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Dear At the meeting of the governing council held on the governing council passed a motion to amend the governing councils constitution. The amendments are of a minor nature and the council is confident that the constitution continues to comply with all legislative and policy requirements of a governing council. The council now requests you forward these amendments to the Schools and Preschools division, through the Site Governance Team, HYPERLINK "mailto:education.sitegovernance@sa.gov.au"education.sitegovernance@sa.gov.au for approval. The attached documents provide information on the proposed changes made to the constitution. Yours sincerely Chairperson School Date: Principal School Date: NOTED BY: APPROVED BY: Education Director Partnership Date: Lead Director, Conditions for Learning as delegate for the Minister for Education Date:     July 2021 ;         ) 0 1 ; < = > ? @ D E G Y Z \ o r ϷϷϷ۷۷磚~tjah$hkh^Jh$hkh\^Jh$h[\^Jh$hk^J$h$h[B*\^JnH ph33tH h$h}y^Jh$h}yCJ^JhN6CJ^Jh$hkh6CJ^Jh$h] 6CJ^Jh$h[6CJ^Jh$h*6CJ^Jh$h}y6CJ^Jh$h6CJ^J& < = > ? 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