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Special interest schools and specialist programs

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All government schools provide a consistent for their students. Some schools also focus on a specific interest or talent.

Enrolment and selection

All schools have procedures for enrolment. Some schools also have a selection process for entry into their specialist programs.

Primary schools

All primary schools are required to offer a language program.

Some primary schools offer specialist programs beyond the core curriculum requirements. For example, a school might focus on the arts, sport, the environment and/or specific academic areas. You can contact individual schools in your area to find out more.

There is a lot to think about when trying to find a school to meet your child’s needs. The information about can help.

Secondary schools

There is a list of some of the secondary schools that offer specialist programs or are special interest schools. If there is a specific secondary school you are interested in, you’ll need to contact the individual school directly.

Many secondary schools also offer language programs.

What we mean by ‘special interest’ school or ‘special program’

A special interest school or special program has activities that:

  • are a key focus in the school and meet an identified need
  • are sustainable by the school over an extended period of time
  • provide students extra learning opportunities (that aren’t usually available in schools).

This is not the same as special education. There is separate information about support for children with special needs.

Enrolment, Capacity and Transition Unit

Phone: 8226 3932