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Day carnivals

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Day carnivals are participation events for schools who nominate teams. Find out more and how to participate.

Primary schools opportunities

For primary school day carnival opportunities, contact your district convenor.

Who can enter secondary school day carnivals

To enter secondary school day carnivals

  • schools must be affiliated with School Sport SA.
  • students must be in years 7 to 12.

Specific sport age groups are listed with the carnivals offered.

Curriculum opportunities

School Sport SA events can serve as authentic teaching and learning opportunities for your classes. Examples of what is possible include:

  • moderation
  • diagnostics
  • analysis
  • student officiating
  • specialist sport program experiences
  • group dynamics activities
  • culminating practical assessment

Contact us to see how we can enhance your students' connection to learning.

Competitions offered, when and where they are played

Secondary school day carnivals run from approximately 9.30am to 2.30pm at various metropolitan locations.

Competitions are played as boys, girls or mixed.

Purpose of secondary school day carnivals

  • Fun and participation.
  • Low-cost opportunities for students across a variety of sports.
  • Enable students of all abilities and experience to participate.
  • Provide extensive opportunities for teaching, learning and assessment which value-add to students in class learning experiences.

Day Carnivals with sufficient anticipated interest may include 'come 'n' try categories, in which scores will not be recorded, results not emphasised and plaques not awarded. This is to provide the safest and most supportive environment possible for students including those who may have low levels of experience or skill.

On the day

Make immediate contact with the convenor if you are:

  • bringing a different number of teams than what was on the information circulated.
  • running late.

School staff attending are asked to:

  • remind students of the purpose of the carnival.
  • monitor behaviour of their students ensuring they are playing in a positive spirit.
  • clean up their school area rubbish and belongings throughout and at the end of the day.

In some instances, there may be no official presentation at the conclusion of the carnival and no awards given out on the day. If plaques are presented, they will be blank, and plates will be sent to the winning school.

Purple cards may be used. this will be included in the carnival information emailed prior to the day.

Entry fees

The estimated entry fee of each carnival will be with the carnival details. The final cost will be determined after the final number of entries are known.

Schools will be invoiced each term.

How to enter

Nominations are due 2 school weeks before each event.

Some carnivals are capped at a maximum number of teams and will be taken in order of nominations.

See each term details for carnivals and how to nominate. A summary of nominations can be downloaded or printed after you submit each form.

Carnival details

A nominations summary, carnival information and rules will be emailed 2 weeks before each carnival. Draws will be emailed out a few days before the event.

Schools must contact the convenor with any changes to nominations as soon as possible.

School Sport SA

Phone:Ìý8416 5900
Email:Ìýeducation.schoolsportsa [at] sa.gov.au