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Nurturing independence and confidence at Peterborough Community Preschool – video and transcript

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Video transcript

Here at Peterborough, we are really passionate about giving children a lot of different. opportunities for learning, for playing, for growing. So, making sure that they are kind of ready to go into the world with all of the skills that they need as learners and as humans.

What do we use the timer for?

To have turns.

To have turns, why do we have to have turns?

So we can share.

So we can share.

Learner agency is something that is really embedded into early childhood settings.

it's about getting the opportunity to make choices, but it's also about how we as educators interact with the children, so. that might be things like giving children the opportunity to build their independent self-help skills, and it's all of those learning those skills that go I need to remember that this is the process that I do in the morning and figuring out how to do it every time.

Something that we try and do is we observe all the children as they're interacting, any requests that they make we will document all of our observations, we use that to build into our program.

Which song? Is it the Pirate Song or Slippery Fish?

Pirate song.

Early Childhood is not just play it is very much there’s a lot of deep learning that goes on for our kids.

What we might think is playing a lot of the time it will be children learning to explore and it might be something that they’ve never been exposed to before.

A lot of the goals for our children usually circle around some social skills to things like making friends at preschool is something that most of our families are really keen to see their kids do.

Something that we have embedded is our community breakfast every week, so, we have members of our community come in and they help cook for the kids and they get the opportunity to try new things.


Something we love to do is give kids the opportunity to assess risk themselves. So they might, yeah, so Paige is saying that "she can't do that big of a jump." So, it's teaching the kids how to know their own limits, and know how to be safe and assess risk.

You need my hand?



Need this hand as well?


Yeah okay.



Good job.

To be able to see the growth in confidence and seeing our children go from being really worried to start the day, you know, lots of tears at the gate kind of thing, to be able to see them really flourishing being able to say, "Bye Mum, bye Dad”. that's something we're really passionate about as educators.

End of transcript.