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Transparency and accountability

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As part of building and maintaining public confidence in the department, we need to be open about our policies, decisions, actions and achievements. We do this by being publicly accountable and reporting on our activities and expenditure. An overview of activities to ensure transparency and accountability are outlined in our governance framework.

Governance framework

The governance framework (PDF 498 KB) describes the elements of good governance that support our purpose, principles and values, and shape our decision making and practices to achieve our strategic intent.

The framework sets out standards and mechanisms for accountability and transparency within the department. This includes requirements relating to:

  • information management
  • audit and review
  • reporting and performance measurement
  • school and preschool improvement
  • financial management compliance.

The governance framework is updated at least annually to make sure it continues to be in line with our strategic priorities, service delivery, corporate obligations and legislative requirements. This also acknowledges change and the need for ongoing improvement.

Strategy and Coordination Directorate, Office of the Chief Executive

Phone: 8226 1540