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Family day care information for current families

On this page

For families already enrolled in a Department for Education family day care service, this page outlines how to keep your records up to date, the policies and procedures followed by your FDC provider and how to provide feedback or lodge a complaint.

This page also provides information for new families who may be considering sending their child to one of our family day care services.

Updating your family details

If you have a child enrolled in a Department for Education family day care service, you must make sure your details are kept up to date. To do this, complete the change of family details and authorisations form whenever there are changes to:

  • your family names, addresses or contact details
  • permissions and authorisations (including drop-off, collection and excursion authorisations)
  • emergency contacts.

If you need to update your email address, but no longer have access to the email address used to enrol your child, you’ll need to call the business centre so they can verify your identity before updating any details in the system.

Policies, procedures and standards

Our family day care providers are qualified professionals who are bound by a code of conduct. They follow strict procedures and adhere to national standards to ensure that your child is cared for and educated in a safe and supportive environment.

Find out more about FDC policies, procedures and standards.

Feedback or complaints

We want to keep improving our family day care program, and we welcome your feedback. If you’d like to provide feedback or if you have a problem or a complaint, you can:

  • talk with your educator
  • talk with scheme staff or scheme coordinators
  • contact the department’s customer feedback unit
  • contact the or the .

Family day care services

See how family day care works to find out more about our family day care providers including:

  • costs
  • benefits
  • various services offered by FDC providers.

Family Day Care Business and Customer Support Centre

Phone (metro): 8372 7523
Phone (country): 1300 551 890
Email: educationfdcbusiness@sa.gov.au