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Data publications for state and national schools and preschools

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Throughout the year, various state and national publications and reports are released that provide a variety of school and preschool statistical information.

  • - performance of government funded schools and children's services across government jurisdictions.
  • - individual school statistics from the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) information service.
  • - annual government and non-government enrolment figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (catalogue number 4221.0).
  • - annual statistics on children enrolled in and attending a preschool program across Australia from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (catalogue number 4240.0).
  • Annual Report - activities undertaken by the department in the preceding calendar year, as well as the department's finances and achievements.
  • - SACE completion by students and student achievement, including the recipients of awards, prizes and merit certificates.
  • - general SATAC applicant statistics.
  • - VET students data.
  • - National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a summary report for students in years 3, 5, 7 and 9 reported in September.
  • - educational outcomes statistics from ACARA.

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