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Dear Following consultation with the school community and the Governing Council, the Affiliated Committee developed the attached proposed constitution, which was also passed by special resolution at the Affiliated Committee meeting held on . The Affiliated Committee is confident that the constitution complies with all legislative and policy requirements of an affiliated committee. The affiliated committee now requests you forward this request to the Partnerships and Professional Practice directorate, through the Site Governance Team,  HYPERLINK "mailto:Education.sitegovernance@sa.gov.au" Education.sitegovernance@sa.gov.au for approval. Yours sincerely CHAIRPERSON Date: PRINCIPAL Date: NOTED BY: APPROVED BY: Education Director Date: Jenny Sommer Director, Partnerships and Professional Practice as delegate for the Minister for Education Date:      proforma letter SC Chair 31 March 05  /012<=EMWtxz{|}  ɺɺr`#hJh 5B*CJ]^Jph#h#Ehf5B*CJ]^Jph#h#Eh 5B*CJ]^Jph#h#EhJ5B*CJ]^Jph#hJhf5B*CJ]^Jphh#E5B*CJ]^Jph#hJh:U5B*CJ]^Jph#hJh"5B*CJ]^Jph#hJhY.5B*CJ]^Jph!1 \ ] ^ _ g z $^`a$gdY.gd"gdY.gdgd $a$gd gdJ$a$gdY.$a$gdf . / 0 1 : > H I O P Z [ \ ] ^ _ g z ɷuqmm^Z^K^^qqqhh B*nH phtH h hJh B* nH phPtH hJhY.h5B*CJ]^Jph#hJh 5B*CJ]^Jph#hJhJ5B*CJ]^JphhJ5B*CJ]^Jph#hJhY.5B*CJ]^Jph#hJhf5B*CJ]^Jph#hJhf56B*CJ^Jph#hJhY.56B*CJ^Jph   ( / 4 5 I j k    $ % ' } 9 : ʿδΝδΙδ~ΡΝΝvjh"Uh#EB* phPh`1B* phPh h`1B* phPh`1h"h:Uhv8h h"B* phPh hv8B* phPh hJB* phPhJhY.hJhB* nH phPtH hhB*nH phtH hhY.B*nH phtH .: M o q r    ! " ( ·||·ujhJhY.B* phP h 5\hY.B*phhv8B*ph hY.CJhY. hv85\hJB* phPhJhv8B* phP hY.5\hJhJB* phP hJ5\hJhY.B*phhJhv8B*ph hY.5h`"h"0Jjh"U h] h"h")  ! 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