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Your child can learn a lot when cooking with you. Why not make a cake together? What does the recipe ask for? Do you have all the ingredients? Can you see if we have some milk and 4 eggs in the fridge? How much flour do we have? Is the jar full or getting empty? While you are making the cake, read out the recipe for your child to follow. Show them the numbers and words in the
Most children love to challenge themselves physically and explore the different ways they can move around, through and over different objects. You might find your child likes to try and balance on or along lines or other surfaces. Next time you are outside with your child or walking somewhere, encourage them to try a bit of balancing. Can they balance along a line on the
Children are natural noticers and collectors of bits. It might be a feather found at the park or a pebble from the beach. They may have a special interest in something and collect as many different bits and pieces as they can.The toy catalogue has arrived in the letterbox. Hunt through it and see if you can find any pictures of cars you can add to your collection.Talk to your
Many cultures share and tell their stories through the colour, designs, placement and patterns printed or woven into their fabric and cloth.The fabric can tell you the story of where a person lives, what animals or food can be found in the environment and who they are connected to. It can even tell you the age and status of the person wearing the cloth.Next time you are out
To watch a bulb grow, roots and all, it is best to grow it in a jar, instead of outside in the garden.Choose which bulbs you want to grow. When you choose the bulb, talk about it with your child, looking together at the pictures on the packet.Let’s look at these bulbs on the stand. Which one should we choose? This is a hyacinth and has blue flowers. This one is a daffodil. It
A vegetable that is taller than you…Sweet corn is an easy food to grow and you can grow it in your garden or in a pot.In September or October choose a place in your garden that is warm and sunny. Dig the soil so that it is ready for planting and water it. Talk with your child about why the plants need good soil and sun to grow.We need to make sure the roots of the corn can
Wheat sprouts can grow in just a couple of weeks and your child will be able to watch them change from day to day.Put the wheat in a bowl, cover it with water and let it soak for two days. Watch what happens. Does it look any different? You will need to change the water every day.Let’s use the strainer to pour out the water. Why does the strainer let the water through but not
The washing is done, the sun is shining and now it’s time to hang it out. Your child could help you do this.Put the bucket of pegs and the basket of washing on the ground where your child can reach them. Ask your child to find different items of clothing. As they find each one see if they can work out how many pegs are needed to hang them on the line.Can you find the spotty
Is it full, is it empty, is it nearly to the top, can you squish one more in before it pops? ​When you are unpacking and putting away the shopping with your child, talk about the capacity or volume of the jars you have bought. Which jar is bigger and holds more? Are all of the jars full to the top or could some of the jars hold more? How do you know what size the jar is?
Yesterday you planted new seedlings in the garden and today when you look they are not there.Where do you think they went? Did a giant rabbit sneak into the garden at night and take them home for dinner?The insects and bugs have been eating our seedling during the night. We need to go bug hunting in our garden to find them.