On this page
All volunteers must now do updates for RRHAN-EC training. You must do this if:
- your certificate has no expiry date, or
- you have no certificate.
If you want to volunteer at one of our schools, preschools or children’s centres, you need to contact the site you want to help.
Online general induction
As a way to get ready to volunteer with us, you can do an . It will cover:
- our organisation
- our policies
- your work health and safety responsibilities
- other information for volunteers.
First-time sign-up
To sign up for the course, , and away you go.
Returning to the online induction
If you’ve already signed up for the course and want to revisit it, just and log back in with your new plink username.
Site induction
When you start, you’ll meet some of the children, teachers, staff and other volunteers. This induction might include:
- how to sign in
- where to make a cup of coffee or tea
- what to do in an emergency
- where to find the adult toilets
- start and finish times.
It’s also a good time to ask questions.
As part of applying to be a volunteer, you might already have done a Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care Training (RRHAN-EC) training. If not, this will happen as you get started.
You will also be asked to fill in some forms. Some examples are:
- volunteer induction checklist (Word 95KB)
- volunteer role description, suggested template (Word 66KB)
- volunteering agreement (Word 67KB)
While you volunteer with us
You’ll be supported and given any training you need to do your role. If you have concerns, always feel you can ask questions.
Volunteers are always supervised by the department’s staff. The type of supervision will fit the type of work you do.