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Preschool outdoor learning area design requirements

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Design requirements

The outdoor learning environments standard (PDF 969 KB) addresses the principles, elements and objectives of an outdoor learning environment in an early childhood service and must be used when developing outdoor learning areas.

Elements are detailed in four sections:

  • design principles, elements to be promoted and the desired outcomes
  • features to be incorporated
  • site-specific considerations
  • features to be avoided.

Risk management

Site leaders must exercise their professional judgement to analyse the risks against the benefit of play activities to optimise learning outcomes for children.

The following templates help sites to assess the risks and benefits of an activity in consultation with staff, families, children and the community:

This outlines how to balance safety with the benefits of allowing risk, and approaches to managing risks.

Early Childhood Services

Phone: 8226 0901
Email: Education.Preschools [at] sa.gov.au