On this page
Before your extended leave finishes, you need to let People and Culture know whether you intend to return to duty or take more leave.
If you are returning to duty, you must inform People and Culture at least 21 days before your return. Inadequate notice could result in you not getting paid on time.
This information is for staff who are currently on extended leave or who are considering going on extended leave in the future.
Returning to duty
Complete and submit your return to duty request form (PDF 278 KB) at least 21 days before your current leave expires.
Taking more leave
If you are applying to extend your leave, you will need to complete a return to duty request form (PDF 278 KB) and a leave application form. The types of leave available to you are (staff login required):
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Breaks in service for temporary employees
Generally, a break in service will occur if you have a gap of more than 3 months between your appointments. A break in service means that any entitlements you’ve previously accrued will no longer be available.
Temporary school and preschool teachers (temporary relief teachers (TRT) and contract teachers) can learn about breaks in service and how this can affect their leave entitlements on our staff Edi page .