
If you are going on a bus, train or tram look up the timetables with your child before you go. Talk about how you are going to get there. Will it be on the bus, on a tram or by train?
Show your child that each bus or train has its own timetable.
Which number bus are we catching? The 224 or the 225?
What time do we need to get there? How long will it take? What time do we leave home?
You might use a paper timetable, look at a timetable online or use the timetable at the bus, train or tram stop.
Materials you will need
- Computer
- Timetable
Alternative tools
- Tablet / smart phone
Skills this activity improves
Why does this matter?
This helps children to understand that information can be conveyed in print and that it can be used for planning. It helps them to learn about time and how to recognise numbers.
What does this lead to?
This activity leads to children understanding that time is a fixed concept and does not change. It also helps children to develop an understanding that print gives us information and that it can be presented in different formats.
Language to use
- Timetable, time, route
- Hurry, soon, next, wait
Questions to use
- What is the time now?
- What number bus do we need?
- How often does the train come?
- Where do we need to go?
- Which direction does the tram travel?
- How long will the trip take?
Useful tips
- For information on road safety see or visit
- You might also want to look at the Where are we going? activity.
- Remember to talk to your child in your home language.
More ideas
- Read or borrow books from the library about travelling.
- Make up songs about travelling.
- Create a map of the route the bus will travel.
- Create timetables for routines at home.
Variation by age
Birth to two year olds
- Sing songs about travelling, such as "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round"
Three to five year olds
- Sing songs about travelling, such as "The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round"
- Read or borrow books from the  about travelling.
- Make up songs about travelling.
- Create a map of the route the bus will travel.
- Create timetables for routines at home.
Questions to ask
- Is the bus coming?
- Where are we going?
- Do you think the bus will come soon?
Questions to ask
- Ask your child how far the bus stop is from the house. Is it too far or very close?
- What time will we need to leave to get to the stop?
- What time does the bus come?
- Will there be other people waiting at the bus stop?