On this page
This page lists resources for girls interested in studying STEM, or entering a STEM industry.
While more females than ever before are entering the STEM workforce, they are still under-represented. Only .
Research shows that if they are interested, engaged and motivated.
In year 12, however, boys outnumber girls 4 to 1 in physics, and almost 2 to 1 in advanced mathematics. While technology is increasingly a part of our everyday lives, boys outnumber girls more than 10 to 1 in year 12 Digital Technologies.
There are many inspiring female role models – scientists, technicians, engineers and mathematicians working in diverse fields of employment, solving problems and designing products that are improving our lives.
The has activities, resources, case studies, lessons and study pathways for girls.
The helps students to discover STEM careers based on the activities they enjoy.
More about girls in STEM
- – programs and competitions that promote technology education for girls
- – read about real women making important contributions in STEM
- – for year 9 girls.
- – inspiring girls to pursue careers in STEM.
- – outreach program for students in years 8 to 12
- – for girls aged 14 to 17 to learn more about STEM careers and opportunities.