?
Dale Atkinson: Thanks Mon. Um, if you're liking what you're hearing about the curriculum resources and, uh, and other supports and would like to be a part of shaping curriculum resources and developing these products, uh, then you might want to take part in the curriculum development skills register. It provides South [00:10:00] Australian school-based teachers and curriculum leaders, the opportunity to work in the curriculum development, directorate, and contribute expertise and advice about curriculum, teaching and learning. You can have your say on the curriculum that can be taught in our classrooms. If you'd like to share your expertise and want to find out more, including how to apply head to the curriculum development skills register page on EDi.
Uh, we'll put a link up here in our show notes as well. Also happening this month. Are you looking for a contemporary way to engage students? And if you are, then why not learn about how to use Minecraft in the classroom? The kids bloody love it and, uh, they're all over it. So, uh, we've got some free training coming up for those listeners that don't know, Minecraft's an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, problem-solving. Um, the course that we've got going is most suited to teachers of students from year three to nine. Uh, the trainings available face-to-face or online, but please get in quickly because registration is closed on Tuesday, may 18. We'll share the registration form show notes as well. And lastly, next week [00:11:00] is National Volunteers Week.
This year's theme is Recognise, Reconnect, Re-imagine. The theme highlights an opportunity to explore how volunteering might be re-imagined through more flexible and inclusive roles, including back on school and preschool grounds, now that COVID restrictions have been eased somewhat. To the more than 20,000 volunteers working in our schools, preschools and centres, of course we say are very big thank you.
Monique Miller: Today, we're at the Education Development Centre in Hindmarsh learning about new 黑料吃瓜n curriculum resources that have been developed. Like many teachers, you may already be using them to help plan your classes. With us is Alex Semmons, Assistant Director for Curriculum Development. This is a huge piece of work and what I'm wondering is how did you go about creating these resources?
Alex Semmens: Yeah, it's, it is, it's a huge bit of work and the responsibility and the opportunity is so motivating for the team. It starts with research, you know, what does the [00:12:00] evidence tell us about curriculum and the importance of curriculum planning and what that looks like?
Um, what is the research and evidence say for each of our learning areas about helping our students achieve in those high bands and move their learning forward, and then lots and lots of collaborations.
Monique Miller: As all teachers know, time is precious and I guess this is fair to say that. This is going to be a real time-saver in the classroom.
Alex Semmens: Yeah. Yeah, I think so. From the feedback that we've got already from teachers about the great help, that it provides at that really high level about how does the curriculum kind of fit together? Um, how do all those elements combine and what does that look like for our students to just really kind of clear intentional advice around literacy and numeracy, and what does that look like in Hass and science and, um, taking the brilliant advice from those guidebooks and putting it into a kind of a learning area context has been a great help.
The hardest part of being a teacher is, um, the time that's needed to develop curriculum for your students to develop those resources and plans and this work really speaks to how much heavy lifting can we do? What does all the [00:13:00] resources and guidance and modelling that we can provide that gives teachers as much time as possible to think about the learners that they've got in front of them. And what are those each individual students specifically need? How can we take this resource? How can we use it? How can we adapt it to our students' needs to make sure that they get the entire curriculum? I think we're on a really exciting journey with this work.
There's going to be lots of collaboration over the next few years about um, the impact of these units and how we can always constantly make them better, how we can, um, provide better advice, better resources, better support, um, getting in as many teachers as we can through the, um, skills register to kind of contribute to this work.
So we're always responding to what's going on in every single classroom in 黑料吃瓜 and provide really high level, helpful advice that teachers can grab a hold of and shape to make sure it meets the needs of their kids as well.
Monique Miller: Yeah. Yeah. I absolutely agree and using these resources is not going to be a one size fits all.
We're going to be adapting [00:14:00] them to, to, as you said, to every child in our classrooms and for me, what's so important is building these relationships with our kids, knowing what they need and sometimes, um, you know, planning can be overwhelming as well as meeting all the other needs. Um, that you need to of a teacher.
I want to just go back to these units of work. How do classroom teachers adopt and adapt them in their classroom?
Alex Semmens: Yeah, there's lots of opportunity within the units to think about the advice and then what it means for the students in the classroom. The teacher tips, um, in particular, I think are incredibly helpful, uh, taking the high-level advice and then thinking about what does it mean for me and where am I up to in my teaching and where did my class look like?
So those tips are really targeted and draw on the experience of, um, the amazing curriculum managers and seconded teachers that we've got working for us. Or working with us, sorry to go you know, what have I learned? What have I picked up along the way? Or what's an opportunity here to do this a little bit [00:15:00] differently or what are some additional resources?
So, um, the teacher tips in particular, within the unit are designed to be really conversational piece between the resources and in the teachers using them as well. So I think, um, they're going to be, uh, an incredible support that takes the teaching and learning advice and assessment advice, and kind of opens the doors to how can we do this a little bit differently and how can we kind of cater for the different needs of our students as well?
Monique Miller: Now, I know you're releasing resources every September. You had some come out last year and I'm actually really looking forward to what's coming this September as a year four teacher. Can you give us a bit of insight into what's coming?
Alex Semmens: Yeah. So we'll have scope and sequence documents coming out for languages, um, across a range of those disciplines, building on the English, maths, HASS and science resources in years 3, 4 and 10, and our first suite of resources across years, 5 to 8 for the arts, technologies and health and PE. So, uh, really exciting that we're, um, working across all of the learning [00:16:00] areas and we can really get the curriculum implemented at a really high level right across all the disciplines.
Monique Miller: Amazing. I cannot wait to get my hands on those. So most importantly, where can we find them?
Alex Semmens: Uh, EDi. So on the EDi site, um, under the teaching and learning menu, there's navigation to all of the resources there.
Monique Miller: Thank you so much, Alex, as the assistant director of curriculum development, it's been so good to hear from you and now you've invited some seconded teachers in today, uh, to tell us a little bit about how they've produced these resources.
Alex Semmens: Yeah. We have Nick Kyriazis from LeFevre and Sam Moyle from Brighton. They've just been outstanding individually and then collectively all of our seconded writers, just a wealth of knowledge and expertise and current classroom experience just our work lives and dies with that. So it's just been absolutely fantastic having access to people like Sam and Nick.
Monique Miller: I'm actually a little bit starstruck here. I've got one of my old high school teachers, uh, Nick Kyriazis [00:17:00] and, um, I was actually wondering what's it like being a seconded teacher and working away from the classroom on the curriculum?
Nick Kyriazis: Oh, it's been great. When I got the call to get invited, to write some material, I thought what a tremendous opportunity to check practice. And I've been fortunate enough to be influenced by some pretty reasonable, heavy hitters in, in, in around the maths industry. So it was really good to get that all down and then get it out to the maths community. It's a bit scary though, cause you're worried everyone's going to judge you by your work.
Um, but just to get it down on paper and get it out there and you have an opportunity to really place a microscope on yourself and it's quite humbling as well, I suppose, um, and realise where your own flaws are and to get that all right and, and share. It's been awesome. It's been really good.
Monique Miller: Yeah, we all sort of have a little bit of imposter syndrome stepping out of the classroom, but we, you know, you are the expert in your field and it's awesome to be able to share that with maybe new graduate teachers or really anyone.
These are [00:18:00] accessible by any teacher, maybe you're moving year levels or, um, specialties. And how about yourself, Sam? How have you found uh, working on the curriculum?
Sam Moyle: I've really enjoyed it. I was surprised at how much I've enjoyed it, the challenges that it posed, uh, the opportunity to really connect with the, the research and the best practice.
Uh, I'm a little bit lucky. I have the opportunity to continue teaching point 2 at school. So I'm doing my year twelves and they're a particularly special group so I really wanted to stay with them, but I've really, really enjoyed this experience far more than I'd expected to. I usually like a challenge, but this has gone beyond.
And so I've been lucky enough to be seconded for a second term. I'm really enjoying it.
Dale Atkinson: Like looking back on some of the products that have been created, what, what are the things that you're most proud of, of having done?
Sam Moyle: Uh, I guess the, the opportunity for me to write a couple of new experiments and then to build in, uh, my, my ideology has been very much about innovative and dynamic approaches to the curriculum, [00:19:00] lots of hands-on and kinesthetic approaches. So being able to build that in and perhaps empowering teachers to be able to do experiments, particularly the challenge that, and to really engage students, as opposed to using a video, things like the iodine clock reaction, and I've even managed to sneak in the Briggs-Rauscher, or even if schools don't have the actual materials just to have that video, but to really show the forward and reverse reactions with chemistry.
And so, yeah, having, having those opportunities to, um, to create new things and share them.
Monique Miller: I do like the sound of, if you don't have the resources, we've still got, you know, a video that you can watch, that you can experience what it is that you're teaching.
Sam Moyle: Yeah, absolutely. There's a number of different options and I guess high tech and low tech as well.
So if you're, um, Uh, not advantaged by having the technology in the classroom. There are other ways of doing that. So there's lots of different ways to skin a cat, really. And so providing those in the teacher tips, uh, for schools to be able to implement.
Dale Atkinson: Well it's really about imparting some of the benefits of your own wisdom [00:20:00] really isn't it.
In terms of you spent quite a bit of time in the classroom, build up a body of knowledge and understanding and wisdom and, in terms of what works and has it been sort of something that's enjoyable to be able to pass some of that information on to, um, to other colleagues.
Nick Kyriazis: Oh, it's been awesome. I've got two little stories.
I had a really fresh rookie and this person didn't know that I was one of the writers and I like Sam I'm teaching uh, just one class at school. Um, cause you've got to teach something, right? Like we're teachers. Um, and he came up to me and goes, man, this stuff is awesome. I can really concentrate on just teaching rather than trying to invent the wheel again.
And that's when I thought, yeah, well, that's exactly what it's for. And then I had a real seasoned, uh, lady, um, who I've known for a long time who was sort of stuck in the old way. And she's really now just changed their outlook. And most of the part is looking at this conceptual. Conceptualised way of delivering the maths.
Um, and it's really changed the way that she's done stuff and [00:21:00] she said she feels like a young out of uni teacher again, because she's getting to learn all the new ways, which is really good, which is really good. I was really pleased. And so they're the things I'm sort of proud of the effect it's having on the teachers that are already out there and getting them to come along with the ride with us.
Monique Miller: Fantastic. Um, what sort of support is available for you when working on these documents.
Nick Kyriazis: I've never felt alone. We're in a team and we're all bouncing off each other all the time. Um, our manager Catarina, she's always in contact and we meet regularly. If I ever think I need something here, I just can't think of anything.
I'll just send an email out to my network and somebody's got something. So, you know, we make these units, but they're definitely not a hundred percent ours. It's like, uh, it's almost the whole community coming together. Get these things out. We're just sort of a conduit sometimes. And yeah so the support is really good.
Sam Moyle: Yeah. It's definitely a collaborative thing. Um, we've been doing the same thing through teams, uh, sharing documents or websites that might be useful, but I also bounce ideas off of [00:22:00] the team back at school and ask for their opinions on, on how to deliver this. And do they think that that would be useful in the classroom and the support that I've had from my leadership as well to, to be involved with this has been really good.
Monique Miller: It really goes to show that it does take an army.
And for any, any teachers out there that are thinking of taking some time out of the classroom and sharing their knowledge, um, would you recommend teachers taking part?
Sam Moyle: Do it. Absolutely do it. It's been the most amazing professional development for me, the opportunity to really dig deep into the research and the best practice which we always talk about but don't always have the time to implement when we're teaching full time. So having that opportunity has been amazing and that's part of why I've been enjoying it so much. Don't be scared. It's been really good. And the flexibility of the work too has been amazing. It's lessened the burden on my wife as well, because I dropped the kids now off in the morning. Um, she can get to work, um, and then they get picked up [00:23:00] by their grandparents and then I'm going to work in the evening anyway. Cause if you're in the classroom, you're working. So I just catch a bit of time. It's nice, have the dog next to me most of the time.
Monique Miller: That always makes a difference. Now I almost did forget on this podcast we do like to ask, uh, what do you love about your school? What I did want to ask instead was what's one of the best things you've been able to do here that might help a school?
Sam Moyle: I guess, really challenge, uh, old sort of pedagogical approaches, uh, not to get rid of them, but to really extend them and then to incorporate the, the technologies, uh, and perhaps the more innovative pedagogies or newer pedagogies as well, but not to throw the baby out with the bath water, but to really combine and enhance the learning.
Nick Kyriazis: I spoke at one of our faculty meetings about, it's not about changing who you are and what you believe in, but it's about developing your practice into something so that it can evolve through time. It's not just sitting still. [00:24:00] And that's what I think these units are doing really well. I know their purpose is you take the whole unit and you use it, but, you know, we don't need to change experienced teachers.
We just need them to move forward with the education that's happening. Rookie teachers will need more but can you imagine if everybody goes on this journey, if everybody does this and I have no doubt in my mind that it would change the outcomes across every school, every student in the, in the state. Yeah. And parents seeing the experiences the kids are now getting, hopefully you can get more of that parental support at home.
I was just listening to the radio this morning and the data being pushed out was kids. They surveyed thousands of kids. I think it was in Indonesia, one of the Asian Pacific region countries. And it was the parents who supported that kid's schooling more at home, did better. And hopefully this gives kids a better experience they share with the parents and they get involved with it all.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. It's just such a, such an important piece of the puzzle. Um, so I want to thank Alex, Sam and Nick for [00:25:00] joining us today. The curriculum resources are out there. I think, you know, the one thing that's really come through today from, from the discussion with all three of you, is these products have been designed and developed by the teachers who are out there in 黑料吃瓜n public schools.
And they're specifically targeted toward the things that we know are going to provide uplift and support, um, and a great outcome for our kids. Um, they're out there, they're free. They've been designed by your colleagues and they're really very accessible on EDi and also in the show notes. So it's just, you know, it's a, it's an amazing thing.
Please go out there, check them out if you haven't already. Um, if you're using them really think about whether you want to come in and, and help to, you know, design the next lot, because you know, this is something that we are going to be putting out and pumping out every year and updating as we update the curriculum.
So please think about coming in and, uh, and providing the support. So yeah, when it's a fantastic thing. Thank you very much, guys. Thank you. And thank you all for listening. We hope you've enjoyed today's podcast. Don't forget you [00:26:00] can subscribe to Teach on Apple podcasts or follow us on Spotify. If you're enjoying the podcast, leave us a review.
Tell your teacher friends, uh, or get in touch via our email education.Teachpodcast@sa.gov.au. You can also head to the website education.sa.gov.au/teach where you'll find all the show notes, including information on where to find the curriculum resources. Thanks for listening.
Monique Miller: Catch you next time on Teach.
The move of year 7 to high school in 2022 is going to be a big change for our schools. Find out what one of our pilot schools, Wirreanda Secondary School, has learnt from the transition and what surprised them most about the change.
Show notes
Natasha Paffett:: It helped that I felt valued with the skillset that I brought from primary school. And I had to continuously remind myself that I didn't have to let go of that and that I could hold onto those skills and still use them, embed them into my practice here in high school. And that they were still valued.
Sting: Teach.
Dale Atkinson:: Hello and welcome back to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson: from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education.
Monique Miller: And I'm Monique Miller primary school teacher at Westport primary.
Dale Atkinson:: We're four episodes in now and we would love to hear from you. What are you liking about the show?
What do you want us to discuss? If you've got any thoughts, send us an email at education.Teachpodcast@sa.gov.au.
Monique Miller: We're down south today at Wirreanda secondary school, it's one of the three pilot schools that welcomed to year 7s to high school in 2020, from 2022 year 7s will be part of high school for all public school students in [00:01:00] SA.
This move brings us in line with the rest of the country. Now it's a big change. So today we'll find out what's worked well for Wirreanda, what some of the hurdles have been and how they've overcome them.
Dale Atkinson:: Caroline Fishpool: is the principal of Wirreanda Secondary School. And Natasha Paffett: is a former primary school now year 7 high school teacher.
So welcome to you both. Thanks Dale. Thank you. So we came into this morning. I mean, there's still a little bit of a construction field vibe here at Wirreanda as you prepare for next year. Um, can you tell us a little bit about what's going on and a little bit about your school and what you're trying to achieve.
Caroline Fishpool:: So building wise, as you've walked in, we've been under construction obviously for the last 12 months.
And we've been really fortunate with funds coming into the school and also to increase capacity. So we kicked off this year with around 1100 students and we anticipate that will increase to a maximum size of 1300. So we've had a number of, um, building sites happening across the school, which has been absolutely fantastic.
And I think you know, ultimately teaching and learning wise the new facilities have really enhanced that work that [00:02:00] we've been doing as a school we see ourselves as a really, I think, unique secondary school. So we do say quite proudly that any student that arrives we can cater for really richly. So we are a complex site.
We've got 14% students with disabilities, 12% ATSI. We're a special entry specialist, sports school, one of two officially recognized in south Australia. And we obviously have an incredible disability unit and a special class program on site. It's a really rich culture as well that we have across the school and because of that and I think that's why we're also really passionate about bringing the year 7s into the school.
Dale Atkinson:: So you were one of the three high schools to put your hand up to be a pilot school for year 7 into high school. What's it like being the guinea pig?
Caroline Fishpool:: Being the guinea pigs been really interesting in saying that we wanted to be the guinea pigs. We were incredibly passionate, including myself as the principal that year 7s belong in secondary schools. Um, and you know, when certainly the rumblings had started a long time ago through the government that the year 7s were going to move, we were, as soon as it was announced, it was happening we made that jump and really put ourselves into the space that we want it to be considered to be a pilot.
So for us. You know, we'd launched into a [00:03:00] considerable change journey, which has been ongoing for the last six years here for us, with particular, with middle school transformation, and work we were doing in the senior school, the year 7s, were in essence, we felt the final piece of that puzzle that we want it.
Um, and hence, we went after it and we were announced as the pilot, which was really excited for the work we were doing.
Dale Atkinson:: And how's it feeling so far? We are just a little ways in, but you've got a bit of a flying start on everyone else.
Caroline Fishpool:: We have. Yeah. And we quite often talk about the fact that we've been in an incredible situation to be a pilot. We've been given fantastic support by, you know, different units of the department to actually make that leap and we've also done it with a few little baby steps. So think schools are raring to go and preparation mode at the moment to actually do that double cohort. And that's a really, really big step for schools coming into, you know, the move across south Australia next year.
Monique Miller: I'm curious how the year 7 students have been fitting in? The
Caroline Fishpool:: The year 7 students been an absolutely fantastic addition to our school. We expected that. And I think one of the biggest surprises that we've had in a really nice way is how they've [00:04:00] contributed to the community in that they're kids. And it's been a really nice addition to the school and around the place, but they've fit in really well.
Natasha Paffett:: And all of the other year levels have really embraced new students as well. We allocated a specific place around the school that the year 7s could go if they needed to have their own space and not many students actually use this area, majority of them have integrated into the whole school and all the other year levels have been playing with them.
And, and. And hanging around them as well.
Dale Atkinson:: Yeah, because I think that's one of the anxieties that, um, teachers and parents have about the move. Is that how do you transition kids who are younger into an environment where there are adults essentially, you know, you've got 17, 18 year old kids at year 12, what's that dynamic like?
And how do you smooth that out?
Caroline Fishpool:: We were really bracing ourselves when we were preparing to bring in that first cohort of year 7s about that, there was huge anxieties. We were being told about the little, little year 7s coming into a big secondary school in saying that when we actually took the year 7s in, they were raring to go to come into a high [00:05:00] school, they absolutely were. The anxieties I think that we then very readjusted ourselves with the approaches we had were from parents and particularly parents that didn't have students in a high school setting yet. So what we did do, and I think we've aligned it really well with our year 7 move is, and we do have a vertically grouped house structure. So obviously we have, um, 7s, 8s and 9s within the home groups together. And then we have 10s, 11s and 12s. But what we have seen is a restructure of our student leadership and some structures across the school where, um, our senior school students do work with our middle school students, including the year 7s. And I think the year 7s have really embraced that as well.
Dale Atkinson:: And are there ways like transitioning the year 7s in has created opportunities as far as the whole of school environment, set up. Is, is it something that's kind of really stood out as a, as an improvement that's happened?
Caroline Fishpool:: Yeah, absolutely. I think I talk about the for us as a school daring to dream really early on was important with our middle school transformation piece.
And that was because, you know, we're making improvements with our, you know, senior school outcomes and we knew that we [00:06:00] couldn't get them. Um, long-term unless we actually had the middle-school transformation piece logged in. And I think as well, one of the big things that we've seen is. Student leadership and the opportunities, because we did do a complete restructure across the board of what that looked like.
And particularly our year 7s and 8s within that piece, whether it's about student voice every day or student leadership have been incredible. And I think sometimes we, perhaps when we were planning for the year 7s , didn't give the year 7s enough credit for what they could do when they come in to the big school.
Monique Miller: Yeah, it seems like they've, they're adapting really well.
And they've got the support and you're making the changes that they need and ready for them.
Natasha Paffett:: From a curriculum point of view, for some of our NIT teachers with subjects that band from year 7 to year 8, it's really easy to say the progression, if you've got the year 7s as well. You know what they've done in year 7 and you can progress them through year 8 and so that's really helpful as well.
Dale Atkinson:: Yeah. So you're feeling that. Uh, in your own practice in the classroom, that you're able to kind of provide some continuity and, uh, and really picture and step out what's going to happen over coming years.
Natasha Paffett:: Absolutely and what's been [00:07:00] helpful for me is coming from the primary school perspective.
I can also see the progression of where they've come from and see where students are at from that progression as well.
Monique Miller: What did you do with your leadership team to welcome our year 7s?
Caroline Fishpool:: Probably a few different approaches that are happening as compared to what we did. So there's some schools, obviously leadership wise that are restructuring to come in.
Once we got them, we did kind of front-load and fund resources ourselves to bring that team in really early, probably 12 months before. And we had the year 7s. So we as a leadership team restructured some additional positions within that vertical group in system that I talked about, and particularly the complexity, like I talk about with a focus here with individual student growth.
Um, I think probably the really clear thing though, when we were appointing those leadership positions was a really clear focus on, um, that, you know, people weren't being hired to maintain the status quo was really clear when we went looking for people and built capacity within the site as well, um, that we wanted things done very differently.
Um, it we've been, you know, really successful within that. But I think developing that shared vision within that, you know, daring to dream piece in [00:08:00] middle school transformation was really key for us.
Monique Miller: And you're also saying that, um, having primary school teachers come in has been super beneficial. How many primary school teachers have you brought in and what value do they bring to the school?
Caroline Fishpool:: That's a difficult question to answer. So within the pilot, we did specifically bring into early on and we had some different processes within that. However, in saying that we've always been a school that's gone looking for primary trained teachers and tried to work with HR and how can we, we can employ them because I think primary teachers have got incredible skills that some secondary teachers don't have.
So it was really interesting when we talk about schools being really clear about why they want to employ primary teachers. We do, we want primary teachers. All of our current positions advertised. We've got 15 permanent positions that are all tagged with primary teachers can apply for these. So very deliberately.
You know, we talk about that middle school transformation piece, individual students, and being able to progress individual students with some agility in classroom practice. We've seen that primary teachers have got those skills. When I talk as a principal, what's one of the biggest surprises that we were not [00:09:00] expecting.
We had completely braced ourselves and organized structures around how are we going to induct people like Natasha, et cetera, into this very different environment. It's a big secondary school. It's particularly curriculum areas. As soon as we got the primary school teachers, we had to do a full 360 and readjust ourselves because we suddenly realised that it wasn't about inducting them into our school.
It was about them maintaining their skills and sharing that with the staff. And that was a big shift for us. With the process we had put into place. We had to do a full 360 and readjust ourselves. Um, to that, and I think we've managed to do that well slightly.
Monique Miller: Yeah. So how did you find that induction and the transition?
Natasha Paffett:: It was smoother than I thought that it would be Caroline and the team here put a lot of things in place and a lot of induction days in place. And so it was, it was quite a smooth progression. I also think that it helped that I felt valued with the skillset that I brought from primary school. And I had to continuously remind myself that I didn't have to let go of that.
And that I could hold onto those skills and [00:10:00] still use them and embed them into my practice here in high school, and that they were still valued. And I think that was really important. And for leadership here to show me that they were valued, I think that really helped me.
Dale Atkinson:: What's the mindset and the ways of thinking that perhaps is different between primary and secondary, that you've been able to bring across.
What are you bringing to the table? I guess
Natasha Paffett:: There's a lot of individual differentiation strategies that I have brought from a primary perspective and the use of, uh, of knowledge of what each student, the level that they're actually at and how you would differentiate and cater for those students. I think that that's a key element seeing the progression of learning, because you can actually see where they've come from.
And we've got some students at our school as many other high schools where they're actually lower than the year 7 level. And so for myself, I can see where they've come from and have that knowledge there, which I think is really helpful. Uh, there's a lot of key pedagogical strengths as well about how you conduct lessons. And there are definitely some strength in breaking up, uh, tasks and the way that, that things are delivered as well.
Dale Atkinson:: Money's nodding so much. [00:11:00] Yeah.
Yeah. It's amazing. Isn't it? There's so many complimentary skills and have you found that some of the secondary teachers are seeking you out and looking to you for some support with the, with the year seven level students?
Caroline Fishpool:: We all do, don't we? I
Natasha Paffett:: I was really surprised when I first came in, how many people pulled me aside and were asking me for really specific ideas and the way that they would do things and telling me their situation and what their class structure was like and how I could help.
That's been fantastic for me. I think that people actually value the skills that I bring. And now as a leader, when I'm doing observations and things that I can also give them ideas, which they wouldn't have thought of before, because I can, yeah coming from a slightly different lens,
Dale Atkinson:: Which as a principle Caroline is incredibly valuable.
Caroline Fishpool:: Yeah, absolutely. Hence why, you know, within the current employment process, we have certainly opened all 15 permanent positions for primary teachers to apply for them because we are, we are still on the hunt for some [00:12:00] fantastic primary teachers to bring into the fold as well.
Monique Miller: Before we continue the conversation and answer some of the questions our listeners have sent through Dale, what is making news this month?
Dale Atkinson:: Did you know, our website is full of new look year 7 to high school information for school staff, students, and families. Visit education.Sa.gov.au/7tohs for details on everything from enrolment to student benefits, country considerations and job opportunities for teachers as well.
Also on our website, schools can access a new suite of bullying prevention resources, including videos and printable guidance to address peer to peer bullying, the topics cover diversity, online safety and protective physical environments that reduce bullying incidents. Guidance is also available for parents and carers, which is useful to share with your wider community.
Uh, we'll put the link to those resources in our show notes.
Monique Miller: We're at Wirreanda Secondary School today, the school welcomed year 7s to high school last year with us, is [00:13:00] principal, Caroline Fishpool:, and year 7 teacher Natasha Paffett:. So in terms of curriculum, were there any areas of the curriculum that challenged the year 7s moving into high school?
Natasha Paffett:: I think in terms of the curriculum, I, I feel like they were you know, ready for what we've got to offer here. However, some schools and primary schools in the partnership might not necessarily have as much technological use or access to the technology. And so some of our students coming into a school where they're using technology more frequently, um, might be a little bit more challenged.
However they've quickly adapted. The students are now across all of our, we use Google documents and the drive and Google classroom. And they excelled in all of those areas. They pick it up very quickly.
Monique Miller: Have you noticed that there's been any difference between year 7s to year 8s starting high school?
Caroline Fishpool:: Yeah, I think like I talked about, I think, which has been a really nice addition, the year sevens are kids. One of the main observations I made really early on was year seven's being in the, you know, even when, out in the yard, when you go out there and they're playing chase and they want to interact with people on [00:14:00] yard duty, et cetera, meant that year 8s then started to go, okay, we can be kids as well. I think there's always been really big pressure in that year 8 age group, where they come through to us and there's pressure to be a high school student.
You're a young adult. And I think that shifted the year 7s where they are immature. There's a real rawness to them, which we really like. That's meant that the year 8s have gone yeah. We can be kids as well. In saying that they're much smaller. We said really early on compared to what we're used to and they need breaks within their learning and certainly we've been doing that as a school with some professional development around our long learning blocks.
Dale Atkinson:: So you actually need to think about how they're learning and their developing brains.
Monique Miller: Space for growth as well. Yeah. So it actually kind of leeways us into, um, Vanessa's question from Coromandel Valley primary school.
She has emailed us asking how play will be supported at high school. She says, she believes that play has often been reduced too early and that age appropriate playgrounds and equipment should promote challenge, activity, and [00:15:00] wellbeing for older age groups, she sees year 7, joining high school as a great opportunity to make it available for adolescents.
So to what extent can we promote play through high school?
Caroline Fishpool:: Well, that's a question that we could talk about for half a day isn't it? That's a great question. And that's certainly something that we can talk about because I don't disagree with components of that question. We, um, very early on had our year 8 interdisciplinary groups doing some research around that.
So one of the things we were talking about before we had the year 7s here is do they need play equipment? There's two sides to that part of that, we were hesitant to put in young base play equipment because they come into high school and they want that high school experience. But we also completely embraced the fact here that kids need movement and play time.
So our year 8 groups actually did some research a year and a half ago and pitched them to myself and some other panel members. So they actually went out into our primary schools and did research with 5s, 6s and 7s coming through about what would those students like to see? There are projects that are now going to be done.
And there was a whole mixture of kids [00:16:00] talking about, we don't actually want little kids play equipment, but we do want some equipment. So some of the things that the kids pitched were obviously the good old handball courts and they are going to be rolled out, um, there was certainly some um, equipment such as adult type swings, et cetera, including for wheelchair access, which is applicable here at our school.
And there were also some areas pitched in regards to nature areas where students can sit et cetera, and some kind of ninja type adult recreation equipment. So we are certainly going to continue to do some work on recreational spaces, but we've made a conscious decision not to put primary school type play equipment in because they're in high school.
And I think students are coming into year seven seeking out that high school experience.
Dale Atkinson:: You've had the year 7s for, for just over a year now. For both of you, what have you learned? Is there anything you'd do differently?
Caroline Fishpool:: I think one of the things that we also learned was not to forget about the year 8s, particularly in that double cohort move come in to next year. So as a school we've really embraced and tried to celebrate with them that [00:17:00] they were coming in as not the youngest cohort. Ever, you know, that's the first time that that had happened with a year 8 cohort. So we've really tried to celebrate that fact and with the year 8s coming in with the double cohort of next year.
Dale Atkinson:: Yes. There's a few rites of passage, things that you need to celebrate as well. Isn't it?
Caroline Fishpool:: Absolutely. I think I was worrying about budget allocations and strategically aligning visions, et cetera, and all the year 7s wanted to talk about was graduation and jumpers. Rightly so, because when we talk about rites of passage, that was what was important to them.
So, you know, that was, I think, a good adjustment for me at the start to make sure that I was not just focusing on those big pieces systems wise, but also the stuff that mattered to the students.
Natasha Paffett:: Coming from a primary background, I've seen year 7 students who've been eager to learn eager, to be stretched, very energised.
And I was worried that coming into a high school setting that would be dampened a little bit. However, that's not been the case. These, these students are still extremely eager to learn and be stretched. They've got a lot of energy movement's important within classes and lessons, and that's [00:18:00] been fantastic to see
Monique Miller: It's so great to hear that the transition has gone so well. And because I have been hearing from people who were a bit worried and a lot of the teachers from my school, you know, they're so little, they're not ready. And a lot of the kids are stressed as well. But is there any advice that you would give to teachers and leaders about the transition to year seven from seven to high school?
Caroline Fishpool:: Transitions are a really important area I think. Natasha and I were just chatting about this this morning. I think some schools do transition really well, it's one of those schools then, you know, transitions, not a new thing. So, you know, there's lots of discussion happening at the moment with the year 7s moving in about transition and so some schools will continue to do what they're doing in saying that there does need to be a really shared understanding across the primary site sthat feed into secondary sites. And obviously some schools have a lot of schools that feed into them, but that shared understanding of transition and what it actually looks like.
And I think one of the things we really embrace and model here is that transition is not just that term 4 transition days, it's ongoing. Um, and for us transition is year 5s and 6s as well before they get to us in [00:19:00] year 7.
Natasha Paffett:: Routine is key. When they're coming into a high school setting where there's a lot of changes and they've got different teachers, different subjects. Within your own subject I think it's really important to have some familiar routines because they've coming from such a routine based environment into the high school.
Dale Atkinson:: Is there anything that surprised you over the last 12 months, that's really knocked you back on your heels?
Caroline Fishpool:: I think how confident the year 7s are early on when we were trying to kind of gather some different information about what we needed to be prepared for that so it wasn't gonna catch us out. I think we probably didn't give the year 7s as much credit as we should have before they got to us about how resilient they are and how confident they are. As much as I talk about the, you know, them being kids and that rawness that we really love at this school with them coming into the community, that resilience and confidence we didn't probably give them enough credit until we got them and realised that that was the case.
Monique Miller: I can say, they're going to, they're going to smash it for all schools. They're ready. We can't finish our podcast without my favourite question. Uh, what do you love about your school? Natasha, do you want to start?
[00:20:00] Natasha Paffett:: Yeah. I love so many things about our school. Uh, one of the main things I love about our school is the passion of all of the teachers and the drive and the want for, to improve and success.
And that the focus is always around our students and how we can best support them. So I think that's fantastic. The other thing I really love about our school is the relationships that I have with so many of our students and we have some wonderful students. I think that really is what makes your day as a teacher to have those genuine connections.
Caroline Fishpool:: Yeah, I'll think I'm a bit biased, but I do love our school. Um, I think probably two of the things that I really love about the school is obviously community. Like we've talked about today and I think students and we're really proud to be a part of the Wirreanda Secondary School and Morphett Vale community in general.
Um, but also I think one of the things that that makes me really proud is that we're so future-focused and agile and we're constantly trying to with really clear purpose, get better at doing things. So, yeah, it's a fantastic school.
Natasha Paffett:: It is. It's an absolutely fantastic school.
Dale Atkinson:: It's so positive. And just what you said there [00:21:00] about being future-focused and agile, I think it really shines through, um, just your willingness to take on the challenge of, of having year 7 into high school. I think you guys have done an incredible job so far and, and listening to both of you, it makes me incredibly optimistic and positive about the transition next year. This is a huge thing for any education system to undertake and for any individual school to undertake. But, um, the way that you guys have gone about it and looking around here, the positive attitude and, and the great vibe in the, in the school is really just blows me away.
This is going to be a fantastic thing for you guys, a fantastic thing for the system. So that's great.
Natasha Paffett:: Primary school teachers give it a go. If you have any thought in your mind that you might want to come to high school, give it a go. It was a brilliant step for me.
Dale Atkinson:: Yeah, that's amazing. And that's, that's great to hear.
Thank you, Caroline. And also Natasha for joining us today. And we'll be back in just a few weeks time with another episode. See you soon.
The 黑料吃瓜n Aboriginal Secondary Training Academy (SAASTA) is supporting Aboriginal students to fulfil their potential in SACE and through a range of programs across sport, hospitality and STEM. We hear from some of the people coordinating SAASTA and building connections with schools and families. Plus, fresh off their Santos Aboriginal Power Cup win, we head to Para Hills High School to speak to one of their students about his SAASTA experience.
Tara Budarick You know, I'm an Aboriginal person. I'm Ngarrindjeri. So it's an opportunity for me to give back to community, but also learn more about myself and my identity as an Aboriginal person. And so when you get to go to work every day and you're working with community and you can see what students are getting out of the program, it's absolutely incredible.
Dale Atkinson: Teach. Hello and welcome back to Teach a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education,
Monique Miller: and I'm Monique Miller, primary school teacher at Westport Primary.
Dale Atkinson: Today, we're going to learn how Aboriginal students are fulfilling their potential in high school and beyond through a range of opportunities offered by the 黑料吃瓜n Aboriginal Secondary Training Academy or SAASTA. You may have heard of SAASTA before it provides Aboriginal high school students with a unique sporting and educational program.
Monique Miller: Fresh off their Santos Aboriginal Power Cup win, we've headed north to Para Hills High School, which [00:01:00] is on Kaurna land. We pay respects to Elders past and present. Just last month Para Hills High School made a clean sweep at the power cup, both their girls and boys football teams won. SAASTA students secured the curriculum excellence award, and one of their academy students Tamryn Walker won the award for best guernsey design.
Dale Atkinson: And it's a beauty. Uh, so there's lots to celebrate, with us today is Tara Budarick, the academy's specialist academy's coordinator and Nick Drury, SAASTA's school operations and VET coordinator.
Welcome guys. What is SAASTA?
Nick Drury: SAASTA is a senior secondary program. So it's a SACE based curriculum generally where students in 10 to 12 participate in what we call academies, uh, hosted in schools around 黑料吃瓜. It's a culture based education program. So we use sport and health and all kinds of other things from around community to engage the students, but at the core of it, it's a SACE curriculum that gets students learning about their cultural identity.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's interesting. Isn't it? Cause I mean, I think like from outside of the system, the thing that's really [00:02:00] visible is like the football team, the netball team and the power cup, but there's so much depth to it as a program. Can you sort of go through how the two elements of those sort of the sporting and the academic interact.
Nick Drury: I guess we sort of touched on it before in the introduction that anything we do such as the Aboriginal Power Cup Santos, Aboriginal power cup that we recently did, it's really grounded in the education component first. So students do weekly curriculum in their line structures or come to an academy to do the program.
And that's an Aboriginal studies curriculum or an integrated learning curriculum. So again, SACE grounded, but the students need to complete certain tasks in the build up to a visit from Port Adelaide Football Club or in the build up to a carnival so, it's really that reward based program where we're going to ask you to put a little bit of effort in, in the classroom and the reward is the sporting component all those, those really fun things that we get to see. We try and make it fun in the classroom too. But generally that's the reward at the end of the day is that if we do all of the appropriate things, get our attendance up, get the work done in the classroom. Then we're going to reward you with really cool experiences like the football carnival.
[00:03:00] Monique Miller: I was wondering how many schools are involved in SAASTA
Tara Budarick So we have, uh, over 60 schools that are involved. I guess we should talk about how SAASTA is actually made up and what our programs are. So the school-based academy here at Para Hills fits into one of the programs that we have, and that's our school-based academy, of which we have 22 across the state. So the APY lands have their own programs, but otherwise students across all the other areas of south Australia can access, uh, one of the 22 school-based academies that we have, and that's where our SAASTA head office staff provide curriculum support to schools to actually implement the program with their own staff and students.
Some of those academies, um, have students who come from schools in neighboring areas so that they can access the program and then we have our specialist academies. So we run 6 specialist academies at the moment where we deliver the programs and students apply and attend the out of school programs one day a week for the entire year.
Again, that's targeted towards students in years, 10, 11, and 12. Um, five of them [00:04:00] are sports-based so netball, basketball, soccer, men's and women's AFL. And then we have, um, STEM academy, which is obviously looking at science, technology, engineering, and maths, and it's a combination again of education and then the engagement with sports or, or the science component.
Dale Atkinson: So it's really, I mean, pointed toward helping kids complete their high school education and attain that SACE, isn't it?
Tara Budarick Absolutely. It is that very fine balance between curriculum and SACE or VET subjects and engagement to support people to our young people, to connect with culture, but also, you know, be really successful, in their education and, and SACE completion.
Dale Atkinson: Really interesting. And you sort of touched on this before we, we started the interview about some of the partnerships that have been formed with businesses outside of, uh, outside of school. So I guess like the VET pathways is really key for a lot of these kids in terms of being able to see what the opportunities are that exist beyond schooling.
Nick Drury: Yeah, definitely. So that's been a real growth process for us as well. So we started out in the VET space, really just doing the sport and recreation, which was a fantastic tool to engage, but also [00:05:00] teach some of those employability skills, transferable skills that can go across a lot of different sectors.
Then that sort of moved on to us then identifying that students wanted to look into those different pathways more and more. So diversifying our VET certificates to offer things like hospitality, construction, community services, maritime. So like really trying to diversify to make it more of an individual choice as to what you want to do. And then that's with the department's new policy that's sort of being implemented ready for next year. That's been another level of growth for our program to move towards to create what we've called the ACE program, Aboriginal Career Exploration. And that's really around starting at a year 10 level at getting students to understand what it is to be in the workplace.
So employability skills. Working really closely with the workabout team to try and embed some of that learning at an earlier age bracket, but also giving the kids a chance to work through some industry engagement activity. So they understand what it's like to be in different workplaces and start the conversations about where they [00:06:00] want to go.
Dale Atkinson: And what's the response been like from, from businesses out there?
Nick Drury: Oh, fantastic. People are jumping on board left, right and centre. So, I mean, it's, it's a building industry that people want diversity in the workplace and they're seeing not just that it's a ticket box anymore, that there's real value in having diversity in your workplace.
And I think we're sort of at the real ground roots of that, where, because we've got an access to such a variety of kids across the state, people are coming to us to say, well, how can we connect in so that we can really start that learning early, but then embed some young people into our businesses and our operations. They're going to stay with us for a long time.
Dale Atkinson: Really encouraging. Tara you sort of touched on this a little bit earlier about the diversity of opportunities across the entire state. Can you just talk a little bit more about the support for rural and remote students through the VET pathways?
Tara Budarick I feel like one of the key components of the program is connecting with the community that the students are living in.
So it's not just our amazing teachers within the schools that are pivotal to the program success. Um, it's about connecting with community organisations that are specific [00:07:00] to where the young people are living, but also, you know, the roles that Aboriginal people within the school, like our ACETOs play in, you know, connecting school life with home life and community life. And, um, really having that really holistic approach to making everything successful.
Monique Miller: And how does the Aboriginal studies module fit into that?
Nick Drury: In the school-based academies, if we look at that specifically, that's really the core subject that the students are doing. They will come in and there's four tasks that are part of a SACE subject at a stage one level.
So the students will essentially do three before the power cup. And then one of them will be based on some of the activities they do there and come back to participate back in their school. But all of those tasks are really wrapped around learning about Aboriginal history and learning, I guess, because we've got an all Aboriginal cohort, we get that real ability to learn a little bit more about culture and identity as well.
Bringing in Aboriginal people to deliver it is really central to that approach. So if the school don't have an Aboriginal teacher like a Tara that, you know, we can just place out the front straightaway, then they need to go out and they need to [00:08:00] engage with the community, engage with their ACETO and bring people in who have that relevant knowledge.
And get them to be delivering and co delivering in the classroom so that the students are learning about that sort of true history stuff, what their place in the community is and what positive role models have gone for them and use that moving forward. So that's really the core of the Aboriginal studies topic.
Dale Atkinson: But it's such a complete kind of package of, of educational options really, isn't it like, regardless of where the kids are, or like how engaged they are in various different paths of learning or what their interests lie, there's something that can really capture them.
Tara Budarick Yeah, I think when you see the students engaging in the program and they're in a room full of peers, um, who all have similar interests and experiences with education. It's really, really heartwarming to see students actually wanting to be engaged and you talk to primary school students and they, they know the SAASTA program and they aspire to be involved because they know that they can go into a program and experience success and just feel super connected to community and I guess the educational [00:09:00] process.
Dale Atkinson: Is that something you've experienced Monique with, with kids at your primary school?
Monique Miller: Oh, absolutely. Always looking for more opportunities and ways to connect with their culture. Yeah. So, so important. I was wanting to know a little bit more about the benefits of events, like power cup, which brings remote, rural and metro students together. And how does that benefit with peer to peer learning.
Nick Drury: It's really a community event at the end of the day, like the curriculum is obviously in the classroom and that's that real specific one-on-one sort of learning that they're going to do in the classroom with their peer group. And like Tara touched on before you've got cluster academy.
So you've got eight or nine schools coming together one day a week. So that's that sort of first touch point where they come together. And then from there, when an academy comes together with another 450 kids from completely across the state, that opportunity to come together and I guess, celebrate culture, celebrate their achievements.
And then football was just that, that real vessel, that across a lot of our communities in Australia that everybody's really heavily involved in. So it's just a really nice, [00:10:00] fun way to wrap it all together and get those experiences where they get to sort of talk about what they've been doing in their own schools and put it on show in front of everyone else.
So it's really important as that sort of hook to, you know, keep doing the work in the classroom. And then that's the really fun, engaging community experience that you gonna get to bring at the end of it.
Tara Budarick I think because their involvement in the SAASTA, um, power cup is not granted or given automatically is they have to earn their spot through, um, their attendance, engagement and work completion throughout the semester in the lead up.
So when they earn their spot and they know that they're actually going to be playing in the team, They're super excited. And it really is a whole community event where families come along and the community organizations find a way to link with students while they're there as well, 500 students and all family members coming out to celebrate and to support really is super amazing.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it sounds like an incredible event. And can I ask you about your highlights? And I think there are a couple of very obvious ones. For both of you, what are the highlights for you over the last 12 months? What are the things that you really [00:11:00] enjoyed about the program and being teachers?
Tara Budarick So for me, it's more specifically with the specialist academies or, or being involved in an Aboriginal organisation or an Aboriginal program.
Because when I grew up, I grew up in a, in a community that was quite isolated and we didn't have many opportunities to connect with culture. And so I grew up doing Aboriginal studies via open-access as a year 12 student. And so then when I went on to become a teacher, I have specifically worked in Aboriginal schools because, you know, I'm an Aboriginal person, I'm Ngarrindjeri. So it's an opportunity for me to give back to community, but also learn more about myself and my identity as an Aboriginal person. And so when you get to go to work every day and you're working with community and you can see what students are getting out of the program, it's absolutely incredible because I know myself as a student, I didn't have that opportunity.
Um, and I really, really believe, and we have the data to go along with it that the outcomes for our students are, you know, so much higher because of their involvement in these programs. They're going on to aspire to higher education and, and transition to [00:12:00] university and TAFE studies or employment. And we, you know, slowly working away at increasing the outcomes overall for our young people, which is incredibly exciting.
Nick Drury: How do you go after that. So I guess for me I've been in the program for a really long time. So I've seen a lot of the change points in the program. And one that I'm really proud to have been a part of in the last six months is the ACE program that we spoke about before, I think it's, it's really getting us to a point where we're making it student centred, it's really around what's your pathway? What do you want? So you might experience 15 workshops in all these different industry areas. They're the most boring things you've ever done, but when you walk into that one workshop for an hour or two, and you're just engaged from the minute you're in there, and this is just me and you see the eyes light up and the kids come away and have those anecdotal conversations.
That's just so powerful for me to, to have those chats and see the looks on their faces when they say. I never even thought this was a job. I didn't know you could do that. And now this is I'm desperate. I want to do this. Tell me more, give me more like that's my highlights is when you say the looks on the kids' [00:13:00] face for that, you know, you're getting it right and that we're helping them get what they want.
Monique Miller: That's so wonderful. It sounds like they're in good hands and they're getting the best experience and they have got the connections with their community and yeah, it's really, really wonderful. That's happening here.
Dale Atkinson: So awesome to hear. So Tara, Nick, thank you very much for your time.
Monique Miller: And here we have Timothy a senior student from Para Hills High. Tim, can you tell us a little bit about what you do with SAASTA?
Tim Tuikaba: Uh, yeah, sure. We're pretty much given a wide variety of like assignments and stuff, but personally, um, one of the assignments that we've done was a Indigenous health issue where you have to research it and respond to it. And so myself, I did like a podcast and a petition and also had the opportunity to speak to Steven Marshall himself.
It was at an award event, a multicultural award. I went out and spoke to him and got some information. That's kind of like an example of how we go in and engage with the community and connect with other people and, um, kind of step out of our comfort zone's a bit.
[00:14:00] Dale Atkinson: I saw the photograph of you with, the Premier and then a little bit of the background on that. So the health project that you were looking at there is essentially around, um, the lack of dialysis machines in APY lands. Is that right?
Tim Tuikaba: Yep. Yeah, that was it. Yeah.
Dale Atkinson: And so what were the, what were the findings of your studies?
Tim Tuikaba: So I found that there was a bit of work being done at Coober Pedy so it was about, I could be wrong on this last one, which that goes like, oh, $5,000 or something being raised. It probably could be more, but, um, there's still quite a bit of, um, lack in other areas such as, uh, like Leigh Creek and other rural areas.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. So it's a kind of a combination for you so you just sort of touched a bit earlier on the fact that you're an international Gridiron team. So obviously that's one element of the work you're doing alongside your studies. Can you talk a little bit about the sports element of what, what you're in involved in?
Tim Tuikaba: So I do you find SAASTA, I did play basketball for a little bit as well. So I did, um, I was a part of the specialist academy for basketball.
That was a very good experience as well. They provided these pathways where students could choose from so like sports, recreation. I'm really grateful that they provide all these opportunities [00:15:00] for us to choose from, and then you choose it and then they kind of tailored to what your interests are and how you want to learn.
Dale Atkinson: And so you're looking at potentially sort of health sciences yourself because you're in year 12 this year.
Tim Tuikaba: Yeah. Yeah. A bit of health sciences and sports. They've been really good at putting me in contact with people that helped me out with that. But a great example was Karnkanthi or Wirltu Yarlu at the University of Adelaide.
They've helped get me in contact with one of those guys.
Monique Miller: How long have you been part of SAASTA?
Tim Tuikaba: So I've been a part of SAASTA from year 10 until now. I do believe they're starting to implement a program called SAASTA connect. It's more of an entry into SAASTA.
Monique Miller: You can get those kids from younger years, kind of getting ready to get in. How have you found your experience overall?
Tim Tuikaba: Overall I've found my experience really well. Definitely going to miss it for when I leave, like reflecting on it, I'm really grateful for having all these opportunities to connect with my culture as well as to be surrounded by other Indigenous kids and people that share the same culture with me, it's really [00:16:00] empowering and really motivates me kind of to, you know, like learn more.
Connect more with the students, as well as like power cup itself. It's like really great to see that many other students in the same position as you to come together and play the sport. And it's just really empowering, you know?
Dale Atkinson: So, so what would your message be to, um, you know, other kids 12, 13, 14?
Tim Tuikaba: Looking to join SAASTA or.. Yeah, I'd definitely advocate for them to join SAASTA and give it a shot. It's really fun. You learn not only about yourself, but more about your community, other communities, how to really put yourself out there and apply for jobs. Just being more socialable as well. It's really good.
Monique Miller: What do you love about your school and SAASTA?
Tim Tuikaba: I really love that my school's like really cooperative with SAASTA. They understand that I'm going to be gone one day a week. They kind of tailor my not only education at school, but they take into account that I have other work from SAASTA and they're really like easy to blend the two together, so like equal efforts on both sides.
Monique Miller: Yeah,it seems like, you know, SAASTA is there to support your learning. So [00:17:00] therefore for them to be accommodating is super important.
Dale Atkinson: Thanks very much for your time, Tim, and appreciate you coming in. Thank you all for listening. We hope you've enjoyed today's podcast. Don't forget you can subscribe to Teach on Apple Podcasts or follow us on Spotify. If you're enjoying the podcast leave us a review. Uh, you can also head to our website at education.sa.gov.au/teach where you'll find our show notes.
Monique Miller: Catch you next time on Teach.
Dale Atkinson: Cya.
A conversation about the most effective strategies for using the phonics screening check results to drive literacy improvement and help students learn to read. Discover the training opportunities that are available to build your own skills.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome back to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education. It's been a little while as we've had a little kind of COVID related hiatus, which has prevented us from getting out to school. So we've slightly recalibrated the format.
We're talking to a few people from within the department, um, about some things that hopefully important to you and useful to you. Today, I'm in conversation with Claire Wood, who is the department's Manager of Literacy and Numeracy practice and we're talking about phonics. Now, the reason we're talking about phonics is that since 2018, we introduced a Phonics Screening Check in 黑料吃瓜 at Year 1 level. And we've done about 13 to 14,000 students per year for each of those last few years. The results have been pleasingly heading in the right direction, which Claire, you could probably take some credit and comfort in those [00:01:00] results as that's really good.
So phonics, let's talk a little bit about what it is. Now I am the father of a three-year-old daughter who has I think comfortably one of the most annoying educational toys imaginable, which was purchased for her by my mother, who is a teacher. And it is a soundboard, uh, with a number of noises, I think, designed to move her away from the Sesame Street style alphabet to perhaps a more sounds based program.
Now, presumably mum bought that for my daughter, for reasons beyond upsetting the tranquility of my domestic existence. What is the point of this thing? What is phonics? What are we trying to achieve with this?
Claire Wood: I think there are probably more annoying toys out there, but, and I think your mother probably did a really good job at choosing this toy.
Phonics is one of the six components of learning to read and to be a skilled reader you need all six of them and [00:02:00] oral language is the first one. So I'm sure you talk lots to your three-year-old and improve her oral language, then it's phonological awareness. Can they hear those sounds of languages are distinct you know distinctly.
Phonological awareness, I often describe it as that idea that, you know, when you're hearing somebody speak a different language you can kind of pick up the rhythm of that language without knowing where one word starts and ends. And of course we get we've improved children's phonological awareness as they go through kindy and school and they can actually distinguish the words from the, the sound.
And then phonics is the really important bit then. That we attach those sounds to letters because when you think about reading, what you're doing is you're just ciphering letters and letter strings from the book or the passage that you're reading and you're making it back into speech sounds. And so phonics is a really, really important part of learning to read, because if you don't know that those letters [00:03:00] represent a sound, you can't read. And so we called it a foundational skill. And of course, with phonic knowledge, you can lift the meaning off the page. So you can build your vocabulary. You can comprehend what you're reading and you can become more and more fluent because you can automatically read them.
Dale Atkinson: All right, with that in mind. What is the phonics screening check? What are we looking for?
Claire Wood: The phonics screening check we brought in three or four years ago. And, um, we brought it in because it's a really important screener, because if we're saying that phonics is a foundational skill and everything else really builds off and if you have phonics, you have freed up your brain space to learn lots of other things across the curriculum.
So when you think about how are children going with phonics. We usn't to be able to know. And so in 2018, we decided to do a trial on how our children are going with phonics. And we implemented the check to see, could we improve the learning for the children at [00:04:00] the level that they're at? So it does exactly what the name says.
You know, the phonics screening check screens children, for their ability to decode. That means read phonics in mind. So it's a very short check. It takes five to seven minutes it's done by the child's teacher. And the results are the most important thing, because what we want teachers to do is to act on the results that they get from the phonics screening check.
We have those, as you said, 20 real words. And you know, sometimes the children may have just memorised those words, they've heard them before and that doesn't really check their phonic knowledge. If it's just something that they memorise that word and they just say it, but the pseudo words or the nonsense words, you know, the non words that we have in the check, the 20 words, they really are purely checking their phonics.
And if you think about those pseudo words are really a great leveler because you don't have to have a huge vocabulary. You couldn't come from a literacy poor background, or you could have be a learner of English and everybody's on the same playing field because nobody's seen this word before and you're using your skills that you've learnt, the decoding skill, you've learnt [00:05:00] to read that word off the page.
Dale Atkinson: And so from that, the teacher gets an understanding. Gets a small set of data about that specific student. And what are they looking for in those numbers and how are they responding to what they see?
Claire Wood: Well, with teaching the Australian Curriculum, the students should be able to easily and comfortably read 28 out of 40 of those words and they possibly know more. And those that are struggling will know less. The first thing that you get is information about the pattern of your class. If you think about it that way, you've got a group of students who are probably fluent decoders, and they're the ones that are going really well. You've got a group of students that are developing decoders and so they're going at the pace that you've set for them, but you may have one or two that are struggling and they're the ones we're screening for. We're going to give them extra support if they need it. We want all children to be fluent decoders obviously. So that's the direction we want to head. So the teachers can have an opportunity to see the pattern of their class. And from that pattern, they can decide where the teaching needs to go.
Dale Atkinson: And what are the interventions that you're [00:06:00] looking at for those students who aren't quite at that standard that you would hope they would be?
Claire Wood: So the very first thing we ask teachers to look at is, is their teaching program, hitting the mark.
And we'd like them to think about what happens in their daily routine. Should they be doing more of something or should they be doing less of something? Or should they change something all together? We know that phonics is, is most effective when you do it frequently and often interleaved with other things, not just once a week or once every couple of days, but every day and maybe even more than once a day.
And so we often advise teachers to do more and we have a kind of a, a mantra that is don't teach until they get it right, teach until they can't get it wrong because we're looking for automaticity. We want to really free up brain space for children so that they can learn right across the curriculum.
Dale Atkinson: That's an incredibly powerful sentiment, I think, um, teach until they can't get it wrong. So what about for those students who, who are in that space where they can't get it wrong? Who are performing [00:07:00] really well. What's the, what are the interventions in terms of stretching them to go even better? What are we looking at?
Claire Wood: Yes. Some of the teachers have been very pleasantly surprised to see that their children can do more than the expectation of the Australian Curriculum, because once you get to a certain level of decoding, you're kind of self-teaching. So of those children can be stretched with a whole range of new reading. They can be given materials in their, what we call the zone of proximal development. So those kind of materials that will stretch them just a little bit more and keep them up with their learning, and we know that the phonics knowledge that you gain helps with your spelling and your writing. So all of those things can help with those children who are already doing well at decoding.
Dale Atkinson: Part of your work of you and your team has been to provide a lot of training to the Year 1 teachers and I think you've got about 1400 or so, who have gone through some level of training over the last few years, which is, uh, which is a really good achievement, but for those who are outside of that year 1 area. This is obviously still something that's incredibly important for students to learn. What's [00:08:00] available to teachers in other year levels?
Claire Wood: We have a whole series of best advice, papers for the big six and phonics being one there's a whole best advice paper on phonics, eh, it's also throughout all of our guidebooks. So it doesn't matter whether you're starting to build foundations or you're right up there at stretch. There's going to be something of that phonics in the guidebooks.
We have a whole series on plink. That's available for teachers of all levels and leaders as well to understand how phonics fits. So I would always say to people who are interested in this area, the first thing you should do is the plink course called literacy from the experts and Maryanne Wolf's particular uh, module is fantastic for, uh, giving you the idea of the neuroscience behind why we've chosen this direction. We know that the brain has to be rewired to learn, to read, and Maryanne is a very, very good presenter and she lead people through that understanding of why explicit teaching of phonics is [00:09:00] so important.
Dale Atkinson: That's awesome. And I would recommend that for everyone.
Claire Wood: I didn't even mention that of course we have two other plink courses directly for the phonics screening check as well. And as you already said for the year 1 teachers, we have those three differentiated courses. Those courses, although they are funded for year 1s we invite anyone who's interested to come to those courses.
And most of the leaders across the state have attended. We've also had, uh, teachers, uh, for reception and year two and a lot of high school literacy leaders who have had children coming through who clearly missed out on the stages of the phonics.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. So it can really be picked up in and is useful at, uh, at any level.
The final question is obviously risks, uh, moving into slightly culture wars areas, because phonics sometimes is something that is used as a, as a bat to beat the teaching profession with a little bit on some of the pages of the Australian and, uh, and other newspapers. Um, so what are the misconceptions that exist around phonics and the teaching of it?
Well, I'd like to say we don't [00:10:00] have them anymore. I mean, you know, honestly, we've moved so far away from those misconceptions here in 黑料吃瓜, and we've got, as you pointed out a thousand, I think it was 1,600 teachers every year, come to the phonics screening check, professional learning. And so that information has now disseminated across the state and we really have addressed all those misconceptions and teachers themselves can see the progress of the children.
And so they know that this is, um, it's just a furphy, it's just a distraction. Um, listening to anybody, learning to read or learning to do anything, first of all, can be, can sound laborious. You know, children sounding things out and then blending them together, can sound laborious. And during the training, we actually introduce our teachers to that feeling of learning a new code, you know, cause the alphabet is a code and you know the code so you can't unlearn reading once you know it. So we put them through a whole process of learning dingbats, you know, dingbats. So we [00:11:00] introduced them to a new code and we get them to learn it and it's quite funny to listen to them, very laboriously going, S ah, D sad. Sad. And they feel that challenge that the children feel, but they also feel the satisfaction of getting it right.
And I actually did that myself and that's, you know, that's the beauty of phonics. The children get very independent very quickly. And so a lot of those old ideas that phonics is slow and laboured they go out the window once people understand what it's doing for your brain, it's rewiring it and helping you to read better.
Dale Atkinson: And that reward that comes through for those kids and for the teachers, it sounds amazing
Claire Wood: Yeah. That's good. That's good.
Dale Atkinson: Well, that's fantastic. And thank you so much for your, for your time today. Um, we'll put the link to the resources, including the phonics screening check explainer documents, uh, and those plink phonics courses up in the show notes.
Thanks to everyone for listening and thank you Claire very much for your time. That was amazing.
Claire Wood: Thank you.
How can you and your school get the most out of your school improvement plan? Developing the explicit teaching of writing is a big focus in Linden Park Primary School鈥檚 school improvement plan. Find out how they鈥檝e worked through their plan, using resources like the literacy guidebooks, and analysing data to get the best outcomes for their students.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome back to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education,
Monique Miller: and I'm Monique Miller, primary school teacher at Westport primary school.
Dale Atkinson: This week, we've launched new and improved school and preschool improvement resources to use in your planning for 2022, they include refined school improvement, planning, handbooks, and templates.
Minor updates to the preschool quality improvement planning template, new scope and sequence resources, and units of work, digital literacy and numeracy guidebooks and better access to data for every teacher. These resources can support your curriculum planning.
Monique Miller: To find out how you can use the resources available to you. We're at Linden Park primary school in Adelaide's east, where they've put a big focus on improving writing.
Dale Atkinson: Deb O'Neill is the principal of Linden Park primary school. And Kane Watkins is a year seven teacher here. Welcome to you both. [00:01:00] Thank you. Thank you. So, uh, first of all, I mean, look, I'm going to start with a lazy assumption about Linden Park primary school located in the eastern suburbs, that it's got a big group of affluent kids. This is going to be an easy place to teach, but that's not the case is it? You have quite a diverse backgrounds of students. Could you tell us a bit about your school and your school community?
Deb O'Neill: So we are a very, very large primary school, the largest primary school in the state. We have over 960 students from reception to year seven.
We have over 70 different cultures represented and our English as an Additional Language and Dialect is, is up around the 70% mark. So we are very diverse. We do have a lot of students who have extremely high expectations and families that have extremely high expectations of their students, but also of the school. So it can be quite complex.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. So we're not talking about a simple process of, of teaching, writing to a group of kids who are receptive and ready to rumble. Why was writing an area that your school decided [00:02:00] to focus on for improvement?
Deb O'Neill: When we looked at our data and analysed our data, we found that our students were scoring in higher bands consistently in numeracy and reading yet the same students were not scoring as much in higher bands in writing.
And it was actually going up and down depending on the year. And so when we looked at our NAPLAN data, and then we examined our PAT data, we identified that there were some gaps in writing. And those gaps we put down to basically, um, teaching. And so what we decided to do then was to improve and to work on our quality of teaching that we provided in writing for our students.
Dale Atkinson: And you have brought along your school improvement plan which is obviously the key tool that you're using within this process. Can you talk a little bit about your approach with it and how you've set it and how you're using that moving forward.
Deb O'Neill: So our school improvement plan is quite detailed and we use it as a roadmap for us. So we have a lot of staff engagement and buy-in [00:03:00] with the plan. Um, staff are instrumental in identifying what areas we need to focus on and then they're recorded in the site improvement plan. Staff are then are involved in reviewing that and doing constant checking and monitoring as to how we are travelling and refining the plan. If, if things aren't going quite well or things need changing, we refine the plan.
Dale Atkinson: What does that process of refinement look like? Cause I think as we're talking here, Monique's kind of nodding her head, which is obviously an experience that you have had yourself. So what does that process of refining and working with the teaching staff look like?
Deb O'Neill: Once we identify our priority areas. So for example, writing, we look at what resources we need to deliver that. And so one of our major tools, which I know Kane can talk about in a minute is around using the Brightpath assessment process. And also something we engaged in with our whole staff was a program called Writing Plus, which was a partnership initiative around the teaching [00:04:00] of grammar, functional and traditional grammar to our teachers.
So that those teachers actually knew the aspects of writing that we needed to teach. When we do our Brightpath assessment, we also do an analysis of which aspects of writing are going well. Um, from looking at the student work and which aspects of writing, we need more input and more staff training. And then we engage in another training cycle.
Staff are involved in keeping track of the plan. So they, they look at the targets, they look at the success criteria in their learning teams, and then they give themselves a score, whether they're on track or it needs attention or whether it's not on track at all. And then we start developing some programs and plans to achieve that criteria.
Monique Miller: Kane I'd love to hear how you're involved in that process?
Kane Watkins: Sure. So specifically with writing, basically all staff are provided with adequate training to try and upskill them so that they're better able to actually teach explicitly the curriculum. So the writing plus training and development that Deb spoke about was [00:05:00] one of those training and development that we all undertook.
And there's a strong focus there on functional grammar, which better enables you to actually direct student learning to key areas that are needing development. We also, we've done smarter spelling training as well, which is about the teaching of synthetic phonics as part of your language curriculum and the Brightpath assessment and writing tool as well. That plays a huge part of, I think, of our success in terms of just delivering the curriculum.
Monique Miller: And so important for the whole school to be on board, taking that same training and implementing it across from reception to year seven.
Kane Watkins: Yeah it just ensures continuity of learning across the site. But also I think it allows you or enables you to have those professional conversations and dialogues with colleagues that are really what, that, that that's sort of the foundation of what moves learning forward.
Deb O'Neill: So we engage in moderation in our year level teams. So all the year seven teachers would get together and look at different assessments, samples and do a, I guess, a cold score. [00:06:00] And then they discuss it and do some moderation, but we've also done moderation vertically, teachers from reception to year seven, each bring a sample of writing that they would consider a medium sample and then they share it amongst each other and they look at the aspects. And so there's a lot of that vertical as well as horizontal moderation. So we are all on the same page in relation to our Brightpath assessment.
Kane Watkins:Those conversations are really key. I think it keeps everybody on track and make sure that we're, we're all working towards the same goal. It also just makes sure that we're constantly checking in with the site improvement plan for making sure that what we're doing is true to purpose.
Dale Atkinson: And what sort of frequency are you looking at for those sorts of activities?
Kane Watkins:So the Brightpath moderation side of things, we do that in term one and term three, and that's hugely valuable. Term one more as a formative assessment tool. Um, term three, you can almost draw out some summative assessment as well in that, but those conversations are happening in the moderation process.
They're really what empowers us [00:07:00] to pass relevant and timely feedback onto the kids that we're working with. And it also enables us to have those conversations with the students when we get them looking at their own writing and using that same assessment tool.
Monique Miller: And you would use that to set goals and things they're writing, using those teaching points from the Brightpath
Kane Watkins:Absolutely so, um, the process typically is we'll actually as, as staff within our year level teams ,we will um, once the kids have sat the Brightpath reading assessment, we'll get together, then the school actually provides support for that as well. So we're released to do this, which is really valuable. We sit together and we'll actually cold score each of those writing assessments for all the students in our classes, we'll often have those conversations, collegial conversations around justifying why you gave the score that you did, um, which is hugely valuable as well, because it really gets you to think about what am I looking at here and, and on, on, um, on balanced view.
Exactly. Thank you. So once that process is done, we go back to the students. We get them to use the same assessment tool that [00:08:00] we use in Brightpath to assess their own work. And we do that without actually telling them what we've scored their paper at. And then we give them our score and them to have a look and compare.
And does the score match up, if it does match up that's fantastic. If it doesn't, why doesn't it match up? So just developing that metacognition around why have I got the score I've got, if I'm looking at what's the next step for my writing, I should be able to look at what's in my writing and the assessment criteria, and then identify this is what I'm doing now. This is what I need to do to move forward. So just trying to build student agency into the learning.
Monique Miller: Fantastic.
Dale Atkinson: As we record this, we're towards the latter half of the third term. So we've just had the NAPLAN data come back. We've just finished the phonics check for the year ones.
How's the data and information from those sources being used to kind of inform the broader practice across this area?
Deb O'Neill: Within our writing action in our site improvement plan. We've also had a strong emphasis on phonemic awareness and the teaching of phonics in [00:09:00] the junior primary, and also the teaching of spelling from reception to year seven.
So we've engaged with a whole school approach to spelling as well as, um, a junior primary phonics assessment. So our data so far has seen a huge increase in our achievement of phonics, where we have the majority of our students scoring well above benchmark in phonics. So scoring in 37, 38 39 achievement.
We also have seen a huge increase in our NAPLAN higher bands, achievement across years, three, five, and seven. I think a really important aspect of our plan and our planning processes that it is not a stagnant plan. It doesn't sit in my office. For example, the smart spelling we identified last year, that our spelling achievement wasn't great across the school.
So we really put a lot of effort and time. And as Kane mentioned, a lot of resourcing into skilling up our teachers in that area. We are seeing the results in [00:10:00] our NAPLAN achievement for 2021 with an increase from years, three, five, and seven, and also a higher band retention. In fact, a growth from years five to seven in higher band.
Dale Atkinson: I mean, that's so encouraging and motivating in many respects, isn't it. To be able to see the numbers. Reflecting the hard work.
Deb O'Neill: And it's also a really good point of celebration because our teachers engage with our plan. We're all on the same track. We all know what our goals are and what our achievement is. We now can go to staff and say, wow, look at what we've done. You know, this is amazing. And the students, as Kane said, the students are involved in assessing and evaluating their own achievement and setting their next steps in learning.
Monique Miller: You've already been looking at NAPLAN data, and I believe you're having regular check-ins and getting feedback as teachers about where to next. And what are your next goals?
Deb O'Neill: So we've [00:11:00] done an analysis of the aspects of writing from NAPLAN and identified that our spelling has increased, we still need a little bit of work on our cohesion. So that then is going to be the next step for us to analyse the different aspects of the writing data that we've got and develop some plans around, okay, is that, is that across the board? Is that a consistent area for development and is it reflected also in our Brightpath assessment? So we don't just look at one data source. We look at a few data sources and then say, well, what do we need to do as a school to move that on.
Kane Watkins:I would potentially just add to that as well, that where the NAPLAN is more sort of a, I think we use it more as a sort of a summative assessment tool. Um, and that's really what have we done really well. And now what are the areas that we need to sort of look to, um, improving the Brightpath tool is, um, probably more a formative assessment tool and that's ongoing. And that actually informs the pedagogy that's going on in the classroom as well, highly [00:12:00] individualised for each student which is fantastic.
Monique Miller: Have you been using any of the literacy guidebooks to support with your...
Kane Watkins:Yes. So I can talk to that a little bit as well. So our reading program in year seven, and I know it's used across the site as well, we've taken a lot of the pedagogy that's actually explored in the literacy guidebooks and applied that to the day-to-day interactions in the classroom.
So an example of that would be in reading. We have started using book club circles where there's again, high level of student agency, student led discussion. And the teacher really is sort of a facilitator in that group. Those conversations that the students are having between one another is another form of formative assessment where, um, you're able to sort of check in and see where are the understandings relative to this particular text and what can I do next to move this learning forward? What are some questions I could potentially ask to prompt student thinking a little bit further?
Deb O'Neill: Our teachers in the early years use the literacy [00:13:00] and numeracy continuum and to make that explicit with the children to change it into students speak, but to use it as I guess, setting goals.
So bump it up walls in a sense, but also for students to actually see the progression of their learning as they go. With the literacy and numeracy guidebooks we also use um, the high impact teaching strategies and so really important aspects of formative assessment. Uh, differentiation we've looked at at a whole site. So how do we challenge and stretch every learner at our school is I guess a little bit of our mantra.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, I guess the flexibility that sits within those resources to kind of take them off the shelf and plug aspects of them depending on the nature of issues that you're trying to deal with at a local level is reasonably useful too.
Kane Watkins:Absolutely. Yeah.
Dale Atkinson: So you've had a school improvement plan in place, Deb, since 2019. What would you say you've learnt and how's it evolving? What are, what are you planning to [00:14:00] do differently into the future?
Deb O'Neill: What I've learnt about improvement planning is that it needs to be really detailed. It needs to be student focused. So the success criteria needs to be what we would see students doing and that, that is developed and written by teachers. So in our next plan, we start with what our success criteria would look like. And then we work backwards from that. So, um, what we would see students doing, doing so therefore, what actions do we need to do based on analysing our current data to make that into a reality.
So we're just about to start our improvement planning process for the next three years. We've done a whole school reflection on our plan. We've identified some areas that we need further investigation in. One of them is numeracy, for example, in the early years. And so then we'll start working on how are we going to achieve that? What resources do we need to put in place? What training do we need for [00:15:00] teachers? And also how we share that with our community.
Monique Miller: Do you have any advice for teachers, schools and leaders when approaching their school improvement plan?
Kane Watkins:Yep. It needs to be a whole-school approach. So you need to work as, as a whole school community, but you need those professional conversations happening at sort of the grassroots level between teachers, but also with students.
I think that it sort of needs to be a cultural shift towards working together as a team and breaking down traditional barriers of working in isolation from one another. Not that that's here, but, um, If I were to give advice to any school, it would be that just embrace working as part of a team and, and, you know, sharing your ideas.
Deb O'Neill: I think any planning needs to be really refined and it needs to be simple. Like it doesn't need to include every single thing you do. You actually need to choose a couple of actions and do them well. And you'll see the spinoff. And then the continual looking at that, refining it, adding new things as it [00:16:00] progresses, um, is important.
So. Writing our plan when we wrote it in 2019, looks very different to our plan now. Our challenge of practice is still the same. However, our actions have actually become quite refined and quite targeted that way we can celebrate, because we actually know that we've achieved what we set out to do.
Dale Atkinson: It's been a great discussion and I think the thing that's really coming through for me is the focus around the planning that sits across sort of a cascade from, from a whole of site-based, um, kind of thing to a year level to individual classrooms and then laterally up and down. And it, it seems to be something that you've managed to get the whole kind of teaching community to buy into and the leadership to buy into.
And it's, um, it's really impressive.
Kane Watkins:It's a cultural thing.
Deb O'Neill: And what I'd like to see is us involving the students more in that. So bringing them to the table in the planning process and having them identify aspects of learning that we need [00:17:00] to improve on as a site and understanding what we're doing and why we're doing it. So that is our, I think our next step.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. So the journey continues.
Deb O'Neill: Yeah, absolutely, never stops.
Dale Atkinson: That's great. Um, thank you very much to Deb and Kane for your time today and for letting us see your wonderful school. So keep it up, I think is the message. It sounds really encouraging. Um, so thanks for your time.
Deb O'Neill: Thank you very much. It was a pleasure.
Dale Atkinson: As we know from the last couple of years, September is school improvement month at the Department for Education. Our intranet EDi has a lot of helpful resources and they've been built because we've gone into classrooms across the state to show you how school improvement is being rolled out in schools from Barmera to Eudunda, there's planning, handbooks, and templates, literacy, and numeracy guidebooks, and tips on how to use the improvement dashboard and achievement profiles.
Discover how we're making it easier for students to find a career they'll love using the new Student Pathways website. It links young people with industry and has a CV builder that's like LinkedIn for students.
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome back to Teach a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from 黑料吃瓜's Department for Education today, we're in the state's Innovation Hub at Lot Fourteen, where a few hundred students from around 20 schools are learning more about career options in the defence space and cyber industries.
We've just launched the department's new student pathways website, which is a key piece of the puzzle in terms of raising the visibility of vocational pathways for our students and helping them to plot their way toward a career that matches their passions. Joining me today to talk about that website and the department's refreshed approach to vocational education is executive director for student pathways and careers, Clare Feszczak, and alongside her is a man who wears a lot of hats.
But in this instance joins us in his capacity as a member of the 黑料吃瓜n Skills commission, Dino Rossi. Welcome to you both.
Dino Rossi: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: So, first of all, the last 18 months for the Department for Education, we've delivered a fairly [00:01:00] significant change in our approach to vocational education and training. Clare, give us the elevator pitch on what you and the team have put in place and the motivation behind it.
Clare Feszczak: Yeah, 黑料吃瓜 is taking a nation leading approach into pathways, career education, and motivating students to think about careers post school. So the last 18 months to two years, we've been working on the VET for school students, policy reforming VET within schools. So it's the highest quality it's actually aligned to industry need.
And it creates a pathway that students can start within school and then complete post-school and get into their career sooner. As part of that, it's been the development of the website, which you've mentioned Dale has been launched today, and we've been very excited about the website. The website really gives students an idea of all the possibilities and helps them to understand the world of work and understand what it means to actually have a [00:02:00] job in certain industries and what's required to actually prepare for work post school.
Dale Atkinson: One of the key things that stands out for me, and as a guy in his early forties, was that for us careers education and the understanding of where vocational education and training could take you was extremely limited.
My career's exposure was probably, um, you know, a couple of half-hour sessions with a bloke who was normally the geography teacher. And you talked a little bit about I don't know there was a, there was a tick box on some things that you might be interested in further on, and then they gave you some subject options and that was pretty much it. You were left to your own devices. So this is really about recalibrating, a lot of that and giving students a lot more agency in making their decisions. Isn't it?
Clare Feszczak: Certainly is. Yeah. So this is about, um, really inspiring students to think about their interests and what their passions are. It's certainly not about locking in students to a particular career. We know that students will have multiple jobs, multiple careers, multiple industries. So it's [00:03:00] really about them understanding what they enjoy, what industries they might be interested in and then exploring those opportunities as much as possible through career events or through tours of different industries or through work experience or even volunteering.
And the research shows that the sooner students do that and get involved in those kind of things, the more informed they are so better informed to understand what the options are. And I think one of the challenges today is that there's so many options available. You know, we, we live with that. You can be anything, you can do anything. And in many ways, that actually is quite overwhelming for young people. So by giving young people, the agency and the opportunities, making it easy for them to explore all these options, it helps them to hone in on what they're really interested in.
Dale Atkinson: An interesting thing, I think is that the website effectively is a product that's flown on from an awful lot of other work around essentially linking those [00:04:00] vocational pathways with the areas of study. Um, and the areas of training that we know will, will get them into jobs or get them into careers where there are job opportunities.
Clare Feszczak: Yeah. So vocational education and training is a great way to actually learn technical skills. That industry value. Vocational education and training in schools gives students the opportunity to start that workplace training as early as possible. We know that vocational education and training is designed by industry for industry. It creates a real feel of what it's like to actually work in the job and what we've done with the development of flexible industry pathways, as part of this reform, we've worked with industry to say, okay, what is the vocational education training?
What are the the skills, what are the industry certificates that young students in school need to actually enter into your industry? So the flexible industry pathways, as part of the VET reform really provide that pathway [00:05:00] to areas where we know there's jobs and we know that industry actually value students coming in through that route.
So it's actually quite a significant change in the way that VET's delivered in schools in the past. It's a pathway that industry endorsed that leads to jobs in 黑料吃瓜. And the important thing with this reform as well is we actually want to keep 黑料吃瓜ns in 黑料吃瓜 for young people to see that there are opportunities and how to get to these job opportunities is really important to us.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. That might be an opportunity to bring Dino Rossi in on this conversation a little bit, because I guess in your role with the SA Skills Commission and externally, as I mentioned earlier, you wear a lot of hats. Tell us a little bit about your background and what you do, and a little bit about how that's helped Clare and her team to, to shape the conversation around developing those tips.
Dino Rossi: Yeah, sure. So first a little bit of my background. So I did come through a trade. I finished year 12 and took the pathway to do a trade. I'm an instrumentation tradesman. And very, very proud of it. As I mentioned to someone today, I still pay for my, for my license, [00:06:00] even though I don't practice it and haven't done for many, many years, but subsequent to that, um, yeah, then I, uh, continued training, ended up doing a Diploma of Information Technology at TAFE, um, have worked in the IT industry pretty much my entire career, and then subsequently went on and did higher education in business management training as well as, um, some research as well.
So, um, you know, my career very much started as, as being an apprentice and then growing through that apprenticeship, looking at further opportunities and where that apprenticeship could take me and what the skills offered. And now I find myself enjoying a variety of different roles, mainly focused around industry partnership.
My role today on the commission I'm chair of the industry skills council on the commission, which covers technology, cybersecurity, creative industries, and business. And my role is to inform and bring together industry and to inform industry of what the various options are available for them to be able to secure new, emerging talent and to work with the department. and work with Clare and her team on how we can [00:07:00] create those opportunities for students and not just students, but also for their advisors. And when I talk about that, I'm thinking of parents I'm thinking of career advisors, I'm thinking of their peers. I'm thinking of teachers and helping inform them of what these options are because often they simply don't know.
You talked before about some of the challenges that vocational training has had. So let's just say over the last 20 years. And that hasn't just been from the perspective of students as Clare shared, it's also being from the perspective of industry. Industry has lost contact in some ways there's a lot of industries out there that don't clearly understand the opportunities for them in partnering with vocational training to secure the next emerging talent that can be used for their industries.
Dale Atkinson: And it's a, it's such an important role. So we're at Lot Fourteen today. And I think the listeners will be able to hear a fair bit of work going on in the background and construction work and the important thing about Lot Fourteen is it is an innovation hub. It is a space where, you know, new careers are being created new [00:08:00] industries are being created. How important is it in a workforce and employment environment where you know, there are so many emerging jobs that there are so many changes in workforce need that we are linking up the schools with the industry, with the education and research institutions. How important is that?
Dino Rossi: It's unbelievably critical. If I, if I lift this up to start with and talk about 黑料吃瓜, firstly, it's an exciting time. It is really exciting. So you mentioned Lot Fourteen there's also the Tonsley district. There's also Mawson Lakes. We've got the defence sector really starting to emerge really strongly. We've got space emerging. We are attracting a lot of international organisations right now into Lot Fourteen and they are excited to be here. That means talent. We need to continue to grow our talent pool ensuring that all of our educational institutions from vocational training to university research institutions are tightly linked with industry, industry informs the education institutions or what it needs out of emerging talent.
[00:09:00] Um, so that linkage is unbelievably critical. The other piece to that, that I would add as well. It's also incumbent on industry to do that. Um, so if industry is looking at needs talent, it can't just simply point a finger over at an education institution and say, oh, you're not giving me the talent. I want. Now's the time to engage with them, which is what we're doing to ensure that, I use the term a lot, but this emerging talent that's coming out has opportunities. And doesn't, you know, doesn't meet the needs of industry.
Dale Atkinson: I guess that's one of the key functions of the website, Clare is really essentially acting as a shop window for students, but also there's a need for the industry to bid into that isn't there, that they have a role in terms of making themselves visible and available to kids.
Clare Feszczak: Yeah, that's right. The, the opportunity with the website is, as you say, Dale is for the students, but also for industry employers too. And we hear all the time that industry and employers do want to connect with schools, but actually don't know how to, and the website, gives a means of, uh, industry and employees actually posting opportunities and being been able [00:10:00] to contact over 500 different schools in the state and promote those either jobs or even industry-based projects that students could pick up as part of the curriculum and part of their timetable.
So the website certainly is aimed at students and families but also industry and employers, and there's an industry employers section on that website, which we are heavily promoting with, with employers to actually have a look, see what you can do and then post your opportunities.
Dale Atkinson: Let's talk a little bit about the additional functionality that sits in that website because it's really been built with students in mind to make them able to see the opportunities that are available, but also to record some of their experiences and to be able to create a portfolio of skills and activities that they can then use as they transition into work.
Can you tell us a bit about those?
Clare Feszczak: So the website is the first for, for 黑料吃瓜, and I think it's probably a, um, a world leader in terms of bringing different components together. The website has a [00:11:00] couple of places where students can actually register. The first is the world of work challenge and this is a self initiated student part of the website, where they can actually go and discover different experiences and log the hours that they've been involved in those experiences.
When a student reaches a hundred hours, they actually gain a certificate. That certificate then is verified by their teacher in their school or the career advisor in the school. And that contributes to a profile for the student that then when they do apply for jobs, they've got a certificate of experience, which gives them some credibility with future employers. The world of work certificate also automatically goes into a, a CV builder which is on the website. Another area of the website that's specifically designed for students and the CV builder is a template for building a CV. The CV builder is, has been designed in line with [00:12:00] LinkedIn. So we all have an LinkedIn profile, we're familiar with that technology. The CV builder is LinkedIn for school students without the social media and the connectivity. It's a safe place for students to actually think about what a CV looks like and start to build their CV and use their experiences that they've gained through the world of work challenge to populate the CV, the CV then can be downloaded and it can be customized and it can be sent off to employ.
Dale Atkinson: It's a really active and living thing. And I know it's going to develop over the coming years as the industry gets more involved in terms of ah posting things up and as, as the kids start to engage with the world of work challenge and other things like that. So it's a, it's a really powerful tool, uh, in that regard. So I think it's great. So I guess, uh, the question I have for both of you and I'll ask you separately is. Where next for, for the VET team, where next for the way that industry and the sectors engage with, with education, Clare I might start with you.
Clare Feszczak: So this is just the start, so we're very [00:13:00] excited to have the website and to be launching Flexible Industry Pathways for 2022, but really it's the start of bigger, bigger things. What we are aiming for is every student has a career plan with multiple pathway options. Career plan is developed with the student based on all their experiences, based on the discovery and the use of the website and their world of work challenge and, um, students are then setting themselves up for something post-school, which is meaningful for them.
So at this stage, the focus has been very much on VET and the flexible industry pathways, we'd see those expanding to be much more than just what they are now. So 2022 is an exciting year, but it's the starting year for this work. I think 黑料吃瓜n students deserve this. They deserve the best opportunities possible. And 黑料吃瓜 as a state deserves it too.
Dale Atkinson: And Dino where do you think we should be in five years from now?
Dino Rossi: Where we should be in five [00:14:00] years, um, where we should be, is having for me personally, right, and I think for my industry skills council, and my perspective is number one, have a really wonderful and exciting high-tech industry sector in this state. And we're sitting in the middle of it now and seeing that continue to grow and succeed. Number one. Number two, for our industries to provide really good and clear pathways and opportunities, right. For our emerging talent because that is the future of our state and expand on, I suppose it affects what industry pathways with actually flexible what I would simply call career pathways options.
When we talk about things like apprentices, when we talk about traineeships and these kinds of things, there's often a fixed perspective of what that looks like. Our work on the commission at the moment is challenging that. The new Act under the 黑料吃瓜n Skills Commission gives us a lot more flexibility. So when we start talking about things like dual traineeships, dual apprenticeships, hire apprenticeships, you [00:15:00] know, the notion of what an apprenticeship or a traineeship was or currently is and what it could be in the future. We're looking to challenge that because we think there isn't just one pathway for children, students to enter the, uh, the workforce. And there's not just one pathway for industry to engage in that. So we want to be able to provide flexible options for industry and flexible options for students that ultimately give us a really, really good base of talent in our state to support, for example, the emerging industries that are, that are growing so rapidly.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. And I think, um, you know, one of the great things about being here today at the defence space and cyber expo is you can see so many parts of the puzzle together. You've got education, you've got sort of industry sectors. You've got people from the skills council, you've got politicians, teachers, educators, right across the spectrum.
And there's absolutely no shortage of passionate enthusiasm and, and interest in [00:16:00] making this work. And I think, um, one of the really great things within the framework, and the FIPS and the website and the work that you guys are doing together is we're really moving forward in a really exciting and, um, and great way. So I think we're going to be in a great spot in five years and even better as we move forward. So Dino and Clare thank you very much for your time.
Dino Rossi: Thank you.
Clare Feszczak: Thank you.
Hear all about the new Country Education Strategy and the plan to ensure our students in regional 黑料吃瓜 can achieve their best.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome back to Teach the podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education and today we're talking about education in the country with a man who's spent a fair bit of the last 12 months touring our regions to develop our first ever country education strategy, that man is Luke Fraser, the director of Government Relations and Policy. Welcome to you Luke.
Luke Fraser: Thanks for having me.
Dale Atkinson: Can you explain why it is that we are now looking at doing a country education strategy?
Luke Fraser: I think for us, we've got a bold vision at the moment we're getting after world-class, but we know that depending on the settings and depending on where you are and what's going on, there needs a specific focus.
So, so we know that even in the country, when we say countrywe've got isolated schools, we've got regional hubs. There's a lot of different nuances to what happens in the country and so what we've decided is that we need a point of view on, on, [00:01:00] on how to support, um, the particular challenges, the particular opportunities that occur in the country when it comes to teaching and, and education and care. So we've kind of gotten after that and we want to make sure that we've got a particular focus to our strategic direction in the country.
Dale Atkinson: One of the major parts of developing this strategy was going out and meeting with the principals, meeting with teachers out in country areas, talking to governing councils and other representative from the regions. And what were they telling you about the pinch points for them specifically as a country or a regional school?
Luke Fraser: I think the interesting thing is all of the perspectives are different. So we spent time in the far west, we spent time in the, in the sort of mid north places like Lower Eyre Peninsula, regional hubs, like Mount Gambier, but also the Riverland and Southeast and so forth. And so it's good to take those different perspectives because the regions are different. But when you start to break down the differences in perspectives, students told us a lot about three things, continue to resonate every time. And that was the wellbeing of their peers um, particularly they're really hot [00:02:00] on the career opportunities that they can or can't see.
And then the, the subjects that they love to learn, particularly as they're going through SACE and starting to decide about their future. When you talk to leaders, it was, you know, there was heavy emphasis on workforce challenges and so forth. And, and that seemed to resonate through our Aboriginal support staff as well.
And then parents talked to us about kind of different stuff, like, like ICT enablers and how do they connect with their schools digitally. So the perspective really matter when you're doing a piece of work like this, because they are all different.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. So the, the individual issues at a site level are unique, but there is some sort of key themes that kind of came out through the research work. And I'm just going to go through the three main goals that you've identified in the strategy, which are, um, number one, quality leadership and expert teaching in every country, school and preschool. Number two is better access to digital infrastructure, student support services and business admin systems for country schools and preschools.
And number three is access to quality learning and career study and training [00:03:00] opportunities for country, kids and young people. So we might go through those just, um, just one at a time and, and have a look at, um, how are we going to address those. Issues that have been identified out there. So the first one around quality leadership and expert teaching in every country, school and preschool, what's going to be the approach in terms of helping to support that out in that regions?
Luke Fraser: One of the first things that we saw as a big opportunity is really strengthening the, kind of what we call the sort of pipeline of, of teachers that come into school. So we know that a lot of teachers get their first start, you know, in country regions, but there's a lot of work that can be done to strengthen that.
So. So we're going to be as part of this strategy, we're going to be working with the universities in particular, to make sure that when teachers, uh, are in training with the universities that they're getting to do practicums that are for the right period of time so that they can immerse themselves in the country.
We'll also be reducing barriers. So we know that some of our best and brightest teachers that are studying. They might not, um, take up practicums in the [00:04:00] country because let's say they're working at IGA on the weekends. And actually it's, it's a cost burden for them to come and do that work for a decent chunk of time.
So we're going to be funding a lot of those barriers that exists to make sure that when they're making a decision about coming to the country, it can be one that's based on a good experience in a decent chunk of time out there. And they can make that decision either way. But when they do make a choice, when they're thinking, 'Yep, I think I can come out and work in the country.' We've got a secondary program that we're kind of building that's going to be about the transition between when they decide that they're going to teach in their penultimate year in the country and then kind of really making that a smoother transition. So we're going to be looking at things like part-time work, but they can do in a country school where they can start to bond to a particular school, making sure that there's onboarding supports for them.
And you know, where, where are they going to live all these kinds of things when they're making the big leap we want to make that smoother for them. So we'll we'll invest some time and funds and effort into, into that process so that, you know, they're not just kind of lobbying in and, and sort of, [00:05:00] um, landing and, and it's, and it's a tricky, tricky time.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. I mean the essential thing, I think that was relayed in this process is that to capture some of these younger people as they go out there at age 20 21, 22 for their first teaching experience that really they've got to be part of the community and help to form those connections and bonds quite early. That's right. Isn't it?
Luke Fraser: Absolutely. And, and, you know, if we can make that easier and smoother for them, a lot of our great principals and, and great teachers out in the country have kind of found a life out there and they, and they just love it. They wouldn't come back to the metro for quids. So, so we want to kind of just make that easier so that they can settle their roots in the country and enjoy it.
Dale Atkinson: So onto the second aim of the three goals, one of the things we're looking at is better access to student support services. And I know that there's some issues around particularly things like psychological support, speech therapy, which may not be particularly well serviced in the regions that we're looking to address as well.
Luke Fraser: Yeah, absolutely. This was one of those things in our work out in the country is just loud and clear [00:06:00] how much pressure on our teachers, when some of those supports for students with needs aren't available or aren't coming quickly enough. And so, um, we're alive to that, and we heard that call and, and so one of the pieces of work we're going to do at the moment, we've just started to recruit at the moment.
Actually, some people who are going to be working, um, particularly in speech pathology and psychology, which the two of the pain point areas and doing more telehealth in that area for the country. So, we know that just like our teachers and our sort of allied health practitioners, it's a struggle for our allied health people to get good people and keep them out in the country as well.
But what we think is going to be really helpful is to increase our telehealth, which will help us with reach because we might not always be able to get out there every time to do psychology work with students or so forth. But tele health is one of those things that's, that's better than nothing. So we're going to be focusing on that to make sure that there is somebody there that can support a particular student and, and support the teacher to support them with whatever needs they have.
[00:07:00] The other thing that we're going to be doing in, in this sort of, um, what we call the triple S space or the student support services space is investing in a, and we're just going through it with procurement now um working with private providers. So we might not be able to get our, um, psychologists out to a particular region, but there might be private providers that can and do work out in those areas. So, so leveraging the private sector. To make sure we've got better rates and better quality in the service that we're providing.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. It's one of the most important, powerful things. I think particularly out in the regions, that's going to be a bit of a game changer for a lot of the schools. One of the things that COVID 19 has taught us is just how much digital access is such an essential service for everything. We've had seven. We've been lucky, actually. I think we've had seven statewide remote learning days since the pandemic began but if anything, that's highlighted the need for quality systems. And it has been over the years, a disparity of access to digital infrastructure in the regions. Now the SWIFT program to connect schools to [00:08:00] fast, reliable internet services is, is part of the piece of the puzzle. But you've identified something else as well for, for country schools?
Luke Fraser: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, I think we've made brilliant gains in sort of getting high speed internet to all of our schools now. And that's a big increase and a big boost for our schools, but then that's not really worth much unless you have good internal infrastructure, cabling, servers, these types of things.
And so one of the things that we've noticed and we've started to do work in our ICT team has been going out to some of our schools and they do what they call a health check. But what that actually means is specialists in ICT infrastructure will go out and look at what's going on in terms of the internal infrastructure and they'll make an assessment.
And then, and then we basically negotiate and, and fund that infrastructure to be built up to a world-class standard. And it's made huge gains already but what we're doing through the country strategy is accelerating that work. So we've got guys out there at the moment that are doing what we call these health checks.
So they'll be out to our schools. They've almost been to all of our country schools now um [00:09:00] just taking a look at what's going on. By the end of this financial year, we're going to have upgrades to all of our internal servers and so forth. And that's going to mean that the speed of our internet, the access that kids get to work digitally and our teachers get to work digitally as well is just going to be a huge boost for us. So really proud of that work is happening right now.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. It's going to be a lot of exciting applications that, uh, that come out of that. And I think that's partially linked the digital access to, to the final point, which is around how we broaden curriculum options for the country kids, how we make pathways more available to them. What are some of the steps we're going to be looking at there?
Luke Fraser: That's a really important one. And it kind of cuts through the main thing here, which is how do we support the students to, to learn the things they love to learn. And so one of the things we sort of came across in in our, in our work and it's happening in other jurisdictions as well in country areas is, is the idea of local curriculum delivery across a given.
Yeah. We know that the workforce challenges remain and we're looking to solve those, but in the interim, there's really innovative work that's happening in patches, around [00:10:00] schools, working together to make sure that, you know, if a student wants to study, um, science in for their SACE they can access a, a teacher in a, a neighbouring country school. Um, and they can do that as part of their normal studies at their school. And so that's been work that's kind of already starting to happen and has happened in patches and where we're doubling down on that and making sure that we're going to work in sort of supporting that. So, so I think the department needs to play a role.
So there's kind of. You know, there's a lot of support that can be provided to make that happen in terms of coordination of the work. And then sort of some of the more nuanced work around sort of teaching and learning and practice. And so we're going to kind of get in and sort of support the local delivery that occurs in patches.
And then start to talk about the good practices happening because everyone's kind of doing it differently, some works some doesn't work. And so we're going to kind of put a spotlight on that to make sure that the offering across a given area or a particular student is there so that they can study the things that they want to, they want to learn, but also do it with teachers that are [00:11:00] highly skilled in that area, that teaching in their own discipline that they love what they do.
Dale Atkinson: It is exciting sort of right across the board really. And I guess one of the things that's really important is that, and I'm holding in my hand a lovely glossy brochure setting out what the country education strategy looks like, but this is not going to be sort of a static kind of piece of work that actually country perspectives are going to be something that is going to be built in more broadly to policy direction and policy development within the department. Can you explain how that's going to work?
Luke Fraser: One of the great things that we've been able to do through as we've developed this work is really bring the right voices to the table will be at some of our students.
We've been working with the rural youth ambassadors, for example, who've had had a lot to say and been really impactful in how we've thought about this, but also some of our country leaders and people that are passionate about country education. So I think what we're going to be doing through this is setting up a country education reference group that can support that department.
We've got a big reform agenda that we're getting after. So we we're doing work in VET we're doing work in, in improvements to work force, lot of different [00:12:00] areas where we're going after system level impact and country needs to be at the table in that pursuit of how we do that. And because of those nuances and differences in how country education operates.
So, so we'll be setting up a country education reference group. That's going to be talking to our people who are leading reform, be it policy or practice, and that'll be a continual voice. And I think that's going to be the real game changer as part of this strategy is making sure that we're thinking about when we're designing, how we operate, making sure that we're paying attention to the voices that matter in the country to.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, as part of this, we've created a dedicated country education section on the website. Um, and there'll be some information in the show notes about how to access that, which includes links through to the country education strategy. You can go there and find a bit more information about what Luke and his team have been doing over the last 12 to 18 months.
It's a very exciting space. There's going to be a lot of things rolling out over the next three years. It's a seven year strategy though. So there's going to be some pretty broad horizon stuff that's, uh, that's going to be coming through. So stay [00:13:00] tuned over the next few years to see, um, the announcements in some of these programs that are going to be rolling out.
So Luke, this is exciting work. Thanks for your time. Good luck.
Luke Fraser: Thanks for having me. Appreciate it.
The teachers behind our curriculum resources share their top tips to help you deliver the Australian Curriculum in 2022.
Show notes
- Contact the curriculum team: education.curriculumdevelopmentdirectorate@sa.gov.au
Dale Atkinson: Hello and welcome back to Teach, a podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. I'm Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education,
Monique Miller: and I'm Monique Miller, primary school teacher at Westport Primary.
Dale Atkinson: In September, we expanded our suite of curriculum resources to help you prepare classroom learning for students.
We added new units for Health and PE, Technologies and the arts, and we added extra year levels for English, maths, science, and HASS. Today, we're going to hear from the teachers and curriculum team who have made these ready to use classroom units of work, and we're going to learn how they can help you plan for your 2022 curriculum.
Whitney Schultz is the curriculum manager for primary mathematics and Henry Johnson. Is the curriculum manager for secondary science. Welcome to you both.
Whitney Schultz: Thank you.
Henry Johnson: Thank you.
Dale Atkinson: So, first of all, you've been building these units of work over the last year, year and a half. What are they, how do they work?
Whitney Schultz: So, within each learning area, the curriculum is broken up into eight units. So every year level has eight units, these are organised by concepts, true to the Australian curriculum. And then within the units, you'll see a sequence of learning, which is a sequence of the overall concepts within the unit, not individual lesson plans. And then you'll see a suite of resources, including PowerPoints, word documents and PDF documents.
Henry Johnson: And also one of the reasons why we've done the units of work is to help teachers translate the Australian Curriculum. Uh, sometimes it can be a little bit ambiguous and we're tracking the nice 黑料吃瓜n contexts and also practical ways to embed literacy and numeracy into your teaching.
Dale Atkinson: So let's talk about the Australian curriculum because it's a beast of a document, right? Like you go onto the website and it is just page upon page of information, which is broad. It's very high level. There's so many different ways of interpreting it and moving from that Into actually standing in front of a classroom of, of students and being able to understand what it is that is going to be able to translate from the Australian Curriculum, into the teaching for these kids. That's a daunting task, particularly if you're a new starter, that's the work you guys are doing, right?
Henry Johnson: Yeah. Correct. And like you said, with the new starter, a new grad teacher, these units of work provide the resources so they've got the confidence that they're embedding an authentic curriculum, and they're not missing anything.
I'm speaking on behalf of science here, but I think maths follows suit. It’s such a conceptual narrative that we need to ensure the students receive at each year level to build upon their knowledge and their, and their prior work. So yeah, having these units of work, it really puts an emphasis on that to ensure that continuity.
Whitney Schultz: And I think being an early career teacher as well is a seemingly endless list of challenges. You're dealing with parents, you're dealing with behaviour, you're working out how to set up your classroom and all the nuances that come with it and taking that load off teachers to give them a planning resource that has really been done for them is going to make their life a lot easier. I think back to my early years in teaching and how long I spent scrounging around on the internet for some resources to use, um, that weren't actually best practice resources, but you can be rest assured that what we've developed is based on research and evidence and is the best fit for our curriculum and our students.
Dale Atkinson: Is that the kind of experience that you've had Monique, you're obviously a year 4 teacher earlyish. How many years now?
Monique Miller: This is my third year.
Dale Atkinson: Third year in. Is that an experience that you also felt like early on that there's an overwhelming amount of information that you've got to try to deal with?
Monique Miller: Yeah. Those first years, um, these resources weren't available. So just trying to find any, anything and everything that I can get my hands on to make my life a little bit easier. You know, I'm already starting to think next year I'll be moving to a different year level. I've been pretty comfortable where I am. So I think these resources are going to be awesome to expose myself to a new curriculum that I'll be teaching. And it's, it's got everything that I need for that year level.
Henry Johnson: I think going back to what you were saying, like you're looking for resources on the internet. As we all know the internet's very, very vast and not all the resources on there, are hitting the required curriculum either. So it's yeah, so another, another reason as to why we should be looking at these units of work and seeing what we can embed into our teaching.
Dale Atkinson: So, how do teachers actually use these things, like what is it? That's in front of them and how's it apply to the class?
Whitney Schultz: Well, if I was starting to plan for my year, I might be working with my professional learning community in my school and working out, uh, what sequence or approach you want to take, to planning our year. The units are sequenced from one to eight in a logical order. So you could very much pick them up and go straight from unit one to unit eight, or you can rearrange them based on your school's needs. So if you're doing some kind of, um, whole-school event, let's say a market day or a fete, for example, you might strategically embed a HASS unit alongside a mathematics unit that focuses on money and data.
There are, of course, some certain prerequisite units that need to come first. So your place value in your number units. You'd want to be making sure that you're doing those early on in the year to set students up for success for the following concepts. If I was opening up a unit of work, um, it really depends on what kind of learner you are and how you tackle them.
If you're a visual learner, I’d jump straight to those PowerPoints. Um, particularly in year 3/4 maths, we've made the visuals really strong. So have a look at how those concepts unfold visually and then pair it up with the unit plan and all of those teacher tips, misconceptions, alerts, adjustments, et cetera, that can support you in delivering.
Henry Johnson: Yeah. And I think for science it’s slightly different in secondary science. Um, from what Whitney was talking about with primary maths. We still have eight units of work per year level, that doesn't change, but the way you can do those units of work is entirely up to you. Some schools might only have one or two science labs, so you can't be doing, you know, you can't have 10 classes during the same science experiment, logistically it won't work.
So we have written them that they can be done in any order. And it's important to note that you don't have to do them prescriptively. It's open for you to adopt and adapt, and how you see fit given your site. Um, for example, your site might have a beautiful ag area so you might want to teach body systems through using animals that you've got rather than what we have we have in the units. And that's perfectly fine.
Yeah. It's good to read them to get a few ideas. And also that conceptual narrative that I was talking about before that really comes through heavily in the unit. So it's important that you do read the units to it. You don't just take bits and bits and pieces because it works as a whole, not just individually.
Monique Miller: Where you guys have sort of catered for different sites, knowing that all schools have different resources and access to different things. So people can get in there and access what they can use for their site and potentially use something and not the rest of it. So, it's really awesome the way that you've made it accessible for all school sites and teachers.
Henry Johnson: That’s a big tick.
Monique Miller: We've talked as well, really a lot about early career teachers, but it's not just for early career teachers. Someone more experienced can definitely get their hands on these and use them?
Whitney Schultz: Yeah, definitely. And we know that teachers are doing amazing things out there in their classroom. And, um, we're not out there to reinvent the wheel of their already fantastic practice, but we are here to offer something that may compliment their current planning and their current units. Even with our experienced teachers, they just don't have the time to keep looking for more and more resources online and, and plan this kind of work. So we've done the heavy lifting for them and it might just offer some new ways of teaching that they weren’t previously aware of.
Henry Johnson: Whitney and I we’re experienced teachers and we found that managing and helping writing these units that we thought, ah, okay, I've never thought about teaching this concept like that before using this context. it's a nice way to self-reflect on your own pedagogy. And so I feel that's where experienced teachers can get a lot out of these units by just reading through them and saying, okay, they’ve done this a bit differently. Why have they done that? Then they can look at the evidence behind why we have put that in place in our units. And yeah um, like Whitney was saying it's just really complimenting they're teaching.
Dale Atkinson: So is this something you’d sort of recommend maybe groups of teachers that are at a site or partnership level, getting together and maybe discussing the units and how they might apply for, for their work?
Henry Johnson: Yeah for sure. I really recommend, um, looking through these as a faculty and looking at your year and what you've got planned and seeing where you can fit these. And also again, you've already might have something great that you use on site already. It might be like a STEM week or something that you may be doing or a science week. So you might want some different units around those types of times, but yeah, really getting down and looking at these units and how they can be placed across your site.
Whitney Schultz: I might just build on that as well. If you're working with teachers across your professional learning community, you might choose the resources to use, to support some observation from cross class observations.
So you might choose a task throughout the units and use that as something that your team can really plan to and think about how would you adopt and adapt in your context? And then go and observe one another and reflect upon what are the key, high impact strategies throughout this task. And how can we continue to plan with this kind of model in place.
Very much we're about adopting and adapting to what the units offer. They're not prescriptive, although there's a certain sequence of learning that needs to take place. Teachers can certainly adapt to their own contexts. Um, we do get a lot of feedback saying, Hey, if I was teaching this lesson or this concept, I would do it this way and that's fantastic, but we've really had to pinpoint, well, how can we make this general and accessible for a statewide audience? And then teachers see themselves in the work and be able to adapt from there.
Dale Atkinson: What do you think the things are that you’ve personally learnt from the experience of building these resources?
Henry Johnson: Yeah, good question. Um, I personally learnt that I wasn't as good a teacher as I thought. Like I was saying before, um, these units give you opportunity to self-reflect in your own pedagogy and in the science units, it's very concept heavy as it should be, not content heavy because it's the concepts that we want students that after year 10 science, we want them to carry forward with them, not the, not the content itself. So I reckon that's what I really learnt is, you know, teach to the concept, not content, that's that's imperative in science.
Whitney Schultz: I've learnt a lot about the research that underpins a lot of these mathematical concepts and how to go deeper with it. So writing the units of work, um, in years, 5, 6 and 7 for maths, I felt almost a little bit like a fraud at first and what I was writing I had never taught anything that well, but that's just because I simply didn't have the time to plan to that extent and to research and to read or those, you know, those name dropped researchers and books and things that people mentioned throughout professional development.
I had the time to sit there and read the whole chapter and then make those decisions based on what the research said and how the concept should be structured and embedded to avoid misconceptions in the learning.
Monique Miller: That's really the great part about it. We've got people who are working hard with the time to find all these resources and really get deep with the curriculum, making sure that we're provided with everything that we need. So it's really awesome. What's something you've put in your own learning areas, work that you think teachers might find particularly interesting. So, um, Henry you’re in secondary science. How about you?
Henry Johnson: What I'm particularly interested in and I know other teachers are as well are the contextualisation of the Aboriginal science elaborations. So what we've done is we've put at the forefront, this Aboriginal science elaborations, where we look at the Aboriginal ways of knowing, understanding and where we can, we've put a 黑料吃瓜n context as well. So we have another curriculum manager, he works closely with the nations groups around the Adelaide area, where we look at the knowledge that they hold and how we can implement that into our units of work.
Whitney Schultz: I'm really proud about the way that the year 3/4 mathematics units in particular make the mathematics really visual. So we've adapted a model called the CPA model, which stands for concrete, pictorial abstract. So we've made sure that students have the opportunity to really go deep with a concept, use concrete materials, see in a pictorial representation before moving to the abstract concepts to really deepen their understanding.
So throughout the PowerPoints, you’ll see some really strong visuals of what those mathematics concepts actually look like, which I think will support not only student understanding of mathematics, but teachers as well.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's interesting. And, and have you both been in touch with teachers out in the field, have you got a bit of feedback on how they've received these units over?
Henry Johnson: Yes. We've had several teacher focus groups. The teachers range from having a couple of years’ experience to your HALTs and Cat 1 schools through to Cat 7 schools. So we do get a range of feedback. And we also work with seconded writers who we grab from schools, um, for a term. And again, they come from a range of different Cat schools and as well as experience themselves. So these are very much written by teachers for teachers.
Whitney Schultz: Yeah, throughout the writing process um, keeping in touch with teachers has been really important to make sure that it reflects what teachers need in their classrooms. So earlier this year, I had a small group of teachers who I worked with and touch base with, who were implementing some of the draft work in their classroom and giving feedback.
And they were able to see that their feedback was applied directly to the units. Um, we've obviously also had our teacher reference groups and, um, presenting at Educators SA to teachers, um, even across our Catholic sector as well, who are really excited to get on board with the units. Mostly from first look at the units people say, wow, the heavy lifting has been done for them. And there's things that they don't have to worry about now because they know that it's been done to a really high level and they can focus more on supporting their students.
Monique Miller: It's really great that testing, reflecting and improving is all sort of happening um, before they're published.
Whitney Schultz: I might just add on that as well after all of our units are written we'll be going through a review process. So it doesn't stop there. We'll keep continually refining and improving the units as we go.
Monique Miller: If teachers have any questions? Where do we go for those?
Henry Johnson: Uh, so if teachers, do you have any questions, I can give an email address, but it's pretty long winded. So if, when you go onto EDI and you go to the units of work, it's just at the bottom of the page, but for people that want to know it, education.curriculumdevelopmentdirectorate@sa.gov.au.
Dale Atkinson: Beautifully done. And we'll have that in the show notes too. So just check that out online. Thank you both for joining us, Whitney and Henry. Yeah, that was a, it was a great chat. And obviously we are coming towards the end of the year. So if you haven't already taken a look at the units, please do so in preparation for 2022, it's terrifying that that's the year that's coming up. So thank you both very much for your time. And, um, Monique, thank you for your time.
Everyone: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Reflecting on 2021, Heathfield High School Principal Roy Page shares the highs and lows, and everything there is to look forward to in 2022.
Show notes
Dale Atkinson: Hello, and welcome back to Teach the podcast about teaching and learning in 黑料吃瓜. My name is Dale Atkinson from the Department for Education. And today I'm joined by Roy Page, who is Principal at Heathfield High School for a bit of an informal chat about the year in review. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of these details, Roy, but it's what about 800, 900 students about 90 staff?
Roy Page: That's right. And we'll expand to about 1,050 next year with the year sevens coming into high school.
Dale Atkinson: It's a pretty exciting time. So we're just talking to one of the leaders just about what it's like to be a leader in a public school. And just to look back on some of the things that have been achieved and look ahead at what's being planned for 2022. Just the first question 2021 was supposed to get easier after 2020. Right. What happened to that?
Roy Page: Well, look, you know, it's that ever changing pandemic called COVID and of course, for us, a lot of anticipation about new building works. We of course started the year with the infamous falling crane. So I went from a high to a low, quite early in the year, but there's been lots of things to celebrate. And I look forward to getting into those through this conversation.
Dale Atkinson: You touched on the building works, but let's talk a little bit about the complexity of the school that you lead. So you've got 800, 900 students. You're going up to a thousand next year, 90 staff, you've got 9 VET subject areas. You've got a $13 million capital works project underway as the leader of all of those various different strands. How do you stay across it all?
Roy Page: You've gotta be able to have a strong team around you and trust, I guess, the delegation of your leadership structure, to be able to carry out really important functions and with their support and having really clear, I guess, vision and school improvement, planning processes in place. It's that support that enables you to keep across it. Cause if you didn't have that, it would be extremely difficult to keep across at all.
Dale Atkinson: So at the start of 2021, what were the goals that you set yourself as a school and as a leadership group.
Roy Page: Well, we're always about building the capacity of everyone in the site. And so from a curriculum perspective, that was about really trying to engage with the curriculum resources from the DFE this year, and trying to incorporate those into what were our existing unit plans, taking the best from the DFE and adding value to what we already did. And then I think also, we've had a really long term focus now for the last three years on high grade achievement.
So Heathfield's a category 7 school and our community rightly so has really high expectations on us. And we have therefore high expectations on ourselves and the students to meet their potential. And so meeting that potential really looks like using VET as a pathway. Students this year, 14 of them got apprenticeships before the end of the year, which was our highest ever. And then we're on track to probably get our best SACE results ever. And so we're really excited by that and we're excited that our curriculum, but also our pathway conversations with students led by leaders and home group teachers is really supporting students to make the right choices on pathways earlier.
And we're starting to see dividends from that in terms of first choice university entry or out to work then into a pathway that there's passion in. And then that success that we're seeing within apprenticeships from school.
Dale Atkinson: At the time of recording were a couple of weeks away from those SACE results coming through, which you've referenced there. What have been the challenges about, particularly in that senior secondary to keeping the kids on track in the kind of COVID setting that we've had in the last two years now?
Roy Page: I've been really impressed with the resilience of the students because we hear a lot of airplay around young people not having resilience. And what I, my observation in the last 18 months is that our students have had bucket loads of resilience and have been, I guess, in partnership with us around raising any concerns they might have around the external environment and how that might impact on their learning.
So, you know, for example, once the crane fell over, there were year 12 classes in corridors, in halls and in outdoor areas. And, you know, they put up with that for, for three to four weeks and were really on board with the school going through the right channels to say, hey look, you know this is working for us, but this isn't, what can you do to help us out? And so I was really impressed with that maturity and the fact that they still had the focus, even though they might have been unsure of what it meant for their future. There still was a focus on the future and doing well.
Dale Atkinson: So I guess there's a correlation there, between the key skills, I guess, of leadership and what you're trying to build in, in your students, which is adaptability and resilience, is that right?
Roy Page: Yeah, absolutely. And I think student leadership is really important and the school has a long history of that through it's big brother - big sister program, where we have 48 students from year 11 and 12, who sit next year in year seven and eight home groups for the full year.
And they're working through with the youngest students around the challenges of going through a secondary school and what they need to do to build that character in each year, those year 11 and 12 students put their hand up and apply to become a big brother - big sister, cascading that experience down and building the capacity of the student body over time.
Dale Atkinson: And how's that going to continue when you introduce your year 7s to high school next year?
Roy Page: So we've just expanded the program. So instead of having what would have been 25 big brother - big sisters next year, we've got 48. And we actually had more people applying for those roles, than we needed to place. So, and so I guess there's a legacy of giving back to the community. That's built into the culture of the school, which is fantastic.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. It's also about sort of more rounded development of your students as well. So you've got the academic pathways, but you're also trying to make them good corporate citizens.
Roy Page: Absolutely. And I think one of the real successes and highs of this year has been the development of student leadership through a range of different avenues. So we've been partnered with Melbourne University, SASPA and across sector project and Learning Creates Australia on how do you actually improve student agency across the school site. And the partnerships with other schools we've worked with Glenunga and looking at their excellent work on the learner profile register.
We've tapped into work that was done at Craigmore High School some years ago on building student agency around curriculum and assessment. And so we've taken the good work from other schools and really tried to use that, to inform what that means for us and how are we gonna use that and that's been really successful. And I think one of the things that we've been asking through these pilot projects, particularly around the development of student capabilities, is if we get that right, then the sense of belonging in school increases, the achievement is there, but we then end up now with a well-rounded situation. And I wouldn't say it's embedded yet, but we're getting close to it.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah, it's really exciting stuff. You spoke a little bit earlier about the $30 million capital works project that's going on at your site. Has managing or helping to manage those big projects been an area of personal development for you as a leader?
Roy Page: Absolutely. You know, it was an opportunity to upskill other leaders in the school, particularly the business leader who took on a real project management role, and that's been challenging for all of us, because there are a lot of moving parts and knowing the responsibility and accountability for where certain decisions lie and who you can influence in that situation has been an ongoing challenge.
Dale Atkinson: So do you think you've deepened your understanding of how the departmental systems have worked for you as a leader?
Roy Page: Yeah, absolutely. And I think the support there from whether it's capital works or year seven transition to high school. There's always been people monitoring behind the scenes and getting on the phone or setting up meetings to try and assist when he could say things, you know, and particularly during the crane incident could be unpacked or, you know, support could have been provided to the school.
Dale Atkinson: So one of the things you've been doing this year alongside a very big leadership role in a very sizable school, is working a day a week at the central office helping to shape the policy and providing sort of frontline experience to the decision making process here at 31 Flinders. What have you learned from that experience and what value do you think you've added?
Roy Page: What I've learned is that our system is massive and that creating change systemically is very complex work. And if it was easy, we would have done it yesterday. And so understanding how every person within Flinders Street has the same aspiration and vision as we do in schools. And we all want that vision of a world-class education for all our kids that, you know, any student going to school in 黑料吃瓜 has got as good a education, or if not better than anywhere else.
So I think that that's something that I've learned is that the centre has the same and is driving that, aspiration and everyone working here has that vision as well. So the value then of being a part of the reform coordination team, I think has been to just provide a school-based lens to how we maybe receive information or process policy ideas that come into schools and how we might interpret something or how it could be packaged differently to support implementation in schools.
Dale Atkinson: I think one of the things that our Chief Executive Rick talks about a lot is increasing their kind of permeability , in central office with, I guess, a greater sharing and shifting of roles and relationships with schools and the centre and people moving in between the two, the experience that you've had. Is that something that you would recommend to other leaders and teachers to come in and get a sense and provide their experience internally?
Roy Page: Yeah, I think it's an absolute value add that we can all have, and there are lots of different places teachers and leaders could do that. You know, so you've got the full range of roles that we have within schools could be influenced certainly in the centre and taken back into schools.
And I know that there's certainly an appetite for that model of people coming into the centre, doing a bit of work, and then going back into schools to try and take that permeability or which is really information sharing backwards and forwards into school because obviously any change that is systemic by the time it's embedded in schools can take a while and any action or strategy that can kind of shorten that timeframe for the benefit of students is obviously a good idea.
Dale Atkinson: Yeah. An incredible experience. Speaking to you, it's been very mutually beneficial. I think a bit of a change of gear - you got any advice for educators in terms of how they unwind or should unwind over the holidays coming up?
Roy Page: Yep. Turn your emails off, make sure you put the out of office reply. I know a lot of people do that. Personally, I find, unless I go away, it's really hard to switch off, which now that we've got open borders at time to actually leave the area, so to speak, so that you're out of contact in a different, complete physical context certainly helps me to unwind. I find that unless I go on a holiday somewhere, I find it hard to actually switch off. So that will be my plan over the holidays.
Dale Atkinson: I think it's probably double for you. You're also married to a principle, which I think begs the question. When do you to actually get to see each other?
Roy Page: Generally between 7:30 after the kids go to bed and 10:30 on the couch where we both have our laptops continuing to, generally, we don't, we're not working because you're not very productive at that time, but it's usually talking about things that have gone on in the school day and you know, how would you do this? How would you do that? But yeah, it's generally that time. They're just between the witching hour of 7:30 to 10:30 at night.
Dale Atkinson: I think you both probably deserve a bit of time away, somewhere, very different. And this is an ambitious question to ask a father of small children, but what, if anything, have you got on your holiday reading list?
Roy Page: That's a good question. I was looking at Steven Pinker's book, which I've got for awhile, which is, I think in called Enlightenment, which is basically, it's been on my list for a couple of years, but there's a lot of statistical analysis in there saying that actually today's time is the best time to have ever lived in history and given that we, I think at times at the moment have a quite pessimistic view of the future. This book provides quite a lot of counter-arguments to that, which I think is really important as a school leader to be, I guess, optimistic for the future, both for young people and for our colleagues.
Dale Atkinson: There's probably never been a better time to have some sort of reinforced optimistic messaging.
Roy Page: Yeah, absolutely. Because there was something that I ended the year 12 graduation talk on a couple of years ago when COVID was just coming out, was actually guys, you know, you've got to understand that the media that's going on around, and we tend to pick the most negative stories. Actually, there's lots of positive stuff going on and it's about paying attention to that as well.
Dale Atkinson: Is that going to be the same message to the kids this year?
Roy Page: It was, and it was also that being a young person in 黑料吃瓜, there is lots of opportunity. The other message was refine the uniqueness within yourself that whatever your result says about you, it was just, I guess, a reflection of a point in time achievement. It's not you as an individual, but more around their experience over the last five years and how they improve their ability to think relate to others is actually going to have a much bigger impact on their future than their ATAR.
Dale Atkinson: I think there's something in that for all of us. Roy Page, thank you very much for your time.
Roy Page: No worries. Thanks very much for asking.