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Helping your child go to school or preschool

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When a child goes to school or preschool every day it is better for their: 

  • learning
  • wellbeing
  • future life outcomes.

There are many reasons why a child misses school or preschool. The support you need will depend on what’s happening with your family and your child. 

How a school or preschool can help you 

Our staff can work with you. They can talk about what might be causing your child to miss school or preschool. 

You can speak with:

  • your child’s teacher 
  • the school’s student wellbeing leader 
  • the principal
  • the preschool director
  • the preschool’s community development coordinator
  • a family services coordinator (children’s centres only).

You can set up a time with someone at the school or preschool. You can:

  • phone
  • email 
  • ask in person. 

Your discussion will be confidential. 

How you can help your child

These habits can help your child get to school or preschool every day.

Routines and being organised

  • Set regular bedtime and evening routines. This helps your child get enough sleep. They will be well rested and ready to learn the next day.  
  • On nights before school or preschool, limit the use of electronic devices. Find ways to create a .
  • In the mornings, help your child to be organised. This helps them get to school or preschool on time.
  • Have other transport options ready in case something unexpected happens.

Appointments and holidays

  • Take family holidays during school or preschool holidays.
  • Make appointments outside of school or preschool hours, or in school holidays.

Talk and share

Talk about school or preschool in a positive way with your child.

  • Show interest in what your child is learning. Ask about their progress and friends.
  • Regularly talk with your child’s teacher.

Engagement and Wellbeing — Attendance

Speak with someone at the school or preschool for more information.
Search for a school or preschool by name.
Emaileducation.attendance [at] sa.gov.au