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The Recorder Consort SA (RCSA) is a high-performing ensemble of SA Department for Education school students of the recorder.
Participating in RCSA gives students opportunities to:
- challenge and improve their musical and technical skills
- perform in concerts and at high-profile venues.
The repertoire for this ensemble includes a wide range of musical styles that display the versatility of the instrument. Opportunities to experience the full range of recorders will be available for students of the ensemble.
RCSA enables students to take Music Performance – Ensemble as a SACE Stage 2 subject.
All recorder students in SA Department for Education schools, years 5 to 12 in 2024 are eligible to apply.
The standard required is beyond beginner level. Students must be able to:
- read music notation fluently
- play pieces with a range of 1 ½ octaves on either treble recorder, descant recorder, or both.
How to join
New and continuing students should complete the .
More information will be provided before the end of term 4 after the online form is submitted.
Expectations of members
Ensemble members are expected to:
- participate in all programmed performances and events
- engage positively with the entire team
- attend rehearsals and learn music for performances
- cover the costs of membership, including providing suitable clothing.
Attending rehearsals
Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 4:15pm – 5:30pm at Mitcham Primary School (Hillview Road, Kingswood).
Rehearsals start week 3, term 1, 2024.
Students are expected to:
- attend rehearsals in school uniform
- learn the music before rehearsals
- ask their instrumental music teacher for help, if needed
- notify the conductor if they can't attend a rehearsal.
Performance uniforms
For performances, members must wear:
- a performance shirt (provided)
- quality, respectful black clothes
- black shoes and socks.
Clothing items should be suitable for public performances in prestigious venues.
A performance polo top with the RCSA logo is required for a cost of approximately $35.
Other expenses may be incurred based on planned activities throughout the year. An outline of planned activities will be provided in Term 1.