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8. Democracy and public education – Leaders' Day library

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8.1 – Reid A (2017) Public and Proud: reclaiming the essence of Public Schooling in Australia

Read the article:  published in the Journal of Professional Learning

Cites the large achievement gap between rich and poor in Australian education - with Australia near the bottom of OECD countries in terms of equity in education – and argues it has been caused by the distortion of needs-based funding models to entitlement models with per student funding for all as an entitlement.

Describes the consequences of this as: widening resource disparities between schools, reducing educational outcomes for the disadvantaged, and diminishing the social and cultural mix of schools and their capacity to promote intercultural understanding. Posits a reframing is required to articulate the essence of public education, refresh its foundation principles, describe the individual and public benefits derived from it, bolster the arguments for delivering a proper needs-based funding model and develop benchmarks of the expectations of private schools receiving public funding.

“In a democratic society education should be available to all on equal terms so that each child can develop to her/his full potential.” (Reid, A. 2017)

8.2 – Freedom House (2022) Freedom in the world 2022: The global expansion of authoritarian rule

Read the report: 

In this report, authors argue that:

  • global freedom faces a dire threat
  • around the world, the enemies of liberal democracy—a form of self-government in which human rights are recognized and every individual is entitled to equal treatment under law—are accelerating their attacks.
  • authoritarian regimes have become more effective at co-opting or circumventing the norms and institutions meant to support basic liberties, and at providing aid to others who wish to do the same
  • in countries with long-established democracies, internal forces have exploited the shortcomings in their systems, distorting national politics to promote hatred, violence, and unbridled power
  • the present threat to democracy is the product of 16 consecutive years of decline in global freedom.

They argue that:

  • Fostering a strong public understanding of democratic principles, especially among young people, empowers citizens to defend freedom domestically and support foreign policies that protect democratic rights and values abroad.
  • As democracies struggle, and authoritarian rulers promote the narrative that democracy is unable to deliver on its promises, it is essential that those living in free countries understand and are able to articulate how effective democratic governance protects rights and freedoms.
  • In the United States, new legislation could require each state to develop basic content and benchmarks of achievement for civic education, including instruction on the fundamental tenets of US democracy.
  • In the absence of new legislation, the US Department of Education should, to the extent possible, make funding available to states for civic education that focuses on democratic principles.

8.3 – Rogers J et al. (2022) Educating for a Diverse Democracy: The Chilling Role of Political Conflict in Blue, Purple, and Red Communities


This research from the US found that political attacks that target inclusive curricula and divide communities are undermining public education in the US and its role in educating for democracy. The research documented details of the impact of pervasive and growing political conflicts on schools including

  • almost half of schools reported challenges to teaching about issues of race and racism and policies and practices related to LGBTQ student rights
  • one-third reported attempts to limit student access to books in the school library and social and emotional learning
  • political conflict between students had created significant challenges for public schools with almost seven-in-ten (69%) of principals reported that students made derogatory remarks to liberal or conservative classmates
  • almost two-thirds (64%) of principals reported that parents or community members have challenged the information or media sources used by teachers in their school
  • the conflicts often result from intentional and organised efforts that have targeted "purple" or more politically diverse communities.

Go deeper

Read a 2023, NEA Today article: , where the lead researcher is interviewed by Tim Walker, Senior Writer.

“Public schools should be places where all students feel welcomed and respected, and experience opportunities to forge deeper understandings of critical issues, deliberate with evidence and through mutual regard, and envision ways to act together to create a better world.” (Rogers, J. et al. 2022)