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There are many different activities that you can do at the beach and talking to your child about what they would like to do will help you to decide what type of beach you will go to.The beach can be a very relaxing and restful place where you can talk, read, build sandcastles and lie on the sand. It can also be very active and involve going for long walks, running, playing or
Is there a park with a pond near where you live? Are there ducks at the pond? Next time you visit take some duck food with you to feed the ducks.It’s a sunny day. Let’s go and feed the ducks down at the pond. I wonder how many ducks will be there today.Talk about the location of the pond. Is it in the middle of the park? Or is it on the edge of the park next to the car park?We
Look, up in the sky - what can you see? Take some time to encourage your child to stop and look up while you are out walking or lying on the grass. Talk about what you see. Clouds are always changing. Sometimes they are white, sometimes shades of grey. There are lots of clouds today. Are they big, fluffy clouds or long thin ones? What colour are they? You can also talk about
We went to visit the city one day and caught a tram along the way. What do you think we noticed that day?Lots of different noises – car horns tooting, trucks reversing, clocks chiming, people talking, water rushing and tram bells sounding.Lots of shiny windows – different shaped ones, reflective ones, open ones, ones with writing and ones you can see through.Lots of signs –
Is it a plane, is it a bird, is it Superman? No, it’s a jumbo jet bringing families home!Often when you are outside or travelling around with your child they will notice a plane in the sky. When they do, talk to them about what they can see.Can you see the plane flying in front of the cloud? Do you think it is a big plane or a small one?That is a very big plane. How many
If you are going on a bus, train or tram look up the timetables with your child before you go. Talk about how you are going to get there. Will it be on the bus, on a tram or by train?Show your child that each bus or train has its own timetable.Which number bus are we catching? The 224 or the 225?What time do we need to get there? How long will it take? What time do we leave
While you are waiting for the lift to come talk to your child about the number of the floor that you want to travel to.Is it a high number or a low number?Is it a number above the ground floor which means the lift will travel up or is the floor below ground level and so will go down?Talk about how the buttons have symbols on them that will provide directions and instructions.
There are many different ways you can travel to a place. You could go by bus, train or tram. Next time you are travelling by public transport with your child take some time to talk about the different things that you notice around you.Talk with your child about what you see inside the vehicle compared to outside. Inside there will be lots of different people to notice compared
Are you wondering what your family can do this weekend? You could visit the Botanic Gardens.Before you go to the gardens talk to your child about the different things you can do and see there.Explain that the garden is divided into different sections and each section tells a story of different types of plants and where they can be found. Explain to your child that the plants
“Miss Polly had a dolly who was sick, sick, sick . . .So she rang for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick.â€Sometimes children can become ill very quickly and there is a quick rush to the doctor or the hospital. Other times it will be a planned visit – maybe for a check-up. When it is a planned visit you can talk to your child about what will happen at the doctor. Talk to