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All OSHC services are able to set up or expand to meet demand, providing they meet the requirements of the .
The requirements include, but are not limited to:
- educator to child ratios
- facilities
- staffing.
To support applications to increase the number of OSHC places, the provider must consider the additional space to be accessed.
Increasing capacity
If the service is nearing capacity and the approved provider would like to expand to meet community demand for care, they must:
- complete an SA03 application for amendment of service approval form available from the , which must be submitted to the Education Standards Board.
- apply to the to increase approved OSHC places.
Site plans
As part of the application process the Board may ask the service to submit the site plans with highlighted areas to be accessed by the OSHC service. Principals can access plans on th Strategic Asset Management Information System (SAMIS).
For those without SAMIS access, the (staff login required) has information about accessing and using the system.