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Temporary relief teacher (TRT) cluster schemes manage TRT bookings for a number of schools and preschools in a geographical area. To work as a TRT you must have an approved authority to teach letter.
The benefits of registering with a TRT cluster scheme include:
- the flexibility of relief teaching in a variety of schools and preschools on a casual basis
- not having to visit individual preschools and schools to register for TRT work.
Not all schools and preschools are part of a scheme so you will need to register with them separately.
Before you register with a scheme
To be eligible for temporary relief teaching employment you must:
- register on the
- meet the minimum requirements
- have your authority to teach letter.
You can't start work until you have received your authority to teach letter.
Find out more
about getting a letter
Registering with a scheme
Each scheme has its own registration process but you will need to provide a copy of your current authority to teach letter to each scheme before you can work.
For more information and registration, contact the schemes you are interested in:
Gawler and Barossa TRT scheme (Greenock PS)
Pip Laver pip.laver178@schools.sa.edu.au
Phone: 0419 515 091
6.30am to 8.00am Monday to Friday.
6.30pm to 8.00pm Sunday to Thursday.
Messages can be left outside of these times.
Limestone Coast TRT scheme (Millicent North PS)
Vicki Costin or Jules Cytrowski dl.0605.trt@schools.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8733 2879 (answering machine)
Mid North TRT scheme (Airdale PS, Pt Pirie)
Rachelle Caputo or Nia Paschalis prt.network591@schools.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8633 3478 (answering machine)
Pt Augusta PRT/TRT scheme (Pt Augusta SS)
Michaela Press Michaela.Press507@schools.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8647 3312 (answering machine)
Riverland Central TRT scheme (Renmark North PS)
Kimmi Chislett kimmi.hughes366@schools.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8595 3459 (answering machine)
Whyalla TRT scheme (Whyalla Town PS)
Kylie Buckley Kylie.Buckley401@schools.sa.edu.au
Phone: 8645 8755
After registering with a scheme
TRT cluster schemes will contact you directly when they have work for you.
If you haven’t worked for the department before, to be paid you will need to complete:
Email your forms to EDUPayrollDoc@sa.gov.au.