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Preschool contribution for stand-alone preschools

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ºÚÁϳԹϒs preschool model constitution is the basis for requesting preschool contributions from families of preschool children.

In stand-alone preschools, the preschool director in consultation with the governing council sets and reviews the preschool contribution   which is based on the estimated cost of providing the program.

Who approves the preschool contribution

Once set, the preschool governing council approves the preschool contribution.

Keeping records

The approval of the preschool contribution must be minuted at a governing council  meeting.

Financial support for families

If a family cannot pay the preschool contribution, their children must not be excluded from the program.

If there is financial hardship, the director can offer an instalment plan option, or reduce or waive the preschool contribution.

Waiving and reducing debt

Debt waiving and reduction activities must be recorded in preschool records and reviewed on a regular basis by the council. This must happen in a way that does not identify individuals but does allow for discussion about recovery processes and policies.

Costs of optional activities

If optional activities are offered for children (for example excursions) and there is a cost to the preschool, the parents can be charged an extra amount for their child to take part. If the parent gives permission for their child to attend and signs a commitment  agreement to pay form for this additional charge, the parent will be legally liable for this cost.

Other fees and subsidies

Multiple-birth subsidy

Families with multiple-birth children are eligible to apply for a preschool subsidy, of up to $100 per term (dependent upon the contribution charged by the preschool service).  The subsidy is only available for the third and subsequent multiple-birth children attending the preschool program. All claims should be made in writing and signed by the parent/guardian and the preschool director.

Your preschool director can guide you through this process.

Preschool Policy and Advice, Schools and Preschools

Phone: 8226 0812