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The out of school hours care (OSHC) director is a member of the OSHC advisory committee and is responsible for:
- the overall management and administration of the service
- ensuring that the quality of care being offered is in keeping with the values, principles, policies and broad organisational objectives of the school, council, community and the department.
General management responsibilities
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- they supervise the development, implementation and evaluation of educational and developmental programs that meet the needs of individual children
- they support the OSHC advisory committee, school governing council and principal to ensure that the OSHC service is managed in accordance with the , the and other relevant state or local government requirements
- regular written progress reports are provided to the OSHC advisory committee and school governing council including any concerns, fluctuations in utilisation and staffing and provide information to assist the committee to make its decisions as outlined in the OSHC director’s service report to school governing council (PDF 223KB)
- regular communication with the principal or their nominee addresses the day-to-day issues in the management of the service
- administrative systems are established to enable the service to meet all legislative requirements
- the service policy on confidentiality is maintained.
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- they support the principal and school governing council to recruit staff when required
- a comprehensive induction package and process for OSHC staff and volunteers is developed and maintained
- regular team meetings are conducted to ensure staff have the opportunity for regular consultation and feedback
- individual staff records are reviewed and maintained
- rosters are developed and monitored in accordance with the required educator to child ratio
- staff are supported to meet the requirements of the
- trainee and student placements are supervised
- changes to staff contracted hours are negotiated in advance and approved in writing by the employer or delegate
- correct practices are established to provide a safe workplace and meet the standards of work health and safety.
Performance development and training
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- leadership is provided to all OSHC staff, students and volunteers
- ongoing performance development is conducted with staff and includes planning, implementation, review and evaluation
- professional development is organised to meet individual staff performance planning and service needs.
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- they work collaboratively with stakeholders to develop, implement and review the policies and procedures of the service
- quality communication systems are established between all stakeholders in the service, in consultation with the principal and OSHC advisory committee
- translation and interpreting services are available for children and families as required
- the diverse cultural and linguistic needs of children and families are acknowledged and incorporated into all aspects of service operations
- a comprehensive orientation policy and procedures for children and families is developed that includes and reflects the diverse needs of the community and incorporates regular feedback and review
- respectful, supportive relationships are maintained with and between families, the OSHC advisory committee, principal, school governing council, school staff and other agencies
- newsletters and marketing material are distributed.
Complaints and grievances
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- a complaint and grievance policy and procedure are developed and implemented as required
- council members are informed of the policy and procedures to follow should conflict arise
- matters are not left unresolved for longer than 2 months
- there is a process of appeal for council decisions and the appeal process is included in parent, staff, and advisory committee handbooks
- people at all levels understand the relevance of maintaining and strictly observe confidentiality.
Financial management
As outlined in the finance checklist (PDF 150KB) the OSHC director must ensure that:
- the service complies with the departments schools and preschool financial management policy
- fees and child care subsidies (CCS) are correctly accounted for, monitored and reported to meet all funding requirements
- ordering materials and resources as required within allocated budget
- a system for day-to-day financial management in generating accounts, receiving money from families and recovering outstanding debts is established
- annual budgets for each operating component are developed in liaison with the committee, and ensure the service budget and fees are approved by school governing council
- cash flow is monitored with financial reports showing income and expenditure against the budget
- the OSHC budget and setting of fees is reviewed quarterly
- accurate records are maintained
- OSHC finances are audited annually
- staff entitlements for SafeWork SA, tax and superannuation are monitored and accurate wages prepared, including during school holiday periods
- submissions for funding are made to relevant authorities and monies received are accounted for ie inclusion support subsidy and Intervac
- financial reports are presented at each OSHC advisory committee meeting and forward to each school governing council meeting
- monthly financial reports are prepared for the principal.
Policies and procedures
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- service policies and procedures are developed, implemented and reviewed regularly to comply with the requirements of the
- operational policies and procedures of the service are developed collaboratively with the committee in accordance with school policies, to ensure consistency for children and site staff
- the operation of the service is consistent with the services philosophy statement
- all staff follow policies and procedures.
Records management
The OSHC director must ensure that:
- all requests for access to records are considered in consultation with principal
- service records are only released to the committee or school governing council when necessary to fulfil their responsibilities
- the school governing council is supported to meet their legal duty to keep adequate records about staff
- the privacy and confidentiality of individuals is protected by ensuring that all records and information about individual children, families, staff and members of school governing council and advisory committee are stored in a secure place and are accessed by or disclosed only to those people who need the information to fulfil their responsibilities or have a legal right to know
- record keeping systems are checked regularly for accuracy
- records are managed, stored and disposed of in accordance with the departmental records management policy.