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There are 3 office holder positions that each council must have. These are the chairperson, secretary, and treasurer. A deputy chairperson can also be appointed.
Site leaders (principals or preschool directors) are always represented on the council as well.
Key duties of the office holders
Chairperson (including deputy chairperson)
- chairs the meeting to make sure it runs smoothly
- reports to the community at the annual general meeting (AGM)
- prepares the agenda, working with the site leader and secretary
- acts as the spokesperson for the council (only on council related matters).
Suggested template for governing council chairperson’s role description (DOCX 30 KB) .
Suggested template for governing council deputy chairperson's role description (DOCX 30 KB) .
To receive communication from the department, governing council chairpersons should complete the .
Non-parent chairperson appointment process
At times a council may find it difficult to appoint a parent council member as the chairperson of the governing council.
The Act enables a governing council, through the returning officer, to disregard this requirement if there is no other member willing to be the chairperson, with the approval of the Chief Executive (or delegate).
Council must follow the approved administrative instruction (PDF 99 KB) and use the letter template (DOC 45 KB) to be considered for this option.
- takes minutes of meetings
- prepares and distributes the minutes and agenda
- keeps records (with help from the site leader)
- makes sure people are told about the meeting ahead of time
- makes sure the common seal is kept in a safe place.
Suggested template for governing council secretary’s role description (DOCX 30 KB) .
- chairs the finance advisory committee
- makes sure the budget and finance reports are prepared and presented at council meetings
- presents the council’s audited statement at the AGM or at the next council meeting.
Suggested template for governing council treasurer's role description (DOCX 33 KB) .
If you're interested in volunteering for an officer holder role on your site’s council, check the eligibility requirements for the chairperson and treasurer.
Only council members can be elected to an office holder position and you must be over the age of 18 years.
Site leaders (ex officio members)
A site leader can be a principal or preschool director. Site leaders are:
- responsible for curriculum and discipline
- ex officio members – because they are a site leader
- required to be on the finance advisory committee or have a nominee.
Site leaders (principals and directors)
- present a report to each council meeting, including details about site plans and any other targets set by the council
- work with the chairperson and secretary on the agenda
- advise the council of directions and information from the department
- act as the spokesperson for the site for non-council business.
Suggested template for governing council principal's role description (DOCX 31 KB) .