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Run a student volunteer program at your school

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This information helps teachers and leaders run a student volunteer program at their school.

Create student enthusiasm

To get students interested in volunteering you might need a bit of a sales pitch. It can help to use an inspiring way to get them involved. You could:

  • host a world café (DOCX 1 MB) as a way to talk about what volunteering means
  • use volunteer organisation sign-up sheets (DOCX 1 MB) so students can decide who they want to volunteer with, for example the a local aged care home, Humbug Scrub or the Salvation Army
  • think about using a volunteer passport, similar to Passport to Learning
  • invite volunteer organisations to talk about the types of volunteering opportunities they offer.

Don’t forget to make it fun.

Prepare lesson plans

Practical lesson plans are included in the . These resources have been developed by teachers for teachers. The lessons are mapped to specific areas of the Australian Curriculum.

Some examples are:

  • volunteering: build your purpose – maps to Health and Physical Education
  • using photographic images to persuade – maps to The Arts
  • good citizens volunteer – maps to History.

We have a couple of example lesson plans to get you started:

Reflection activities

Reflection is a way for students to think more deeply about how they can help others, their community and their own lives. It also helps engage and motivate. Students could:

Ongoing reflection should be offered all the way through a student volunteer program. You can use a reflection journal (DOCX 7 MB) to help with this.

Scaffolding activities

Scaffolding is another way to help students learn about volunteering.

You could:

  • organise a group excursion to a volunteering group or organisation
  • have the students create their own brochure or webpage about volunteering
  • arrange a presentation by someone like the
  • invite a guest speaker to present and share their personal volunteering experience.

Duty of care

Staff with the Department for Education have a duty to take reasonable care to protect children and young people in their care and control from a reasonably foreseeable risk of harm. This duty can extend beyond school grounds. See the department’s and duty of care policies.

Get parents involved

Getting parents and caregivers involved can help students to feel motivated and learn. Encourage them to talk to their children about their volunteering experiences. Some ideas for conversation might be:

  • Have you ever been a volunteer?
  • Did your parents volunteer?
  • Did a volunteer ever help you?

If you get students to create a volunteer brochure, you could invite their family to assess the brochure. You can use a brochure assessment form (DOCX 2 MB) to see how effective the brochure has been. They might even convince their families and friends to volunteer.

Student Volunteer Program – we'd like to hear from you

If you found these student volunteer resources useful or have ideas for us, please get in contact.

Phone: 8226 3795
Email: education.volunteers [at] sa.gov.au (subject: Student%20volunteer%20program%20feedback)