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Golf teams stableford competition

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The golf teams stableford championship is a combined event with Golf Australia and is for schools who nominate teams of 3 players who are in years 7 to 12. Find out more about the event and how you can enter.

Who can participate

To participate in the event, students must

  • be enrolled and an affiliated school
  • be in years 7 to 12
  • hold a Golf Australia handicap

Where and when

North Adelaide Golf Club, Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide on Monday 26 September.


Results will be made available as soon as possible after the event finishes.

Team composition

  • Should be made up of students from the same school. Special permission may be granted from School Sport SA where it is impossible to make a team from their own school. Email Education.SchoolSportSA@sa.gov.au (subject: Teams stableford combined team) with your request before nominating.
  • Teams can be single or mixed gender.
  • All players' scores will count towards their team score.

Entry fee

$30.00 including GST per student.

Entry fees will be calculated based on the schools' nominations. No payment is required on the day. A tax invoice will be sent to the schools after the event.

How to enter

School submit the teams stableford golf championships nomination form. Will be available shortly.

Event format

  • All players will play 1 round of 18 holes.
  • First group will tee off from the first hole, time to be confirmed.
  • Groups will tee off in intervals, times to be confirmed.
  • Tee off times will be sent to schools who nominated a week before the event.
  • Players check in 30 minutes before their tee off time.

Rules and conditions

Players are expected to have some basic knowledge of the before they play.


  • Schools or players are to supply their own equipment.
  • A player may obtain distance only information by use of a distance measuring tool.
  • Buggy hire will be available from the venue.

Dress code

All players, supervisors and caddies must wear appropriate golfing attire. Golf shoes or sneakers must be worn. The following will not be allowed

  • t-shirts
  • jeans
  • football shorts
  • tracksuit pants
  • hooded jumpers


  • Players must provide their golf link number.
  • To get a handicap, contact Allan at Golf Australia by email allant [at] golf.org.au


  • Play every hole out when points are to be scored.
  • Every air swing counts as a shot on the hole being played.
  • Players must check their scores after every hole with other players in the group.
  • Record the checked scores onto the score card at the end of each hole.
  • Each players must sign their own score card as well as another player in the group to ensure each score card is correct. The signatures verify that the players' names, handicaps and each hole's score is correct and the date is recorded. Any alterations on the score card should be initialled.
  • Unsigned cards or incorrect cards may lead to disqualification.

Tied scores

In the event of tied scores by teams this countback method will decide the winner

  1. Aggregate top 2 scores.
  2. Highest individual score.


Presentations will be at the end of the event.

Previous history and results

Previous winners history

Overall schools winners history

2023     Sacred Heart College

2022     Sacred Heart College

2021     St Martins Lutheran College

2020     Henley High School

2019     Trinity College

2018     Henley High School

2017     St Martins Lutheran College

2016     Investigator College - Goolwa

2015     Caritas College & Port Augusta Secondary School

2014     Henley High School

2013     Woodcroft College

2012     Henley High School

2011     St Michaels Coll

2010     St Michaels Coll

2009     Blackwood HS

2008     Hallett Cove School

2007     Henley & Blackwood HS

2006     Woodcroft College

2005     Mount Gambier HS

2004     Wirreanda HS

2003     Wirreanda HS

2002     Wirreanda HS

2001     Mount Gambier HS

2000     St Peter’s College

1999     Golden Grove HS

1998     Scotch College

1997     Lameroo AS

School Sport SA

Phone:Ìý8416 5900
Email:Ìýeducation.schoolsportsa [at] sa.gov.au