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Singing with your baby



Suitable for children: 
Mother singing with her baby in her lap

It is never too early to begin singing to your baby. You can even start before they are born.

Sing songs that you know. Your baby won’t mind if you are not a great singer. You can sing about what you are doing or looking at. At bath time you could sing:

Five little ducks
Went out one day
Over the hill and far away

You could make up songs or add your baby’s name to the song.

Little Maggie had a farm
Ee i ee i oh! Ee-i-ee-i-o!

You can also sing lullabies to help your baby sleep or settle.

Rock-a-bye baby
In the tree top.

Last of all, when looking at the night sky you could sing:

Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are...

Materials you will need

  • Your baby
  • Your voice

Alternative tools

  • Songbooks or song sheets
  • CDs to sing along with

Singing helps your baby’s language development. As they hear you singing they will be learning the sounds and words which make up their language. The more often they hear them the easier it will be for them to learn to talk. Songs help babies to recognise rhymes and rhythms. Babies recognise the songs they heard frequently while they were in the womb.

Having lots of experience with hearing words and sounds will help your baby’s Ìýlanguage development. This in turn helps communication.

Recognising rhythms helps babies to understand about patterns, which is an important maths skill. Recognising songs helps babies learn to think in words.

  • Row, row, row your boatÌý
    Gently down the stream
  • Ìý
    Like a teddy bear
  • Baa, baa, black sheep
    Have you any wool?
  1. You might enjoy the . You can learn new songs and hear some old favourites.
  2. You might also like to take a look at this .
  3. Remember to sing to your child in your home language.

Use finger and hand movements as you sing. As your baby gets a little older they will start to copy these.

Birth to two year olds

  • If you have older children they might like to sing with your baby too.