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There are many different ways you can move about. You can crawl, run, jump, roll or climb. You can climb up, over, under and through things. Next time you are outside, at the park or moving about talk to your child about the different things they can climb. We are going to the park with the big trees and logs. When we get there you can climb up the trees or over the logs. The
There are many different ways to grow more plants. They can grow from cuttings, seeds, seedlings, bulbs or rootstock. Next time you do your fruit and vegetable shopping with your child see if you can predict which ones will have seeds inside. If they have seeds inside you could try and grow them. I think the pumpkin will have seeds inside that we can try to grow. A pumpkin has
Children are natural noticers and collectors of bits. It might be a feather found at the park or a pebble from the beach. They may have a special interest in something and collect as many different bits and pieces as they can.The toy catalogue has arrived in the letterbox. Hunt through it and see if you can find any pictures of cars you can add to your collection.Talk to your
Are we digging to China or a tunnel under the sea?Digging can be done just about anywhere. You can do it in your backyard, at the park or the beach, or in the kitchen when you dig out a scoop of ice-cream.You and your child can get creative and make tunnels that travel from one country to another. Your child could help you dig a hole to plant a new lemon tree, make a trench
Sitting together as a family to share food can be a great opportunity to talk about what happened during the day or what might happen tomorrow.If the weather is nice you could pack a picnic and sit outside or go to the park and share a meal together. If it is cold and wet you could still have a picnic, but have it inside by the fire or heater where it is nice and warm.
Move, move, freeze!Have you ever shown your child a statue? They don’t move. Can your child stand as still as a statue?If your child isn’t already up and moving, encourage them to get started. You could sing as they move or play some music. Work out a way to tell them when to stop. You could use a word like freeze or stop. Or you could use a sound like clapping your hands or
A vegetable that is taller than you…Sweet corn is an easy food to grow and you can grow it in your garden or in a pot.In September or October choose a place in your garden that is warm and sunny. Dig the soil so that it is ready for planting and water it. Talk with your child about why the plants need good soil and sun to grow.We need to make sure the roots of the corn can
Yesterday you planted new seedlings in the garden and today when you look they are not there.Where do you think they went? Did a giant rabbit sneak into the garden at night and take them home for dinner?The insects and bugs have been eating our seedling during the night. We need to go bug hunting in our garden to find them.
The weather is fine, the days are long and the family is on holidays. If you have a barbecue everyone can help to prepare the meal. Maybe this time you could make kebabs.Talk to your child about the different types of kebabs you can make. Will you use meat or vegetables or a mixture of both? Your child could help you to cut up the different ingredients and thread them on.
The rain has fallen, the sun is out and everyone’s keen to get out the door and go.