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About community hubs in schools

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Hubs are a way to connect families and communities with:

  • their school
  • each other
  • local community
  • local services.

A hub can mean different things in different schools. Some examples are when:

  • the school’s facilities are shared with community groups
  • the school community works together to improve attendance and learning outcomes
  • volunteers and families share cultural celebrations
  • service agencies share school space to provide services to children and families at the school

When schools do this, it is called a community hub.

What we mean by ‘school community’

A school’s community always includes students and staff at the school, and goes further. For example:

  • families
  • volunteers
  • local groups and clubs
  • government and non-government services and organisations.

Why do this – the benefits of hubs in schools

If your school decides to set up a hub you should keep your focus on the outcomes for students and families. Start by thinking about the benefits.

Benefits for students

A hub can improve student learning and wellbeing.

There can be improved:

  • literacy and numeracy outcomes
  • attendance and engagement in learning
  • positive behaviour at home and school
  • strong connection to school and learning
  • higher school completion rates.

There can be increased:

  • interaction with the community promoting belonging and citizenship
  • access to support services which can enhance health and wellbeing.

Benefits for the school

A hub can create a bigger team to achieve better outcomes for students.

There can be improved:

  • school completion and achievement rates
  • connections with local services and the community
  • relationships with staff, students and families

There can be increased:

  • use of local services by having them onsite
  • use of school facilities afterhours, helping reduce vandalism

Benefits for families

A hub can improve family and student relationships with the school.

There can be improved:

  • sense of belonging
  • capacity to help children do better at school
  • involvement in their child’s education through decision-making and participation
  • parent self-esteem
  • links with community resources and services increasing access to community assets and networks
  • increased access to support services when required enhancing wellbeing.

National research and evaluation on community hubs

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Engagement and Wellbeing Directorate

Email: education.wellbeing [at] sa.gov.au