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The Primary Schools String Orchestra (PSSO) provides a tailored playing opportunity for players of string instruments in SA Department for Education primary schools. The PSSO is a touring ensemble (metro and country areas).
The PSSO helps members:
- foster a love and understanding of music
- develop skills in ensemble playing
- build friendships with musicians from other schools
- perform in concerts and at high-profile venues.
The repertoire for this orchestra includes exciting and challenging music representing a wide range of musical styles. Gaining confidence in performance is an essential part of musical learning.
Entry is by audition. The standard required is beyond beginner level.
All violin, viola, cello and double bass students in SA Department for Education schools, years 4 to 7 are eligible to apply. Students can be learning from private or Department for Education instrumental music teachers.
Year 7 students might like to audition for the Secondary Schools String Symphony instead. Contact the IM Leader, Learning Pathways on 0458 185 152 for further information.
New and continuing students should complete the .
After the online form has been submitted, information about audition times will be provided for new students.
Continuing PSSO students will not need to re-audition.
Audition requirements
The audition takes approximately 10 minutes.
You'll be asked to present:
- scales (must be played from memory):
- any 2 octave scale and its arpeggio using detaché whole bows
- any 1 octave scale, slurred 2 notes to a bow and its arpeggio, slurred 3 notes to a bow
- a prepared piece of music that demonstrates your technical and musical ability
- the excerpts listed for your instrument:
- a small piece of sight reading, to be worked through at the audition.
Audition criteria
Orchestra members will be selected based on their ability in these areas:
- accurate intonation
- strong clear sound
- spiccato bowing
- accurate reading of rhythm, pitch and volume variation
- good, healthy, accurate posture and hold of the instrument and bow.
Additional skills
- Shifting for violins and violas to 3rd position, cellos to 4th position.
- Commencement of vibrato (for violins, violas and cellos).
Expectations of members
Ensemble members are expected to:
- participate in all programmed performances and events
- attend rehearsals and learn music for performances
- cover the costs of membership, including providing suitable clothing
- engage positively with the entire PSSO team.
Attending rehearsals
Rehearsals are held every Tuesday from 4pm to 5.45pm at Norwood Primary School (Mulberry Hall).
Rehearsals start week 3, term 1.
Students are expected to:
- attend rehearsals in school uniform
- learn the music before rehearsals
- ask their instrumental music teacher for help, if needed
- notify the conductor if they can't attend a rehearsal.
Performance uniforms
For performances, members must wear:
- PSSO uniform top (approximately $50)
- plain black pants
- black dress shoes
- black socks.
The PSSO uniform tops will be ordered at the start of the school year. Each student must purchase their own top.
A PSSO performance top will be required at an approximate cost of $50.
A Tour Camp will cost approximately $250 per student.
Other expenses may be incurred but will be kept to a minimum, based on planned activities through the year.