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Students with disability events

On this page

Students with disability events are for schools who nominate teams or individual student entry. Find out more and how to participate.

Who can enter students with disability events

To enter students with disability events schools must be affiliated with School Sport SA.

For classification events, students should hold a para-athlete classification.

Specific sport age groups are listed on the individual event pages.

Events offered, when and where they are held

All events are participation carnivals unless listed in the competition details.

5-a-side soccerYear 4 to 6Friday 25 JulyServiceFM Stadium, Gepps Cross
5-a-side soccerYear 7 to 12Wednesday 2 July and
Thursday 3 July
ServiceFM Stadium, Gepps Cross
5-a-side soccerYear 7 to 12Wednesday 3 SeptemberWirreanda Secondary School
Australian footballYear 7 to 12Thursday 18 SeptemberHenley High School
BasketballYear 4 to 12Friday 13 JuneSt Claire Recreation Centre
BasketballYear 7 to 12Thursday 12 JuneSpringbank Secondary College
BocciaYear 5 to 12Thursday 30 OctoberState Basketball Centre
CricketYear 7 to 12Friday 7 NovemberPark 25
Cross countryClassified athletes 10 to 19 years of ageThursday 5 JuneOakbank Racecourse
GolfYear 7 to 12To be confirmedTo be confirmed
NetballYear 7 to 12Thursday 22 MayNetball SA Stadium
SwimmingClassified swimmers in year 4 to 6Monday 7 AprilSA Aquatic and Leisure Centre
SwimmingClassified swimmers in year 7 to 12Monday 24 FebruarySA Aquatic and Leisure Centre
Ten pin bowlingYear 5 to 12Tuesday 4 MarchZone Bowling Cross Road
Ten pin bowlingYear 5 to 12Wednesday 5 March
Wednesday 12 March
Elizabeth Bowland
Ten pin bowlingYear 5 to 12Thursday 6 MarchZone Bowling Noarlunga Centre
TennisYear 5 to 12Tuesday 25 NovemberWest Lakes Tennis Club
Track and fieldYear 7 to 12Tuesday 23 SeptemberSA Athletics Stadium
Track and fieldClassified athletes in year 4 to 6Monday 22 SeptemberSA Athletics Stadium
Track and fieldClassified athletes in year 7 to 12Tuesday 8 AprilSA Athletics Stadium

Regional come and try events

Students with disability regional come and try events will be held in various locations. To find out more contact Daniel Rankine.

  • Thursday 23 October, Mt Gambier
  • Wednesday 29 October, Berri

What is classification

Classification exists in sport to support as fair competition as possible amongst students with different disabilities.

By grouping students with similar levels of functional ability into classes for competition, the outcomes of the competition become based on performance rather than on differences in their disabilities.

Students who do not fit into one of these categories may not be able to be classified.

  • Physical or functional
  • Vision impairment
  • Intellectual
  • Deaf
  • Transplant

Classification is coordinated by Athletics SA or Swimming SA and must be organised 60 days prior to competing. See or for further details and how to get classified.

A classification is required to be selected in these SA state teams to compete at School Sport Australia events.

  • 12 years and under track and field
  • 10 to 19 years cross country
  • 10 to 19 years swimming

Links to learning

School Sport SA events provide great opportunities for students to develop, consolidate and demonstrate their learning goals, especially the Australian Curriculum General Capabilities.

Variety Games

Special Olympics SA (SOSA) have gained financial support from Variety - the Children's Charity of ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï to subsidise the cost of event for schools.

Logo for Special Olympics ºÚÁϳԹÏ

Logo for Variety with text variety the children's charity

School Sport SA

Phone:Ìý8416 5900
Email:Ìýeducation.schoolsportsa [at] sa.gov.au