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When filling long term positions (greater than 12 months) the council must advertise the position and invite applications from interested persons with suitable qualifications.
Positions must be filled with the most suitable person who matches the skills, abilities, knowledge and experiences listed in the person specification.
The selection must be based on merit with no favouritism, nepotism or patronage shown to any person.
The Site Governance administrative instructions and guidelines has more information about filling long term positions.
provides selection training for governing council representatives. Contact them for times and dates in your region.
Classification structure and pay rates for OSHC employees
The classification structure and pay guide for educators employed under the Children’s Services Award 2010 can be downloaded from the .
Classifications for OSHC employees has (PDF 293 KB) been developed to help guide the classifications at which OSHC employees are paid. However, the Award should always be reviewed as the primary source of information.
Level of director required
The size of your service will determine what level of director you need.
- A service of up to 39 children requires a level 1 director. Level 1 directors are paid at the level 6.1 to 6.3 salary range.
- A service of between 40 and 59 children requires a level 2 director. Level 2 directors are paid at the level 6.4 to 6.6 salary range.
- A service of 60 or more children requires a level 3 director. Level 3 directors are paid at the level 6.7 to 6.9 salary range.
OSHC director - advertisement template (DOCX 18 KB)
Sample job and person specifications templates
- OSHC director job and person specification (DOCX 38 KB)
- Assistant OSHC director job and person specification (DOCX 32 KB)
- Qualified OSHC educator job and person specification (DOCX 28 KB)
- Unqualified OSHC educator job and person specification. (DOCX 27 KB)
Suitability of applicants
Prior to engaging or interviewing shortlisted applicants a potential new employee must:
- be an Australian resident either with an Australian birth certificate,
- All visas must be verified and cleared by People and Culture Operations by attaching a copy in the
- NB: Overseas applicants should get the appropriate visa themselves as the department does not normally sponsor visa
- Copies of all residency documents are to be provided
- complete all components of the pre-employment and volunteer declaration checklist (PDF 348 KB)
- provide a relevant history screening from an approved screening authority
- provide a copy of their current certificate for Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) training.
To check if your RRHAN-EC is up-to-date refer to keeping your RRHAN-EC current – for staff.
Selection panels are required to provide all recommended appointees to the school principal or their nominee who will provide the nominated applicant's name, any known previous names and date of birth in the to be cleared through the department's Human Resources Management (HRM) system before an offer of employment is made.
Historical information may be available on the recommended applicant which may be used when considering an application for employment.
Where additional information is available the principal will be contacted by an officer from the department. The principal should consider the additional information provided and conduct a risk assessment to determine the applicant's suitability.
If there is no additional information available the principal will be notified by return email.