On this page
This page is for out of school hours care (OSHC), vacation care and long day care services.
The COVID safe measures and requirements page provides more information for schools, preschools, OSHC and children’s centres.
OSHC, vacation care and long day care services
- OSHC services should follow the .
- Childcare providers can refer to the .
All OSHC, vacation care and long day care services must report COVID-19 cases at their service through the . You’ll need a schools.sa.edu.au email address to complete the form.
Getting a schools email address
Governing council run OSHC services can contact their school leader or delegate to request a schools.sa.edu.au email address through .
If you have any difficulties requesting an email for your service, email the department’s OSHC Team at education.OSHC@sa.gov.au.
Third-party OSHC providers can contact their leader or delegate to request temporary use of the general distribution list email address of their school to complete the form.
During school term
OSHC services must contact the site leader of the school that the positive case attended.
Communication should include details of each positive case, for example a PDF version of the .
See find schools, preschools and other services for contact details.
During school holidays
Vacation care service providers should copy the school principal into any communication with families or staff about positive COVID-19 cases.
The OSHC leader and school principal should set up and agree on a communication arrangement before the school holidays.
Reporting of incidents
Department preschool, occasional care, rural care services must submit an IRMS report where 5 or more cases are reported in a 7-day period to ensure Education Standards Board regulatory reporting requirements are met.
OSHC services and non-government long day care providers must notify the Education Standards Board by completing the I01 notification on the report where 5 or more cases are reported in a 7-day period. No IRMS notification is required.
Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs)
Contact the Department for Education COVID-19 hotline on 8226 1440 if you need more RAT kits.