On this page
It is impossible to control the news about a sudden event. However, schools can use their own social media and other communication channels to share information appropriately.
You need to continue to monitor social media.
What to share
You could let families know about:
- any available on-site support for students
- mental health services and contacts for families and the community
- helpline numbers, for example Kids Helpline
- is a guide for young people on how to talk about self-harm and suicide safely on social media other and digital platforms.
What to look for
The school’s emergency response team should keep a check on social media. This includes identifying and responding to risks or concerns raised. It might be:
- rumours and inaccuracies
- upcoming or impromptu gatherings
- memorial pages
- derogatory messages about the student or other persons
- comments on the deceased student’s personal page
- messages that victimise or bully current students
- comments that might help you identify vulnerable students.
Ask students to remove or edit posts that cause concern.
Use your school’s own social media in a positive way
Use your social media platforms to share information about how to find help and support. Do this at school and through local mental health professionals.
Reporting inappropriate content
The Australian eSafety Commissioner can help with .
Most social media networking sites also have a process to report inappropriate content.
Refer to your school’s social media policy about how to manage inappropriate comments on social media.