On this page
Intervac funding is provided by the department to approved out of school hours care (OSHC) services and state-funded vacation care services. The Intervac program is designed to assist services with the employment of an additional educator to support and encourage the inclusion of children with additional needs into an OSHC setting.
Intervac supports services to meet the requirements of the .
How to apply
The Intervac guidelines include more detailed information about Intervac funding and the administrative process associated with funding applications.
These forms are included in the application process for Intervac funding:
- Service application form for Intervac funding (PDF 426 KB)
- Acquittal form for Intervac funding (PDF 428 KB) .
Australian Government – Gowrie SA Inclusion Support Agency
The Australian Government Inclusion Support Programme (ISP) is the primary source of funding to assist children with disabilities to access an OSHC service. Services can apply for ISP funding through the Request for Service form available from the Australian Government - . A Gowrie SA Inclusion Professional will be able to discuss strategies with the service to coordinate inclusion support for the child/ren attending the service
OSHC services that are eligible to access ISP funding may apply for Department for Education Intervac funding for the short term, while they apply for ISP funding. When a child becomes eligible to access Australian Government ISP funding the service will no longer be eligible for Intervac funding.
Funding resources
The Autism spectrum disorder - support plan for OSHC and vacation care services (PDF 220KB) can be used along with the Intervac referral form.
The has a range of resources to assist families and services with health support planning, including guidelines, fact sheets, and care plans (pathways planning).
Why this matters
ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï has a strong commitment to provide meaningful opportunities and increased access for children with specific needs within inclusive environments where all children have the opportunity to play and interact with a range of people.