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Year 1

Year 1

These lessons can support short-term learning at home when face-to-face learning is interrupted.

Students can start at lesson 1 and work their way through in order. Each lesson is either a video or a PowerPoint presentation.

You can also:


Displaying items 1 - 10 of 25


Learning area


Literacy lesson 41 (Series 2)

Learn about the grapheme [dge] as in the word 'edge' and 'bridge'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 42 (Series 2)

Learn about closed and open syllables.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 43 (Series 2)

Learn the open syllable [a] as an alternate spelling for long [a] and the high frequency, irregular word 'today'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 44 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [ey] as an alternate spelling for long [a] and the high frequency, irregular word 'Monday'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 45 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [ea] as an alternate spelling for long [a] and the high frequency, irregular word 'Tuesday'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 46 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [eay] as an alternate spelling for long [e] and the high frequency, irregular word 'Wednesday'.You will need some thing to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 47 (Series 2)

Learn the open syllable [e] as an alternate spelling for long [e] and the high frequency, irregular word 'Wednesday'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 48 (Series 2)

Learn the digraph [ie] as an alternate spelling for long [e] and the high frequency, irregular word 'Tuesday'.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 49 (Series 2)

Learn about the schwa "É™" in unstressed syllables.You will need something to write with and some paper.


Literacy lesson 50 (Series 2)

Learn the suffix [-er] which changes a verb to a noun.You will need something to write with and some paper.
