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School Sport SA in the curriculum

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Schools can use School Sport SA events can be used to further complement their HPE program and to provide opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate their skills in new and authentic contexts.

Curriculum opportunities

School Sport SA events can serve as authentic teaching and learning opportunities with direct curriculum outcomes for students. Our events include:

Day carnivals provide an excellent opportunity for the achievement of curriculum outcomes, as they can be shaped by the convenor to maximise these outcomes.

SACE data and evidence collection volleyball carnivals 2024

Three SACE data and evidence data collection volleyball carnivals will be held at The Lights Community and Sports Centre, corner East Parkway and Hampstead Road, Lightsview on

  • Wednesday 4 September
  • Thursday 5 September


Students participate in teams in a lightning carnival to collect data and evidence using the centre's state of the art video technology while competing against other schools. This authentic learning experience may provide more valid and reliable data than schools may have the ability to capture in their regular setting.

Assistance and use of the technology will be provided on the days to enable teachers and students to capture evidence efficiently and maximise the effectiveness of their participation.

How to enter

Schools submit the SACE data and evidence collection volleyball carnival nomination form by the due date. Nomination form and due date to be advised.

Australian Curriculum, Health and Physical Education

At various stages of year 4 to 10 HPE units, students can attend our events to enhance real world applications and improve engagement. For example, students could participate in a:

  • day carnival as a culminative event for an invasion games unit as part of the (staff login required)
  • fun run during the (staff login required) as an example of low-cost life-long physical activity.

SACE Stage 1 Physical Education

Use our events for . For example:

Assessment task 1 - Performance Improvement, students could:

  • record their team playing in a basketball day carnival
  • discuss physiological concepts that influence movement ability, such as the interplay of energy systems
  • provide suggestions for improvement based on their own biophysical profile.

Assessment task 2 - Physical Activity Investigation, students could:

  • attend 1 or more of our students with disability events
  • collect data on the challenges for these differently abled students participating
  • identify how changes or adaptations can be employed to ensure greater inclusion.

We offer dedicated data and evidence collection events that can be used for either of the SACE Stage 1 Physical Education assessment tasks.

SACE Stage 2 Physical Education

Use our events for . For example:

Assessment task 1 - Diagnostics, students could:

  • participate in a badminton day carnival
  • collect reliable and ethical evidence to conduct a biomechanical analysis and evaluation of a performer compared to an elite performer.

Assessment task 2 - Improvement Analysis, students could:

  • participate in a fun run
  • reflect on their performance to identify an aspect of physical activity for improvement
  • design and implement strategies such as plans, programs, approaches or tactics to improve the identified aspect of physical activity
  • collect evidence and feedback to monitor improvement and the effectiveness of the implemented strategies at the regular events
  • use this evidence and feedback to make modifications to the implemented strategies.

Assessment task 3 - Group Dynamics, students could:

  • prepare for and participate in a 5-a-side soccer day carnival
  • undertake roles within the team, demonstrating their value to the team and their learning in, through and about the selected sport
  • individually evaluate and justify the success of 1 or both of the roles they undertake
  • analyse the impact that their roles have on the participation and performance of other team members.

We offer dedicated data and evidence collection events that can be used for either of the SACE Stage 2 Physical Education assessment tasks.

SACE Health and Wellbeing

Our events can be used as a culminative event or final goal to achieve through a training plan as part of the . For example, students could:

  • set a goal of running for 20 minutes consecutively
  • create and implement a cardiovascular training plan
  • compete in a team at our Ekiden relay championships.

SACE Community Learning

Year 10 to 12 students can achieve by coaching or officiating at our events. For example, students could:

  • complete an introductory refereeing or umpiring course
  • officiate and administer at a 9-a-side football and 5-a-side soccer day carnivals.

Our staff can hlep with assessment for self-directed learning.

SACE Intergrated Learning

As part of the , students can be involved in day carnivals by coaching, officiating or organising a sporting event.

Assessment task 1 - Practical Inquiry, students could

  • set goals
  • plan and implement a training program as a process to achieve success at one of our events.

Assessment task 2 - Connections, students could

  • plan and organise a series of coaching sessions for younger year levels
  • coach a team at one of our events as a culminating activity.

Assessment task 3 - Personal Endeavour. With mentoring from 1 of our convenors, students can plan and organise a day carnival. Students are responsible for administrating duties such as

  • making appointments
  • communicating with schools
  • creating fixtures
  • collating results
  • administering referee and coaching duties

Collaborative moderations using local school sport events

Principles of collaborative moderation are that it:

  • is an ongoing process, not an event and is integral to the learning and assessment design cycle
  • is underpinned by clear protocols and processes that provide and ensure safe and democratic conditions for teacher professional learning
  • drives intentional and responsive learning and assessment design and consistency of teachers’ judgement
  • develops a shared understanding of the achievement standard and what quality learning and evidence looks like against the standard
  • provides the opportunity for teachers to reflect on and share practice, and deepen their pedagogical content knowledge.

School sport (district and zone) events can be a part of the collaborative moderations process. There are multiple benefits, such as:

  • it provides an opportunity for large numbers of students (for example whole classes) to participate in a sporting event, not just those who get selected for a district team
  • it provides a great hook to engage students in their learning
  • the ability for students to demonstrate above standard achievement
  • an authentic opportunity to collaboratively moderate practical elements of HPE as part of the broader moderation process

How to use school sport as part of the collaborative moderation process:

  • teachers identify a school sport event that schools in the partnership are involved in
  • teachers agree to plan, deliver and assess a unit of work that focuses on the type of sport the event is delivering
  • common assessment tasks developed and shared across sites – assessment tasks must include multiple pieces of evidence, for example evidence collected during class time and evidence collected at the event
  • in planning for the event engage with the local high schools to potentially have student umpires and coaches to free up the teachers to allow them time to collaboratively moderate
  • establish agreed process for moderation at event – each teacher to identify 3 students (1 of each – below, at and above standard) for colleagues to provide their professional judgement on, students not to be singled out but by using a numbered bib (or similar) for all players, common assessment tool used
  • teachers gather evidence of from all aspects of HPE on each of the 3 identified students
  • set aside time to complete the moderation process using all evidence gathered for identified students
  • review the process, celebrate and share the successes and learn from the mistakes. Start the process of preparing for the next opportunity.

Learn to Play, Play to Learn video

Learn to Play, Play to Learn Transcript

The best thing about being in school sport is that you get to compete with people that you don't know and your get to make new friends on the way.

One thing I have learnt from this that I can take back into school is the ability to communicate with people and work under pressure.

Golf helps with heaps of things thinking strategically little things like statistics that can link back to math wind can lead back to science.

I've learnt a lot of time management skills juggling training and homework especially being in year 11 now.

The tennis program has definitely improved with my confidence I've been able to play against a variety of different people and it also gives more of the theory side which I would not learn on like weekend sport.

Triathlon here in Adelaide is a big opportunity for us because there's nothing back in the Riverland where we come from to do Triathlon and that's why I think a lot of people come back just because it's such good atmosphere here and positive vibes.

Coming today gives me the opportunity to look at business management in sport so I can take all this information and all the stuff I've done today and take it back and use it.

So from this event I've been able to see how it's run so then I'll be able to apply that back into a classroom environment applying that to my students and then hopefully giving them that knowledge that I've taken away from this experience.

I think it'd be awesome to see more schools involved having kids coming and experiencing something outside of the mainstream classroom is probably one of the reasons they came to Australia and if we could support that by coming to events that are already organised for us that would really value add to their experiences

I think sports should be available to everyone it's a fantastic opportunity to do what they love and to try and excel in that.

So at the school's event there's a lot more come and try’s there's a lot more people giving it a go which is a really nice atmosphere.

Through school it is it's very fun and good experience to do.

Competition is the best feeling if you play good, you feel good.

I love seeing all my friends it’s a really good environment in SA.

End of transcript.

General Capabilities poster, social media tiles and flyer

Use these resources at your school to show how School Sport SA events can connect to the general capabilities.

Download a copy of the Did You Know flyer (PDF 2 MB) to display at your school.

School Sport SA

Phone: 8416 5900
Email: education.schoolsportsa@sa.gov.au