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There are many different activities that you can do at the beach and talking to your child about what they would like to do will help you to decide what type of beach you will go to.The beach can be a very relaxing and restful place where you can talk, read, build sandcastles and lie on the sand. It can also be very active and involve going for long walks, running, playing or
There are many different ways you can move about. You can crawl, run, jump, roll or climb. You can climb up, over, under and through things. Next time you are outside, at the park or moving about talk to your child about the different things they can climb. We are going to the park with the big trees and logs. When we get there you can climb up the trees or over the logs. The
Is it full, is it empty, is it nearly to the top, can you squish one more in before it pops? ​When you are unpacking and putting away the shopping with your child, talk about the capacity or volume of the jars you have bought. Which jar is bigger and holds more? Are all of the jars full to the top or could some of the jars hold more? How do you know what size the jar is?
Children delight in finding surprises and these blocks are a way of keeping your child interested as they try to free the surprise in the iceblock.Partially fill a milk carton or small plastic container with water. Add a plastic creature or other surprise such as a shell, leaves or even flowers. Freeze it overnight and turn out the iceblock in the morning. Talk to your child
The rain has fallen, the sun is out and everyone’s keen to get out the door and go.
There are shadows all around us - some are inside and some are outside.On a sunny day show your child their shadow on the ground.What happens to the shadow when you move? Can you run away from your shadow? How do you know it is your shadow?Talk with your child about how shadows are formed. Does the shadow change with the sky? Take your child outside at night or when it is
Playing with playdough is a wonderful opportunity to creatively explore what objects can be made but also to engage in pretend play. By adding patty pans, bowls, biscuit cutters, baking trays, and coloured stones suddenly your child is making cupcakes and biscuits for a birthday party. Take away the cooking utensils and add sticks and feathers and the activity can change to
Shadows on the wall, shadows on the ceiling…you can make shadows too.Sit with your child and use a torch or a lamp to make shadows on the wall or ceiling.Can you make a shadow with your hand? What about your feet?Talk about the way shadows are made.Your hand blocks the light from reaching the wall. That's how it makes a shadow.
Crash, bang, play and sing. Let’s make an orchestra. Your home is full of things that you can use to make music. Your child can help you find all sorts of possibilities in the saucepan and plastics cupboards. Saucepans and large mixing bowls make fantastic drums. They could use a wooden spoon or their hands to make music. Two saucepan lids make a pair of cymbals. A funnel
Children often experiment with water. Gather some containers, tubes and funnels and help your child experiment with how the water flows from one container to the next. Together you can explore how much water one container will hold compared to another and how quickly a container will fill up before it flows over the top.