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Conditions of the statewide schools competitions

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These are the rules of the statewide schools competitions updated November 2024. Sport specific rules are available on the sport page. See choose a sport for details.


Schools affiliated with School Sport SA may enter teams in the statewide schools competitions. Only students attending that school can be selected in the school team unless a has been approved.

Competitions offered

Schools will be able to download a copy of the playing conditions, rules and fixtures which include round due dates from the School Sport SA sport specific page.

Year 4 to 6

  • Australian football
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Football (soccer)
  • Netball
  • Softball
  • Tennis
  • Volleyball - year 6 only

Year 7 to 12

  • Australian football
  • Badminton
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Football (soccer)
  • Futsal (indoor soccer)
  • Hockey
  • Indoor cricket
  • Netball
  • Softball
  • Table tennis
  • Tennis
  • Touch football
  • Volleyball


Statewide schools competitions are to be played either:

  • boys
  • girls
  • mixed (year 7 to 12 competitions only)

The intent is that girls may not play in boys' teams and visa versa as competitions are offered for both genders. Where there is no reasonable opportunity for a player to participate in an appropriate competition then approval to play in an opposite gender team may be requested by submitting a  prior to participation and is subject to approval from the School Sport Team. Schools to be removed from the competition if not compliant.

Requests will be discussed at a School Sport SA staff meeting. The following will be considered.

  • Size of the sports participation base.
  • Number of students required to fill a team.
  • Date the request was received.
  • School enrolment numbers, specifically the year level of the competition and gender of students.

Age groups

Year 4 to 6

Students must be in year 4 to 6 for all statewide schools competitions.

The intent is that students are in year 5 and 6. Only when there are not enough players from these year levels should a school select year 4 students in their teams.

Year 7 to 12

  • Year 7 and 8
  • Year 7 to 9
  • Year 9 and 10
  • Year 10 to 12
  • Year 11 and 12

Students who are enrolled in year 6 or younger are not eligible to compete in year 7 to 12 statewide schools competitions.

Lower year level secondary students can be selected in year 9, 10, 11 and 12 teams if there are insufficient numbers.


Year 4 to 6

Schools will be allocated to large, medium or small schools divisions based on enrolment numbers, the number of nominated school and how these schools can be most effectively allocated to fixtures.

Year 7 to 12

Fixtures will be created considering:

  • Previous year's results.
  • Number of nominations.
  • Strength rating.
  • Size of school.
  • Geographic location.

Combined schools

A must be submitted prior to nominations closing for that sport and approved prior to the team being able to participate. The intent is for each school to enter their own team. Each request will be considered on its merit.

Requests will be discussed at a School Sport SA staff meeting. The following will be considered.

  • Size of the sports participation base.
  • Number of students required to fill a team.
  • Date the request was received.
  • School enrolment numbers, specifically the year level of the competition and gender of students.

Campus school entry

Year 4 to 6

School Sport SA believes it is important to maximise the number of students who can participate in sporting programs. For schools that comprise of more than one campus the following will apply:

  • Each campus that has an individual location number is to affiliate with School Sport SA and enter competitions individually.
  • Each school with more than one campus at the same site or on sites within the same Sapsasa district and having the same location number is to affiliate with School Sport SA and to enter competitions as one school.
  • Each school with more than one campus on different sites and in different Sapsasa districts and having the same location number is to affiliate with School Sport SA and to enter competitions independently.

For any variation to the above the school will need to seek approval from the School Sport Team Leader.

Sport specific rules

These can be found on the sport specific pages. Provide these to your coaches prior to and at the event. If clarification is needed phone School Sport SA and ask for the organiser of that sport as indicated on the fixture.


Schools will be invoiced for teams they have entered after nominations have closed.

A summary of fees are available on statewide schools competitions.

Minor round matches

For organisation details see the 'organising your games' section on the fixture for each competition. All games are to be played before the due date.

Schools are to ring or email each other to organise arrangements as soon as possible. It is not the sole responsibility of the nominated 'organising school' to do so. Nominating schools must acknowledge that they may be drawn to play a school/s from across the state and would therefore be required to undertake significant travel. Groups separated by significant distance must arrange a venue approximately halfway between all schools, other locations must be mutually agreed. Where appropriate, each school is responsible for supplying the necessary equipment for matches.

Schools should aim to arrange to play matches early in the allotted time to allow for rescheduling prior to the due date to occur, in the event of necessary postponement for example, adverse weather conditions.

Cost sharing

The major expenses of a group are generally associated with travel, followed by umpires/referees. Organisational priority must be given to schools sharing costs as evenly as practicable. One way this may be done reasonably is by travelling schools paying for transportation and the host school paying for the umpires/referees and officials. If this doesn't result in an equitable way of sharing costs, for example, significant travel involved, competing schools must come to another agreement to equate costs prior to the event. If all schools are travelling, other costs, such as umpires/referees, must be shared evenly.

Equal playing time

Year 4 to 6 only

All players selected in a team for a statewide schools competition must have equal playing time per round and in the finals of the competition. The rotation of players is encouraged.


Schools should have a sports policy that includes selection guidelines. School Sport SA recommends:
  • A teacher is responsible for the selection of the team, but they must establish a panel of at least one other person, such as a coach, and preferably a panel of 3 people.
  • A minimum of two trial are conducted.
  • Selection for each school team should be based on ability.
  • Students must be given as close to equal playing time during the trials to demonstrate their skills and abilities.
  • Allowances during trials must be made for students who are absent for legitimate reasons such as illness.

Supervision and duty of care

See About School Sport SA and our programs.


Coaching is permitted by the appointed coach or manager only. Coaching must not be interfere with the flow of the game or violate any rules that may apply. Coaches, officials and teachers should be supplied with and know the codes of behaviour. Coaching in all competitions should prioritise learning and development.

Umpires or referees

It is the responsibility of the organising school to organise the umpires/referees.

  • Umpires/referees must be suitably qualified and experienced to officiate at the level of the matches.
  • If possible, the umpires/referees should come from a neutral source.
  • It is not suitable to have students' umpire/referee their own year level at their own school, no matter what standard they are.

If the recommended standards are not used, the convening school is to confirm this with the other schools involved prior to the day of competition.

Once all schools have agreed on umpires/referees, School Sport SA expects all schools abide by the codes of behaviour which states that all students, officials and spectators accept the decision of the umpires/referees as being far and called to the best of their ability. School Sport SA staff will not enter into discussions about the quality of umpiring/refereeing.

Determining placings

See About School Sport SA and our programs.


All finals will be organised by School Sport SA. The details of the finals will be sent to all the schools involved. Final's day, as indicated on the fixtures, will not be changed to accommodate schools or individual programs. Presentations of a plaque and gold medals will be presented to the winners and silver medals to the runners up immediately after the final match has been completed.

In the event of a team withdrawing from the finals, a replacement team will be selected in their place. This selection will be an 'executive decision'.

Extreme weather

If extreme weather conditions are forecast, competing schools will need to liaise with each other and make decisions regarding playing times, rule modifications or rescheduling.

For finals games only sever weather will result in rescheduling. In extreme weather, modifications to the format and length of games may need to occur.

Mercy rule

Although the statewide schools competition program provides a competitive environment, it is often used by some schools to provide and opportunity for beginners to play, because there may be no other school sport opportunity for them to do so, or for teaching and learning purposes.

This can lead to the scenario where two very mismatched teams will play each other. No player, particularly beginners, will benefit from an extremely one-side experience. The teachers in charge of the 2 teams should collaborate to determine the best way to proceed to avoid an extremely one-sided experience.

The way the winner of the grouping is determined removes the use of percentage against non-competitive teams.

Send off rule

Many sports have rules to deal with inappropriate behaviour by sending players off the playing area. The length of time will be determined by the official involved based on the severity of the incident. The time will be managed by the coach of the playing team. School Sport SA intends the penalty to impact on the offending player only, not the team, hence the player can be replaced, unless there are sport specific rules that state differently in the rules for that sport.


School Sport SA aims to conduct competitions of a high standard in every respect, and this includes the behaviour of the participants. Swearing by players in unacceptable and any player who swears will be sent off. The organising school will need to inform umpires/referees of this rule so that it can be implemented and have the desired effect.

Fighting and racial vilification

Fighting and racial vilification are not an acceptable part of sport and can't be justified for any reason. Any player(s) who is involved in fighting or racial vilification will take no further part in matches being played on that day. The player's principal must be notified to determine further sanction. It is the responsibility of all schools involved to keep lines of communication open to ensure than an acceptable sanction is in place. The school's sports coordinator should inform the School Sport Officer responsible for that competition or the school's decision regarding disciplinary action.

Codes of behaviour

Read the codes of behaviour.

School Sport SA

Phone: 8416 5900
Email: education.schoolsportsa [at] sa.gov.au