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Antenatal services at children's centres

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Antenatal services at children’s centres include:

  • antenatal checks for women suitable for midwifery antenatal care
  • pregnancy and birthing information
  • breastfeeding and parenting information
  • free parking or easy access from public transport
  • a family friendly community setting.

Pregnancy check-ups

Women’s and Children’s Hospital midwives

If you are pregnant and having your baby at the Women's and Children's Hospital, you may be able to attend most of your antenatal appointments in your local community.

Experienced midwives provide the same service as they would in a hospital at children’s centres in Cowandilla, Ocean View, and Trinity Gardens..

Speak to staff at one of the 3 children’s centres to book an appointment:

Corner Jenkins and Wilson Streets, Cowandilla 
Ph: 8352 5346

23 Gedville Road, Taperoo 
Ph: 8248 3670

Devitt Ave, Trinity Gardens
Ph: 8333 2557

Lyell McEwin Hospital midwives

Experienced midwives from the are available for antenatal appointments, subject to eligibility, at these centres.

John Hartley School B-7 Children’s Centre
199 Peachy Rd, Smithfield Plains

Lake Windemere B-7 School Children’s Centre
17 Uraidla Ave, Salisbury North

Parafield Gardens Children’s Centre
9 Casuarina Drive, Parafield Gardens

For further information phone 8182 9000.

Integrated Sites Team

Phone: 8226 0084
Email: Education.IntegratedSites [at] sa.gov.au