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Term 1 secondary school day carnivals

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Secondary school day carnivals are participation events for schools who nominate teams. Find out more and how to participate in term 1 events.

By completing and submitting the nomination forms the school confirms that all students have approval from the Principal to compete at the events under the department’s duty of care policy.

Tennis pairs year 7 to 12

Monday 17 February at Happy Valley Tennis Club

Convenor: Daniel Hornhardt

Submit the 1 school week prior to the event date.

Basketball year 7 and 8

Wednesday 19 FebruarySt Clair Recreation CentreMarni Nicholls
Wednesday 19 FebruaryThe Arc CampbelltownEmily Saint-Bowman
Thursday 20 FebruaryMorphett Vale StadiumDaniel Hornhardt
Friday 28 FebruaryThe Lights Community and Recreation CentreEmily Saint-Bowman

Submit the 1 school weeks prior to the event date.

Beach volleyball year 9 and 10

Wednesday 19 FebruaryVictor Harbor ForeshoreWade Hall
Wednesday 19 February – Girls OnlyMawson Lakes Beach VolleyballMarni Nicholls
Thursday 20 FebruaryGlenelg BeachMarni Nicholls

Submit the 1 school weeks prior to the event date.

Volleyball Year 7 Mixed

Friday 21 February at The Lights Community and Sports Centre

Convenor: Wade Hall

Submit the 1 school week before the event date.

Cricket super 8’s year 10 to 12

Wednesday 5 March at Victoria Park & Park 17

Convenor: Marni Nicholls

Submit the 2 schools weeks before the event date.

Ultimate Frisbee

Wednesday 5 March at Park 17

Convenor: Emily Saint-Bowman

Submit 2 schools weeks before the event date.


Friday 7 March at St Clair Recreation Centre

Convenor: Wade Hall

Submit the form 2 schools weeks before the event date.

Beach volleyball year 11 and 12

Thursday 13 MarchVictor Harbor ForeshoreDaniel Hornhardt
Thursday 13 March – Girls OnlyMawson Lakes Beach VolleyballMarni Nicholls
Friday 14 MarchGlenelg BeachWade Hall

Submit the 2 school weeks prior to the event date.

Golf come n try year 7 to 12

Wednesday 12 March at The Vines Golf Club

Convenor: Wade Hall

Submit the 2 schools weeks before the event date.

Track and field year 7 to 12

Bridgestone Arena, Salisbury

  • Tuesday 18 March – Group C
  • Wednesday 19 March – Group B
  • Thursday 20 March – Group A

Convenor: Emily Saint-Bowman

Nominate: schools to confirm their attendance in 2024. For late entry contact Emily Saint-Bowman.

Basketball 3x3 year 10 to 12

Wednesday 26 MarchState Basketball CentreDaniel Hornhardt
Friday 28 MarchThe Lights Community and Recreation CentreWade Hall

Submit the 2 school weeks prior to the event date.


Thursday 27 March at Reynella East College

Convenor: Emily Saint-Bowman

Submit the form 2 schools weeks before the event date.

Australian football foundation umpiring course

Monday 31 March at Adelaide High School

Convenor: Wade Hall

Submit the 2 school weeks before the event date.