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The Middle School Guitar Ensemble (MSGE) provides a valuable opportunity for young classical guitarists to play with other musicians.
The MSGE performs as a guest artist in a variety of settings, including some of the major performance venues in Adelaide.
The repertoire for this ensemble includes music representing a range of musical styles, selected to suit the specific nature of the instrument.
Students should have been learning for more than 1 year before joining this ensemble.
All classical (nylon string) guitar (using finger style technique) students in SA Department for Education primary and secondary schools, years 5 to 9 in 2024, are eligible to apply.
Steel string acoustic guitars, electric guitars and plectrum technique are not appropriate for this ensemble.
How to join
New and continuing students should complete the .
More information will be provided before the end of term 4 after the online form is submitted.
Required skills
Students who join MSGE are expected to have reasonable mastery of the following techniques:
- rest stroke (apoyando)
- free stroke (tirando)
- arpeggios (pimami)
- block chords (pima)
- chromatic scales
- melodies and scales in first position and higher
- half barres
- upward slurs
- downward slurs.
Students should be able to play:
- at least three 1 octave scales, including chromatic scale
- one complete piece (unaccompanied) that demonstrates technical and musical ability
- ‘Waltz’ by Daniel Fortea (PDF 346 KB) .
Expectations of members
Ensemble members are expected to:
- participate in all programmed performances and events
- engage positively with the entire MSGE team
- attend rehearsals and learn music for performances
- cover the costs of participation, including providing suitable clothing.
Attending rehearsals
Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 3.45pm to 5.15pm at Highbury Primary School (Payne Street, Hope Valley).
Rehearsals start Week 5, Term 1, 2024.
Members are expected to:
- attend rehearsals in school uniform
- learn the music between rehearsals
- bring their music to rehearsals
- ask their instrumental music teacher for help, if needed
- notify the conductor if they can't attend a rehearsal.
Performance uniforms
For performances, members must wear:
- quality, respectful black trousers
- a black shirt or top
- black shoes and socks.
Members are expected to provide their own A4 clear slip folder for sheet music, and a guitar footstool (approximately $25) or a ‘neck up’ guitar support (approximately $80).
Other expenses may be incurred based on planned activities throughout the year. An outline of planned activities will be provided in Term 1.