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OSHC employment contracts

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All out of school hours care (OSHC) employees have an employment contract, even if there is no formal written agreement. In law, there are a number of different types of documents and unwritten arrangements which become part of a contract of employment.

There are governing council contract templates available for use.

Casual or permanent

The employee and employer should be clear from the beginning whether the employment is full time/part time or casual, and the arrangement plainly documented. Generally when there is no regular pattern of work, the employment will be casual. Clause 10 of the provides a definition of employment types.

Progression for children's services employees

Progression from one level to the next within a classification is subject to an employee meeting the following criteria:

  • competency at the existing level
  • 12 months experience at that level (or 24 months in the case of employees employed for 19 hours or less per week) and in-service training as required
  • demonstrated ability to acquire the skills necessary for advancement to the next pay point.

Out of school hours care (OSHC)

Phone: 8226 6427
EmailEducation.OSHC [at] sa.gov.au