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School storage space design

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What it is

Sites need enough storage spaces in classrooms and other areas. This needs to include specific spaces for equipment used by children and students with disability.

How it can help

Classrooms that are clear and organised help all students to participate, including those with disability.

If a site doesn’t have enough storage space there‘s a risk that classrooms or toilets will get used for storage. This make the areas less accessible or unsafe.

Students who use wheelchairs and walkers must have enough space in their classrooms to move as freely as other students. Students with sensory processing difficulties need less clutter around them.

“Clutter can be overwhelming and difficult to process for students with sensory processing challenges”
- Autism SA

Design features

These are design features identified by disability service providers, staff and architects.

Classroom storage

Storage should be close to classrooms for large personal equipment that’s used by children with physical disability, for example wheelchairs, walkers, hoists or lifters. An individual child might need multiple pieces of equipment, but  not use some of the equipment all day.

Make sure you provide power outlets in storage areas to recharge equipment.

Lockable storage spaces

Some resources can be distracting or unsafe for children. Some examples are technology equipment, kitchen tools, and sinks. You can set up storage spaces to lock these things away.

  • Lockable roller shutters can be a convenient way to store equipment. These can be opened easily for students who can use the equipment on their own.
  • Lockable walk-in pantries in classrooms can be used to keep teaching resources. This can help keep the classroom space clear and organised. It can also help staff quickly and easily find what they need.

There should be areas where staff can file health records securely and confidentially, and where medication can be managed with privacy. These areas should be locked so that students can’t enter without staff.

Do not use toilets as storage

Toilets should be accessible at all times and must not be used for storage, even if they are not used regularly.

Use sheds to store outdoor equipment

Use outdoor sheds for things like play equipment, bikes, or tools.

Asset Standards and Environmental Management

This information was provided by the Ministerial Advisory Committee: Children and Students with Disability which ceased in 2019.

For advice on building standards contact:

Phone: 8226 3497
Email: education.standards@sa.gov.au

For advice on inclusive legislation and policies contact:

Inclusive Teaching and Learning

Phone: 8226 0521