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Annual Report 2018

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The 2018 Department for Education annual report is provided on this page. You can also download the report (PDF 3.4MB).

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Department for Education

Education Centre, 31 Flinders Street, Adelaide 5000

Postal address: GPO Box 1152, Adelaide SA 5001

Contact phone number: (08) 8226 1000
Free call: 1800 088 158
Contact email: education.customers@sa.gov.au

ISSN: 1835-1530
Date presented to Minister: 29 March 2019

To: The Hon John Gardner, Minister for Education

This annual report is to be presented to Parliament to meet the statutory reporting requirements of Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987, and the Education Act 1972 and meets the requirements of Premier and Cabinet Circular PC013 Annual Reporting.

This report is verified to be accurate for the purposes of annual reporting to the Parliament of ºÚÁϳԹÏ.

Submitted on behalf of the Department for Education by: Rick Persse, Chief Executive

Section A: Reporting required under the Public Sector Act 2009, the Public Sector Regulations 2010 and the Public Finance and Audit Act 1987

Agency purpose or role

The Department for Education provides integrated, high quality education, training, early childhood and child health services that support children and young people from the day they are born through to transition to adulthood, in all ºÚÁϳԹÏn communities.

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï also provides oversight of TAFE SA and higher education support for the state's three universities.


To build a stronger future for our children by making our state's education and child development system world class.

For 2018, our 5 key priorities for ºÚÁϳԹϒs children and young people were:

  • Great start: Children have a strong, supportive start to life and learning.
  • High achievement: We have high standards and support all children and young people to achieve their best.
  • Fairness for all: All children receive a quality education, whatever their circumstances. We want to close the gap in outcomes for children and young people.
  • Learning in partnership: We will work towards partnerships with families, in the community and across the world to support our children and young people.
  • Better futures: Young people are prepared for work and life in a transforming economy.

We will achieve our vision and deliver on these priorities by building capability in the 6 fundamental areas that have created impact in successful education systems around the world:

  • Expert teaching – goal: expert teachers have the skills, knowledge and support they need to perform at their highest level every day.
  • Quality leadership – goal: quality leadership to drive better results and improved professional practice.
  • Engaged parents and communities – goal: partnerships with parents and carers to support children’s learning and development.
  • Stronger services – goal: a robust service base to support child health, development and education outcomes.
  • Resourcing and investment – goal: resources deployed where they are most needed and strategic investments to ensure the quality and sustainability of our system.
  • Improvement and accountability – goal: professional collaboration and a consistent approach to accountability to improve the system as a whole.

Our Strategic Plan and Action plan: /department/about-department/strategic-plan

Key strategies and their relationship to SA Government objectives

Key strategy

SA Government objective

Great start

Better services: Parental engagement in school education.

High achievement

Better services: Languages in school, Skilling ºÚÁϳԹÏ, Starting at school, Improving SACE.

Fairness for all

Better services: Stopping bullying, Literacy guarantee, Improving SACE, Year 7 to high school.

Learning in partnership

More jobs: Skilling ºÚÁϳԹÏ, International education, Starting at school

Better services: Literacy guarantee, Parental engagement in school education.

Better futures

More jobs: Skilling ºÚÁϳԹÏ, Year 7 to high school, International education, Starting at school, Investing in infrastructure and Support for TAFE.

Agency programs and initiatives and their effectiveness and efficiency

Program nameIndicatorsComments
Great Start
Languages Alive holiday programSchool of Languages commissioned to expand the Languages Alive holiday program for early primary students.Improved student participation and retention in language education.

Literacy and Numeracy:

  • Phonics checks
  • Support from literacy coaches
  • Literacy Guarantee conferences

All year 1 students undertook phonic checks in August 2018.

Support from literacy coaches (13 new positions) with experience in phonics and teaching students with dyslexia and other learning difficulties. Literacy coaches provided support to schools to analyse phonics data and teach phonics. Identified schools receive intensive support in the systematic, explicit teaching of phonics.

Literacy coaches built capacity in teachers to more effectively support students with learning difficulties and dyslexia through quality differentiated teaching.

Literacy Guarantee conferences focused on a whole-school approach to professional development for teachers about strategies, interventions, adjustments and resources that support literacy development for all students, particularly those with learning difficulties.

To ensure all students have the best possible start in reading, which means improving literacy and numeracy for all students.
Parent engagement programs

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï worked with key internal and external stakeholders to develop a Parent Engagement framework that will:

  • encourage a shared understanding of the benefits of parent engagement in children’s learning
  • establish a foundation of the core elements of parent engagement
  • identify effective parent engagement practices.
Parents play the most important role as their child’s first teacher.
Working with non-government organisationsºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï partnered with non-government organisations, Raising Literacy Australia and The Smith Family, to deliver evidence-based literacy and numeracy programs targeting children in their early years before they start school. Better support for disadvantaged children in learning the foundational skills of numeracy and literacy.
High Achievement
School Improvement ModelThe School Improvement Model was launched in September 2018 and integrates the 4 key elements of the ‘stages of improvement’: the Improvement Dashboard, the literacy and numeracy guidebooks, and the school improvement planning materials supporting the pivotal school improvement planning cycle. Schools will implement their plans with the support of education directors and local education teams in early 2019.To become a world-class education system.
SACE Improvement 

Quality teaching and learning support for school leaders was provided to help improve SACE achievement, retention and completion.

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï provided responses to the review into Stage 2 requirements of SACE.

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï also provided data analysis resources and strategies to support ongoing identification, tracking and monitoring of SACE students to improve SACE achievement.

Provision of a suite of SACE improvement professional learning resources and tools. 
Language StudyºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï contributed to expanding options for high school languages, including through the Ethnic Schools Association, an expanded range of Open Access College language options, and commissioning the School of Languages to deliver intensive language courses to secondary students during school holidays. 

Expanded teaching of language education.

International BaccalaureateIn 2018, 4 new public schools began pursuing a decision to offer the International Baccalaureate option to their students.To provide more opportunities for students to gain the internationally recognised and highly regarded International Baccalaureate certificate.
Language program grantsInnovative grants as part of the Language program for primary schools were offered in 2018.Improved student participation and retention in language education.
Scholarships for language teachers In 2018, scholarships were set up for language teachers and students to improve their language skills.Enhanced teaching and learning of languages.
NAPLAN Online100 schools delivered NAPLAN Online in 2018, with students in years 5, 7, and 9 completing all testing domains online and students in year 3 completing some domains online.To provide better assessment, more precise results and faster turnaround of information to support schools to tailor teaching and learning to student needs.
Learning design, assessment and moderation 

Every public school and preschool had 2 pupil-free days in 2018 for teachers to engage in collaborative moderation and reflective practice, and to design more effective learning.  Resources were provided to guide this work.

The strategy focused on formative assessment as this has been identified in current research as a practice with strong impact on student learning.

Full-year professional learning programs were developed and provided to:

  • 200 early years directors/educators (145 preschools with at least 1 participant each)
  • 420 primary years teachers (215 schools with 1 to 2 participants each)
  • 170 secondary years leaders and teachers (47 schools with 2 to 4 participants each).

Resources on learning design were developed for sites to use for school improvement work.

Teachers gain a more precise and consistent understanding about the curriculum, and quality learning and assessment.
Site-based learning improvement work undertaken by participants as part of the professional learning programs.
Professional and Leadership Development Academy

A review of current leadership and professional development was completed and a report delivered in January 2018.

Approval was granted for a public tender process for the 5 launch courses in August 2018.

Approval was granted for a public tender process for the refurbishment of the Education Development Centre in November 2018.

Building the capabilities of teachers and leaders to provide high-quality learning experiences in literacy and numeracy for ºÚÁϳԹÏn students.
Fairness for all
Tackle bullying in our schools

The results of an audit of all school’s anti-bullying policies in May 2018 will be used to develop a template to support schools to implement the department's policy and procedural requirements for tackling school-age bullying.

Funding to the Safe Schools Anti-bullying Initiative (SSAI) ceased, and interim support arrangements were in place while the department initiated further work to support inclusion and support for all students.

Initial training, resources and support began in 2018, with further scoping and co-design of initiatives for 2019 underway.

Funding agreements for the delivery of bullying prevention education in ºÚÁϳԹÏn schools were finalised with 2 providers. Grants will support teachers to deliver bullying prevention programs.

A safe and inclusive environment for all students.
Free dyslexia workshopsFree dyslexia workshops were offered to parents in identified regional areas to support children with learning difficulties and dyslexia.Children and young people within SA government schools and preschools have access to specialist support.
School Breakfast program

Criteria to assess relative levels of need were established in 2018.

A schools survey assessing ‘felt-need’ was released and the existing level of school breakfast program usage was analysed.

Two non-government organisations with expertise and capacity to deliver state-wide programs were identified (Foodbank and Kickstart for Kids). Contract negotiations with program providers began in 2018.

Schools and students in need identified.

Schools and children in need provided with opportunity to participate in the program.

Opportunity for school and student performance to improve via program participation.

Auditing all public schools’ compliance with departmental policy requirements  

ºÚÁϳԹϒs Attendance Matters (2018 to 2021) strategy was released in 2018.

An audit of all government schools’ compliance with the department’s attendance policy was completed.

An audit was also completed into children under guardianship orders who are on reduced hours of attendance at school. Action plans to re-engage children on reduced hours were implemented.

To engage and support our children and young people to attend school.
School buses in regional areasA working group, consisting of senior officers from the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure and the Department for Education, began a review of school buses in regional areas.School students have fair access to school buses in regional areas.
Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People A Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People was appointed.Promotion of the safety and wellbeing of Aboriginal children and young people at a systemic level, specifically in the areas of education, health, child protection and justice.  
Aboriginal education strategyA new Aboriginal education strategy was launched to lift learning and life outcomes for Aboriginal children and young people to help them to succeed in preschool, school and post school. Each Aboriginal child and young person is a proud and confident learner, achieving at their highest potential.
The Walk Along initiative 

The initiative supported Anangu children and young people at several ºÚÁϳԹÏn metropolitan schools by:

  • implementing early childhood education programs in 3 children's centres
  • establishing an Elders art program
  • continuing to provide bilingual student support officers to Anangu children.

Create employment for Anangu community members living in Adelaide.

Increase educator’s knowledge of Anangu families and solidify cultural connections.

ºÚÁϳԹÏn Aboriginal Sports Training Academy (SAASTA)

Sport and recreation has been used as a key driver for creating quality educational outcomes for Aboriginal students.

SAASTA is available to students in years 10, 11 and 12 who are studying the SACE. In 2018, there were 577 total enrolments; 97 were year 12 students with 87 receiving their SACE.

Increased retention and numbers of Aboriginal young people enrolled in and achieving their SACE.  
Workabout Centre In 2018, 2 centres located in northern Adelaide and Port Augusta engaged with 300 students and supported 225 training outcomes and 48 employment outcomes.  Supporting Aboriginal students to make a successful transition from school to work, higher education or further training. 
Student Support Services reformThe Student Support Services delivery model and the referral process were refined. Specific discipline catalogues of services were developed in 2018. A professional service that supports children and young people to achieve best outcomes for their wellbeing, health, development and educational achievement in partnership with preschools, schools and families. 
Disability funding reformModelling and planning was completed in 2018 for a simpler approach to support mainstream preschoolers and school students with disability, which will be phased in during 2019. Children and young people are provided with the help and support they need. 
Learning in partnership
Professional development of teachersIn 2018, procurement began for improved professional development opportunities in place for language teachers.More expert language workforce.
Passive alert drug detection dogs have greater access to schools.

A protocol for passive alert drug detection dogs in schools’ was developed and will become operational in term 1 of 2019.

The protocol is a joint agreement between SA Police and the education department. It creates a process to invite police to conduct a proactive search at a school using detection dogs and describes how to manage an operation.

Police can be invited to conduct a proactive search at a school using passive alert drug detection dogs. 
Prevention programs for school childrenFunding agreements for the delivery of alcohol and other drug education in ºÚÁϳԹÏn schools were finalised with 3 providers. Non-government schools can also access these funded programs.Healthy living and alcohol and other drug prevention programs are made available to all school children.
Better futures
Entrepreneurial subjects and schoolsIn November 2018, the Entrepreneurial Learning strategy was launched and 5 entrepreneurial specialist secondary schools were announced. Specialist entrepreneurial programs and the new Business Innovation SACE subject will be delivered by these schools.Young ºÚÁϳԹÏns will develop the entrepreneurial skills, knowledge and attitudes that will create and contribute to the evolving global economy.
Year 7 to high school

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï developed enrolment projection methodology and conducted forecasting to determine future demands on secondary schools and resulting school capacity.

Established areas of demand will inform future infrastructure works.

Year 7 public school students will be taught in high school from term 1, 2022.

ºÚÁϳԹϒs public schools alignment with the Australian Curriculum taught in high schools.

Access to specialist facilities, resources and exposure to different teaching styles will give year 7 students opportunities for deeper learning, greater peer interactions, and greater independence and responsibility.

Changing attitudes towards skilled careersCriteria were developed for a new VET Innovation award for schools to be introduced in the 2019 SA Training Awards. More young people will consider skilled careers in vocational areas and trades, supporting skills shortages in these areas.  
Establish a new technical collegeExpressions of interest were sought in 2018 from interested parties including existing schools keen to expand their offering through a new campus or converting an existing campus to a technical college.The new college will support young ºÚÁϳԹÏns to develop skills so they are well equipped for careers in defence, shipbuilding and other maritime industries.
Improved internet services for schools

The Connectivity to Schools project aims to give all schools, regardless of location, quality internet services with the capacity needed to meet modern education requirements.

Improved performance for current school internet connections has been achieved for 514 school sites. In December 2018, the department signed an $80 million partnership with Telstra to deliver high-speed, fibre optic-based internet services to 99% of ºÚÁϳԹÏn public schools by June 2020.

Every public school, teacher, and student will have access to high-speed, reliable internet.
More flexible apprenticeship pathwaysA model for flexible apprenticeships was developed in 2018, which incorporates a structured curriculum, recognition of SACE progression and a set pattern of school and work attendance. Increased numbers of students undertake Australian school-based apprenticeships via the flexible apprenticeships model. 
Creating a focus on music educationIn November 2018, the Music Education Strategy 2019 to 2029 was launched setting out a long-term vision for access to high-quality music education for children and young people.To provide students access to the numerous benefits of music education.
Capital investmentsIn February 2018, each school receiving upgrades had draft plans and illustrations completed. High school upgrades will begin first to ensure infrastructure is completed for year 7 students to transition to high school.Delivering modern, new, improved and expanded learning areas to support student learning.
Supporting national reform prioritiesIn November 2018, the National School Reform Agreement and supporting bilateral agreement was signed to secure $20.4 billion of Australian Government funding for schools through to 2029.Working across jurisdictions to promote and deliver continuous improvement for our schools.
Education Management System (EMS)

In July 2018, the department finalised the procurement to select a vendor for a new commercial-off-the-shelf finance and administrative management reporting suite.

In September 2018, a contract was executed with Civica Pty Ltd for the EMS, which was approved by Cabinet.

In November 2018, a project plan was approved to conduct a pilot of the EMS at 10 schools and preschools across terms 1 and 2 in 2019, in parallel to existing systems and process.

Better supported schools, teachers and students.

Better management of student enrolments and transitions through schooling within the public education sector.

Legislation administered by the agency

Children’s Services Act 1985

Children's Services (Appeals) Regulations 2008

Children's Services (Registered Children's Services Centres) Regulations 2003

Education Act 1972

Education Regulations 2012

Organisation of the agency

Office of the Chief Executive

Early Years and Child Development

Finance and Funding

Information and Communications Technology Services


Learning Improvement

Partnerships, Schools and Preschools

People and Culture

Strategic Policy and External Relations

System Performance


Other agencies related to this agency (within the Minister's area/s of responsibility)

Child Death and Serious Injury Review Committee

Child Development Council

Commissioner for Children and Young People

Dame Roma Mitchell Trust Funds Board of Advice

Education and Early Childhood Services Registration and Standards Board of ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï (Education Standards Board)

Ministerial Advisory Committee: Children and Students with Disability

Multicultural Education and Languages Committee

SACE Board of ºÚÁϳԹÏ

Teachers Registration Board of ºÚÁϳԹÏ

The Guardian for Children and Young People

ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï also has relationships with numerous independent agencies and entities. The nature of these relationships vary according to the individual agency or entity but may involve the department providing administrative, tactical or secretariat support, working in strategic partnership, managing registration and compliance, administering funding directly or on-passing funds such as state and Australian Government grants to non-government school authorities (also refer to page 9 in the ‘Notes to and forming part of the administered financial statements’).

Employment opportunity programs

Program name

Result of the program

Traineeship and Graduate program

22 trainees and 4 graduates were appointed from 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018. 45% of trainees appointed identify as Aboriginal.

85.7% of the trainees and graduates that completed placements were appointed into ongoing or temporary positions in the agency.

Amy Levai Aboriginal teaching scholarships

29 Aboriginal people were supported, including 27 pre-service teachers (15 of 27 are agency staff) and 2 secondary students.

4 of the 27 pre-service teachers have graduated and will commence teaching in government schools in 2019.

Agency performance management and development systems

Performance management and development system

Assessment of effectiveness and efficiency

ºÚÁϳԹϒs performance and development policy and guideline requires performance management and development reviews with all employees (including executives) biannually.

Compliance is measured via Human Resources System (HRS) data. Poor user experience with HRS may be contributing to a compliance rate that underestimates actual implementation. Improved functionality through an alternative system is currently being reviewed with potential implementation in 2020.

As at 31 December 2018, HRS recorded that 62% of employees had completed a performance and development review within the previous 6 months.

‘Perspective’ and ‘I Work for SA’ climate survey results indicate that some 60% of employees received valuable feedback, enabling improved performance and development.

Work health, safety and return to work programs and their effectiveness

Program name and brief descriptionEffectiveness
Safety management systemºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï has an effective safety management system to manage and control education specific health and safety risks
Risk review programºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï regularly reviews health and safety risks with a likelihood of causing a significant and serious injury.

Injury Management Early Intervention program

Early and targeted intervention occurs as soon as an injury is reported, and wherever possible, before a claim for compensation is lodged. This enables sustainable return to work as quickly as possible, and helps prevent and manage the risks associated with incidents and injuries.

Return to Work program

All work-injured employees are provided tailored assistance to recover from injury and return to work.

Employee Psychological Health and Wellbeing program

Targets the wellbeing needs of all employees, raises awareness of mental health issues in the workplace, and builds competency in the prevention, early intervention and management of employee psychological health

In 2018:

  • 1055 employees accessed the EAP, with the most frequent issue cited as ‘work relationships/conflicts’
  • 173 sites, involving 2111 employees, received on-site trauma assistance following a critical incident
  • 117 principals, preschool directors, site leaders and managers were provided consultancy services by the Employee Psychology and Wellbeing team to support them manage mental health issues.

A new ‘employee mental health and wellbeing procedure’ was developed and a psychosocial risk survey was piloted with a high level of participation and positive feedback.

Following implementation of the Wellbeing Planning program on the APY Lands, there has been 100% retention for the employees who have undertaken psychological assessment and wellbeing preparation planning. Furthermore, there have been no mental stress claims under the workers compensation legislation (Return to Work Act 2014) from employees who have completed this program before placement on the APY Lands. This program was a finalist in the Australian Psychological Society’s 2018 Workplace Excellence Awards.

Further initiatives to develop proactive, preventative and appropriately responsiveness strategies for mental health were piloted in 2018. These will be formally evaluated for cost, feasibility and broader implementation in 2019.

An external risk-based audit of the department’s management of psychological risk resulted in a ‘safety leader’ assessment (highest rating).

Work health and safety and return to work performance

 2017-182016-17% Change
Workplace injury claims
Total new workplace injury claims744779-0.6%
Seriously injured workers*000%
Significant injuries (where lost time exceeds a working week, expressed as frequency rate per 1000 FTE)14.2714.56-2%
Work health and safety regulation
Number of notifiable incidents (WHS Act 2012, Part 3)8780+8%
Number of provisional improvement, improvement and prohibition notices (WHS Act 2012 Sections 90, 191 and 195)1712+30%
Return to work costs**
Total gross workers compensation expenditure ($)19,078,81620,549,126-7.2%
Income support payments – gross ($)10,163,56210,481,977-3.0%

Workers compensation expenditure data is sourced from the worker’s compensation system (SIMS) and is based on transactions authorised within the 2017–18 financial year.

*number of claimants assessed during the reporting period as having a whole person impairment of 30% or more under the Return to Work Act 2014 (Part 2 Division 5).

**before third party recovery.

Data for previous years is available at:

Fraud detected in the agency

Category/nature of fraud

Number of instances





Strategies implemented to control and prevent fraud

The Department for Education is committed to maintaining a working environment free of fraud and corrupt behaviour and promotes this position through the department’s fraud and corruption control policy and framework. The policy and framework articulates the department's prevention, detection and response strategies and provides the processes for managing suspected and/or actual fraud or corruption.

Fraud control risks are reviewed and assessed annually to ensure that processes are in place to adequately manage potential fraud risks.

Any instances of misconduct are treated seriously by the department, and where these occur, prompt action is taken to ensure that they are thoroughly investigated and that those responsible are held to account

Data for previous years is available at:

Whistle-blowers' disclosure

Number of occasions on which public interest information has been disclosed to a responsible officer of the agency under the Whistle-blowers’ Protection Act 1993


Data for previous years is available at:

Executive employment in the agency

As at the last pay day in June 2017

Executive classification

Number of executives

PS Act Executive F - Untenured




SA Executive Service Level 1


SA Executive Service Level 2


Principal Band A-3


Principal Band A-4


Principal Band A-5


Principal Band A-6


Principal Band A-7


Principal Band A-8


Principal Band A-9


Education Director


ED Act negotiated conditions


Data for previous years is available at:

The has a for further information on the breakdown of executive gender, salary and tenure by agency.


The following is a summary of external consultants that have been engaged by the agency, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

Consultancies below $10,000 each
BDO Advisory (SA) Pty LtdProbity services for the Education Management System procurement process$5,884.01
PricewaterhouseCoopers AustraliaBusiness continuity management development including a review of emergency responses$5,100.00
Consultancies above $10,000 each
McKinsey Pacific Rim IncEstablish a differentiated approach to school improvement planning, accountability and support - cohesive tailored approach for student outcomes$941,000.00
The Learning First Group Pty LtdTo work with education directors and school leaders to develop and plan for the implementation of a school improvement planning process$483,000.00
Partners in PerformanceUndertake a diagnostic review on the Student Services referral model$292,977.67
Dandolo PartnersProvide a business plan for the department's ‘academy for world-class leadership and professional development’$210,325.04
Ernst & YoungUndertake the development of the department's new chart of accounts structure for the EMS project$120,065.00
Ernst & YoungThe development of a simplified safety management framework for use by all departmental sites$111,542.00
Arc Public Pty LtdProvide research and key message development relating to public education communications and publications$96,200.00
PricewaterhouseCoopers AustraliaUndertake a review and provide a strategic approach for internationalisation of education for ºÚÁϳԹÏn schools$95,800.00
PricewaterhouseCoopers AustraliaReview and provide a report on potential improvements in family day care case management policies and procedures$80,000.00
Dandolo PartnersUndertake a review of leadership and professional development$72,518.00
KPMGAssurance services relating to the Education Management System project$60,500.00
MetasecPrivileged account management access, process and environment review and advice$29,600.00
Partners in PerformanceIndependent review of proposed criteria and methodology for funding students with disability$29,000.00
BDO Advisory (SA) Pty LtdUndertake an organisation review of the Security, Bushfire and Emergency Management team$26,301.51
CTG Security Matrix Pty LtdReview and update the department’s security design standards$13,640.00
Total all consultancies$2,673,453.23

Data for previous years is available at:

See also the Consolidated Financial Report of the Department of Treasury and Finance for total value of consultancy contracts across the SA Public Sector.


Below is a summary of external contractors that have been engaged by the department, the nature of work undertaken and the total cost of the work undertaken.

The information contained is sourced from the department’s general ledger and invoices, and it is noted that sampling has occurred for some individual vendors with significant volumes.

The contractor information disclosed relates to departmental expenses only and exclusions include transactions between the department and schools/preschools and transactions where the vendor balance is less than $10,000 for the financial year.

Contractors engaged by the Department for Education for 2017-18
(GST Exclusive)
Hays Specialist RecruitmentLabour resources$4,117,965.35
Fuji Xerox Australia Pty LtdNational Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) testing services$1,300,590.00
Randstad Pty LtdLabour resources$1,130,592.79
Manpower Services Aust Pty LtdLabour resources$911,218.20
Triple P International Pty LtdPositive Parenting Program$817,910.91
Talent International (SA) Pty LtdLabour resources$713,682.23
Hoban Recruitment Pty LtdLabour resources$708,264.08
Hudson Global Resources (Aus)Labour resources$583,349.56
ACEREstablishment of Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) online assessment and reporting system for sites$581,524.00
Peoplebank Australia LtdLabour resources$477,928.05
Zed Business ManagementProfessional services in relation to the National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$464,034.68
University of ºÚÁϳԹÏPayments for various programs such as National Disability Coordination Officer, Chinese Bilingual, and the Teachers and Scholarships programs$416,510.00
Connected Self Pty LtdMentoring services$335,792.91
AccesshqProfessional services for the Education Management System (EMS) project$325,209.45
DFP Recruitment ServicesLabour resources$289,978.55
Escient Pty LtdEducation Management System (EMS) planning and delivery$245,606.25
Pernix Pty LtdSchool management, learning and reporting capability project$243,336.53
Baptist Care IncCare Mentoring program$240,092.38
OutsideIn GroupReports and customer content, assessment methodology and educator assessments$203,232.43
Flinders University of SAProfessional services to support delivery of departmental programs, evaluation and professional development$197,341.37
PricewaterhouseCoopersProfessional, strategic audit and risk services$196,985.05
Deloitte Risk Advisory Pty LtdProfessional services for the Education Management System (EMS) project$193,107.00
Shine SAConducting the anti-bullying initiative and safe schools program$192,683.64
Whitelion Youth Agency LtdMentoring services$189,697.46
Chamonix IT ManagementBusiness analysis and scenario development for the Education Management System (EMS) project$188,478.75
Unified Solutions Group PtySite assessments and labour for the Preschool Information Technology Infrastructure project.$187,774.74
Barkuma IncDisability support and transition programs$182,958.18
Edge RecruitmentLabour resources$166,456.49
Relationships AustraliaLearning programs and case management$157,062.50
Paxus Australia Pty LtdLabour resources$156,691.41
Maxima TempskillLabour resources$152,741.26
NEC Australia Pty LtdProfessional services to support ICT delivery$145,520.78
Incompro Aboriginal AssociationYouth and student mentoring$132,452.42
Pathways CBS Pty LtdProfessional services to support delivery of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$122,844.31
All Occasions ManagementLiteracy Summit and Leaders Day$117,691.82
ABC International Pty LtdTranslation and interpreting services$117,256.57
Davies Stewart RecruitmentLabour resources$112,843.81
Dansie's Head to Toe Pty LtdProfessional services for wellbeing support$108,454.65
Department of the Premier and CabinetProfessional services to support departmental programs and initiatives$103,787.40
Auslan ServicesTranslation and interpreting services$103,623.18
Pt Trimitra Duta MandiriProfessional development services$101,853.00
Bold It Pty LtdProfessional services to including delivery of Education Management System (EMS) and National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$100,778.64
Save the Children Australian TrustMentoring for the school retention program$97,095.34
JohaniSLRProfessional production services$92,470.00
Beyond Kathleen Stacey and AssociatesProfessional evaluation services to support National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Strategy$88,325.76
Austn Childhood FoundationProfessional services for the Strategies and Managing Abuse Related Trauma (SMART) program$87,555.00
Complete Tutoring SolutionsTutoring services$86,832.50
Careerlink TrainingLabour resources$85,088.48
Mixed MediumsProfessional online training aids$84,006.30
Transforming EducationProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$81,319.32
Sciworld IncScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) student ambassador program workshop$80,000.00
Shenyang Seatour Travel SVCProfessional development services$77,509.51
National Science Summer SchoolNational Youth Science forum explorer program$76,000.00
Ernst and YoungProfessional services to support departmental initiatives and reviews$74,000.00
Incept Labs Australia Pty LtdLearning Design Assessment and Moderation project$72,207.34
Brightcookie Pty LtdProfessional online services to support departmental operations$71,883.75
Maureen HegartyProfessional services including to deliver Thinking Maths Day and the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program$70,956.10
Construction Industry Training BoardDoorways2Construction Plus (D2C+) program$70,000.00
Oceanic VictorIn Sea Aquarium Swim and Education Program for students$68,181.82
Career Education AssociationProfessional services to deliver Student Pathways project and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) workshop$68,044.50
She Creative Pty LtdProfessional services to deliver departmental initiatives.$65,000.00
Taptu Pty LtdInformation technology support and setup$62,725.00
Datacom Systems (Aus) Pty LtdComputer networking systems$62,352.00
Dr Chris MatthewsReview services and best advice papers$59,263.24
Insync Solutions Pty LtdInstitute of Digital Marketing Strategic Futures project$58,230.00
Labs 'n Life IncLabs and Life in schools program$57,221.14
Psychology SAPsychology Services$56,205.59
Social Ventures Australia LtdCase management services$56,000.00
Nation Creative Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$55,960.00
DWS Advanced BusinessProfessional services including to support delivery of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) reporting services$54,452.99
Semann And SlatteryCo-design and delivery of professional services$53,430.00
Klevar Group Pty LtdProfessional services to support delivery of departmental training initiatives$52,975.00
Pairwise Pty LtdProfessional evaluation services$50,604.09
Australian Science InnovationsAustralian Science Olympiad$50,000.00
Community Centres SA IncProfessional online training and resources$50,000.00
Maker's Empire Pty Ltd3D printing project$50,000.00
SynergistiqLiteracy and Numeracy project$50,000.00
Matthew NairnPsychology assessments$49,542.80
Sixpivot Pty LtdEducation Management System (EMS) project$49,511.91
KESAB Environmental SolutionsSchool waste and resources audits$48,752.73
CC Solutions WA Pty LtdMentor training program and workshops$48,313.00
BDO Advisory Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$47,960.45
Novita Children's ServicesPsychological assessment services$47,786.78
Meechi Road Consulting Pty LtdLabour hire$47,550.00
Samantha WilkinsonHuman resources operations projects$47,200.00
Glenda JoubertProfessional services to support Brightpath program$47,066.56
Iocane Pty LtdProfessional services to support school ICT infrastructure$45,416.50
Australia Day Council of SASchool forum delivery$45,000.00
Learn Labs Global Pty LtdAgile Leadership program$42,500.00
Thomson Reuters (Professional)Professional services to support departmental operations$42,217.65
Interpreting and TranslatingTranslation and interpreting services$41,905.60
Re-Engage Youth Services IncSchool retention programs and mentoring services$41,687.02
Infoquest Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental research and initiatives$41,287.50
Barber ConsultingProfessional services to support Centres for Hearing Impairment and Parent Engagement Service$40,575.00
Ann O'CallaghanProfessional services to deliver Literacy Summit and Leaders Day$40,560.00
National Excellence in SchoolWellbeing toolkit$40,000.00
Galpins Accountants, AuditorsProfessional services to support departmental programs$38,540.49
Enlightening FilmsProfessional filming services to support departmental initiatives$37,447.73
TACSI IncSocial inclusion projects$37,400.00
DK PsychologyProfessional psychological assessments$37,324.57
Monash UniversityProfessional evaluation services to support departmental initiatives$35,566.55
Visually ConsultingProfessional production services$34,940.00
Australia China AssociationProfessional development services$34,707.27
Tecon Australia Pty LtdProfessional pool safety inspections for family day care$34,300.00
Coach in a Box Pty LtdProfessional training services$32,123.04
Get Smart Promotional ProductsPremier's Be Active Challenge medals$30,766.00
Win-Win Matters Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental operations$30,548.50
Public Education FoundationAdministrative services for Harvard Graduate School of Education scholarships$30,370.13
W Sports And Media Pty LtdSport clinic services$30,000.00
Aon Hewitt Associates Pty LtdClimate Survey project$29,999.00
Community MattersProfessional evaluation services$29,983.80
JFE Global Pty LtdProfessional recruitment services$29,565.82
Royal SA Deaf Society IncSign language interpreting services$28,922.50
Education Web SolutionsProfessional online services to support Australian Curriculum Leading Learning (ACLL) website$28,840.00
Jo BoalerMathematics Mindset Workshop$28,764.68
Blackboard International B.V.Specialised information technology systems$28,000.00
John P MalcolmProfessional assessment services$27,050.00
Korn Ferry Hay Group Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$27,000.00
K Welsh And Co Pty LtdProfessional financial administration services to support Wiltja Residential Program$26,960.00
Julia HenwoodTuition services for the School Retention program$26,942.00
IMC Information MultimediaProfessional services to support workforce and system development$26,665.00
Carclew Youth Arts Centre IncArtists in Schools and arts learning program$26,000.00
Jodie BenvenisteProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$25,200.00
Kenneth RigbyAnti-bullying resource package$25,000.00
SACE Board of SATraining provided under a memorandum of administrative agreement$25,000.00
Gould Thorpe Planning Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental operations$24,930.00
HRM MattersPerformance and development workshops$24,900.00
Nelsen WayneProfessional psychological assessments$24,600.00
Vectra Corporation LtdProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$24,023.89
D Squared Consulting Pty LtdProfessional review and audit services$23,380.00
Translation ConsultantsInterpreting and translating services$22,045.45
Thornhall Pty LtdProfessional workshop and training services$22,000.00
New Focus Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental operations$21,000.00
Sparke Helmore LawyersLegal services$21,000.00
Department of Education (WA)Australian Early Development Census resources for 2018$20,000.00
The University of AdelaideProfessional services to support departmental initiatives$19,713.36
Vivien RuskProfessional services to support delivery of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$19,584.00
My Psychologist FrancesProfessional psychological assessments$19,320.00
Objective Corporation LtdProfessional services for Objective Electronic Document and Records Management System (EDRMS)$19,181.25
EdAssistServices to support professional development and delivery of the Literacy Summit$19,054.55
Hender CareersProfessional recruitment services$19,000.00
Pushing Performance Pty LtdProfessional services for Certificate III assessments and certification for various sports at the ºÚÁϳԹÏn Aboriginal Sports Training Academy$18,953.35
Pinnacle Workplace ConsultantsProfessional workstation assessment reports and office furniture$18,700.42
Dash ArchitectsHigh level planning study for various schools$18,100.00
Asbestos Diseases Society of ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï IncAsbestos Awareness Training$17,520.00
Fujitsu Australia LtdProfessional services support for the Education Management System (EMS)$17,278.00
Debra PanizzonProfessional services to support design and delivery of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program$17,250.00
Choose Safety Pty LtdProfessional risk assessment and review to support departmental operations$17,071.75
Terry SizerProfessional services to support workforce operations$16,736.00
API Services and Solutions Pty LtdProfessional services to support school operations$16,500.00
Linda CooperProfessional services to support delivery of SA Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Ambassador program$16,380.00
RNTT Pty Ltd Trading as Excel RecruitmentLabour resources$16,333.24
Gramac SolutionsLabour resources$16,100.71
Spatial Location Services Pty LtdProfessional data services to support departmental operations$15,751.00
Anthony TownsendProfessional research services to support departmental initiatives$15,378.85
Cqr Consulting Aust Pty LtdRisk assessment services$15,180.00
Sarah Sutter ConsultingProfessional services to support development of the departmental Physical Activity and Movement strategy$15,000.00
Educentric Pty LtdProfessional digital services$14,852.09
Act for KidsStrategic leadership presentation$14,710.91
Testing Kinetics Pty LtdWeb application security evaluation$14,500.00
Working Women’s CentreRegional domestic violence workshops$14,400.00
Telethon Kids InstituteProfessional services to deliver Early Development Index$14,300.00
Oncall Language Services Pty LtdTranslation and interpreting services$14,217.75
Square HolesMarket research and focus groups$14,000.00
Julie RobertsProfessional review services to support departmental operations$13,720.00
Interface Consultants SAProfessional services to support departmental programs and initiatives$13,605.00
Rita Zanchetta DesignProfessional digital services to support program delivery$13,435.00
Nanette SmibertProfessional services$13,355.00
Peter King CommunicationsProfessional school audit services$13,301.70
Shandong Brightway International Exhibition Company LtdProfessional development services$13,286.32
Eyre Futures IncSchool retention mentoring program$13,210.39
Rob BallProfessional audit and risk services$13,168.45
Maria IadanzaProfessional services to support delivery of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$12,924.49
Gregory BerryProfessional audit and risk services$12,576.73
Addicted to WordsProfessional services to deliver teaching materials and programs$12,486.40
Maryanne WolfProfessional development services$12,385.70
Carolyn HartProfessional services to support delivery of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$12,274.50
Guy ClaxtonPayment for engagement fees for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program$12,188.94
Blaze Advertising Pty LtdProfessional creative content services$12,160.00
GH Planning Pty LtdProfessional services to deliver community and stakeholder forums$12,120.00
Encore Event Technologies Pty LtdProfessional event staging services$12,105.18
Walter Brooke and Associates Pty LtdConcepts for Better Schools program$12,090.00
Nancy SchupeliusProfessional mentoring services$12,000.00
Voice Project Pty LtdProfessional online survey and reporting services$11,980.00
Harrison Mcmillan Pty LtdLabour resources$11,801.40
Aim to Succeed TutoringProfessional tuition services for school retention program$11,751.25
Broomhall ConsultingPerformance Counts program$11,500.00
Edward WillsonScience, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program$11,380.00
Catherine TaylorProfessional audit and risk services$11,354.25
Interact Learning Pty LtdProfessional licensing and course modification services$11,313.00
First Five Minutes Pty LtdProfessional site evacuation diagrams$11,064.00
Switch Education RecruitmentProfessional services to support Future Leaders initiative$11,000.00
Jim Birch ManagementProfessional facilitation services to support Children and Young People draft Bill$10,800.00
WavemakerProfessional advertising services to support key initiatives$10,769.45
Mission AustraliaSchool mentoring program$10,721.35
Soji Pty LtdProfessional services to support departmental workshops and events$10,656.39
GamelearnProfessional online services to support departmental initiatives$10,500.00
Carolyn FortuneProfessional services to support delivery of National Assessment Program Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN)$10,473.12
BBOT Pty LtdProfessional services to support workstation and vehicle assessments$10,405.08
University of Western AustraliaReview of Closing the Gap Viability Examination$10,363.64
Robert KnightProfessional audit and risk services$10,242.37
Loop Platform Pty LtdProfessional services for software development$10,188.54
KWP Advertising Pty LtdProfessional digital services$10,105.40
Phoebe MonagleLiterature review$10,000.00
SciOT The Science of ThingsProfessional services to support Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) project$10,000.00
Sinosphere Pty LtdWellbeing project$10,000.00
SMG Health Pty LtdOnline health portal for resilience and mindfulness$10,000.00
Totalspace DesignArchitecture and interior design$10,000.00

Data is available at:

The details of all ºÚÁϳԹÏn Government-awarded contracts for goods, services and works are displayed on the SA Tenders and Contracts website.

The website also provides details of across government contracts .

Financial performance of the agency

The following is a brief summary of the overall financial position of the agency. The information is unaudited. Full audited financial statements for 2017-18 are attached to this report.

Our income – where it comes from

The total income received by the department and schools from controlled operations for the 2017-18 financial year was $3.29 billion.

There was an underlying increase in department revenue of $183.5 million after adjusting for revenue that was recognised in the 2016-17 financial year for the child protection functions that were transferred to the Department for Child Protection from 1 November 2016. Key factors contributing to the increase include:

  • revenue from the State Government increased by $142.3 million. This includes funding for capital projects including the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) capital initiative and increased funding for public schools
  • revenue from the Australian Government increased by $31.3 million, predominantly relating to increases associated with the National Education Reform Agreement totalling $33.2million.
  • an increase in student and other fees and charges totalling $8.1 million.
Our expenditure – how our funds were spent

Total operating expenses of the department and schools for controlled activities, excluding care and protection activities, increased by $196.9 million to $3.24 billion compared with the previous financial year. The increase is mostly attributable to:

  • employee benefit related expenses increased by $123.1 million. This relates to a range of factors including increases in remuneration rates paid under enterprise bargaining agreements and awards, increases in total staffing numbers and the revaluation of employee long service leave entitlements; which is partly offset by a reduction in targeted voluntary separation payments and the downward revaluation of the workers compensation provision
  • supplies and services expenses increased by $35.4 million which was mainly due to increased maintenance and minor works undertaken across the 2017-18 financial year
  • an increase in depreciation and amortisation expenses of $26.3 million which is mostly attributable to higher asset values being depreciated following the asset revaluation increment of $557.2 million recognised in the 2016-17 financial year.
Summary of our assets – what we own

The value of assets for department and schools totalled $5.7 billion as at 30 June 2018, which represented an increase of $156 million compared with the previous financial year.

An increase of $157.3 million in property, plant and equipment and assets held for sale included $216.8 million of additional capital expenditure on capital construction projects and the $69.3 million revaluation increase of land. This is mostly offset by depreciation and amortisation expenses.

Cash and cash equivalents decreased by $6.0 million and receivables increased by $6.3 million mainly due to an increase in GST recoverable from the ATO.

Summary of our liabilities – what we owe

The value of liabilities for the department and schools totalled $1.2 billion as at 30 June 2018; an increase of $39.2 million compared with the previous financial year which mainly reflects a higher level of payables and employee benefit liabilities at 30 June 2018 offset by movements in provisions for workers compensation.

Materials and services charges

The materials and services charge set by each governing/school council is intended to cover the costs of those essential materials and services used or consumed by individual students during the course of their study and must reflect the actual cost of the materials and services provided.

For 2018, the standard sum that schools were able to recover was $235 for primary students and $310 for secondary students. Governing/school councils may also poll their school communities to seek majority support to legally recover an amount greater than the standard sum.

In 2018, the total materials and services charge invoiced by schools is estimated to be around $66 million, and includes an estimated $14.8 million of ‘school card’ assistance for low-income families.

Other financial information

Nil to report

Other information requested by the Minister(s) or other significant issues affecting the agency or reporting pertaining to independent functions

Audit and Risk Committee

The Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) provides independent assurance and advice to the Chief Executive and the Senior Executive Group on the department’s risk, control and compliance framework, and its external accountability responsibilities.

The ARC comprises 5 members of senior management and 3 independent external members. Representatives of the Auditor-General's Department attend as observers. The committee met on 5 occasions during 2018.

The committee’s role is to review processes, timelines and business procedures and provide advice on audit, risk management and business assurance activities across the department.

During 2018, the ARC has focused on the following matters:

  • corporate governance and risk managementframeworks
  • external accountabilities and financiallegislative compliance
  • internal audit coverage and review ofsignificant issues identified in audit reports and actions taken
  • external audit - oversight of implementationand actions taken to address issues raised in Auditor General’s audit reports.

Section B: Reporting required under any other act or regulation

Reporting required under the Carers’ Recognition Act 2005

The Carers’ Recognition Act is deemed applicable for the following: Department of Human Services, Department for Education, Department for Health and Wellbeing, Department of Industry and Skills, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, ºÚÁÏ³Ô¹Ï Police and TAFE SA.

Section 7: Compliance or non-compliance with section 6 of the Carers Recognition Act 2005 and (b) if a person or body provides relevant services under a contract with the organisation (other than a contract of employment), that person's or body's compliance or non-compliance with section 6.

Awareness: There is a system to ensure all management, staff and volunteers have an understanding of the Act and Carers Charter.

Consultation: There is a system to ensure consultation with carers, or persons or bodies that represent carers, in the development and review of human resource plans, policies and procedures.

Practice: There is a system to ensure the principles of the Carers Charter are reflected in human resource practice.


Section C: Reporting of public complaints as requested by the Ombudsman

Summary of complaints by subject

Public complaints received by Education Complaint Unit
Category of complaints by subjectNumber of instances
Bullying/harassment student208
Staff misconduct107
Behaviour management-exclusion/suspension106
Behaviour management-general96
Staff performance89
Duty of care82
Bullying/harassment staff48
Family law dispute46
Special education-funding/support36
Behaviour third party34
Special education-general29
Safety issue/accident27
School policy-general27
Class placement26
Policy – curriculum23
Government/departmental policy21
Child protection19
School facilities access/use12
Unfair treatment10
School policy – uniform9
Unethical behaviour/conflict6
Alternative Education3

Data for previous years is available at:

Complaint outcomes

Nature of complaint or suggestionServices improved or changes as a result of complaints or consumer suggestions
Staff competencyFace-to-face training by Education Complaints Unit staff
Procedure applicationSite procedure reviewed and updated to provide clarity on roles
Service delivery – processNew recording system developed to support internal process and practice

Appendix: Audited financial statements 2017-18