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Belonging is the most important, and I think the connection that we all have here is quite unique.
I said, I want everyone to know that they belong and that they take that with them beyond primary school, high school and into life.
Our approach to evidence based literacy is based on the science of reading. So what we like to do is provide individual opportunities for students to access a curriculum at their level.
Alright. We’re going to look at the syllables in the words.
So what we do is we have a morning block that's consistent across the school and we are able to send kids from any year level to any teacher so that they're actually accessing exactly what they need.
Spell “restless” go!
The evidence shows that what we, perhaps, were doing in the past isn't the right way.
Our data is really strong.
We see regular and ongoing improvement.
So this year I got a new student in my class who was really struggling just with getting that letter formation working, which was really holding him back in his learning in all subject areas.
So I was able to send him off for some extra help with another educator and now, it's so good, he's able to write authentically in his books using all the correct letters.
The learning intention for this lesson is to learn the meaning of the root word “spect.”
What letter do you need to get rid of?
Just cross it out.
Cold reading is when we all read together.
Yep, and why would that be a good thing, do you think?
You can hear, and if someone gets stuck we can all help each other.
Your side will just be...
Ap-ple, ap-ple, ap-ple, grape.
Can you do that? With your instruments have a go.
The music and arts program is really important here and we make sure that every single student has equal access to music like every other curriculum area, and then we build on their skills.
“This is where, we belong.”
They're able to compose their own songs and show off their literacy skills in a different way.
So then when they come back to the classroom, they feel successful because they have achieved the task, they've achieved it well and shown it off in a different way.
I just love those opportunities to share in those classes because I see anxious children, or worried children, or students that really excel at maths, then use their mathematical knowledge in music and find the patterns and find the equations and find the joy.
And there's a connection for everyone.
Again, it's that connection, I think it's that belonging and it's just amazing.
When I started choir I thought...
I didn’t feel as confident as I am now.
We ask them to strive for excellence in everything they do.
We have high expectations, really high expectations, and they rise to that.
I want every student to know how important they were here and that as they go forward, they can do anything.
End of transcript.