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Mobile phone ban in SA public schools, student on their phone

Mobile phones now off in all SA public schools

24 July 2023

The State Government’s ban on mobile phone use in public schools comes into full effect today, delivering on a key election commitment.

The new rules are in place at all of ϳԹ’s 158 public schools with secondary enrolments.

The ‘off and away’ policy has been introduced to reduce distraction in the classroom and stop some of the bullying that occurs through social media, with both outcomes leading to improved learning.

The policy will be in effect for the first time at 27 ϳԹn public secondary schools today, the start of Term 3, with the other 131 having introduced it earlier this year.

Some ϳԹn public high schools (including Area and B-12 schools) adopted the policy earlier, in advance of the state-wide ban from Term 3, with reports of improved student behaviour. This has been shown, particularly at break times, where teachers have seen an increase in physical activity and involvement in extracurricular clubs.

The success of the ban here in ϳԹ has been watched closely by other states with the new NSW Labor government recently announcing its own school phone ban.

It’s also on the national agenda with all education ministers recently agreeing to a national commitment to ban, restrict or manage the use of mobile phones in government schools, following the success of the ϳԹn roll out.

In SA, all public high school students must switch their devices off or onto flight mode and put them away during school hours, in break times and on school excursions.

The rollout of the policy is being supported through the recently announced State Budget with $515,000 to assist schools with practical requirements such as pouches, lockers or other infrastructure to implement the policy.

The policy specifically bans all personal devices with the capability to connect to internet networks including mobile phones, tablets and smart watches, but does not apply to school-owned technologies or learning devices brought under Bring Your Own Device programs.

Principals can also approve individual student exemptions in specific circumstances.

Norwood International High School Principal Jacqui Van Ruiten said they have been working with their students and staff ahead of this policy fully coming place at Norwood International High School, so everyone is prepared.

“Our students are global citizens of a technologically rich world and while we acknowledge that mobile devices ca provide a positive platform for learning, excessive use can negatively impact on physical and mental health, social interactions, and attention to learning.”

“During our consultation earlier this year we became aware that some students have been using their phone to pay for items from will the vending machines or at the canteen, however we have worked with our school community to highlight that there are a number of alternative options including the use of cash, debit/EFTPOS card or the QKR app before the start of the school day.

“Our school also has more than 30 clubs and extracurricular activities available to our students, so there are plenty of options available for everyone as they reconsider the use of time that might have been spent scrolling on mobile devices in the past.”

Each school determines the best way to store students’ devices whether that be in their locker, schoolbag, lockable pouch, handed into the teacher or stored in another secure location.