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Register to enrol in preschool

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To enrol your child in a government preschool, you’ll need to submit a registration of interest form.

Once you've registered your interest, you can find out how to confirm preschool enrolment.

Before you register

Make sure you have:

Register your interest to enrol

Complete a preschool registration of interest form (PDF 173 KB) . We recommend using your computer to fill in the form, unless your mobile has Adobe Acrobat or similar software. You can also collect this form from your nearest preschool.

Once you’ve completed the form, email it to your preferred preschools or drop it off to them. Find your preschool's contact details.

You can apply to more than 1 preschool. You should always apply at your local preschool in case your application to non-local preschools is not successful.

When to register your interest

Registrations are currently open for your child to start preschool. Submit the registration of interest form as soon as possible.

All government preschools will prioritise enrolment applications for children living within the preschool's local catchment area.

After registering  wait for an enrolment offer

When you register your interest to enrol, the preschool will tell you when you can expect to find out the result. If you have a preferred preschool but do not live in the local catchment area, you may still be offered a place.

If you're offered a place, you'll receive a letter or email from the preschool. To accept the offer and secure the place, you'll need to reply within the timeframe requested.

Opportunity for parent involvement

Parents are invited to participate in all aspects of the preschool. To find out more about getting involved you can:

  • speak to your preschool leader
  • visit .

General enquiries

Phone: 8226 1000
Free call: 1800 088 158
Email: education.customers [at] sa.gov.au